Installing boot9strap (Fredtool-Inject)

如果有疑问并且懂英语的话,可以到 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器上使用英文寻求帮助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,你可能需要通过科学上网来访问 Discord) 你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。


本章节 Seedminer 将使用你的 movable.sed 文件来解密所有的 DSiWare 程序,以便在3DS中内置的 DS 网络设定中注入修改后的 DSiWare 程序。

本教程是使用 “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” 漏洞来进行破解的, 欲知相关资料请查阅这里

You should only be able to get to this page if you are running version 11.17.0. If you are on any firmware other than 11.17.0 or 11.16.0, STOP as these instructions WILL LEAD TO A BRICK on other firmwares!!


  • Your movable.sed file from completing Seedminer
  • Your DSiWare backup from completing Dumping eShop DSiWare
  • 最新版本的 Frogminer_save(下载
  • 11.16.0 or 11.17.0 users: The v6.1.1 release of b9sTool
    • Make absolutely sure that you are one of these firmwares, as being on other firmwares may lead to a BRICK
  • 最新版本的 Luma3DS(下载 Luma3DS .zip 文件)

第一步 – 检查自制固件

为了确保安装能够安全进行,我们这里将先检查主机是否已经安装了自制固件。 因为如果主机已经安装了自制固件,使用此方法再次安装可能会导致主机变砖(导致其无法开机,只能使用 ntrboot 之类的方法恢复。)

  1. 将主机关机
  2. 按住 “Select” 键
  3. 在按住 “Select” 键的同时按下电源键开机
  4. 如果主机自动启动到了主菜单,则测试成功,你可以继续做此教程中的余下内容
  5. 将主机关机

如果主机进入到了一个配置菜单或者直接关机了,那就表示你的主机之前已经安装过自制固件了。如果继续操作的话可能会导致主机变砖! 继续至检查自制固件来更新你现有的自制固件。

第二步 – 准备工作

本节中,你将会临时将 DS 连接设置(DS Connection Settings)程序临时替换为 Flipnote Studio,用来启动 boot9strap(自制固件)安装器。

  1. 将你的 SD 卡插入到电脑
  2. 在电脑上打开 DSIHaxInjector_new 站点
  3. 于“Username”一行,填入一个你的英文名(不带空格或特殊字符)
  4. Under the “DSiBin” field, upload your DSiWare backup file (e.g. 42383841.bin) from the root of your SD card using the first “Browse…” option
  5. 于“MovableSed”一行,点击“Browse…”(选择文件)上传你的 movable.sed 文件
  6. Under the “InjectionTarget” field, set the injection target to DSinternet (NOT memorypit)
  7. 点击 “Build”
    • 等待片刻,直到构建完成
  8. 将你的名字输入左边的 Build History 菜单中的 Filter Builds 一栏
  9. 点击第一个搜索结果
    • 它应该是所有显示的结果中时间最新的那一个
  10. 点击 “output_(<你的名字>).zip" 的链接
  11. 打开内存卡的 Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> -> Nintendo DSiWare 文件夹
    • <ID0> is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in Seedminer
    • <ID1> is a 32-letter folder inside of the <ID0>
  12. Delete F00D43D5.bin from your Nintendo DSiWare folder
  13. Copy the 42383841.bin file from the hax folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare folder
  14. 解压 Luma3DS .zip 里的 boot.firmboot.3dsx 到你 SD 卡的根目录
    • 根目录指的是你点进 SD 卡看到的目录,你可以在这个目录下看到 Nintendo 3DS 文件夹,但请不要点进去
  15. Copy boot.nds (B9STool) from the release .zip to the root of your SD card
  16. 从 Frogminer_save .zip 压缩包中复制 private 文件夹到内存卡的根目录
  17. Reinsert your SD card into your console
  18. Power on your console

Section III - Overwriting DS Connection Settings

本节中,你将把被修改过的 DS 连接设置应用程序复制进内部存储,这将临时替换其为 Flipnote Studio。

  1. Launch System Settings on your console
  2. Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare -> SD Card (image)
  3. 选择 “Haxxxxxxxxx!”
  4. 选择 “Copy” ,然后选择 “OK”
  5. 返回系统设置的主菜单
  6. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Nintendo DS Connections, then select “OK” (image)
  7. If the exploit was successful, your console will have loaded the JPN version of Flipnote Studio

Section IV - Flipnote Exploit

If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.

In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

  1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
    • Select the left option whenever prompted during the setup process
    • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
  2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
  3. Once the menu loads, select the face icon, then the bottom right icon to continue
  4. Press (X) or (UP) on the D-Pad depending on which is shown on the top screen
  5. Select the second button along the top with a film-reel icon
  6. Scroll right until reel “3/3” is selected
  7. Tap the third box with the letter “A” in it
  8. Scroll left until reel “1/3” is selected
  9. Tap the fourth box with the letter “A” in it
  10. If the exploit was successful, your console will have loaded b9sTool
  11. Using the D-Pad, move to “Install boot9strap”
    • If you miss this step, the system will exit to HOME Menu instead of installing boot9strap and you will need to open Nintendo DS Connections and start over from the beginning of this section
  12. Press (A), then press START and SELECT at the same time to begin the process
  13. Once completed and the bottom screen says “done.”, exit b9sTool, then power off your console
    • You may have to force power off by holding the power button
    • 如果你的主机在你尝试开机后直接自动关机了,请确认你已经从 Luma3DS .zip 中复制了 boot.firm 文件到你的 SD 卡根目录中
    • If you see the Luma Configuration screen, power off your console and continue to the next section

Section V - Luma3DS Configuration

  1. Press and hold (Select), and while holding (Select), power on your console
  2. 你的主机应该会在开机后进入 Luma3DS 配置菜单
    • Luma3DS 配置菜单用于设置 Luma3DS 自制固件的可选功能 其中有许多功能可用于个性化或调试
    • 对于本手册的目的而言,请不要修改默认设置(不要选中或者取消选中任何东西)
    • 如果你的主机在你尝试开机后直接自动关机了,请确认你已经从 Luma3DS .zip 中复制了 boot.firm 文件到你的 SD 卡根目录中
  3. 按下 “Start” 键保存设置并重启

At this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.

  • Luma3DS does not look any different from the normal HOME Menu. If your console has booted into the HOME Menu, it is running custom firmware.
  • On the next page, you will install useful homebrew applications to complete your setup.

Section VI - Restoring DS Connection Settings

In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in an earlier section.

  1. 打开内存卡的 Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> -> Nintendo DSiWare 文件夹
  2. Copy the 42383841.bin file from the clean folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare folder, replacing the existing one
  3. Reinsert your SD card into your console
  4. Power on your console
  5. Launch System Settings on your console
  6. Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare -> SD Card (image)
  7. 选择 “Nintendo DSi™”
  8. 选择 “Copy” ,然后选择 “OK”
