{% capture technical_info %}
Technical Details (optional)
To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device's unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
For information on how Seedminer works, see [this presentation](https://zoogie.github.io/web/34⅕c3).
This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
{% endcapture %}
{{ technical_info | markdownify }}
{: .notice--info}
### 第一節 — 更新系統
In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
1. 到主機主選單中更新您的主機,到『系統設置 (System Settings)』、『其他設置 (Other Settings)』底下選擇『系統更新 (System Update)』
+ 升級程式可能會告訴你『你的主機已經是最新系统了』而不是繼續升級 This is normal if you are already up to date; continue to the next section
+ If this gives you an error, set both your DNS settings and Proxy settings to "Auto"
### 第二節 — 準備工作
In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device's encryption key.
Before following this section:
+ Ensure that you have turned on your console with the SD card inserted at least once to generate the necessary data
+ Ensure that your console is connected to the Internet (you should see a blue "Internet" indicator on the top-left corner of the HOME screen)
{: .notice--info}
1. 關閉您的主機
1. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中
1. 移動至 SD 卡的 `Nintendo 3DS` 資料夾中
1. Copy the name of the 32-letter folder you see directly inside Nintendo 3DS
+ This 32-letter name is system-specific and will be different for each console
+ If you see multiple 32-letter folders, follow [these instructions](troubleshooting#seedminer)
+ You can ignore the `private` folder if you have it

{: .notice--info}
1. Paste your 32-letter folder name into [a document](/images/screenshots/seedminer/text-document.png) you can reference later
+ This folder is known as your "ID0". Take note of this as this guide will refer to it as such later
1. 啟動您的主機
+ 暫時還不需要插入您的 SD 卡
1. 開啟您的好友清單 (HOME 主選單中最上方的[橘色笑臉圖示]({{ "/images/friend-list-icon.png" | absolute_url }}))
+ 如果您遇到錯誤訊息且從清單中被踢回主選單,那麼您必須先創立一個 Mii,或者您的主機無法連線至任天堂伺服器 (您的主機可能已被封殺或有網路連線之問題)
1. 選擇您的 Mii 個人檔案,並找尋您的好友代碼
### 第三節 — Seedminer
In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device's encryption key in the form of `movable.sed`.
1. Open [Bruteforce Movable](https://seedminer.hacks.guide/) on your computer
+ If the site isn't working, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp) and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
1. Enter your device's Friend Code (with no spaces or dashes) into the "Your friend code" field
1. Paste your device's 32 character long folder name into the "Your ID0" field
+ Do not attempt to enter the ID0 manually, as it is easy to make a mistake. Ensure the ID0 is entered correctly by copying and pasting it from where you saved it in the previous section
1. Select "Go"
+ If the site immediately goes to step 4, the website has already correctly processed your bruteforce request. You can download your `movable.sed` file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the bot
1. Use the ["Register Friend" button](/images/screenshots/seedminer/register-friend.png) on your device to add the bot's friend code as given by the website
+ If prompted, the name that you give to the friend does not matter
1. Wait for the site to update
+ If it does not, wait a few minutes before refreshing the page once
1. Once the site processes your information, the site will continue to `Step 2: Bruteforce` automatically
1. Wait for the remainder of the process to complete
+ This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
+ During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
+ If you are still waiting after half an hour, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp) and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
1. When the process is completed, download your `movable.sed` file from the site
+ Keep this file as you will need it in the upcoming page
1. 關閉您的主機