--- title: "Installing boot9strap (PicHaxx)" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} Seedminer-based methods have been replaced by easier, safer methods. Please return to [Get Started](get-started) unless you have a legitimate reason to follow this page (such as broken shoulder buttons). {: .notice--warning} ### Required Reading This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with universal-otherapp to run SafeB9SInstaller. ### What You Need * The game "Pokémon Picross" (free on eShop) * Your `movable.sed` file from completing [Seedminer](seedminer) * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller](https://github.com/d0k3/SafeB9SInstaller/releases/latest) * The latest release of [boot9strap](https://github.com/SciresM/boot9strap/releases/latest) *(`boot9strap-1.3.zip`; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* * The latest release of [Luma3DS](https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases/latest) * The latest release of [universal-otherapp](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp/releases/latest) ### Instructions #### Section I - Prep Work 1. Desligue seu dispositivo 1. Insira o cartão SD no seu computador 1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Crie uma pasta chamada `boot9strap` na raiz do seu cartão SD 1. Copie os arquivos `boot9strap.firm` e `boot9strap.firm.sha` do `.zip` do boot9strap para a pasta `/boot9strap/` no seu cartão SD 1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card #### Section II - PicHaxx 1. Open [the PicHaxx Injector website](https://3ds.nhnarwhal.com/3dstools/pichaxx.php) on your computer 1. Select your `movable.sed` file 1. Select "Build and Download" 1. Wait for the process to complete 1. Navigate to `Nintendo 3DS` -> `` -> `` -> `title` -> `00040000` -> `0017c100` -> `data` on your SD card + The `` will be the same one that you used in [Seedminer](seedminer) + The `` is a 32 character long folder inside of the `` 1. Copy the newly downloaded `00000001.sav` file to the `data` folder on your SD card + Overwrite the old save file when prompted 1. Reinsira seu cartão SD no seu dispositivo 1. Ligue o seu dispositivo 1. Launch "Pokemon Picross" 1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller #### Section III - Installing boot9strap 1. Espere todos as verificações de segurança finalizarem 1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões solicitada para instalar o boot9strap 1. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo #### Section IV - Configuring Luma3DS 1. Seu dispositivo deve ter reiniciado no menu de configuração de Luma3DS + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) 1. Use o botão (A) e os botões direcionais para ativar o seguinte: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Aperte (Start) para salvar e reiniciar + Se você receber um erro, apenas continue a próxima página ___ ### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) {: .notice--primary}