title: "BannerBomb3"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
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Technische Details (optional)
To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.
To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system.
For a more technical explanation, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3).
{% endcapture %}
{{ technical_info | markdownify }}
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### Kompatibilitätshinweise
Diese Anleitung funktioniert mit den folgenden Konsolenregionen: USA, Europa, Japan und Korea. Diese werden mit den Buchstaben U, E, J oder K nach der Systemversion angezeigt.
Falls du eine Taiwanesische Konsole besitzen solltest (gekennzeichnet durch ein T nach der Systemversion), folge [dieser Anleitung](bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn)).
{: .notice--warning}
### Was du benötigst
* Your `movable.sed` file from completing Seedminer
* The latest release of [BannerBomb3](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3/releases/download/v3.0/Release_v3.0.zip) (direct download)
#### Abschnitt I - Vorbereitungen
In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit onto your console's SD card.
1. Power off your console
1. Stecke deine SD-Karte in deinen Computer
1. Open [Bannerbomb3 Injector](https://zoogie.github.io/web/bb3/) on your computer
1. Lade deine movable.sed mit der "Choose File" Option hoch
1. Klicke "Build and Download"
+ This will download an exploit DSiWare called `F00D43D5.bin` and a payload called `bb3.bin` inside of a zip archive (`BannerBomb3.zip`)
1. Copy `bb3.bin` from `Release_v3.0.zip` to the root of your SD card
+ The root of the SD card refers to the initial directory on your SD card where you can see the Nintendo 3DS folder, but are not inside of it
+ This file does not need to be opened or extracted
![]({{ "/images/screenshots/bb3/bb3-root-layout.png" | absolute_url }}){: .notice--info}
1. Copy `Launcher.dat` from the folder for your model and region inside the Release `.zip` to the root of your SD card
1. Gehe zu `Nintendo 3DS` -> `` -> ` auf deiner SD-Karte`
+ `` is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in [Seedminer](seedminer)
+ `` is a 32-letter folder inside of the ``
+ If you have multiple `` folders, follow the instructions [here](troubleshooting#bannerbomb3)
![]({{ "/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-location-1.png" | absolute_url }}){: .notice--info}
1. Erstelle einen Ordner mit dem Namen `Nintendo DSiWare` innerhalb der ``
Wenn du bereits den Ordner hattest, *und* du hast schon DSiWare Backup Dateien darin hast (`<8-Charakter-ID>.bin`), kopiere sie zu deinem Computer und lösche sie von deiner SD-Karte
1. Copy the `F00D43D5.bin` file from `BannerBomb3.zip` to the `Nintendo DSiWare` folder
![]({{ "/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-location-2.png" | absolute_url }})
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#### Section II - BannerBomb3
In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu and use it to install the menuhax67 exploit.
1. Power on your console
1. Launch System Settings on your console
1. Navigate to `Data Management` -> `DSiWare` -> `SD Card` ([image](/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-management.png))
+ Your console should show the BB3 multihax menu
1. Use the D-Pad to navigate and press the (A) button to select "Install *hax"
+ Your console will automatically reboot
1. Power off your console
### Continue to [Installing boot9strap (menuhax)](installing-boot9strap-(menuhax))
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