title: "Seedminer (Alternate)"

{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}

{% include_relative include/seedminer-base.txt %}


### Next steps

Select the method based on the application that you have installed on your 3DS. No matter which method you pick, the end result will be the same.

#### DSiWare

If you own any [DSiWare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DSiWare_games_and_applications) title on your 3DS, you can dump it to the SD card so that it can be used to temporarily inject Flipnote into DS Connection Settings.

Continue to [Dumping eShop DSiWare](dumping-eshop-dsiware)
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#### PicHaxx

This method uses the game Pokémon Picross, which was a free-to-play game. Using the `movable.sed` file, you can create a hacked save file that will give you access to Homebrew Launcher, which will be used for further exploitation.

Continue to [Homebrew Launcher (PicHaxx)](homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx))
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#### steelhax

This method uses the game Steel Diver: Sub Wars, which was a free-to-play game. Using the `movable.sed` file, you can create a hacked save file that will give you access to Homebrew Launcher, which will be used for further exploitation.

Continue to [Homebrew Launcher (Steelhax)](homebrew-launcher-(steelhax))
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