1. 按下 “Home” 键来打开功能菜单 1. 选择 “Scripts...” 1. 选择 “GM9Megascript” 1. 选择 “Backup Options” 1. 选择 “SysNAND Backup” 1. 按下 “A” 键确认 + 此过程将花费一些时间 + If you get an error, look for your issue in the [troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#finalizing-setup) 1. 按 “A” 键继续 1. 按下 “B” 键返回到主菜单 1. 选择 “Exit” 1. 如果提示重新锁定写入权限,按下 “A” 键来确认 1. Hold (R) and press (Start) at the same time to power off your console 1. 将你的 SD 卡插入到电脑 1. Copy `__sysnand_##.bin` and `essential.exefs` from the `/gm9/out/` folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer + 请在多处地方备份这些文件(比如网盘等) + 如果以后机器出现任何问题,这些备份文件将是为你提供修复砖机或从 NAND 镜像恢复文件的帮手 1. Delete `__sysnand_##.bin` and `__sysnand_##.bin.sha` from the `/gm9/out/` folder on your SD card after copying it 1. Reinsert your SD card into your console