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Wenn du diese Anleitung wertschätzt, akzeptieren wir auch Spenden.
Special thanks to Plailect, the original creator and maintainer of the guide!
Special thanks to all of #Cakey on Freenode for being awesome!
Special thanks to all of the translators for being awesome!
If I forgot you here, contact me and I’ll add your name.
+ Al3x_10m
+ aliaspider
+ AngelSL
+ ashinnblunts
+ AuroraWright
+ b1l1s
+ BernardoGiordano
+ Cartman123
+ Cell9
+ coder65535
+ Cruel
+ d0k3
+ dank101
+ Dazzozo
+ DeadPhoenix
+ Delebile
+ DinohScene
+ dukesrg
+ elementalcode
+ elSeledonio
+ erman1337
+ felipejfc
+ figgyc
+ fox8091
+ Frozen_Chen
+ Gelex
+ Hamcha
+ icecream
+ ihaveamac
+ IngeniousDefault
+ J-D-K
+ Jisagi
+ jkcgs
+ kartik
+ LordBass
+ mid-kid
+ MrNbaYoh
+ Mrrraou
+ Night_Fallen_Wolf
+ Normmatt
+ Plailect
+ plutooo
+ Psi-Hate
+ RandallHoffman
+ Raugo
+ s_99
+ SciresM
+ Shadowtrance
+ shinyquagsire23
+ skiptirengu
+ smealum
+ Steveice10
+ stuckpixel
+ Syphurith
+ Tech0verlord
+ TiniVi
+ TuxSH
+ Urbanshadow
+ Vappy
+ vegaroxas
+ Wolfvak
+ WulfyStylez
+ xy2_
+ yellows8
+ yifan_lu
+ zoogie