Homebrew Launcher (PicHaxx)

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Dettagli Tecnici (opzionale)

PicHaxx is an exploit for the game Pokémon Picross released by zoogie, originally discovered and demonstrated by MrNbaYoh.

This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher.

This process will overwrite your Pokémon Picross save file, if you have one. If you wish to preserve your Pokémon Picross game data, you should make a backup of your 00000001.sav file before overwriting it.

Cosa serve

  • The game “Pokémon Picross” installed on your console
    • If you have downloaded it before, you can redownload it
    • Your SD card must be inserted in your console to install Pokémon Picross
  • Your movable.sed file from completing Seedminer
  • The latest release of Luma3DS (the Luma3DS .zip file)
  • otherapps.zip (direct download)


Sezione I - Preparazione

In this section, you will copy some of the files that will be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher.

  1. Spegni la tua console
  2. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer
  3. Copia i file boot.firm e boot.3dsx dall’archivio .zip di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
    • La directory principale della scheda SD è la cartella della tua scheda SD in cui è possibile visualizzare la cartella Nintendo 3DS, ma non il suo interno
  4. Copy the otherapp payload for your model/region/version from otherapps.zip to the root of your SD card, then rename the payload to otherapp.bin
    • Do not add the .bin extension if you do not already see it
  5. Copy movable.sed from your computer to the root of your SD card

Section II - PicHaxx

In this section, you will create a hacked Pokémon Picross save file that, when loaded, will run the Homebrew Launcher on your console.

  1. Open the PicHaxx Injector website on your computer
  2. Select your movable.sed file
  3. Select “Build and Download”
  4. Wait for the process to complete
  5. Navigate to Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> -> title -> 00040000 -> 0017c100 -> data on your SD card
    • The <ID0> will be the same one that you used in Seedminer
    • <ID1> è una cartella dal nome lungo 32 caratteri all’interno di <ID0>
  6. Copy the newly downloaded 00000001.sav file to the data folder on your SD card
    • Overwrite the old save file when prompted

  7. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console
  8. Power on your console
  9. Launch “Pokémon Picross”
  10. If the exploit was successful, your console will have booted into the Homebrew Launcher
  11. Spegni la tua console

Sezione III - Verifica Pulsanti Hardware

In this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your console. Serve per determinare quale metodo seguirai nella prossima pagina.

In this section, you will see whether your shoulder buttons are working on your console. Serve per determinare quale metodo seguirai nella prossima pagina.

  1. Power on your console
  2. Nel menu HOME premi contemporaneamente i pulsanti L e R
    • L’applicazione fotocamera dovrebbe apparire
  3. Spegni la tua console

Passaggio successivo: Scelta di un exploit

If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your console.

Se è apparsa la fotocamera, prosegui con Installazione di boot9strap (HBL-USM)

If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Installing boot9strap (Frogtool)