--- title: "Kom i gang (New 3DS)" # lang: no permalink: /no_NO/get-started-(new-3ds).html --- Velg den aktuelle siden for din versjon fra diagrammet nedenfor. {: .notice--primary} Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Dette betyr at for eksempel, raden "fra 9.0.0 til 9.2.0" inkluderer 9.0.0, 9.1.0, og 9.2.0. {: .notice--info} Note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. {: .notice--info} For all versions you can also [Cart Update](cart-update) to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. {: .notice--info} Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. {: .notice--success} Note that the new [Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)](installing-boot9strap-(hardmod)) method works on *all devices, regions, and versions*! This includes CHN and TWN region devices that were previously unhackable! {: .notice--success} ![]({{ base_path }}/images/screenshots/system-version.png) {: .notice--info}
From To
2.1.0 2.1.0 Installing boot9strap (2xrsa)
8.1.0 8.1.0 NTR and Cubic Ninja or
Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
9.0.0 11.3.0 Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) or
Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
11.4.0 11.4.0 Installing boot9strap (DSiWare) or
Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)