--- title: "Installing boot9strap (menuhax, Legacy)" --- {% include toc title="Sisällysluettelo" %} {% capture technical_info %} Technical Details (optional) We use BannerBomb3 to install menuhax67, which lets us access the Homebrew Launcher. From there, we launch uloader which launches SafeB9SInstaller. See [here](https://github.com/zoogie/uloader) for information about uloader and [here](https://github.com/zoogie/menuhax67) for information about menuhax67. {% endcapture %}
{{ technical_info | markdownify }}
{: .notice--info} You should only be able to get to this page if you are running version 11.15.0 or 11.14.0. If you are on any firmware above 11.15.0, uloader will fail. {: .notice--warning} ### Tarpeet * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller](https://github.com/d0k3/SafeB9SInstaller/releases/download/v0.0.7/SafeB9SInstaller-20170605-122940.zip) (direct download) * The latest release of [boot9strap](https://github.com/SciresM/boot9strap/releases/download/1.4/boot9strap-1.4.zip) (direct download) * The latest release of [uloader](https://github.com/zoogie/uloader/releases/download/1.0/uloader.3dsx) (direct download) * The latest release of [Luma3DS](https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases/latest) (the Luma3DS `.zip` file) #### Vaihe I – Valmistelut 1. Power off your console 1. Aseta SD-korttisi tietokoneeseesi 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Luo `boot9strap`-niminen kansio SD-korttisi juureen 1. Kopioi boot9strap-`.zip`-pakkauksesta `boot9strap.firm` ja `boot9strap.firm.sha` SD-korttisi `/boot9strap/`-kansioon 1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Luo `3ds`‑niminen kansio SD‑korttisi juureen, jos sitä ei jo ole olemassa + This folder stores homebrew applications and data; it is different from the `Nintendo 3DS` folder that the console automatically generates 1. Copy `uloader.3dsx` to the `/3ds/` folder on your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your console #### Section II - menuhax67 In this section you will use the menuhax67 exploit installed earlier to launch uloader, which will load SafeB9SInstaller. 1. Tap on the small HOME Menu settings icon in the top left of the bottom screen (![]({{ "/images/homemenuicon.png" | absolute_url }}){: height="32px" width="52px"}) + If the console freezes for a while and then crashes, make sure you have Launcher.dat on the root of your SD card 1. If the exploit was successful, your console will have booted into the Homebrew Launcher 1. Launch uloader from the list of homebrew 1. Jos haavoittuvuuden hyödyntäminen onnistui, SafeB9SInstallerin pitäisi avautua + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section #### Vaihe III – Boot9strapin asentaminen {% include_relative include/install-boot9strap-safeb9sinstaller.txt %} {%- include_relative include/configure-luma3ds.txt %} {% include_relative include/luma3ds-installed-note.txt %} #### Section IV - Removing menuhax67 {% include_relative include/remove-menuhax67.txt %} ___ ### Jatka osioon [Asennuksen viimeistely](finalizing-setup) {: .notice--primary}