2018-11-18 19:16:37 -05:00

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title: "H2testw (Windows)"
'Tis be an add-on section fer checkin' ye SD card fer errors usin' h2testw.
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Dependin' on th' size 'o ye SD card 'n th' speed 'o ye computer, 'tis process can take up to several hours!
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'Tis page be fer Windows users only. If ye be not on windows, check out th' [F3 (linux)](f3-(linux)) or [F3X (mac)](f3x-(mac)) pages.
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#### What ye need
* Th' latest version 'o [h2testw](
#### Instructions
1. Copy `h2testw.exe` from th' h2testw `.zip` to ye desktop
1. Insert ye SD card into ye computer
1. Run `h2tsetw.exe`
1. Select "English"
1. Click "Select target"
1. Select ye SD card's drive letter
1. Ensure "all available space" be selected
1. Click "Write + Verify"
1. Wait 'til th' process be completed
If th' test be showin' th' result `Test finished without errors`, ye SD card be good 'n ye can be deletin' all `.h2w` files on ye SD card
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If th' test shows any other results, ye SD card may be corrupted or damaged 'n ye may have to replace it!
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Return to [Get Started](get-started)
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