2018-11-18 19:15:48 -05:00

114 lines
11 KiB

title: "SafeCTRTransfer (Homebrew Launcher)" #
lang: ro
permalink: /safectrtransfer-(homebrew-launcher).html
If you have already hacked your device before and have a EmuNAND based CFW setup, this guide deals exclusively with SysNAND and you should follow all instructions from within or applying to SysNAND. Note that the terms EmuNAND and RedNAND refer to slightly different implementations of [the same concept](
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If you downgrade to 2.1.0 on a 2DS or New 3DS and leave Wireless Communication off, you can re-enable the wireless by removing the battery and unplugging the charger for several seconds then booting back up.
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If you've been using the New 3DS's microSD Management to transfer files to your SD card, this will no longer work on 2.1.0. Asigurați-vă că aveți un cititor de carduri SD disponibil înainte de a continua.
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To use the [magnet]( links on this page, you will need a torrent client like [Deluge](
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**For now, connecting your device to the internet is REQUIRED to continue after the 2.1.0 CTRTransfer.**
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**Disable the parental controls of your device before doing the 2.1.0 CTRTransfer. Dacă nu vă amintiți parola, mergeți pe [acest]( site.**. Dacă nu puteţi sa dezactivaţi Controlul parentale deoarece contul NNID legat este pentru un copil sub 13 ani, puteţi în schimb seta toate opțiunile de control parental la "do not restrict". **
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**Performing a CTRTransfer will remove all user-installed tickets (which allow access to games) from your device until the created backup is restored.**
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**Niciodată să nu formatați un 2DS pe o versiune <6.0.0, fiind imposibil să faceți configurarea inițială și îl veți BRICKUI!**
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** Niciodată să nu updatați un New 3DS ce rulează 2.1.0 (o versiune original făcută doar pentru Old 3DS) sau veți BRICKUI! You MUST restore a NAND backup or CTRTransfer back to standard New 3DS firmware first!**
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**Punând un New 3DS pe 2.1.0 în modul sleep este cunoscut să cauzeze un brick IRECUPERABIL!**
**This only happens when shutting the lid _while your device is on_; this does not apply to turning your device off.**
**Your device only enters sleep mode when the lid is closed. Nu este pe un cronometru sau orice altceva de genul.**
**O dată ce sunteți pe 2.1.0, ar trebuii să continuați fără întârzieri pentru a evita orice posibilitate ca acest lucru să se întâmple!**
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<div class="notice--danger">{{ notice | markdownify }}</div>
#### Prezentarea pașilor
In this section, we will be flashing your device's [CTRNAND]( partition to 2.1.0 in order to take advantage of an oversight in 2.1.0 for the purpose of extracting the [OTP]( unique to your device. Acest fișier care conține OTP-ul este necesar pentru instalarea arm9loaderhax, și **nu poate** fi folosit de alte console.
This is accomplished by [installing a premade CTRTransfer image]( containing 2.1.0, copying your device specific files (such as `moveable.sed` and `SecureInfo_A`) to it, then fixing the title databases.
#### Ce iți va trebui
* The latest release of [SafeCTRTransfer](
* The latest release of [safehax](
* The latest release of [fasthax](
* The 2.1.0 CTRTransfer image for your device and region
*(dacă dispozitivul dumneavoastră nu este din una dintre aceste regiuni, alegeți una)*:
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Acesta este un link magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [New 3DS or Old 3DS or 2DS 2.1.0 - EUR - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:89acc9c1b488b8b38251de0ddf07975d6bd354a1&
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Acesta este un link magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [New 3DS or Old 3DS or 2DS 2.1.0 - JPN - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3dbb9c9c85a33c6242f424dcbaebcacdd8a5912b&
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Acesta este un link magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [New 3DS or Old 3DS or 2DS 2.1.0 - USA - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1609ce9ee7b0ed9b6dea0b3e7cca4fc52dad6ff4&
#### Instrucţiuni
##### Section I - Prep Work
1. Remove your SD card from your device, leaving it on the Homebrew Launcher, then insert your SD card into your computer
1. Create a folder named `CTRTransfer` on the root of your SD card if it does not already exist
1. Copy the 2.1.0 `.bin` and `.bin.sha` from the CTRTransfer `.zip` to the `/CTRTransfer/` folder on your SD card
1. Copy `safehax.3dsx` to the `/3ds/` folder on your SD card
1. Copy `fasthax.3dsx` to the `/3ds/` folder on your SD card
1. Copy `SafeCTRTransfer.bin` from the SafeCTRTransfer `.zip` to the root of your SD card and rename `SafeCTRTransfer.bin` to `safehaxpayload.bin`
1. Reinsert your SD card into your device
##### Section II - Launch SafeCTRTransfer
1. Launch fasthax from the list of homebrew
+ You may have to scroll down to see this option
1. Once it has completed, press (Start) to exit fasthax
+ This may take several tries
+ Dacă se blochează, închideți consola forțat ținând apăsat butonul de Power și încercați din nou
1. Launch safehax from the list of homebrew
+ You may have to scroll down to see this option
+ Dacă se blochează, închideți consola forțat ținând apăsat butonul de Power și încercați din nou
1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeCTRTransfer
##### Section III - CTRTransfer
1. Allow the SafeCTRTransfer initialization and safety checks to proceed automatically
+ If you get an error, ensure you have all files in the correct locations and that you have enough free space on your SD card as detailed in [Get Started](get-started)
1. When prompted, input the key combo given to confirm CTRTransfer to 2.1.0
+ This process will take some time
+ This process will automatically create a backup of your device's NAND at `/ctrtransfer/<serialnumber>_nand.bin`
+ If you get a critical error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#ts_transfer)
1. Once this process has completed, remove your SD card from your device to reboot
+ The reboot will take about 2 seconds to trigger
+ While on 2.1.0, your device will black screen on boot if your SD card is inserted before the home menu loads
+ Every time your device is rebooted on 2.1.0, you will need to take out your SD card before boot and put it back in after the home menu loads
+ For now, leave your SD card out as you will be copying files to it in the next page
+ Acest lucru va fi rezolvat odată ce vă veți restaura dispozitivul în pagina următoare
*(Distorsiuni ale ecranului și decolorări sunt normale pentru unele dispozitive cât timp sunt pe 2.1.0, vor dispărea odată ce veți restaura backup-ul)*
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**Punând un New 3DS pe 2.1.0 în modul sleep este cunoscut să cauzeze un brick IRECUPERABIL!**
**This only happens when shutting the lid _while your device is on_; this does not apply to turning your device off.**
**Your device only enters sleep mode when the lid is closed. Nu este pe un cronometru sau orice altceva de genul.**
**O dată ce sunteți pe 2.1.0, ar trebuii să continuați fără întârzieri pentru a evita orice posibilitate ca acest lucru să se întâmple!**
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<div class="notice--danger">{{ notice | markdownify }}</div>
Continuați spre [Instalarea arm9loaderhax](installing-arm9loaderhax)
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