If this was caused by a theme you installed, use MyMenuifyMod to re-download the original theme file.
If this was caused by a System menu WAD you installed, use [NUS Downloader](https://wiibrew.org/wiki/NUSD) to re-obtain your original system menu.
Be cautious when downloading the System menu WAD. Make sure to pick the same version with the corrected region.
{: .notice--danger}
If you are actually in the process of a region change, use [ARC-ME](https://github.com/modmii/Any-Region-Changer-ModMii-Edition/releases) to automatically fix all your region settings to match your System menu.
## System Menu brick
#### Cause
This brick is a more fatal version of a [Semibrick](#semibrick). If your SYSCONF gets corrupt or damaged, the Wii will regenerate it and start the setup phase.
However, the setup pages are in a similar location to the Wii settings pages. If you have an incorrect region System menu or theme, the Wii cannot find them.
This brick happens when a non-Korean System Menu on 4.2 or 4.3 detects that the Korean key is present.
This is usually an immediate follow-up to a Wii System Update on an unsuspecting region-changed Korean Wii.
![Error 003](/images/bricks/error-003.png)
#### Solutions
Since this brick most often occurs after the System menu updates, Priiloader will not be present.
Korean Wiis also released with System menu 3.3, around the time that Nintendo [fixed the Trucha bug in boot1](https://wiibrew.org/wiki/3.3#Changes), so BootMii as Boot2 cannot be installed to any Korean Wii.
This brick happens when the System menu's IOS is a [stub](http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Stub_IOS). This is usually the consequence of attempting to downgrade your Wii menu.
#### Solutions
You must have BootMii as boot2 to fix this brick. Priiloader will not load.