If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) (recommended) or [e-mail us at support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net).
You can now use the Homebrew Channel to launch homebrew apps. Open Shop Channel is a one-stop shop for downloading homebrew, which you will learn how to install further in this guide.
1. U zult een oplichtingswaarschuwing scherm zien. Wacht 30 seconden totdat de text "Press 1 to continue" verschijnt, klik dan op 1. 
2. Wanneer u bij de HackMii installer bent aangekomen, u hebt nu de mogelijk om het Homebrew Kanaal en BootMii te installeren. 
3. Klik op `Continue`, klik dan op het volgende scherm op `Install The Homebrew Channel` en dan op `Yes, continue` om het Homebrew Kanaal te installeren.
6. If the main screen says you can install BootMii as boot2, do so. This offers the best possible brick protection you can have. Skip this step if the option doesn't show up, in that case your Wii is not one of the earlier models that supports it.
7. Install BootMii as IOS, even if you already installed BootMii as boot2 in the previous step. If you couldn't install BootMii as boot2, this will still allow you to create a NAND backup.
If you do not have an SD card, you cannot install nor use BootMii, and therefore will not be able to utilize any of the mentioned benefits. You can always install it at a later date.
Het Homebrew Kanaal is de plek waarvan je al jouw homebrew applicaties kunt openen. Open Shop Channel is a one-stop shop for downloading homebrew, which you will learn how to install further in this guide.
Tip: You can tell if a Wii has BootMii installed as boot2 if your disc drive flashes very briefly, only after the immediate flash that happens when you press the POWER Button.