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Priiloader fügt eine Schutzebene vor Bricks zu deiner Wii hinzu. Es lädt vor dem Wii-Menü (daher der Name). Diese Werkzeug kann auch Hacks für dein Wii-Menü aktivieren und kann genutzt werden, um den Homebrew-Kanal schnell zu starten, oder eine Homebrew, die du starten möchtest!
3. Drücke die Plus-Taste auf der Wii-Fernbedienung oder den A-Knopf auf einem GameCube-Controller.  
##### Abschnitt 3 - Öffnen/Konfigurieren von Priiloader
2. You should see the Priiloader menu. 
3. Go to `System Menu Hacks`.
4. We recommend you turn on the following hacks: `Region Free EVERYTHING`, `Block Disc Updates` and `Block Online Updates`. 
| Region Free Channels | Disables region locking for installed channels |
| No System Menu Sounds AT ALL | Disables all the Wii Menu sound effects. |
| No System Menu Background Music | Disables the Wii Menu background music. |
| Re-Enable Bannerbomb v2 | Enables the "Bannerbomb" exploit on the latest Wii version. Not needed when the Homebrew Channel is already installed. |
| OSReport to UsbGecko(slot B) | Sends Wii Menu logs to a debugging device in memory card slot B. |
| OSReport to UsbGecko(GeckoOS,B) | Sends Wii Menu logs to a debugging device in memory card slot B, if the Wii Menu is launched by Gecko OS. |
| Force Standard Recovery Mode | Automatically launches the console in recovery mode. Used to launch recovery discs, letting users unbrick their Wii systems. |
| Remove Diagnostic Disc Check | Removes a check in the Wii to see if an inserted game is the "Wii Startup Disc". |
| Lock System Menu with Black Screen | Makes your Wii Menu load to a black screen, making you unable to use it. (Do not enable this) |
| No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx | Re-enable channels with these title IDs (originally blocked in system updates due to them being exploits). |
| Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 | Make discs use cIOS 249 as the game's IOS. Can be used to play burned games if there is a cIOS present in that slot |