Queres fazer patch em jogos WAD (WiiWare) para funcionar com Wiimmfi e não sabes como? Este tutorial irá explicar-te como é que o WiiWare Patcher funciona. (Este tutorial é somente adequado para sistema operacional Windows)
1. On Windows, run `WiiWarePatcher.bat`. 
2. Press any key to start the patcher.
3. Select if you want to patch your games or if you want to download and patch `Wii Speak Channel`. 
4. If you're patching your own games, copy them (.WAD files) to the folder where `WiiWarePatcher.bat` is, press `1` and hit ENTER.
5. The patching process will start. Be patient. 
6. It's done! Patched WAD's are in the `wiimmfi-wads` folder. Install them using Wii Mod Lite or other WAD Manager.