If you're getting error NEWS/FORE000006, usually it means "invalid data". It could be something on our end, but try waiting a few minutes then try again. Sometimes you can get FORE000006 at the start of an hour.
If the error code still remains, the time on your Wii might be incorrect, confusing the Channels. These instructions might be worth a shot.
1. Set your Wii to the correct time in Wii Settings.
1. Unplug your Wii AC adapter. You'll need to open up a battery cover on the side of your Wii, so you might want to remove everything plugged into your Wii.

1. Locate the battery cover on the bottom of your Wii.
1. Let your Wii sit unplugged for a little while, with the battery out. It's up to you how long it should be out for. An hour or two might be enough to leave it out for.