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Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on your vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U) with: CMOC/MCC, Nintendo Channel, EVC and News Channel along with forced 4:3 aspect ratio patching.
Since certain features found in the original Wii are not present in the vWii, we can only partially utilize RiiConnect24. See [what's currently working](#whats-currently-working) for details.
Nós **NÃO** nos responsabilizamos se obteres um brick ou danificares a tua consola em qualquer das formas. Se seguires o guia corretamente, não deverás ter nenhum problema.
Do **NOT** perform this guide on any other console than the vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U). If you're looking for instructions for a Nintendo Wii, use [](riiconnect24). If you'd like to perform this guide on the Dolphin emulator, use [](/riiconnect24-dolphin)
* Uma consola Wii U capaz de executar o Homebrew Launcher (pelo exploit do web browser, Haxchi ou Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
Using the RiiConnect24 Patcher you should've downloaded earlier in [What you need](#what-you-need), you will be downloading and patching IOS31, News, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channels for use on your vWii.
1. Run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` on Windows or `` on Unix systems by typing bash then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this `bash`. Follow the on screen instructions
2. Confirm that after running through the patcher, you have 3 folders. They will be in the same folder where `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat/sh` is and on your SD Card (of course, only if you selected an option in the patcher to do so).
After following the above sections, you're almost able to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **after every vWii reboot**.