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Priiloader ajoute une couche de protection anti-brick à votre Wii. Il est chargé avant le Menu Wii (d'où son nom). L'outil peut aussi activer des hacks pour votre Menu Wii, et peut être utilisé pour lancer rapidement la Chaîne Homebrew, BootMii, ou n'importe quel homebrew de cotre choix!
3. Appuyez sur le bouton + sur votre télécommande Wii ou le bouton A sur une manette de GameCube. 
1. Maintenez le bouton RESET enfoncé tout en allumant votre Wii. : Si vous utilisez une Wii mini, branchez un clavier USB et maintenez la touche Échap enfoncée tout en l'allumant
| Region Free Channels | Disables region locking for installed channels |
| No System Menu Sounds AT ALL | Disables all the Wii Menu sound effects. |
| No System Menu Background Music | Disables the Wii Menu background music. |
| Re-Enable Bannerbomb v2 | Enables the "Bannerbomb" exploit on the latest Wii version. Not needed when the Homebrew Channel is already installed. |
| OSReport to UsbGecko(slot B) | Sends Wii Menu logs to a debugging device in memory card slot B. |
| OSReport to UsbGecko(GeckoOS,B) | Sends Wii Menu logs to a debugging device in memory card slot B, if the Wii Menu is launched by Gecko OS. |
| Force Standard Recovery Mode | Automatically launches the console in recovery mode. Used to launch recovery discs, letting users unbrick their Wii systems. |
| Remove Diagnostic Disc Check | Removes a check in the Wii to see if an inserted game is the "Wii Startup Disc". |
| Lock System Menu with Black Screen | Makes your Wii Menu load to a black screen, making you unable to use it. (Do not enable this) |
| No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx | Re-enable channels with these title IDs (originally blocked in system updates due to them being exploits). |
| Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 | Make discs use cIOS 249 as the game's IOS. Can be used to play burned games if there is a cIOS present in that slot |