Want to patch WAD games (WiiWare) to work with Wiimmfi and you don't know how? This tutorial will explain you how WiiWare Patcher works. (This tutorial is only suitable for Windows operating system)

This tutorial is only for Windows version of WiiWare Patcher.
[Do you have any problems with this Wiimmfi patcher? Or maybe you want to ask us something? Mail us at: support@riiconnect24.net!](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net)
If you are on Windows 7 or newer open cmd.exe (Run or press Windows Logo+R and type in cmd.exe) and type in `powershell -command "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://kcrpl.github.io/Patchers_Auto_Update/WiiWare-Patcher/net_install.bat', 'net_install.bat')" & start net_install.bat`