New Crowdin updates (#50)
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This commit is contained in:
633 changed files with 8019 additions and 8122 deletions
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title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
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url: flashhax
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url: Wiimmfi
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url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
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url: wilbrand
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url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
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url: bluebomb
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title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
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title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
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url: hbc
title: Homebrew Channel - for Wii mini only
title: 홈브류 채널 - Wii 미니 전용
url: hbc-mini
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title: BootMii 백업
url: bootmii
title: Priiloader
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url: osc
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title: Wii 미니를 위한 d2xl cIOS (실험 단계)
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url: flashhax
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url: Wiimmfi
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url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
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title: Créditos
url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
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url: letterbomb
title: BlueBomb
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url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
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title: Wii Guide
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title: Începe
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title: LetterBomb
title: Donations
url: letterbomb
title: BlueBomb
title: Credits
url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
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title: Wii Guide
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url: get-started
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title: FAQ
url: get-started
title: LetterBomb
title: Donations
url: letterbomb
title: BlueBomb
title: Credits
url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
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title: Home
title: Wii Guide
url: /
title: Get Started
title: Start Here
url: get-started
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url: get-started
title: LetterBomb
title: Donations
url: letterbomb
title: BlueBomb
title: Credits
url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
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title: For support in English, ask for help at <a href="">Nintendo Homebrew on Discord</a>.
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title: 捐赠
url: letterbomb
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title: 制作人员
url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
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title: Wii 改機手冊
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url: get-started
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url: faq
title: This website uses cookies to display the current guide progress on the sidebar and otherwise enhance the site.
title: 此網站透過 Cookies 來顯示您手冊的操作進度以及提升此網站的使用經驗。
title: For support in English, ask for help at <a href="">Nintendo Homebrew on Discord</a>.
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url: privacy-policy
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title: Home
title: Wii 改機手冊
url: /
title: Get Started
title: 常見問題
url: get-started
title: LetterBomb
title: 贊助
url: letterbomb
title: BlueBomb
title: 製作群
url: bluebomb
title: FlashHax
title: RiiConnect24
url: flashhax
title: str2hax
url: str2hax
title: Wiimmfi
url: Wiimmfi
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ sitemap: false
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "BlueBomb"
title: "Credits"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If the screen stays black and the blue disc drive light is blinking upon launchi
### Requirements
* An SD card with a minimum 512MB of free space (1GB or more recommended)
* An SD card with at least 512MB of free space
### Instructions
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "BootMii Recovery"
title: "BootMii Recovery (RestoreMii)"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
If you are even able to enter BootMii, enter the Homebrew Channel instead, and try your best to [identify what caused the brick](bricks) and reverse it.
This guide will provide instructions on how to restore a backup of your NAND with BootMii. Please bear in mind that this is usually the <strong>last resort</strong> method of repairing a brick if you have one, and if it does not fix your issue, you may have to seek support. If you are still able to enter BootMii, make an attempt to enter the Homebrew Channel instead so that you may attempt to [identify and repair the brick](bricks) using other methods.
@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ If you want to restore a game's save data, use Dolphin to import your NAND backu
If you were restoring a NAND backup in order to repair a brick and this did not fix your issue, please consult [the bricks portion](bricks) of this guide.
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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Here, the different Wii bricks will be discussed in order of severity, with symp
## Semibrick
#### Symptoms
When navigating to Wii Settings, you instead get an error from the Opera web browser along the lines of `You tried to access the address (URL), which is currently unavailable.` In some cases, some parts of the Wii Settings menu may still be accessible, but other parts may not (such as the Country menu).
If you are fortunate enough to get to the Wii Menu, enter the Homebrew Channel and uninstall the faulty WAD.
#### Cause
A semibrick occurs when a different region Wii Menu or a different region custom theme is installed. As the Wii Settings menu is rendered using HTML pages with Opera, themes often replace these pages and put them in different directories; essentially leading to a `404 Not Found` error but in the form of a console brick.
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ A semibrick occurs when a different region Wii Menu or a different region custom
#### Solutions
Verify in AnyRegion Changer that your console region is the same as the theme or Wii Menu that you have installed.
If this was caused by a theme you installed, use MyMenuifyMod to reinstall the original theme file.
If this was caused by a theme you installed, use MyMenuifyMod to re-download the original theme file.
If this was caused by a Wii Menu WAD you installed, use [NUS Downloader]( to re-obtain your original Wii Menu.
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Attempt to start the Wii - warning/press A screen shows up, and when A is presse
Banner bricks occur if you install a WAD file that has an invalid Wii Menu banner or icon.
#### Solutions
If you are somehow able to still access the Wii Menu, go into the Homebrew Channel and use [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme) or your current WAD manager to uninstall the corrupt channel.
In case you do not have Priiloader, you can try [BlueBomb](bluebomb).
If you cannot access the Wii Menu, and have [Priiloader](priiloader) installed, enter it by holding RESET while turning your Wii on. Select Homebrew Channel, then uninstall the corrupt channel.
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ A mail brick occurs when a Wii has too much mail to handle, or when malformed ma
#### Solution
By entering holding + and - on the warning screen, maintenance mode can be entered, where the Wii Message Board is not loaded at all. If the Homebrew Channel is not installed and the system menu is at Wii menu version 2.0 or later, follow [str2hax](str2hax). Otherwise, see [Bluebomb](bluebomb).
From here, the Homebrew Channel can be loaded and the brick can be fixed by deleting Wii Message Board data with [cdbackup](
This is usually an immediate follow-up to a Wii System Update on an unsuspecting region-changed Korean Wii.
## Wii Menu/Opera brick
@ -142,16 +142,16 @@ However, the setup pages are in a similar location to the Wii settings pages. If
If you still have [Priiloader](priiloader), use it to enter the Homebrew Channel and re-install the original theme file/original Wii Menu.
In case you do not have Priiloader or your Wii is not modded, you can try [BlueBomb](bluebomb).
{: .notice}
Alternatively, [Recovery Mode](recovery-mode) can be used to attempt a fix.
## Korean Kii/Error 003 Brick
#### Symptoms
Screen shows up as listed below on normal boot.
This brick occurs when boot1/boot2 is corrupt.
`Error:003`<br> `unauthorized device has been detected.`<br>
You can only recover by using a NAND programmer.<br>

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ While these caveats leave the Wii in a particularly dangerous situation, **it is
This brick will appear identical to a low-level brick due to a Wii Menu failure via IOS; however there is not a full low-level NAND corruption, or a low-level hardware failure.
#### Cause
This brick most often happens when the Wii Menu's IOS is a [stub]( This is usually the consequence of attempting to downgrade your Wii menu. If this error began happening after installing a normal IOS80 to a Wii mini, see [Wi-Fi brick](wi-fi-brick).
This brick most often happens when the Wii Menu's IOS is a [stub]( This is usually the consequence of attempting to downgrade your Wii menu. If this error began happening after installing a normal IOS80 to a Wii mini, see [Wi-Fi brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick).
#### Solutions
[Recovery mode](recovery-mode) may or may not be accessible due to the nature of the brick, but Priiloader will almost always not work. If you cannot reach recovery mode, you must have BootMii as boot2 to fix this. If these conditions are not met, see [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).
@ -217,5 +217,5 @@ First, troubleshooting must be done to determine if hardware is at fault. In the
+ Reseat the disc drive and attempt to boot normally. If still unsuccessful, replace the disc drive. If still unsuccessful, proceed.
+ At this point, either there is a low level boot0/boot1 corruption, a NAND chip failure, or there is a wider unknown hardware failure. Consider consulting online help or buying another Wii.
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{: .notice--info}
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ This d2x cIOS installer was originally developed for the Wii U's vWii by DaveBao
#### Section I - Downloading
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your USB drive into your computer.
1. Extract the d2xl cIOS Installer to the `apps` folder on your USB drive.
1. Insert your USB drive into your Wii mini and load the d2xl cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Create a folder named `apps` on the root of your USB drive if it does not already exist.
1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` folder from the d2xl cIOS Installer `.zip` to the `apps` folder on your USB drive.
1. Reinsert your USB drive into your console.
@ -61,5 +61,5 @@ If you wish to use Wiimmfi with Ethernet on a Wii mini, you have to run the [Eth
The Wii and Wii mini consoles are only known to work with Ethernet adapters using the AX88772 chip. Please check that the product is compatible before you buy. This one from UGREEN is known to be compatible: [Amazon Europe](, [Amazon US](
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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Ensure that if you are using an SD card, the lock switch is in the unlocked posi
### Instructions
#### Section I - Downloading
#### What you need
If your Wii has an Internet connection, you may skip this section.<br> However, If you encounter any errors like `net_init failed`, `net_gethostbyname failed:`, or any other issues during the downloading stage this will allow the Wii to skip the downloading step.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ If your Wii has an Internet connection, you may skip this section.<br> However,
If you are not on Windows, you may download & run [this script](/assets/files/, and it will download the WAD files for you.
{: .notice--info}
1. Power off your console.
1. Download, extract, and run [NUS Downloader](
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. On your computer, download [NUS Downloader](
1. Copy all files from the NUS Downloader `.zip` to a folder on your computer.
1. Repeat the step 2 & 3 for `IOS56 v5661`, `IOS57 v5918` and `IOS58 v6175`.
1. Run `NUS Downloader.exe`.
1. Navigate to `Database` > `IOS` > `IOS38`, then select `v4123`.
+ Ensure that "Pack WAD" is checked.
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ The WAD files should be on your SD card like this:  <br> Now that your Wii has adequate brick protection, you can install the Open Shop Channel, a trusted repository for homebrew that can be accessed both on and off the Wii.
The WAD files should be on your SD card like this:
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@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ title: "Donations"
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@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ This guide covers dumping GameCube or Wii game discs. You can either dump direct
If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](, set `Dual Layer` in Step 6 to `Yes`.
{: .notice--info}
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the CleanRip `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
1. Power on your console.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` into an empty folder on your computer.
1. Open the folder in File Explorer.
1. While holding Shift, right click on an empty space within the folder.
1. Select "Open PowerShell window here".
1. In the new window that appears, type `cmd` and press enter.
1. Finally, type `copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso` and press enter.
1. Launch CleanRip from the list of homebrew.
1. Select your device that you will be dumping the game to - a USB device or SD card.
@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.o
#### Instructions
Download speeds will be slow due to limitations in the network hardware of the Wii, but it remains a valid solution if you are willing to be patient.
To organize the games on your drive properly, you'll need to use [Wii Backup Manager](wiibackupmanager).
{: .notice--info}
Your Wii and your computer must be connected to the same local network.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Copy the `DVDDumpTool` folder from the DVDDumpTool `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
1. Power on your console.
1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
1. Insert the SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel
1. Use the `cd <path>` command and replace `<path>` by the path to your `.partX.iso` files.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
1. Launch DVD Dump Tool from the list of homebrew.
1. Press right on the D-pad, then press A.
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ title: "Dumping WADs"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
This guide will show you how to dump WADs from your Wii System Memory.
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
### Requirements
+ An SD Card or USB drive
+ An SD card or USB drive
+ [Yet Another BlueDump MOD](
### Instructions
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ This guide will show you how to dump WADs from your Wii System Memory.
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Yet Another BlueDump MOD `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
1. Insert the SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel
1. Power on your console.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
1. Launch Yet Another BlueDump MOD from the list of homebrew.
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ This guide will show you how to dump WADs from your Wii System Memory.

The WAD has now been dumped, and should appear at the specified directory on your SD card or USB drive.
This tutorial will explain you how to dump WADs from your Wii System Memory.

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "FAQ and Troubleshooting"
title: "FAQ"
## Main FAQ
@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ title: "FAQ and Troubleshooting"
### How risky is hacking my console?
Not very risky to be honest, depending on your console. The Wii requires much less barrier to entry than other consoles, with some exploits requiring nothing more than a Wii and an internet connection. As long as you follow the general advice laid out [here](bricks#brick-prevention), install [BootMii](bootmii) and [Priiloader](priiloader), and use common sense, you should be completely fine!
### I got error code XXXXXX, how do I fix it?
### Where should I go for support?
In order to check what the error means, please visit the [Wiimmfi error page]( More common errors have fixes listed below:
#### Error 051330/51330
Run an Internet connection test by going to `Wii Settings > Internet > Connection settings > Connection > Test this connection`
You will need an SD card with at least 128MB to run an exploit.
#### Error 220602
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ You are using the old DNS server for RiiConnect24. Follow [this](riiconnect24#se
##### For non-RiiConnect24 Users
Your Primary DNS server is incorrect or not working.<br> This can also happen if you use a proxy server and it is down.
In order to check what the reason for the error is, please visit the [Wiimmfi error page](
#### Error 107304
@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ If you get this error, the DNS server you chose or your internet as a whole is h
If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. See [this](wiiconnect24#updating-rtc-clock) on instructions for how to properly reset it. If this still fails, remove the Wii's clock battery (located on the bottom of the system behind a screw) for an hour and put it back in. Then, reset the Wii's clock.
### How can I remove parental controls?
The [mkey generator]( can generate the code required to remove parental controls.
The [mkey generator]( can generate the code required to remove parental controls.
### I think my Wii is bricked, or something is seriously wrong, what do I do?
### I got error code XXXXXX, how to fix it?
See [this](bricks) page.
## Storage Device FAQ
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ For stock Wii Menu versions lower than 4.0, a limitation in the Wii System Softw
For USB devices, flash drives have a high rate of not working on Wii consoles. Instead, it is recommended to use a USB hard drive or solid state drive.
{: .notice--warning}
### General Storage Guidelines
### What are the limitations in vWii modding?
When considering buying or using an SD card or USB device, it is worth considering the things that you will be using either storage medium for. Different uses can take up varying amounts of space, some common examples of which are shown below:
@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ SD cards 2TB or larger currently do not exist, anyone attempting to sell you one
When buying SD cards, it is generally recommended that you stick to well-known brands the more expensive and larger capacity that you get. While you can buy a generic 2GB SD card and most likely be safe, the same cannot be said for something like a 512GB SD card. General current pricing for SD cards is around 10-20 USD for 256GB and below, whereas 512GB is around 40 USD. When buying off of Amazon, make sure that your card is either `Sold by/Shipped by Amazon` or `Sold by [brand], Shipped by Amazon`. Be wary when buying storage on eBay.
Recommended brands:
+ Samsung (EVO Select, EVO Plus, PRO Plus)
+ SanDisk (Extreme, Ultra, etc)
+ Lexar (E-Series, Professional)
+ Silicon Power ("3D NAND" cards, higher capacity usually better value)
+ PNY (Elite, Elite-X, etc)
+ Installing IOS for a Wii console on vWii.
+ Installing Wii menu themes not formatted correctly for vWii and/or your region.
+ Installing BootMii.
+ Failure during the install of crucial system/IOS titles (e.g. power outage).
+ Modifying the vWii NAND without knowing what you are doing.
### Buying USB Devices - Hard Drives
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "FlashHax"
title: "RiiConnect24"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
FlashHax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by using the Internet Channel. Unlike other exploits, this doesn't require an SD card.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ FlashHax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by using the Internet Chann
### Instructions
#### Section I - Prep Work
#### What you need
1. Power on your console.
1. Launch the Internet Channel.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32. Do not format it as other types
#### Section I - Downloading
1. Extract GameCube Backup Manager, and launch the program.
1. Insert your USB drive into your computer.
1. Insert your USB drive into your Wii mini and load the d2xl cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
#### Section II - Copying Games Over
@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32. Do not format it as other types
Selecting `Install Game (Scrub)` will remove unnecessary data from the game, reducing the game's file size.
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@ -163,5 +163,5 @@ If you are looking for save game exploits for booting into [Swiss](https://githu
1. Find the save you want, select it and select `Move or Copy`.
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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
title: "Get Started"
title: "Start Here"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
It is recommended to at least have an SD card on hand after the initial hack process, as this will enable you to make a NAND backup using BootMii and install many types of homebrew.
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}
All of the exploits listed here are different methods of achieving the same end-result (getting to the HackMii installer).
Even if your Wii has already been softmodded in the past, following these steps can still ensure that your softmod is up to date.
{: .notice--info}
These steps will help you softmod your Wii, from stock to BootMii. Before starting this guide, please ensure that your console is on the latest version of the Wii firmware (4.3). If your Wii is already softmodded but is on an older version, follow [this](update) guide to upgrade your setup.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ It is also safe to [redo any exploit](get-started) to get back into the HackMii
### Relaunching via the Homebrew Channel
#### Requirements
#### What you need
* The Homebrew Channel
* An SD card or USB drive formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ It is also safe to [redo any exploit](get-started) to get back into the HackMii
### Relaunching via Priiloader
#### Requirements
#### What you need
* a Wii with Priiloader (or Preloader) installed
* An SD card or USB drive formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* [HackMii Installer v1.2](
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ It is also safe to [redo any exploit](get-started) to get back into the HackMii
To check if your Wii has Priiloader, hold the RESET button while turning it on.
{: .notice--info}
Preloader and older versions of Priiloader do not seem to support SDHC (>2GB) cards.
To check if your Wii has Priiloader, hold the RESET button while turning it on.
{: .notice--warning}
#### Instructions
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Preloader and older versions of Priiloader do not seem to support SDHC (>2GB) ca
1. Insert your SD/USB into your Wii.
1. Enter Priiloader by holding the RESET button while turning on your Wii.
1. Go to `Load/Install File`.
1. Navigate to `boot.elf` and press `1` to load it.
1. Navigate to `hackmii_installer_v1.2` and press `1` to load it.
If `Press (1) to continue` does not show up after about 30 seconds, downloading [HackMii Installer v1.0]( may help.
{: .notice--info}
@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ Note: When installing homebrew applications on your SD Card or USB drive, your f
[Continue to making a NAND Backup using BootMii](bootmii)<br> Making a NAND backup at this point is highly recommended, as they can be used to recover from bricks.
{: .notice--info}
Tip: If a Wii has BootMii installed as boot2, your disc drive will flash very briefly after the immediate flash that happens when you press the POWER Button.
Here's a tip - when installing homebrew applications on your SD Card or USB drive, your folder structure should look like this:
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
layout: splash
title: "Wii Hacks Guide"
title: "Wii Guide"
overlay_color: "#121212"
overlay_image: /images/main-pages/home-page-feature.jpg
overlay_filter: 0.5
excerpt: "The complete guide to modding your Wii (and Wii mini)."
excerpt: "The complete guide to modding your Nintendo Wii."
Since this guide has just been published, translations are a work-in-progress. Thank you for your patience!
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ To get the most out of this guide, you should read this page before proceeding.
**Homebrew** refers to software that was not authorized by the original creator of a piece of hardware - in this case, Nintendo. In order to gain the ability to run homebrew on the Wii, the console must first be modified to run unsigned code.
Here are some common examples of what homebrew can do for your Wii:
Get started by [choosing your exploit](get-started)!
+ [Backup](bootmii) and [restore](bootmiirecover) your Wii's NAND (system memory)
+ Enhance the [brick protection](priiloader) of your Wii
+ Download new homebrew apps with the [Open Shop Channel](osc)
+ [Patch game disc contents](riivolution) to load game modifications
+ [Patch game disc contents]( to load game modifications
+ Install [themes](themes) on the Wii Menu and in commonly used homebrew apps
+ Back up your [discs](dump-games) and [other installed titles](dump-wads)
+ Install a [USB loader](wii-loaders) to launch Wii (and other console) backups from an external storage device
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ This page lists different exploits that were/can still be used on the Wii to hac
+ Superceded by Wilbrand, functionality remains the same but Wilbrand has wider support
+ [Wiibrew Page](
#### FlashHax
#### RiiConnect24
+ Executes the chainloader via a web page in the Internet Channel
+ Works regardless of system menu version, only requirement is patience as exploit is extremely unreliable
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "LetterBomb"
title: "Donations"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
For instructions on how to format your SD card correctly, please see [this guide]( It is highly recommended to check it due to problems with formatting as FAT32.
{: .notice--info}
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Do NOT use any of the MAC address examples shown in this guide, as they will sim
LetterBomb is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered using the Wii Message Board.
### Requirements
* An SD card formatted as FAT32
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* A Wii on System Menu version 4.3
* A Windows/MacOS/Linux computer with an Internet connection
@ -115,5 +115,5 @@ When following one of the exploit guides above, avoid replacing the `boot.elf` f
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Open Shop Channel"
title: "Redirecting..."
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ Additionally, it can be used to quickly launch any Title or Homebrew, or change
For more information about Priiloader and its options, you can see the [Priiloader Usage](priiloader-usage) page.
{: .notice--info}
### Requirements
### Installing Priiloader
* An SD card or USB drive
* [Priiloader Installer]( (the `.zip` file)
* Installing a theme after installing Priiloader **will brick your vWii.**
* [Load Priiloader]( (the `.zip` file)
#### Optional Requirements for vWii (highly recommended)
#### What you need
* An SD card
* [Priiloader Wii U Forwarder]( (direct download)
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ For more information about Priiloader and its options, you can see the [Priiload
### Instructions
{% capture vwii-notes %}
{% capture notice-vwii-priiloader %}
If you are using a vWii:
Priiloader 0.10.0 introduces vWii support! <br> There are some important things to take note of:
+ Do NOT install a theme after installing Priiloader, or you will BRICK your vWii!
+ Priiloader does not have any impact on Wii U VC titles.
@ -37,20 +37,20 @@ If you are using a vWii:
<div class="notice--danger">{{ vwii-notes | markdownify }}</div>
#### Section I - Prep Work
#### What you need
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. Download the Priiloader installer and LoadPriiloader apps.
1. Extract both apps to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the LoadPriiloader `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the priiloader `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. (vWii only) Copy the `wiiu` folder from the PriiloaderWiiUForwarder `.zip` to the root of your SD card.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
1. Insert the SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel
#### Section II - Installing Priiloader
1. Power on your console.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel.
1. Launch Priiloader installer from the list of homebrew.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii.
1. Launch the Priiloader installer.
1. Press the + Button on Wii Remote or the A Button on a GameCube controller.
1. Press the + Button on Wii Remote or the A Button on a GameCube controller.

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ If you are using a vWii:
#### Section III - Entering Priiloader
1. Press the HOME button, then select Exit to System Menu to exit the Homebrew Channel.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel, and launch the Load Priiloader app.
1. Your device will have loaded the Priiloader menu.

@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ Later on, to enter it you can:
+ If you are using 480p mode: `480p graphics fix in the system menu`
+ Block Disc Updates
+ Wii mini:
+ Block Disc UPdates
+ Block Disc Updates
1. Scroll down to `save settings` and press A.
1. Press `B` to return to the main menu.
### Wii mini: Next Steps
### Additional options
Continue to [Wii mini cIOS](cios-mini)<br> This guide provides installation instructions for cIOS on Wii minis.
{: .notice--info}
@ -111,5 +111,5 @@ If you have made it to this point, congrats! You are finished with the required
Continue to [cIOS](cios)<br> This guide provides steps on how to get a basic set of cIOS installed on your Wii, enabling functionality on apps like USB loaders.
{: .notice--info}
[View the Brick Prevention Guidelines](bricks#brick-prevention)<br> These guidelines list ways that to avoid bricking your Wii, beyond just having BootMii and Priiloader installed.
[View the Brick Prevention Guidelines](bricks#brick-prevention)<br> These guidelines list ways that will help avoid bricking your Wii, beyond just having BootMii and Priiloader installed.
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Privacy Policy"
title: "Donations"
### Cookies
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Homebrew that has the ability to make permanant changes to your Wii are highligh
### Games and Loaders
+ [**Riivolution**]( - An on-the-fly game patcher for use with retail game discs. It allows users to place content on an SD card or a USB device, which is subsequently read by the game during normal play. Riivolution can be used for custom textures, music, levels, memory patches, game translations, and more!
+ [**Riivolution**]( - An on-the-fly game patcher for use with retail game discs. It allows users to place content on an SD card or a USB device, which is subsequently read by the game during normal play. Riivolution can be used for custom textures, music, levels, memory patches, game translations, and more!
+ [USB Loaders](wii-loaders) - A general recommendation for a USB loader of any kind, which allows you to play game backups of retail discs. Further information can be found in our linked guide, which encompasses both Wii and GameCube loaders.
+ [CavEX]( - A project aiming to recreate the core survival experience of your favorite block game on the Wii up to Beta 1.7.3.
+ [Sonic CD]( - A port of the Sonic CD 2011 re-release from the RSDKv3 decompilation. **The app requires assets from the official release in order to run**.
@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ Under Construction
[Return to Bricks](bricks)
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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ title: "RiiConnect24"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
For support (in English) with RiiConnect24, as well as RiiTag, join [RiiConnect24 on Discord](
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--primary}
[RiiConnect24]( allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ If you are on vWii, you will also need [Priiloader](priiloader) installed with t
#### Section I - Using RiiConnect24 Patcher
1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
1. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a macOS/Linux system.
1. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a Unix system
1. Run the RiiConnect24 patcher.
+ On Windows run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`.
+ On macOS/Linux systems, open Terminal and type `bash`, then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: `bash <directory>/<directory>/`.
@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ You will now set your DNS to RiiConnect24 servers. This is optional but recommen
1. If the connection test was successful, select `No` to skip the Wii System Update.
1. Go to `WiiConnect24`, then `WiiConnect24` again, and make sure it is enabled.
1. Back on the WiiConnect24 menu, go to `Standby Connection` and make sure it is enabled.
1. At `Slot Illumination`, it is recommend you set the disc light to `Dim` or `Bright`, but this is optional.
1. At `Slot Illumination`, we recommend you set the disc light to `Dim` or `Bright`, but this is optional.
1. Finally, go to the `Internet` section, then `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`, then `Yes`. Please read through this.
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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ title: "Installing RSSMii"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
This guide provides instructions on installing RSSMii, a homebrew app that parses RSS feeds from your SD card and sends them to your Wii Menu.
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
Due to the nature of RSS feeds and the large amount of mail they can generate, this app has a larger than zero chance of [bricking](bricks#mail-brick) your Wii. Consider using News Channel from a WiiConnect24 revival provider instead, and request an addition to their service should you find out that your intended RSS feed isn't being provided. If you decide to use RSSMii anyway, limit the number of feeds you subscribe to.
{: .notice--danger}
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ If you're not receiving updates after a few days, you might need to subscribe to
#### Section I - Downloading/Installing
1. Extract RSSMii and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card.
1. Create a `feeds.xml` on the root of the SD card so the app can parse your feeds.
1. We need to create a `feeds.xml` on the root of the SD card so the app will know what feeds to subscribe you to.
+ If you're using Windows, you can use [RSS Feeds Creator]( It will automatically create a `feeds.xml` file and will copy it to your SD card.
@ -64,5 +64,5 @@ If you're not receiving updates after a few days, you might need to subscribe to
1. Delete the `feeds.xml` file on the root of your SD card.
1. Launch RSSMii Remover from the Homebrew Channel. It will remove your subscriptions to the RSS feeds.
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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ sitemap: false
{% capture notice-1 %}
+ [Home](/)
+ [Get Started](get-started)
+ [Wii Guide](/)
+ [Start Here](get-started)
+ [FAQ](faq)
+ [Donations](donations)
{% endcapture %}
@ -15,19 +15,18 @@ sitemap: false
{% capture notice-2 %}
**Wii Online Services**
+ [Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection](wiimmfi)
+ [RiiConnect24](wiimmfi)
+ [Setting RTC Time](wiiconnect24#updating-rtc-clock)
+ [WiiConnect24](wiiconnect24)
{% endcapture %}
+ RiiConnect24 Dolphin
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-2 | markdownify }}</div>
{% capture notice-3 %}
**Modding 101 - Exploits**
+ [BlueBomb](bluebomb)
+ [FlashHax](flashhax)
**Modding 101**
+ [Credits](bluebomb)
+ [RiiConnect24](flashhax)
+ [Legacy Exploits](legacy-exploits)
+ [LetterBomb](letterbomb)
+ [str2hax](str2hax)
+ [Donations](letterbomb)
+ [Wiimmfi](Wiimmfi)
+ [Wilbrand](wilbrand)
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-3 | markdownify }}</div>
@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ sitemap: false
{% capture notice-4 %}
**Modding 101 - Wii Essentials**
+ [BootMii Backup](bootmii)
+ [BootMii Recovery](bootmiirecover)
+ [BootMii Recovery (RestoreMii)](bootmiirecover)
+ [Brick Overview](bricks)
+ [Brick Prevention](bricks#brick-prevention)
+ [cIOS](cios)
@ -45,9 +44,8 @@ sitemap: false
+ [Priiloader](priiloader)
+ [Relaunching the HackMii Installer](hackmii)
+ [Updating Wii Menu to v4.3](update)
+ [Wii mini NAND Dumper](wnd-mini)
+ [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme)
{% endcapture %}
+ [Removing RSSMii](wnd-mini)
+ RiiTag
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-4 | markdownify }}</div>
{% capture notice-5 %}
@ -58,8 +56,6 @@ sitemap: false
+ [How to dump GameCube/Wii Games](dump-games)
+ [RSSMii](rssmii)
+ [Managing GameCube Save Files](gcsaves)
+ [Nintendont](nintendont)
+ [Playing Wii Game Mods](riivolution)
+ [Priiloader Usage](priiloader-usage)
+ [Recommended Homebrew](recommended-homebrew)
+ [USB Loaders](wii-loaders)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "str2hax"
title: "Wiimmfi"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ This exploit requires you to set your DNS in order to connect to a server that c
#### Section II - Triggering the Exploit
1. Navigate to `Internet` -> `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`.
1. Select `Confirm`, then select `Save`.
1. Select `Yes`.
1. Click on `Next`.
+ You should be greeted with the following screen:
@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ A SysCheck lists all the IOS and cIOS that are on your Wii, along with some info
1. If you want to share the SysCheck, you can share the `syscheck.csv` file on the root of your SD card or USB drive. You can also press `A`, which will upload the report to [](
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Wii Themes"
title: "Installing Wii Menu Themes"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ Only install themes on your Wii that have been formatted specifically for its ve
Before proceeding, it helps to know the difference between .MYM and .CSM as file formats when used in Wii Menu theming. While the MYM is made by the theme creator which can then be shared around, the CSM is the result from building a MYM into a system menu. In other words, MYM mainly just holds assets - the actual system menu itself that needs to be installed comes seperate.
{: .notice--info}
#### Theme Sources
#### What you need
+ [Wii Theme Team Creations]( (.mym file distribution)
+ [Wii Theme Google Drive]( (.mym file distribution)
+ [GBAtemp Other Files for Wii]( (.mym file distribution)
+ A Wii
+ An SD card or USB drive
+ A computer with Windows on it (or using Mono or Wine on Mac/Linux)
+ [Wii Themer]( (online theme builder for specific versions and regions, ready to install .csm themes)
#### Requirements
#### Theme Links
* A modded Wii
* An SD card or USB device
* A Windows/macOS/Linux PC with an Internet connection
* [MyMenuifyMod](
* [Wii Themer](
* [ThemeMii Mod](/assets/files/
#### Building a Theme
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Before proceeding, it helps to know the difference between .MYM and .CSM as file
If you don't want to go through the hassle of using an external program to build a theme, you can also download a prebuilt theme from Wii Themer and skip to [Theme Installation](themes#theme-installation).
1. Once you download the theme you want and double-check that you have the right one for your system menu version and region, extract the .zip file for ThemeMii Mod and open the application.
1. Go to `Tools` > `Download Base App` > `Version of your Wii Menu` > `Region of your Wii Menu`.
1. Go to `Tools` > `Download Base App` > Version of your Wii Menu > Region of your Wii Menu
1. A dialog box will pop-up asking you to enter in a value to create a key. Enter what it says, and it will create a key that will be used to decrypt the Wii Menu contents from Nintendo's servers.
1. A file selection box will ask you where to save the .app file (that is the Wii Menu content file that it downloaded). Save it to the directory where ThemeMii is in.
1. Go to `File` > `Open`, then browse for where your .mym file is.
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ If you don't want to go through the hassle of using an external program to build
#### Theme Installation
1. Install MyMenuifyMod.
1. Create a new directory on your SD card or USB device called `modthemes` if it does not already exist.
1. Copy the theme file to the storage medium under the `modthemes` directory.
1. Put the storage medium in your Wii and boot it up.
1. Extract to your SD card or USB drive.
1. Put the .csm file you saved in a folder called `modthemes` on your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii.
1. Launch MyMenuify Mod from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Go into MyMenuifyMod, and acknowledge the disclaimer. It will ask what IOS you want to use in the app. Select `IOS58`.
If you get `Exception DSI occured!`, press RESET on your Wii and try again.
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Unfortunately, because of the codebase difference between the original WiiFlow a
* A modded Wii
* An SD card or USB device
* [WiiFlow Lite](wii-loaders#wiiflow-lite)
* A Linux/macOS/Windows PC with an Internet connection
* Some themes have different links for different regions, so pick the one corresponding to your Wii's region.
* [Rhapsodii Shima](
#### Instructions
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ Unfortunately, because of the codebase difference between the original WiiFlow a
* A modded Wii
* An SD card or USB device
* [USB Loader GX](wii-loaders#usb-loader-gx)
* A Linux/macOS/Windows PC with an Internet connection
* Some themes have different links for different regions, so pick the one corresponding to your Wii's region.
* A [theme](, this link contains an assortment of dark themes
#### Instructions
1. Download a theme `.zip` file from the website linked above, or anywhere else you can get a proper theme.
1. Unpack the `.zip` file's contents into the `apps\usbloader_gx` directory on the storage device where you installed USB Loader GX.
1. Put the storage medium in your Wii and boot it up.
1. Launch MyMenuify Mod from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Start USB Loader GX, go to the `Settings` menu, and then go to `Theme Menu`.
1. Open the theme and install it.
@ -145,5 +145,5 @@ Unfortunately, because of the codebase difference between the original WiiFlow a
App forwarders can add a bit of extra flair to your Wii Menu - but be careful with them as bad forwarders can cause a [banner brick](bricks#banner-brick). Generally, you can find forwarders on places like [GBAtemp]( for popular apps such as emulators. Since forwarders come in a .WAD format, the process of installing them is as simple as normal usage with [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme).
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{: .notice--info}
@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ Your Wii must be modded in order to perform this. If it isn't, then it's best to
1. When prompted to retain Priiloader, press A to confirm.
1. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
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{: .notice--info}
@ -168,5 +168,5 @@ To change the cIOS used for a specific game, follow the instructions specific to
+ Try using 248, 249, 250 or 251.
1. Press Save and try to load the game.
[Continue to Nintendont](nintendont) Now that you have installed a USB loader of some type for Wii games, you can install a similar type of application for effectively native playback of GameCube games.
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{: .notice--info}
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32. Do not format it as other types
[Continue to cIOS](cios)<br> cIOS is needed for your Wii to use a USB Loader.
{: .notice--info}
You can now use [USB Loader GX or WiiFlow](wii-loaders) to play games from your USB drive or SD card.
[Continue to cIOS](cios)<br> cIOS is needed for your Wii to use a USB Loader.
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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Do NOT make a shortcut for the games "Mario Party 9" or "A Boy and His Blob". It
### Requirements
* A Wii
* A USB drive
* A USB drive.
* [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme)
* A Windows computer.
* [WiiGSC](
@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ Turn off your Wii, then hold down the RESET button down and turn on your Wii. Yo
Simply enter the Homebrew Channel, and use your WAD manager to uninstall the WAD.
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{: .notice--info}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection"
title: "Wiimmfi"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection was an online multiplayer gaming service for the Wii,
If you get error 23904 while connecting to Wiimmfi, then you are using an outdated patch.<br> Follow the steps below for the method you're using to connect to Wiimmfi again.<br> See [this page]( for more details.<br>
{: .notice--warning}
### Automatic Disc Patching via Priiloader
### Automatic patching from the Disc Channel using Priiloader
If the `Wiimmfi Patch` displays as anything other than v4, you do not have the latest version of the hacks_hash.ini file and the patch will not work. You must reinstall Priiloader, the guide to which can be found in the requirements section.
{: .notice--warning}
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail disc games automatically via the Disc Channel.
#### Requirements
#### What you need
+ A Wii with an internet connection, on System Menu version 4.3
+ [Priiloader](priiloader) 0.9 or later
@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail disc games automatically via
1. Return to the main menu, and press `System Menu` to return to the Wii Menu.
1. Launch your game through the Disc Channel - it should now be patched with Wiimmfi.
### Automatic Backup Patching via USB Loader
### Homebrew (Disc) Application
A method for Wiimmfi patching which automatically patches game backups in the latest versions of USB Loader GX or WiiFlow Lite.
#### Requirements
#### What you need
+ A Wii with an internet connection
+ [USB Loader GX or WiiFlow Lite](wii-loaders)
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ A method for Wiimmfi patching which automatically patches game backups in the la
1. Open the game or global settings for your specific USB loader and search for the `Private Server` option. By default, it will be set to `Off`.
1. Set the option to `Wiimmfi` and save the settings. By default, games should now be automatically patched for Wiimmfi.
### Automatic Disc Patching via Custom DNS
### No-Homebrew (Disc)
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs automatically through the usage of a custom DNS server. While convinient, it only works with a small selection of games including Mario Kart Wii and SSBB. Due to the nature of this process, it can be run on Wiis without homebrew.
@ -61,36 +61,36 @@ If you get error 20100 or 20110, the game you are trying to play is not supporte
If you get error 23400, your ISP or network is blocking the use of a custom DNS.<br> To solve this issue, Wiimmfi has a custom DNS server that can be ran on your PC - you can read about it [here](
{: .notice--warning}
#### Requirements
#### str2hax Method
+ A Wii with an internet connection
+ A Wii with an Internet connection
#### Instructions
1. Go to `Wii Settings > Internet > Connection Settings` and select whatever connection you are using. Then, `Change Settings > Auto-Obtain DNS NO > Advanced Settings`. Set your primary DNS to ``, and your secondary DNS to ``.
1. Let the connection test finish, and do not perform a Wii System Update.
1. Launch your game through the Disc Channel - it should now be patched with Wiimmfi.
1. Scroll down to `save settings` and press A, then press B to go back to the main menu of Priiloader.
1. Scroll to `System Menu` and press A to launch it.
### Manual Disc Patching via Homebrew Channel
### Automatic patching using a USB Loader
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail disc games, but must be manually launched via the Homebrew Channel.
#### Requirements
#### What you need
+ An SD card or USB drive
+ [Auto Wiimmfi Patcher](
#### Instructions
1. Simply extract the `apps` folder in this archive to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Extract Auto Wiimmfi Patcher to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD Card into your Wii, and launch Auto Wiimmfi Patcher from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Insert the game disc (if it is not already inserted), wait for the patch to complete, and the game should start.
1. Insert your game disc (you can insert it before or after launch, it doesn't matter).
### Manual Disc Patching via EULA User Agreement
### ISO Patching
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs, but must be manually launched via the EULA User Agreement (derives from [str2hax](str2hax)). Due to the nature of this process, it can be ran on Wiis without homebrew.
#### Requirements
#### What you need
+ A Wii with an internet connection
@ -101,34 +101,34 @@ A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs, but must be manua

1. Let the connection test finish, and do not perform a Wii System Update.
1. Scroll down to `save settings` and press A, then press B to go back to the main menu of Priiloader.
1. Go back twice to `Internet`, and press `User Agreements`. Then, confirm that you would like to use WC24 and the Wii Shop Channel.
1. The Wiimmfi patcher page should now display. If it doesn't, and you still see the default license agreement, your router might not be compatible with this method.
1. Wait a while for the patcher to load (usually about 1.5 minutes) and the inserted game should boot with a Wiimmfi patch.
1. Wait for about 1 minute and 30 seconds for the patcher to load
### Manual Disc Patching via Internet Channel
### WiiWare Patching
If you run into UPnP-related issues (such as the patcher getting stuch at "Init network..." or "add UPnP port forward" steps for more than 10 seconds), you can press the - button on your Wii Remote, or the Y button on your GameCube controller as soon as the patcher loads to circumvent this.
MrBean35000vr (creator of CTGP-R, a Mario Kart Wii content pack) created a Wiimmfi Disc Patcher that allows you to insert a disc and patch the game on-the-fly for Wiimmfi use, though this must be run every time you start the disc.
{: .notice--warning}
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs, but must be manually launched via the Internet Channel (derives from [Flashhax](flashhax)). Due to the nature of this process, it can be ran on Wiis without homebrew. [This](wiimmfi#manual-disc-patching-via-eula-user-agreement) method is generally more reliable, and is recommended instead.
#### Requirements
#### Instructions (for Wii)
+ A Wii with an internet connection, running in 60Hz mode
+ The Internet Channel
#### Instructions
1. Open the following webpage in the Internet Channel: ``
1. Add the page to the browser favorites by clicking the Star icon, then the `Add Favorite` button.
1. Exit back to the Wii Menu.
1. Open the Internet Channel again and access the favorite you just made.
1. Go to `Wii Options`.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`.
1. Go to `Page 2`, then click on `Internet`.
1. Go to `Connection Settings`.
1. The Wiimmfi patcher should begin. Be patient, as Flashhax can be very unreliable - it may take several tries to get right.
### Manual WiiWare Patching via PC
### Mario Kart Wii Competitions
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on WiiWare games, but must be manually run on a PC via a script.
If you get error 20100 or 20110, that means the game is too new for this method.
#### Requirements
@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on WiiWare games, but must be manually
1. Run the patch script for your OS: usually it will end in `.bat` for Windows and `.sh` for Mac/Linux. If you're using the RiiConnect24 Patcher, select your device (Wii, vWii, or Dolphin) and choose the WiiWare patcher.
1. If it completed successfully, install the WAD that was made in `wiiware-wads` with YAWM ModMii Edition.
### Manual Disc Image Patching via PC
### DS Games
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on game disc images, but must be manually run on a PC via a script.
#### Requirements
#### MKW Hack Pack
+ A Linux/macOS/Windows PC with an internet connection
+ A copy of the game you want to patch - supported formats are `ISO`, `WDF`, `WIA`, `CISO (=WBI)`, `WBFS`, `GCZ`, and `FST` - `NKIT` is NOT supported
@ -168,5 +168,5 @@ A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on game disc images, but must be manual
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{: .notice--info}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Wilbrand"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
Wilbrand, like LetterBomb, is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered using the Wii Message Board.
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ There are two methods listed on this page used to create the proper Wilbrand exp
### Wilbrand Web (Recommended)
#### Requirements
#### What you need
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS (FAT)
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* A Wii on at least version 3.0
SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
#### Instructions
1. Power on your console.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`.
1. Visit [](, input your Wii MAC, version, region, ensure `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` is checked, and cut either wire.
1. Take note of the letter next to the system version, in the top-right corner of the screen.
+ This letter corresponds to your system menu region, which you will need to know for the corresponding steps.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
1. Launch the Wii Message Board on your Wii.
1. Open the green letter with a bomb.
+ Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, or you might be unable to find the letter.
+ In some cases, you may need to check the messages for tommorow or yesterday for the letter to show up.
+ In some cases, you may need to check the messages for tomorrow or yesterday for the letter to show up.
+ If you don't see the green letter, check if any errors appear in the SD card section of `Data Management`. If there are errors, there may be an issue with the SD card format or the Wii’s SD card reader.

@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
### Wilbrand CLI
#### Requirements
#### What you need
* A computer running Windows, macOS or Linux
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS (FAT)
* A PC running Windows, MacOS or Linux
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* A Wii on version 3.0 or newer
* [Wilbrand](
* [HackMii Installer v1.2](
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
#### Instructions
1. Power on your console.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`.
1. Extract the Wilbrand zip to a folder on your PC, preferably on your desktop.
1. Take note of the letter next to the system version, in the top-right corner of the screen.
+ This letter corresponds to your system menu region, which you will need to know for the corresponding steps.
@ -100,17 +100,17 @@ SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.

+ Linux/macOS: `./Wilbrand AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF MM/DD/YYYY VERSION /media/mount_dir`
+ Linux/MacOS: `./Wilbrand AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF MM/DD/YYYY VERSION /media/mount_dir`
+ If you have not opened your terminal directly in the folder Wilbrand was extracted to, use `cd` to enter it first, eg. `cd ~/Desktop/Wilbrand`
+ `/media/mount_dir` is the folder your SD card is mounted in. This may vary depending on your Linux distro.

1. Copy all files from the hackmii_installer_v1.2 `.zip` to a folder on your computer.
1. Copy `boot.elf` from the hackmii_installer_v1.2 `.zip` to the root of your SD card.
1. Reinsert your SD card into your console.
1. Locate the `boot.elf` file, and put it on the root of your SD card.
1. Take out your SD card and insert it in your Wii.
+ The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB to SD adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu.
1. On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu and then open the Wii Message Board.
1. Launch the Wii Message Board.
1. Open the green letter with a bomb.
+ Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, or you might be unable to find the letter.
@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ For now, only the `bootmii_keys.bin` file is required.
Continue to [Open Shop Channel Installation](osc) Now that your Wii has adequate brick protection, you can install the Open Shop Channel, a trusted repository for homebrew that can be accessed both on and off the Wii.
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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ title: "YAWM ModMii Edition"
YAWM ModMii Edition is an application that can install WADs and launch homebrew applications. This tutorial will show you how to install WADs.
### Requirements
* An SD card or USB drive
### What you need
* an SD card or USB drive
* [YAWM ModMii Edition](
### Instructions
@ -39,5 +39,5 @@ YAWM ModMii Edition is an application that can install WADs and launch homebrew

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sitemap: false

Entschuldige, aber die angeforderte Seite existiert nicht.
Es tut uns leid, aber die Seite, welche du dir ansehen wolltest, existiert leider nicht.
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@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
title: "BlueBomb"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
It is **strongly** advised against using **any** video guide for hacking your Wii mini console, as there is an extremely large chance of **bricking** it.
Es wird **dringend** empfohlen, **keine** Video-Anleitung zum Hacken deiner Wii mini-Konsole zu verwenden, da hierbei ein extrem großes Risiko besteht deine Konsole zu **Bricken**.
{: .notice--warning}
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the Wii mini Hacking Discord server]( (recommended)
Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, trete bitte dem [Wii mini Hacking-Discordserver]( bei (empfohlen)
{: .notice--info}
BlueBomb is an exploit that takes advantage of a flaw in the Wii and Wii mini's Bluetooth libraries. Although it is the only exploit that works for the Wii mini, BlueBomb can run on the original Wii as well. This exploit also enables recovery from certain bricks, such as Korean Kii/Error 003.
BlueBomb ist ein Exploit, welcher eine Lücke in der Bluetooth-Programmbibliothek der Wii und Wii mini ausnutzt. Obwohl er als einziger Exploit auf der Wii mini funktioniert, kann BlueBomb auch auf der originalen Wii ausgeführt werden. This exploit also enables recovery from certain bricks, such as a banner brick.
If you are using the original revision of the Wii, you should probably find [another exploit to use](get-started) as there are much easier ways to get to the HackMii installer. Exceptions however, exist in circumstances like brick recovery.
{: .notice--info}
@ -20,29 +20,29 @@ Make sure that the console is close to the computer running the exploit, ideally
### Anforderungen
* Ein Linux Computer
* Eine virtuelle Maschine kann funktionieren, ist aber wegen der Komplexität zum Aufsetzen von Bluetooth-Passthrough nicht empfohlen. Wenn möglich, verwende bitte einen LiveUSB wie unten beschrieben.
* Ein Linux-System
* Eine virtuelle Maschine kann funktionieren, wird aber aufgrund ihrer Komplexität beim Durchlaufen von Bluetooth nicht empfohlen. Wenn möglich, verwende bitte einen LiveUSB wie unten beschrieben.
* Wenn du einen Raspberry Pi hast, kannst du den auch verwenden, da wahrscheinlich Linux dort schon installiert ist.
* Windows Subsystem für Linux oder ein Chromebook im Linux mode wird *nicht funktionieren*, da sie keinen direkten Zugriff auf den Bluetooth Adapter oder USB Schnittstellen haben.
* If you do not have Linux, [Ubuntu]( is the most user-friendly option and can be ran on computers running Windows or Mac.
* 32-bit devices will require [Ubuntu 16.04](
* 32-Bit-Geräte erfordern [Ubuntu 16.04](
* For 64-bit devices it is recommended to use the LTS edition due to its stability, but the latest release works as well.
* You can [flash a Linux Live environment to a USB flash drive]( instead of installing it to your computer.
* A Bluetooth adapter.
* An internal Bluetooth adapter will work.
* Ein Bluetooth-Adapter.
* Ein interner Bluetooth-Adapter wird funktionieren.
* If you do not have one, make sure to get one compatible with Linux.
* Ein als FAT32 formatierter USB-Stick.
* Ein USB-Stick, der mit FAT32 formatiert ist.
* This cannot be the same flash drive used for your Linux Machine.
* [HackMii Installer v1.2](
* [For the original Wii, we do not recommend using BlueBomb if you intend to install the Homebrew Channel and BootMii, as there are more convenient exploits available.](
### Anleitung
1. Copy `boot.elf` from the hackmii_installer_v1.2 `.zip` to the root of your flash drive.
1. Extract it and place the `boot.elf` file in your flash drive.
+ (If attempting to fix a brick, you should also copy the homebrew app you wish to use to /apps/)
+ (Even for a Wii mini, bootmini.elf will **not** work, its purpose is entirely different and unrelated. Use boot.elf in all cases).
+ - (Even for a Wii mini, bootmini.elf will **not** work, its purpose is entirely different and unrelated. Use boot.elf in all cases).
1. Reinsert your flash drive into your console.
+ For a Wii mini, the USB port is on the back.
+ For a normal Wii, use the bottom port (or the right port if it's upright).
+ For a normal Wii, use the bottom port. (or the right port if it's upright).
1. Power on your console.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`.
1. Take note in the top right corner of the letter next to the system version.
@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ Make sure that the console is close to the computer running the exploit, ideally
+ If you have selected a Wii mini you will be asked to provide your region. This can be determined by the last letter of the Wii Menu version (`U` for **USA** and `E` for **PAL** models).
+ If you have selected a Wii you will be asked to provide your Wii Menu Version (What you determined in step 4)
1. Power on your console.
+ **Do not** connect any Wii Remotes.
1. Press the Sync button repeatedly until the terminal shows `got connection handle`.
+ Schalte deine Konsole ein und verbinde **keine** Wii-Fernbedienungen mit ihr.
1. Drücke wiederholt den SYNCHRO-Knopf (SYNC.), bis das Terminal `got connection handle` anzeigt.
+ This could take numerous attempts.
1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the HackMii Installer.
+ If you are not planning to use it later, you can now shut down your Linux distro.
1. Die Konsole sollte nun den HackMii Installer starten.
+ You can now shut down your Linux computer if you are not planning to use it later.
If using a Wii: [Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)<br>
Falls du eine Wii verwendest, fahre damit fort den Homebrew-Kanal und BootMii zu installieren<br>
{: .notice--info}
If using a Wii mini: [Continue to Homebrew Channel installation](hbc-mini)
Falls du eine Wii mini verwendest, fahre damit fort den Homebrew-Kanal zu installieren
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,37 +2,37 @@
title: "BootMii Backup"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
BootMii allows for backing up and restoring your Wii's NAND storage. This page will guide you in backing up your Wii's NAND to an SD Card, which you can then use however you like.
One of BootMii's most important features is the ability to backup and restore your Wii's NAND storage. We will be going over how to perform a NAND backup. You can then restore from that backup for any reason. This page will guide you in backing up your Wii's NAND to an SD Card, which you can then use however you like.
Family edition Wiis (Wiis without GameCube ports) CANNOT restore NAND backups. This is because of the lack of GameCube ports which are required on non-boot2 Wiis to enter the restoration confirmation code. Regardless, it is still recommended to make one on these consoles.
{: .notice--danger}
You need an **SD card** to use BootMii at all, but especially to create a NAND backup. If you do not have an SD card on hand right now, you can skip this page, but it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to return to this page later to back up your NAND.
Du brauchst eine **SD-Karte** um eine NAND-Sicherung mittels BootMii zu erstellen. If you do not have one, you can skip this page, although it is highly recommended to make a NAND backup if you can.
{: .notice--warning}
Navigating BootMii is not possible using a Wii Remote. You must use the POWER and RESET buttons on your console, or a GameCube controller plugged into port 1. To navigate between options, press POWER on your Wii (or left/right on the +Control Pad on a GameCube controller). To select an option, press RESET on your Wii or A on your GameCube controller. You will NEED to use a GameCube controller to restore a NAND backup in the future if BootMii is installed as IOS.
{: .notice--info}
If the `Launch BootMii` button does not appear in the Homebrew Channel, [re-launch the HackMii Installer](hackmii) and install BootMii.
If the `Launch BootMii` button does not appear, please [re-launch the HackMii Installer](hackmii) and install BootMii.
{: .notice--warning}
If the screen stays black and the blue disc drive light is blinking upon launching BootMii, you are missing the BootMii files on your SD card. Download [this zip file](/assets/files/ and extract it to the root of your SD card, then try again.
If the screen stays black and the blue disc drive light is blinking, you are missing the BootMii files on your SD card. Download [this zip file]( and extract it to the root of your SD card, then try again.
{: .notice--warning}
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* An SD card with a minimum 512MB of free space (1GB or more recommended)
* An SD card with at least 512MB of free space
### Anleitung
If you have BootMii installed as boot2, you will need to launch BootMii by restarting the console. Skip steps 1 and 2 if this is the case.
If you have BootMii installed as boot2 you will need to launch BootMii by restarting the console. Skip steps 1 and 2 if this is the case.
{: .notice--info}
1. Schalte deine Konsole ein.
1. Starte den Homebrewkanal.
1. Drücke den HOME Knopf, wähle dann "Launch BootMii".
1. Starte den Homebrew-Kanal.
1. Press the HOME Button, then select "Launch BootMii".

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ If you have BootMii installed as boot2, you will need to launch BootMii by resta

1. Wähle den Optionen-Button (das Icon mit dem Zahnrad).
1. Select the Options button (the icon with the gears).

@ -49,30 +49,30 @@ If you have BootMii installed as boot2, you will need to launch BootMii by resta

1. Ein NAND-Backup wird gestartet. Du kannst den Fortschritt am Bildschirm verfolgen.
+ "Bad Blocks" sind normal und stammen hauptsächlich aus der Fabrik aufgrund von NAND-Binning. Keine Sorge, wenn du einige auf einem NAND Backup siehst.
+ "Bad Blocks" are normal. Keine Sorge, wenn du einige auf einem NAND Backup siehst.

1. After the previous step completes, BootMii will verify the backup. Idealerweise sollten alle Blöcke nach dem Überprüfungsprozess grün sein.
1. After this step, it will verify the backup. Idealerweise sollten alle Blöcke nach dem Überprüfungsprozess grün sein.
+ If you have factory bad blocks with uncorrectable pages, these blocks may fail to verify. As long all non-bad blocks are successfully verified, this should be fine.

1. Drücke die Zurück-Taste (die mit einem Pfeil), dann drücke entweder die Wii-Menü-Taste oder die Homebrewkanal-Taste, um BootMii zu verlassen.
1. To exit BootMii, press the Back button (the one with the arrow) and then you can press either the Wii Menu button or the Homebrew Channel button to exit where you want to.

<div id="restore-notice" class="notice" markdown="1">
Hinweis: **Wiederherstellen eines NAND-Backups ist in der Regel ein letzter Ausweg**. Es gibt oft bessere Möglichkeiten, deine Konsole zu entbricken.
Please be reminded that <strong>restoring a NAND backup is usually a last resort,</strong> and that there often better ways to fix your brick. Es gibt oft bessere Möglichkeiten, deine Konsole zu entbricken.
Versuche dein Bestes um [deinen Brick-Zustand](bricks) zu identifizieren und die Aktion umzukehren, die es ursprünglich verursacht hat.
Um von einem NAND-Backup auf deiner SD-Karte wiederherzustellen, folge den Anweisungen für [RestoreMii](bootmiirecover) (nur Originale Wii).
To restore from a NAND backup on your SD card, you can follow the instructions for [RestoreMii](bootmiirecover).
As stated earlier, if you have BootMii installed as boot2, it will launch every time you start your console. If you would like to change this, you can use the app [BootMii Config Editor]( Or, you can edit `sd:/bootmii/bootmii.ini` manually.
BootMii as boot2 is recommended, but only available to install on early Wii consoles. Otherwise, it can only be installed as an IOS. If you would like to change this, you can use the app [BootMii Config Editor]( Or, you can edit `sd:/bootmii/bootmii.ini` manually.
{: .notice--info}
Zwei Dateien wurden im Hauptverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte erstellt: `nand.bin` und `keys.bin`. `nand.bin` ist der interne Speicher deiner Wii, während `keys.bin` die Schlüssel deiner Konsole sind.
To make sure you don’t lose the files, it's recommended to copy `nand.bin` and `keys.bin` from the root of your SD card to your computer. `nand.bin` ist der interne Speicher deiner Wii, während `keys.bin` die Schlüssel deiner Konsole sind.
{: .notice--info}
[Weiter zur Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader fügt eine sekundäre Schutzstufe gegen Bricks hinzu und wird sehr empfohlen, auch wenn BootMii als boot2 installiert wurde. Es ist besonders wichtig für Benutzer von BootMii auf IOS.
[Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and is highly recommended, especially if you were only able to install BootMii as IOS. Es ist besonders wichtig für Benutzer von BootMii auf IOS.
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
title: "BootMii-Wiederherstellung"
title: "BootMii Recovery (RestoreMii)"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
Diese Anleitung gibt Anweisungen, wie man ein Backup deines NAND mit BootMii wiederherstellen kann. Bitte beachte, dass dies in der Regel die <strong>letzte</strong> Methode ist, um einen Brick zu reparieren, falls du einen hast und wenn es dein Problem nicht behebt, musst du eventuell nach Unterstützung suchen. If you are still able to enter BootMii, make an attempt to enter the Homebrew Channel instead so that you may attempt to [identify and repair the brick](bricks) using other methods.
If you have BootMii installed as boot2, you will need to launch BootMii by restarting the console. Skip steps 1 and 2 if this is the case.
If you have BootMii installed as boot2 you will need to launch BootMii by restarting the console. Skip steps 1 and 2 if this is the case.
{: .notice--info}
If the screen stays black and the blue disc drive light is blinking upon launching BootMii, you are missing the BootMii files on your SD card. Download [this zip file]( and extract it to the root of your SD card, then try again.
If the screen stays black and the blue disc drive light is blinking, you are missing the BootMii files on your SD card. Download [this zip file]( and extract it to the root of your SD card, then try again.
{: .notice--warning}
Family edition Wiis (Wiis without GameCube ports) CANNOT restore NAND backups. This is because of the lack of GameCube ports which are required on non-boot2 Wiis to enter the restoration confirmation code. For additional help, please seek support.
{: .notice--danger}
DO NOT restore an unverified NAND backup, or one that is not from your Wii: this may lead to a WORSE BRICK. The same goes for using faulty SD cards.
DO NOT restore an unverified NAND backup, or one that is not from your Wii: this may lead to a WORSE BRICK. The same also goes for faulty SD cards.
{: .notice--danger}
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* An earlier NAND Backup made by [BootMii](bootmii)
* An earlier NAND Backup made by [BootMii](
### Restoring individual data from a NAND backup
### Want to restore individual data from your NAND backup?
There is likely a much safer and faster way to bring individual data back to your Wii, likely involving the use of Dolphin Emulator.
There is likely a much safer and faster way to bring it back to your Wii, likely involving the use of Dolphin Emulator.
For example, if you want to restore your Wii Message Board data, use Dolphin to import your NAND backup. In Dolphin, go to `File -> Open User Folder`, and find `Wii/title/00000001/00000002/data/cdb.vff`, copy it to your SD card, and use [WiiXplorer]( to restore it in the corresponding location.
If you want to restore a game's save data, use Dolphin to import your NAND backup, use `Tools > Export All Wii Saves` to export all your saves to your SD card, and use Data Management to move it to your Wii.
### Important preliminary notes
### Important notes
+ If you have not done anything to cause a brick (or you're starting up your Wii after a long time), then it is probably a [Wi-Fi Brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick).
+ If you have BootMii as IOS installed, RestoreMii will prompt you for the Konami code via a GameCube Controller.
+ If you do not have BootMii as boot2, RestoreMii will prompt you for the Konami code via a GameCube Controller.
+ You must use the POWER (right) and RESET (select) buttons on your console, or a GameCube controller plugged into port 1 to navigate BootMii. To navigate with a GameCube controller, click left/right on the +Control Pad on a GameCube controller. To select, press A.
+ You must use the POWER (right) and RESET (select) buttons on your console, or a GameCube controller plugged into port 1. To navigate with a GameCube controller, click left/right on the +Control Pad on a GameCube controller. To select, press A.
### Anleitung
1. Starte den Homebrewkanal.
1. Drücke den HOME Knopf, wähle dann "Launch BootMii".
+ If the Homebrew Channel is inaccessible and you have Priiloader installed, you may also access it on boot and select `BootMii IOS` to load BootMii.
1. Starte den Homebrew-Kanal.
1. Press the HOME Button, then select "Launch BootMii".
+ If you are even able to enter BootMii, enter the Homebrew Channel instead, and try your best to [identify what caused the brick](bricks) and reverse it.

1. Wähle den Optionen-Button (das Icon mit dem Zahnrad).
1. Select the Options button (the icon with the gears).

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ If you want to restore a game's save data, use Dolphin to import your NAND backu

1. If BootMii is installed as IOS, input the Konami code on your GameCube controller: ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A, START
1. On your GameCube controller, input the Konami code: ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A, START

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ If you want to restore a game's save data, use Dolphin to import your NAND backu

1. Drücke die Zurück-Taste (die mit einem Pfeil), dann drücke entweder die Wii-Menü-Taste oder die Homebrewkanal-Taste, um BootMii zu verlassen.
1. To exit BootMii, press the Back button (the one with the arrow) and then you can press either the Wii Menu button or the Homebrew Channel button to exit where you want to.

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
title: "Bricks"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
A "Brick" usually means your Wii has reached a state where its next purpose in existence is likely that of a doorstop, or a display figure. <br> Bricks can occur for a variety of reasons, however usually it results through corrupted software, or from improper modifications made through homebrew.
A "Brick" usually means your Wii has reached a state where, its only use is that of a literal [brick]( <br> Bricks can occur for a variety of reasons, usually caused by improper system modifications via homebrew.
# Brick Prevention
@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ Here is a small section that lists out steps similar to the Wii boot process, an
+ Nothing happens, black screen. Wii cannot be turned on with a Wiimote, Recovery Mode cannot be started, and BootMii as boot2 is not accessible. See [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).
+ Nothing happens, black screen, BUT Wii can be turned on with a Wiimote/Recovery Mode can be accessed. See [Wi-Fi brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick).
+ Nothing happens, black screen, BUT BootMii as boot2 is accessible. See [IOS brick](bricks#ios-brick).
+ Error 003. See [Korean Kii/Error 003 brick](bricks#error-003-brick).
+ Error 003 See [Korean Kii/Error 003 brick](bricks#error-003-brick).
+ Wii starts, BUT you INSTANTLY see an error that resembles the Opera web browser. See [Wii Menu/Opera brick](bricks#wii-menuopera-brick).
+ Wii starts, you see the health/warning screen, but upon pressing A to start, the screen goes black and/or freezes and does not continue. Maintenance mode is accessible. See [mail brick](bricks#mail-brick).
+ Wii starts, you see the health/warning screen, but upon pressing A to start, you see a black screen.
+ If this happened after installing a theme, see [theme brick](bricks#theme-brick).
+ If this happened after installing a WAD, see [banner brick](bricks#banner-brick).
+ If this randomly started happening, and you can access Maintenance Mode by holding +/- on the health/warning screen, see [mail brick](bricks#mail-brick).
+ Wii starts, and progresses to the Wii Menu.
+ To fix a mail brick, enter Maintenance mode by holding `+` and `-` on the Health and Safety screen.
+ Wii menu brick
+ If after acccessing a specific channel, you get `The system files are corrupted.`, see [banner brick](bricks#banner-brick)
+ If after accessing the Wii settings, you see an error that resembles the Opera web browser, see [semibrick](bricks#semibrick).
+ Wii starts, and progresses to the Wii Menu. No app is malfunctioning, Wii settings is error free, everything is seemingly fine. Unless you have some other kind of error or brick that does not fall under this umbrella (which if you do, you should come to support about), you're good!
+ Wii menu brick No app is malfunctioning, Wii settings is error free, everything is seemingly fine. Unless you have some other kind of error or brick that does not fall under this umbrella (which if you do, you should come to support about), you're good!
# Brick Types
@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ Here, the different Wii bricks will be discussed in order of severity, with symp
When navigating to Wii Settings, you instead get an error from the Opera web browser along the lines of `You tried to access the address (URL), which is currently unavailable.` In some cases, some parts of the Wii Settings menu may still be accessible, but other parts may not (such as the Country menu).
#### Cause
A semibrick occurs when a different region Wii Menu or a different region custom theme is installed. As the Wii Settings menu is rendered using HTML pages with Opera, themes often replace these pages and put them in different directories; essentially leading to a `404 Not Found` error but in the form of a console brick.
A semibrick occurs when a different region Wii Menu or a different region custom theme is installed. This causes the Wii to fail to find the Wii settings page files.

#### Solutions
Verify in AnyRegion Changer that your console region is the same as the theme or Wii Menu that you have installed.
If this was caused by a theme you installed, use MyMenuifyMod to reinstall the original theme file.
If this was caused by a theme you installed, use MyMenuifyMod to re-download the original theme file.
If this was caused by a Wii Menu WAD you installed, use [NUS Downloader]( to re-obtain your original Wii Menu.
@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ Attempt to start the Wii - warning/press A screen shows up, and when A is presse
Banner bricks occur if you install a WAD file that has an invalid Wii Menu banner or icon.
#### Solutions
If you are somehow able to still access the Wii Menu, go into the Homebrew Channel and use [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme) or your current WAD manager to uninstall the corrupt channel.
If you are fortunate enough to get to the Wii Menu, enter the Homebrew Channel and uninstall the faulty WAD.
If you cannot access the Wii Menu, and have [Priiloader](priiloader) installed, enter it by holding RESET while turning your Wii on. Select Homebrew Channel, then uninstall the corrupt channel.
If you have [Priiloader](priiloader) installed, enter it by holding RESET while turning your Wii on. Select Homebrew Channel, then use your WAD manager to uninstall the faulty WAD.
If you don't have or can't access Priiloader, Maintenance mode may be worth a try. Hold down `+` and `-` on the Health and Safety screen (do not press `A`!).
If you don't have Priiloader, Maintenance mode may be worth a try. Hold down `+` and `-` on the Health and Safety screen. (do not press `A`!)
## Theme brick
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Attempt to start the Wii - warning/press A screen shows up, and when A is presse
A theme brick occurs when a wrongly formatted theme is installed.
#### Solutions
To resolve this issue, open HBC through Priiloader or BootMii as boot2 and access MyMenuifyMod to install a default theme such as the base Wii Menu theme. Alternatively, go into [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme) and install the CORRECT default Wii Menu WAD for your region and version.
To resolve this issue, open HBC through Priiloader and access MyMenuifyMod to install a default theme. Alternatively, go into [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme) and install the CORRECT default Wii Menu WAD for your region and version.
## Mail brick
@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ To resolve this issue, open HBC through Priiloader or BootMii as boot2 and acces
Attempt to start the Wii - warning/press A screen shows up, and when A is pressed, the screen passes normally; however, beyond this point, nothing happens and the Wii remains on a black screen. Maintenance mode is still accessible.
#### Cause
A mail brick occurs when a Wii has too much mail to handle, or when malformed mail is in the Wii Message Board, causing a crash upon booting through normal means. Because the Wii Message Board is always drawn below Wii channels, this causes the Wii Menu to fail before fully loading.
A mail brick happens when your Wii has a lot of mail. This will make the Wii crash.
#### Solution
By entering holding + and - on the warning screen, maintenance mode can be entered, where the Wii Message Board is not loaded at all. If the Homebrew Channel is not installed and the system menu is at Wii menu version 2.0 or later, follow [str2hax](str2hax). Otherwise, see [Bluebomb](bluebomb).
From here, the Homebrew Channel can be loaded and the brick can be fixed by deleting Wii Message Board data with [cdbackup](
(do not press `A`!) <br> Enter the Homebrew Channel, and use [cdbackup]( to delete your Wii Message Board data.
## Wii Menu/Opera brick
## Wii Menu brick
#### Symptoms
When starting the Wii, you instead get an error from the Opera web browser along the lines of `You tried to access the address (URL), which is currently unavailable.` This will happen every time you start the Wii, and cannot be bypassed by any other means.
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ However, the setup pages are in a similar location to the Wii settings pages. If
If you still have [Priiloader](priiloader), use it to enter the Homebrew Channel and re-install the original theme file/original Wii Menu.
In case you do not have Priiloader or your Wii is not modded, you can try [BlueBomb](bluebomb).
In case you do not have Priiloader, you can try [BlueBomb](bluebomb).
Alternatively, [Recovery Mode](recovery-mode) can be used to attempt a fix.
## Korean Kii/Error 003 Brick
## Error 003 Brick
#### Symptoms
Screen shows up as listed below on normal boot.
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ This is usually an immediate follow-up to a Wii System Update on an unsuspecting
#### Solutions
Since this brick most often occurs after the Wii Menu updates, Priiloader will not be present.
Korean Wiis also released with Wii Menu 3.3, around the time that Nintendo [fixed the Trucha bug in boot1](, so BootMii as Boot2 cannot be installed to or used on any Korean Wii.
Korean Wiis also released with Wii Menu 3.3, around the time that Nintendo [fixed the Trucha bug in boot1](, so BootMii as Boot2 cannot be installed to any Korean Wii.
While these caveats leave the Wii in a particularly dangerous situation, **it is still fixable**. This involves going into [Recovery Mode](recovery-mode), where an exploit can be triggered in order to gain access to the Homebrew Channel and revert the conditions that caused the brick.
@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ While these caveats leave the Wii in a particularly dangerous situation, **it is
This brick will appear identical to a low-level brick due to a Wii Menu failure via IOS; however there is not a full low-level NAND corruption, or a low-level hardware failure.
#### Cause
This brick most often happens when the Wii Menu's IOS is a [stub]( This is usually the consequence of attempting to downgrade your Wii menu. If this error began happening after installing a normal IOS80 to a Wii mini, see [Wi-Fi brick](wi-fi-brick).
This brick happens when the Wii Menu's IOS is a [stub]( This is usually the consequence of attempting to downgrade your Wii menu. If this error began happening after installing a normal IOS80 to a Wii mini, see [Wi-Fi brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick).
#### Solutions
[Recovery mode](recovery-mode) may or may not be accessible due to the nature of the brick, but Priiloader will almost always not work. If you cannot reach recovery mode, you must have BootMii as boot2 to fix this. If these conditions are not met, see [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).
[Recovery mode](recovery-mode) may or may not be accessible due to the nature of the brick, but Priiloader will almost always not work. You must have BootMii as boot2 to fix this brick. If these conditions are not met, see [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).
You can either restore a NAND backup, or do this:
@ -186,17 +186,17 @@ You can either restore a NAND backup, or do this:
## Wi-Fi brick
#### Symptoms
This brick appears identical to a low-level brick, however you can still power on the Wii with a Wiimote, and you can still boot into Recovery Mode on an original revision Wii.
The only way to fix this brick is a way to launch homebrew by launching a game through the Recovery Menu. It's only accessible if you take apart a GameCube controller to hold all 4 +Control Pad buttons down while the GameCube controller's plugged into the 4th slot on your Wii as it's turned on.
#### Cause
This brick arises when your Wii's Wi-Fi (or Bluetooth) module is damaged or not inserted properly. In such cases, the Wii gets stuck on a black screen while awaiting a response from IOS.
This will also happen on the Wii mini if you install a normal Wii IOS, because the Wii mini doesn't have a Wi-Fi module.
This will also happen on the Wii Mini if you install a normal Wii IOS, because the Wii Mini doesn't have a Wi-Fi module.
#### Solutions
To resolve this problem, you can try to reseat or replace the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth module.
If you are on a Wii mini, you must install a Wi-Fi module.
If you are on a Wii Mini, you must install a Wi-Fi module.
If both fail, see [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ If both fail, see [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).
Completely black screen, no response to user input. Recovery Mode cannot be booted, neither can BootMii as boot2 (or it never existed in the first place), for all intents and purposes the console appears dead.
#### Cause
This brick occurs when boot1/boot2 is corrupt, or if there is a hardware failure.
This brick occurs when boot1/boot2 is corrupt.
#### Solutions
First, troubleshooting must be done to determine if hardware is at fault. In the order listed, do the following:
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
title: "d2xl cIOS for Wii mini (experimental)"
title: "d2xl cIOS für die Wii mini (experimentell)"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the Wii mini Hacking Discord server]( (recommended)
Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, trete bitte dem [Wii mini Hacking-Discordserver]( bei (empfohlen)
{: .notice--info}
While [cIOS]( has largely been supplanted by AHBPROT, which gives complete hardware access, it still has useful applications. For example, this enables the functionality of USB loaders like USB Loader GX and WiiFlow, alongside other pieces of homebrew like SaveGame Manager GX. You can skip this process if you want, but generally it extends your Wii with little to no downsides.
@ -12,44 +12,44 @@ While [cIOS]( has largely been supplanted by
This guide is only intended for Wii mini users. If you have a Wii, follow [this guide](cios) instead.
{: .notice--warning}
Do not attempt to install a Wii IOS or System Menu on the Wii mini. Doing so will likely [brick](bricks#ios-brick) your console.
Do not attempt to install a Wii IOS or System Menu on the Wii mini. Doing so will likely brick your console.
{: .notice--warning}
This d2x cIOS installer was originally developed for the Wii U's vWii by DaveBaol and custom cIOS was created by Leseratte for the Wii mini. The original download page can be found [here]( Leseratte's GitHub page can be found [here]( Please note that this cIOS is still experimental, though no problem with functionality has been reported.
This d2x cIOS installer was originally developed for the Wii U's vWii by DaveBaol and custom cIOS was created by Leseratte for the Wii mini. The original download page can be found [here]( Leseratte's Github page can be found [here]( Please note that this cIOS is still experimental, though no problem with functionality has been reported.
{: .notice--info}
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* A Wii mini with the Homebrew Channel installed
* Eine Wii mini, auf welcher der Homebrew-Kanal installiert ist
* A USB drive
* Leseratte's [d2xl cIOS Installer](/assets/files/
* Leserattes [d2xl cIOS Installer](/assets/files/
### Anleitung
#### Section I - Downloading
#### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your USB drive into your computer.
1. Create a folder named `apps` on the root of your USB drive if it does not already exist.
1. Copy the `d2x-cios-installer` folder from the d2xl cIOS Installer `.zip` to the `apps` folder on your USB drive.
1. You can now use homebrew such as [USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) and [WiiFlow](wiiflow).
1. Extract the d2xl cIOS Installer to the `apps` folder on your USB drive.
1. Reinsert your USB drive into your console.
1. Power on your console.
1. Starte den Homebrewkanal.
1. Starte den Homebrew-Kanal.
1. Launch d2xl cIOS Installer from the list of homebrew.
#### Section II - Installing
1. Select `Continue`.
1. Set the options to the following:
1. Press continue, then set the options to the following:
Select cIOS <d2xl-v1-beta2>
Select cIOS base <57>
Select cIOS slot <249>
+ Take a note of the version number under notes (`IOS57-64-` ending in either `v31776` or `v31775`)
1. Press A to install.
1. Once set, press A to install.
+ If the install fails with a `TMD version mismatch` error, press left or right on the +Control Pad over the `Select cIOS base` option until the version number is different than the one you tried before. The number 57 will not change.
1. When the process is complete, exit the installer.
1. Once done successfully, exit the installer.
[Continue to making a NAND Backup using RealWnd](wnd-mini)
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
title: "cIOS"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
While [cIOS]( has largely been supplanted by AHBPROT, which gives complete hardware access, it still has useful applications. For example, this enables the functionality of USB loaders like USB Loader GX and WiiFlow, alongside other pieces of homebrew like SaveGame Manager GX. You can skip this process if you want, but generally it extends your Wii with little to no downsides.
If you have a Wii mini, use [this](cios-mini) guide for cIOS instead. Attempting to install other cIOS on a Wii mini will not work.
If you have a Wii mini, install [this cIOS](cios-mini) instead. Attempting to install any other cIOS on a Wii mini won't work.
{: .notice--warning}
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* A Wii
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine Wii
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [d2x cIOS Installer](/assets/files/
Ensure that if you are using an SD card, the lock switch is in the unlocked position, otherwise you will not be able to select the correct options in the installer.
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ Ensure that if you are using an SD card, the lock switch is in the unlocked posi
### Anleitung
#### Section I - Downloading
#### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen
If your Wii has an Internet connection, you may skip this section.<br> However, If you encounter any errors like `net_init failed`, `net_gethostbyname failed:`, or any other issues during the downloading stage this will allow the Wii to skip the downloading step.
If your Wii has an Internet connection, you may skip this section.
{: .notice--warning}
If you are not on Windows, you may download & run [this script](/assets/files/, and it will download the WAD files for you.
@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ If you are not on Windows, you may download & run [this script](/assets/files/d2
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. On your computer, download [NUS Downloader](
1. Download, extract, and run [NUS Downloader](
1. Copy all files from the NUS Downloader `.zip` to a folder on your computer.
1. Run `NUS Downloader.exe`.
1. Navigate to `Database` > `IOS` > `IOS38`, then select `v4123`.
1. Select "Database", "IOS", then "IOS38", and select "v4123".
+ Ensure that "Pack WAD" is checked.
+ *Don't* check "Patch IOS". That is the cIOS Installer's job.
1. Click `Start NUS Download!`.
1. Repeat the above steps for `IOS56 v5661`, `IOS57 v5918` and `IOS58 v6175`.
1. When the process is complete, there will be a folder named `titles` in the same folder as the NUS Downloader.
1. Open the `titles` folder and navigate through them until you locate the four WAD files you downloaded.
1. Place each WAD file on the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Repeat the step 2 & 3 for `IOS56 v5661`, `IOS57 v5918` and `IOS58 v6175`.
1. Once you have downloaded all four IOS, there will be a folder named `titles` in the same folder as the NUS Downloader.
1. <br/> Open the folder and navigate through them until you locate the four WAD files you downloaded.
1. You can now use homebrew such as [USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) and [WiiFlow](wiiflow).
+ This must be the same device containing the d2x cIOS Installer.
The WAD files should be on your SD card like this: 
@ -49,18 +49,18 @@ The WAD files should be on your SD card like this: 
@ -83,40 +83,40 @@ The WAD files should be on your SD card like this: 
+ cIOS 250 Installation
+ Install cIOS 250
Select cIOS <d2x-v11-beta1>
Select cIOS base <57>
Select cIOS slot <250>
Select cIOS revision <65535>
Select cIOS: d2x-v11-beta1
Select cIOS base: 57
Select cIOS slot: 250
Select cIOS version: 65535

+ cIOS 251 Installation
+ Install cIOS 251
Select cIOS <d2x-v11-beta1>
Select cIOS base <58>
Select cIOS slot <251>
Select cIOS revision <65535>
Select cIOS: d2x-v11-beta1
Select cIOS base: 58
Select cIOS slot: 251
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once you have finished with all 4 cIOSes, press B to return to the Homebrew Channel.
Continue to [Open Shop Channel Installation](osc) <br> Now that your Wii has adequate brick protection, you can install the Open Shop Channel, a trusted repository for homebrew that can be accessed both on and off the Wii.
[Continue to the Homebrew Browser](hbb)<br> The Homebrew Browser is a good place to get homebrew on your Wii. This is optional to install.
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Donations"
title: "Spenden"
[{:height="72px" width="256px"}{: style="padding-bottom: .35em"}]({: .align-center}
@ -2,30 +2,30 @@
title: "Dumping Wii/GameCube games"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This guide covers dumping GameCube or Wii game discs. You can either dump directly to an SD card or USB drive, or over the local network.
Want to dump a GameCube or a Wii disk? You can either dump directly to an SD card or USB drive, or over the local network.
### Dumping a Disc to SD/USB (CleanRip)
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
+ An SD card or USB drive with at least 4.7 GB of free space (8.5 GB if dumping a dual layer disc).
+ [CleanRip](
#### Anleitung
If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](, set `Dual Layer` in Step 6 to `Yes`.
If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](, set `Dual Layer` to `Yes`.
{: .notice--info}
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the CleanRip `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
1. Entpacke CleanRip und verschiebe es in den `apps`-Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte bzw. deinem USB-Laufwerk.
1. Kopieren
1. Power on your console.
1. Starte den Homebrewkanal.
1. Starte den Homebrew-Kanal.
1. Launch CleanRip from the list of homebrew.
1. Select your device that you will be dumping the game to - a USB device or SD card.
1. Wähle das Gerät auf welches du das Spiel kopieren möchtest - dein USB-Laufwerk bzw. deine SD-Karte.

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.o

1. Insert the game disc you would like to dump.
1. Now insert the game you want to dump.

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.o

1. Press A to start dumping the disc.
+ This process can take quite some time, since it will dump the full 4.7 GB disc contents (8.5 GB for dual layer discs).
+ It can take a while, since it will dump the full 4.7 GB disc contents (8.5 GB for dual layer discs).

@ -54,29 +54,29 @@ If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.o
### Dumping a Disc over LAN (Wii DVD Dumper)
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
+ A Windows/macOS/Linux PC with an internet connection
+ [DVD Dump Tool](/assets/files/
+ [DVD](/assets/files/
#### Anleitung
Download speeds will be slow due to limitations in the network hardware of the Wii, but it remains a valid solution if you are willing to be patient.
{: .notice--info}
Your Wii and your computer must be connected to the same local network.
Dumping a game over a local network
{: .notice--warning}
1. Copy the `DVDDumpTool` folder from the DVDDumpTool `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
1. Extract DVD Dump Tool and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card or USB drive.
1. Stecke deine SD-Karte in deine Wii und starte CleanRip über den Homebrew-Kanal.
1. Power on your console.
1. Starte den Homebrewkanal.
1. Starte den Homebrew-Kanal.
1. Launch DVD Dump Tool from the list of homebrew.
1. Press right on the D-pad, then press A.
1. Choose the disc that you want to copy (The options are: `GameCube Disc`, `Wii Single-Layer Disc`, `Wii Dual-Layer Disc`) and press "A"
1. Press the right on the D-pad and press A.
1. Choose the disc that you want to copy (The options are: `GameCube Disc`, `Wii Single-Layer Disc`, `Wii Dual-Layer Disc` and press "A"

1. Insert the game disc into your Wii.
1. Insert your SD card into your Wii, and launch DVD Dump Tool from the Homebrew Channel.
+ If it is already inserted, eject and reinsert the disc.

@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ Your Wii and your computer must be connected to the same local network.
1. Press any button to begin the dumping process.

1. Remember or write down your Wii's URL (IP address).
1. On your computer, open the browser, go to your address bar and enter the Wii URL.
1. Remember your Wii URL (IP address)
1. On your computer's web browser, go to your address bar and enter the Wii URL.

1. Click on `Click here to download XXXX.iso`.
@ -95,26 +95,26 @@ Your Wii and your computer must be connected to the same local network.
### Joining PART files on a FAT32 device
If you dumped the disc (regardless if it was to a PC or Wii) on a FAT32 formatted device, you should have gotten at least two files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined.
If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted, device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
{: .notice--info}
#### Windows
1. Copy the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` into an empty folder on your computer.
1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
1. In this folder, click the address bar in Windows Explorer and copy its PATH.
1. Open a PowerShell or Windows Terminal window.
1. Select "Open PowerShell window here".
1. Run `cd [PATH]`.
1. Type `copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso` and press enter.
1. Finally, type `copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso` and press enter.
1. Wait until the merging process finishes.
+ It should end with the terminal outputting `1 file(s) copied`.
#### macOS/Linux
1. Copy the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` into an empty folder on your computer.
1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` into an empty folder on your computer.
1. Open up a Terminal.
1. Run `cd [PATH]`, replacing [PATH] with the folder path to your `.partX.iso` files.
1. Use the `cd <path>` command and replace `<path>` by the path to your `.partX.iso` files.
1. Use the following command as is: `cat \*.part?.iso > game.iso`.
1. Wait until the merging process finishes.
1. Wait until it finishes.
To organize the games on your drive properly, you can use [Wii Backup Manager](wiibackupmanager).
To organize the games on your drive properly, you'll need to use [Wii Backup Manager](wiibackupmanager).
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,29 +2,29 @@
title: "Dumping WADs"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This guide will show you how to dump WADs from your Wii System Memory.
This tutorial will explain you how to dump WADs from your Wii System Memory.
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
+ An SD Card or USB drive
+ Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
+ [Yet Another BlueDump MOD](
### Anleitung
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the Yet Another BlueDump MOD `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Extract Yet Another BlueDump MOD to your SD card or USB drive.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
1. Power on your console.
1. Starte den Homebrewkanal.
1. Launch Yet Another BlueDump MOD from the list of homebrew.
1. Press A.
1. Starte den Homebrew-Kanal.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch Yet Another BlueDump MOD from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Press the A Button.

1. Select `Installed Channel Titles`.
1. Choose `Installed Channel Titles`.

@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ This guide will show you how to dump WADs from your Wii System Memory.

1. Select `Backup to WAD`.
1. Choose `Backup to WAD`.

1. At the prompt to `Fakesign the ticket`, select `Yes`.
1. At the prompt to `Fakesign the TMD`, select `No`.
1. At the prompt to `Change the output WAD region`, select `No`.
1. At the prompt to `Fakesign the ticket`, choose `Yes`.
1. At the prompt to `Fakesign the TMD`, choose `No`.
1. At the prompt to `Change the output WAD region`, choose `No`.


The WAD has now been dumped, and should appear at the specified directory on your SD card or USB drive.
You have now dumped that WAD. It should appear on your SD card.

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
title: "FAQ and Troubleshooting"
title: "FAQ (Häufig gestellte Fragen)"
## Main FAQ
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
### How risky is hacking my console?
Not very risky to be honest, depending on your console. The Wii requires much less barrier to entry than other consoles, with some exploits requiring nothing more than a Wii and an internet connection. As long as you follow the general advice laid out [here](bricks#brick-prevention), install [BootMii](bootmii) and [Priiloader](priiloader), and use common sense, you should be completely fine!
### Wie gefährlich ist es meine Konsole zu hacken?
Not very risky to be honest, depending on your console. The Wii requires much less barrier to entry than other consoles, with some exploits requiring nothing more than a Wii and an internet connection. Stelle daher sicher [BootMii](bootmii) und [Priiloader](priiloader) zu installieren, um dich vor Bricks zu schützen!
### I got error code XXXXXX, how do I fix it?
In order to check what the error means, please visit the [Wiimmfi error page]( More common errors have fixes listed below:
### I got error code XXXXXX, how to fix it?
Um den Grund für den Fehlercode zu erfahren, besuche bitte die [Wiimmfi Error Code-Website]( More common errors have fixes listed below:
#### Error 051330/51330
@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ If you get this error, the DNS server you chose or your internet as a whole is h
If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. See [this](wiiconnect24#updating-rtc-clock) on instructions for how to properly reset it. If this still fails, remove the Wii's clock battery (located on the bottom of the system behind a screw) for an hour and put it back in. Then, reset the Wii's clock.
### How can I remove parental controls?
The [mkey generator]( can generate the code required to remove parental controls.
### Wie entferne ich eine Kindersicherung?
Der [mkey generator]( kann einen Code zum Entfernen der Kindersicherung generieren.
### I think my Wii is bricked, or something is seriously wrong, what do I do?
See [this](bricks) page.
## Storage Device FAQ
For the [BlueBomb](bluebomb), [str2hax](str2hax), or [FlashHax](flashhax) exploits, you do not need an SD card to hack your Wii; it is highly recommended to grab one anyway for homebrew and other tasks.
Wenn du den BlueBomb-, str2hax- oder FlashHax-Exploit verwendest, benötigst du keine SD-Karte.
{: .notice--info}
FAT32 is the recommended file system for SD cards, see [this guide]( on formatting instructions.<br> For USB devices, FAT32 is also recommended, although users should be aware of FAT32 limitations which only allow volumes up to 2TB in size. WBFS was a previously used file system for Wii game backups - today, it is outdated and should not be used.
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "FlashHax"
title: "RiiConnect24"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
FlashHax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by using the Internet Channel. Unlike other exploits, this doesn't require an SD card.
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ FlashHax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by using the Internet Chann
#### Section I - Prep Work
1. Power on your console.
1. Launch the Internet Channel.
1. Open up the Internet Channel on your Wii.

1. Go to ``.
1. Go to in the browser and bookmark the page.
1. Select the correct region for your console.

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ FlashHax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by using the Internet Chann

1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the HackMii Installer.
1. It'll then proceed to download and load the HackMii Installer.
+ This may take multiple tries.
+ If the HackMii Installer doesn't load and it instead freezes (you can't move your cursor), restart your Wii, launch the Internet Channel, then retry this section.
+ If the HackMii Installer doesn't load and it instead freezes (you can't move your cursor), please restart your Wii and repeat step 3 until it works. It might take multiple tries, be persistent!
If you still can't get it to load, try deleting your cookies or save data for the Internet Channel.
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: "GameCube Backup Manager"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
GameCube Backup Manager is a convenient PC software that simplifies the process of transferring GameCube games to your USB drive or SD Card. It functions similar to the popular tool called [Wii Backup Manager](wiibackupmanager), allowing you to easily manage and organize your GameCube game backups. With this program, you can effortlessly copy your favorite GameCube games onto portable storage devices, making them readily accessible for future gaming sessions.
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [GameCube Backup Manager](
To play multiple games, it is recommended to use an external hard drive for your Wii. Any external hard drive found on most modern marketplaces should work with your Wii.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32. Do not format it as other types
### Anleitung
#### Section I - Downloading
#### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen
1. Extract GameCube Backup Manager, and launch the program.
1. Insert your USB drive into your computer.
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
title: "GameCube Saves"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This is a full guide on how to manage your GameCube saves.
Use of any GameCube peripheral with a Family Edition Wii or Wii mini require soldering on GameCube ports and/or memory card slots.
Use of any GameCube peripheral with a Family Edition Wii or Wii Mini require soldering on GameCube ports and/or memory card slots.
{: .notice--info}
## Uploading an Individual Save (.gci File) to a Physical Memory Card
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* A Wii with GameCube ports
* An SD Card or USB
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ If you are looking for save game exploits for booting into [Swiss](https://githu
### Anleitung
#### Downloading
#### Herunterladen
1. Extract GCMM and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card or USB drive.
1. Place the `.gci` file in a folder called `MCBACKUP` on the root of the SD card or USB drive.
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ If you are looking for save game exploits for booting into [Swiss](https://githu
## Backing Up A Save (.gci File) to an SD or USB From a Physical Memory Card
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* A Wii with GameCube ports
* An SD Card or USB
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ If you are looking for save game exploits for booting into [Swiss](https://githu
### Anleitung
#### Downloading
#### Herunterladen
1. Extract GCMM and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card or USB drive.
1. Place the `.gci` file in a folder called `MCBACKUP` on the root of the SD card or USB drive.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ If you are looking for save game exploits for booting into [Swiss](https://githu
## Backing Up Your Physical Memory Card Into an Emulated Memory Card (.raw file)
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* A Wii with GameCube ports
* An SD Card or USB
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ If you are looking for save game exploits for booting into [Swiss](https://githu
### Anleitung
#### Downloading
#### Herunterladen
1. Extract GCMM and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii and launch GCMM from the Homebrew Channel.
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ If you are looking for save game exploits for booting into [Swiss](https://githu
## Restoring an Emulated Memory Save to a Physical Memory Card
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* A Wii with GameCube ports
* An SD Card or USB
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ If you are looking for save game exploits for booting into [Swiss](https://githu
## Transferring Saves Between 2 Physical Memory Cards
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* A Wii with GameCube ports
* At least 2 physical memory cards
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
title: "Erste Schritte"
title: "Beginne hier"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
It is recommended to at least have an SD card on hand after the initial hack process, as this will enable you to make a NAND backup using BootMii and install many types of homebrew.
Although you can follow this guide without an SD card, you will not be able to create or restore a NAND backup using BootMii, and you won't be able to use some homebrew.
{: .notice--info}
All of the exploits listed here are different methods of achieving the same end-result (getting to the HackMii installer).
Alle Exploits verwenden den HackMii-Installer und führen zum selben Endergebnis.
{: .notice--info}
These steps will help you softmod your Wii, from stock to BootMii. Before starting this guide, please ensure that your console is on the latest version of the Wii firmware (4.3). If your Wii is already softmodded but is on an older version, follow [this](update) guide to upgrade your setup.
This guide is for the original Wii and Wii mini only (including the Wii Family Edition). Do not use this on a Wii U (vWii)! If you want to install homebrew on a Wii U, [follow this guide](
### Identify your console revision:
{% include identify-console.html %}<br>
### Select your exploit
### Wähle den zu verwendenden Exploit
Select the exploit that corresponds to your console and situation the best. If the recommended option does not work for you, or if you are curious about other exploits, check out [Legacy Exploits](legacy-exploits).
| Console Revision | Recommended Exploit |
| ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Wii/Wii Family Edition | If you can use a Windows PC:<br> Automatic Setup: Proceed to [ModMii](modmii)<br> If you can use an SD card:<br> Manual Setup: Proceed to [Wilbrand](wilbrand)<br> If you cannot use an SD card:<br> Manual Setup: Proceed to [str2hax](str2hax)<br> |
| Wii mini | Proceed to [Bluebomb](bluebomb) |
| Wii U (vWii) | If you have not modded your Wii U yet:<br> Proceed to [Introduction (](<br> If your Wii U is already modded:<br> Proceed to [vWii Modding (]( |
| Wii mini | [BlueBomb](bluebomb) - Exploit that uses Bluetooth |
| Wii U (vWii) | Auch wenn deine Wii in der Vergangenheit bereits einen Softmod erhalten hat, kann das Befolgen dieser Schritte dafür sorgen, dass dein Softmod auf dem aktuellen Stand ist. |
| Dolphin Emulator | Proceed to [Homebrew Channel on Dolphin](homebrew-dolphin) |
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Relaunching the HackMii Installer"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This guide is intended for situations where you need to relaunch the HackMii Installer to update/reinstall the Homebrew Channel or BootMii.
@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ It is also safe to [redo any exploit](get-started) to get back into the HackMii
### Relaunching via the Homebrew Channel
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
* The Homebrew Channel
* An SD card or USB drive formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* [HackMii Installer v1.2](
* [For the original Wii, we do not recommend using BlueBomb if you intend to install the Homebrew Channel and BootMii, as there are more convenient exploits available.](
#### Anleitung
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ It is also safe to [redo any exploit](get-started) to get back into the HackMii
### Relaunching via Priiloader
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
* a Wii with Priiloader (or Preloader) installed
* An SD card or USB drive formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* [HackMii Installer v1.2](
* [For the original Wii, we do not recommend using BlueBomb if you intend to install the Homebrew Channel and BootMii, as there are more convenient exploits available.](
To check if your Wii has Priiloader, hold the RESET button while turning it on.
{: .notice--info}
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Preloader and older versions of Priiloader do not seem to support SDHC (>2GB) ca
1. Insert your SD/USB into your Wii.
1. Enter Priiloader by holding the RESET button while turning on your Wii.
1. Go to `Load/Install File`.
1. Navigate to `boot.elf` and press `1` to load it.
1. Navigate to `hackmii_installer_v1.2` and press `1` to load it.
If `Press (1) to continue` does not show up after about 30 seconds, downloading [HackMii Installer v1.0]( may help.
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Homebrew Channel - for Wii mini only"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
The Homebrew Channel is where you will go to launch homebrew applications.
@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
title: "Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation"
title: "Homebrew-Kanal und BootMii-Installation"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
The Homebrew Channel is where you will go to launch homebrew applications. BootMii is a piece of software that can backup and restore your Wii's NAND storage, and if installed in boot2, provide brick protection.
Mit dem Homebrew-Kanal kannst du Homebrew-Anwendungen ausführen. BootMii ist eine Software durch die der NAND-Speicher deiner Wii gesichert und wiederhergestellt werden kann, und die zusätzlichen Brick-Schutz bietet, wenn sie als boot2 installiert wird.
BootMii can be installed in two ways: directly to a part of the Wii bootloader called boot2, and via an IOS. BootMii under boot2 is preferred as it provides extended brick protection, but Wiis with a vulnerable boot2 are considerably rarer, having been manufactured before 2009. In most cases, installing BootMii as IOS should be fine, as long as you also install [Priiloader](priiloader).
{: .notice--info}
If you do not have an SD card, you cannot install nor use BootMii, regardless of whether you install it as IOS or boot2. You can always [install it later](hackmii).
If you do not have an SD card, you cannot install nor use BootMii, and therefore will not be able to utilize any of the mentioned benefits. <br> You can always [install it at a later date](hackmii).
{: .notice--warning}
### Anleitung
1. Your console should be powered on and showing the HackMii Installer from the previous part of the guide.
+ You will see a scam warning screen.
+ Du wirst eine Betrugswarnung sehen.

1. Wait 30 seconds for the text "Press 1 to continue" to appear, then press 1.
1. Select `Continue`.
1. Warte 30 Sekunden, bis der Text "Press 1 to continue" erscheint und drücke dann die 1-Taste.
1. Select `Exit` to finally open the Homebrew Channel.

@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ If you do not have an SD card, you cannot install nor use BootMii, regardless of

1. Once it is completed, select `Continue`.
1. Select `Continue` when finished.

1. Select `Back`, then select `BootMii`.
1. Once installed, select `Back`, then select `BootMii`.

@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ If you do not have an SD card, you cannot install nor use BootMii, regardless of

1. Once it is completed, select `Continue`.
1. If you have the option to `Install BootMii as boot2`, please do so as well.
1. Once done, select `Continue`.
1. If you couldn't install BootMii, continue to [installing Priiloader](priiloader).

1. Select `Exit`.
1. If BootMii says that it `can only be installed as an IOS`, that's normal.
1. Your console will have booted into the Homebrew Channel.
### Required Reading
You can now use the Homebrew Channel to launch homebrew apps, as well as BootMii for backing up and restoring your NAND if you were able to install it.
You can now use the Homebrew Channel to launch homebrew apps.
Note: When installing homebrew applications on your SD Card or USB drive, your folder structure should look like this:
Here's a tip - when installing homebrew applications on your SD Card or USB drive, your folder structure should look like this:
💾 SD Card or USB Drive
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ Note: When installing homebrew applications on your SD Card or USB drive, your f
`AppName1` and `AppName2` are placeholder names. Do not nest multiple `apps` folders inside the `apps` folder itself.
[Continue to making a NAND Backup using BootMii](bootmii)<br> Making a NAND backup at this point is highly recommended, as they can be used to recover from bricks.
[Continue to making a NAND Backup using BootMii](bootmii)<br> Making a NAND backup with BootMii at this point is highly recommended.
{: .notice--info}
Tip: If a Wii has BootMii installed as boot2, your disc drive will flash very briefly after the immediate flash that happens when you press the POWER Button.
Tip: You can tell if a Wii has BootMii installed as boot2 if your disc drive flashes very briefly, only after the immediate flash that happens when you press the POWER Button.
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
layout: splash
title: "Wii Hacks Guide"
title: "Wii Guide"
overlay_color: "#121212"
overlay_image: /images/main-pages/home-page-feature.jpg
overlay_filter: 0.5
excerpt: "The complete guide to modding your Wii (and Wii mini)."
excerpt: "The complete guide to modding your Nintendo Wii."
Since this guide has just been published, translations are a work-in-progress. Thank you for your patience!
@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ Since this guide has just been published, translations are a work-in-progress. T
To get the most out of this guide, you should read this page before proceeding.
{: .notice--warning}
### What is homebrew?
### What is "homebrew"?
**Homebrew** refers to software that was not authorized by the original creator of a piece of hardware - in this case, Nintendo. In order to gain the ability to run homebrew on the Wii, the console must first be modified to run unsigned code.
[**Homebrew**]( refers to software not authorized by Nintendo. This can include games, utilities, emulators and much more!
Here are some common examples of what homebrew can do for your Wii:
Here's a list of things you can do using homebrew.
+ [Backup](bootmii) and [restore](bootmiirecover) your Wii's NAND (system memory)
+ Enhance the [brick protection](priiloader) of your Wii
+ Download new homebrew apps with the [Open Shop Channel](osc)
+ [Patch game disc contents](riivolution) to load game modifications
+ Install [themes](themes) on the Wii Menu and in commonly used homebrew apps
+ Back up your [discs](dump-games) and [other installed titles](dump-wads)
+ Install a [USB loader](wii-loaders) to launch Wii (and other console) backups from an external storage device
+ Back up and restore your [Wii](wii-saves) and [GameCube](gcsaves) save files
+ Restore online functionality to both [WiiConnect24](wiiconnect24) and [Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection](wiimmfi)
+ [Backup](bootmii) and [restore](bootmiirecover) copies of your Wii system memory (NAND) using [BootMii](hbc).
+ Protect your Wii from bricks then add hacks to your Wii Menu using [Priiloader](priiloader).
+ Download new homebrew apps with the [Open Shop Channel](hbb).
+ Patch game disc contents (allowing you to load game modifications) using [Riivolution](riivolution).
+ Install themes to your Wii Menu using [MyMenuify](themes).
+ Back up your discs with [CleanRip](/dump-games) and installed games and titles with [Yet Another BlueDump MOD](dump-wads).
+ Back up and restore your Wii save files with [SaveGame Manager GX](
+ Back up and restore your GameCube save files using [GCMM](gcsaves).
+ Restore discontinued online services using [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), [Wiimmfi](wiimmfi) and [WiiLink](wiilink).
### What does the guide install?
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ This guide aims to do the following, including optional sections:
### What should I know before starting?
+ Homebrew is 100% free, and the process of modifying your Wii is also free. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is likely attempting to [scam you](
+ Running homebrew on your Nintendo Wii can be done for free by exploiting bugs in Wii's software. Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is likely attempting to [scam you](
+ This guide works on all system menu versions depending on the exploit, but **it is recommended that you update to 4.3 (the latest firmware)** if possible.
+ **This guide applies to retail/consumer Wiis ONLY!** This means that development units are not covered, nor is the Wii U's vWii.
+ Depending on what you intend to do with your modded Wii, you may have to make some modifications to the system memory that have a risk of bricking (rendering the console inoperable). As long as you follow this guide exactly, you should be fine, but for general brick prevention tips see [this](bricks#brick-prevention) page.
@ -66,5 +66,5 @@ The guide has nine sections in total. These are listed below:
1. Regaining WiiConnect24 Functionality (OPTIONAL)
1. Regaining Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Functionality (OPTIONAL)
Continue to [Get Started](get-started)
Get started by [choosing your exploit](get-started)!
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Installing Homebrew Channel on Dolphin Emulator"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
On Dolphin Emulator version `5.0-4588` or later, the Wii Menu can be easily installed through Dolphin itself. Once this is done, the Homebrew Channel can be installed, although not in the same manner as a physical Wii.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Legacy Exploits"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This page lists different exploits that were/can still be used on the Wii to hack the console, but are no longer recommended.
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ This page lists different exploits that were/can still be used on the Wii to hac
+ Superceded by Wilbrand, functionality remains the same but Wilbrand has wider support
+ [Wiibrew Page](
#### FlashHax
#### RiiConnect24
+ Executes the chainloader via a web page in the Internet Channel
+ Works regardless of system menu version, only requirement is patience as exploit is extremely unreliable
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "LetterBomb"
title: "Spenden"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
For instructions on how to format your SD card correctly, please see [this guide]( It is highly recommended to check it due to problems with formatting as FAT32.
{: .notice--info}
@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ Do NOT use any of the MAC address examples shown in this guide, as they will sim
LetterBomb is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered using the Wii Message Board.
### Anforderungen
* An SD card formatted as FAT32
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* A Wii on System Menu version 4.3
* A Windows/MacOS/Linux computer with an Internet connection
### Anleitung
1. Power on your console.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`.
1. On your Wii, go to `Wii Settings` -> `Internet` -> `Console Information` and make note of your MAC address.
1. Take note in the top right corner of the letter next to the system version.
+ This letter corresponds to your system menu region, which you will need to know for the corresponding steps.
+ Also, ensure that you are on System Menu version 4.3.
@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ LetterBomb is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered using the Wii Message Boa

1. On your computer, open the browser and go to [the HackMii website](
1. Input your Wii MAC address and region.
1. Ensure `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` is checked.
1. Visit [](, input your Wii MAC and region, ensure `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` is checked, and cut either wire.
1. HackMii Screen
1. Cut either wire.

1. Insert your SD card into your computer.
1. Copy the `private` folder and the `boot.elf` file from the LetterBomb `.zip` to the root of your SD card.
1. Reinsert your SD card into your console.
+ The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB to SD adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu.
1. Launch the Wii Message Board.
1. Open the red letter with a bomb.
1. Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP to the root of your SD card.
+ The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. Take out your SD card and insert it in your Wii.
1. On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu and then open the Wii Message Board.
1. Load the red letter with a bomb icon.
+ Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, otherwise you might be unable to find the letter.
+ In some cases, you may need to check the messages for tommorow or yesterday for the letter to show up.
+ If you don't see the red letter, check if any errors appear in the SD card section of `Data Management`. If any do, there may be an issue with the SD card format or the Wii’s SD card reader.
+ If your Wii freezes after clicking on the letter, you most likely chose the wrong system menu region for LetterBomb. Go back to Step 2 and verify that you chose the right region.
+ In various scenarios, you may need to look at the previous or next day to find it.
+ If you don't see the red letter, check if any errors appear in the SD card sections in `Data Management`. If any do, there may be an issue with the SD card format or the Wii’s SD card reader.
+ If your Wii freezes after clicking on the letter, you probably chose the wrong region when downloading the exploit. Redo Step 2 and select the correct region.
+ If all is correct and there is freezing, keep on trying until it works.
1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the HackMii Installer.
1. Die Konsole sollte nun den HackMii Installer starten.

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "ModMii"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
@ -10,26 +10,26 @@ If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii D
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Any usage on vWii or Wii mini is untested.
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is a PC program for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding, including some tutorials that may not be currently available on this website.<br> You can choose to launch in ModMii skin, which has a more user-friendly interface, or launch in ModMii Classic, which uses a command-line (Command Prompt/Terminal) interface.
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the features available in ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* A Wii
* Eine Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on using ModMii on your Windows PC.
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
### ModMii Wizard
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even if it isn't).
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).
You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Alternatively, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
### HackMii Solutions Wizard
@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properl
This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, rather than use your Wii's internal NAND.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.
You can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all by navigating to ModMii's "Support" folder and launching `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`; copy the files inside it to your SD card and launch an exploit like [Wilbrand](wilbrand).
On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
When following one of the exploit guides above, avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| Tool | Beschreibung |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ When following one of the exploit guides above, avoid replacing the `boot.elf` f
<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
| Option | Description |
| Option | Beschreibung |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Open Shop Channel"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
For support (in English) with the Open Shop Channel, join [Open Shop Channel on Discord](
{: .notice--primary}
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ There are two methods to use the Open Shop Channel: on your Wii through the Home
#### Anforderungen
+ A homebrewed Wii with an active Internet connection
+ An SD card or USB drive
+ Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
+ [The Homebrew Browser](
#### Anleitung
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ There are two methods to use the Open Shop Channel: on your Wii through the Home
#### Anforderungen
+ A Windows/macOS/Linux computer with an internet connection
+ An SD card or USB drive
+ Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
+ The latest version of [OSCDL](
#### Instructions for Windows
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Priiloader Usage
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
Priiloader is an essential tool that adds a level of brick protection to your Wii. It loads before the Wii System Menu does. The tool can also apply hacks that are used to enhance, unlock, and/or fix many System Menu features.
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
title: "Priiloader"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
[Priiloader]( is an essential tool authored by [DacoTaco]( that adds a level of brick protection to your Wii. It loads before the Wii System Menu does. The tool can also apply hacks that are used to enhance, unlock, and/or fix many System Menu features.
Priiloader adds a level of brick protection to your Wii. It loads before the Wii Menu does (hence the name). The tool can also enable hacks for your Wii Menu, and be used to quickly launch the Homebrew Channel, BootMii, or whatever homebrew you want!
Additionally, it can be used to quickly launch any Title or Homebrew, or change the way Wii autoboots.
@ -14,43 +14,43 @@ For more information about Priiloader and its options, you can see the [Priiload
### Anforderungen
* An SD card or USB drive
* [Priiloader Installer]( (the `.zip` file)
* [Load Priiloader]( (the `.zip` file)
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* Download the [UNEO Channel Booter for Priiloader](
#### Optional Requirements for vWii (highly recommended)
* An SD card
* [Priiloader Wii U Forwarder]( (direct download)
* [Aroma]( must be installed on your console for Priiloader Wii U Forwarder to function.
* Allows you to copy normally disallowed save files to your SD card from Data Management
* Download the USB Loader GX forwarder WAD ([Wii](, [vWii](
* Your Wii should now automatically boot to whichever homebrew app you installed.
### Anleitung
{% capture vwii-notes %}
{% capture notice-vwii-priiloader %}
If you are using a vWii:
+ Do NOT install a theme after installing Priiloader, or you will BRICK your vWii!
+ Priiloader does not have any impact on Wii U VC titles.
+ Installing a theme after installing Priiloader **will brick your vWii.**
+ Priiloader 0.10.0 introduces vWii support!
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--danger">{{ vwii-notes | markdownify }}</div>
<div class="notice--danger">{{ notice-vwii-priiloader }}</div>
#### Section I - Prep Work
1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the LoadPriiloader `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the priiloader `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. (vWii only) Copy the `wiiu` folder from the PriiloaderWiiUForwarder `.zip` to the root of your SD card.
1. Extract both apps to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Extract the `UNEO Channel Booter for` file anywhere.
1. Copy `uneoboot.dol` to the root of your SD card.
1. Sends Wii Menu logs to a debugging device in memory card slot B, if the Wii Menu is launched by Gecko OS.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
#### Section II - Installing Priiloader
#### Abschnitt 2 - Priiloader installieren
1. Power on your console.
1. Starte den Homebrewkanal.
1. Launch Priiloader installer from the list of homebrew.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel, and launch the Load Priiloader app.
1. Starte den Priiloader Installer.
1. Press the + Button on Wii Remote or the A Button on a GameCube controller.

@ -68,39 +68,39 @@ If you are using a vWii:
Later on, to enter it you can:
+ Hold the RESET on a Wii while turning it on
+ Holding RESET on a Wii while turning it on.
+ Wii Only
+ Hold the ESC key on a connected USB keyboard while turning on the console
+ Holding the ESC key on a USB keyboard while turning on the console.
+ Wii, vWii and Mini
+ Run the "Load Priiloader" tool from the HBC
+ Wii, vWii and Mini
+ Run the "Priiloader Wii U Forwarder" tool
+ Starte den Homebrew-Kanal auf deiner Wii.
+ vWii Only
#### Section IV - Configuring Priiloader
#### Configuring Priiloader
1. Scroll down to `System Menu Hacks` and press `A`.

If you have put the Priiloader installer on your USB drive, make sure you do not have an SD card inserted at the same time. <br> Doing so will cause Priiloader to fail to find the `hacks_hash.ini` file.
If you have put the Priiloader installer on your USB drive, make sure you do not have an SD card inserted at the same time. <br> This causes Priiloader to fail to find the `hacks_hash.ini` file.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Scroll down to each of the following options and press `A`:
1. Scroll down to `Settings` and press A.
+ `Block Online Updates`
+ If you are NOT using a CRT display: `Remove Deflicker`
1. For the following options, enable the options according to your console:
+ Wii:
+ If you are using 480p mode: `480p graphics fix in the system menu`
+ 480p graphics fix in system menu
+ Block Disc Updates
+ Wii mini:
+ Block Disc UPdates
+ Block Disc Updates
1. Scroll down to `save settings` and press A.
1. Press `B` to return to the main menu.
### Wii mini: Next Steps
Continue to [Wii mini cIOS](cios-mini)<br> This guide provides installation instructions for cIOS on Wii minis.
[Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding](dosanddonts)<br> These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii.
{: .notice--info}
### Wii: Next Steps
@ -111,5 +111,5 @@ If you have made it to this point, congrats! You are finished with the required
Continue to [cIOS](cios)<br> This guide provides steps on how to get a basic set of cIOS installed on your Wii, enabling functionality on apps like USB loaders.
{: .notice--info}
[View the Brick Prevention Guidelines](bricks#brick-prevention)<br> These guidelines list ways that to avoid bricking your Wii, beyond just having BootMii and Priiloader installed.
Allows the Wii Menu to launch discs (this is only the Wii Backup Disc) that use IOS16.
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: Recommended Homebrew
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This page outlines homebrew that are recommended by the staff for being useful, nice to have, or just flat out good. Take full advantage of the power you now have with your Wii!
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Homebrew that has the ability to make permanant changes to your Wii are highligh
### Games and Loaders
+ [**Riivolution**]( - An on-the-fly game patcher for use with retail game discs. It allows users to place content on an SD card or a USB device, which is subsequently read by the game during normal play. Riivolution can be used for custom textures, music, levels, memory patches, game translations, and more!
+ [**Riivolution**]( - An on-the-fly game patcher for use with retail game discs. It allows users to place content on an SD card or a USB device, which is subsequently read by the game during normal play. Riivolution can be used for custom textures, music, levels, memory patches, game translations, and more!
+ [USB Loaders](wii-loaders) - A general recommendation for a USB loader of any kind, which allows you to play game backups of retail discs. Further information can be found in our linked guide, which encompasses both Wii and GameCube loaders.
+ [CavEX]( - A project aiming to recreate the core survival experience of your favorite block game on the Wii up to Beta 1.7.3.
+ [Sonic CD]( - A port of the Sonic CD 2011 re-release from the RSDKv3 decompilation. **The app requires assets from the official release in order to run**.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Recovery Mode"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
Recovery Mode is a last resort method for recovering your Wii console from a brick before resorting to hard-modding and manual NAND programming. This mode was accessed by Nintendo employees in the factory by the usage of a special dongle, but the input needed to access it can easily be replicated in the present with a GameCube controller. Essentially, Recovery Mode puts a Wii Menu in a state where programs can be executed from a disc, including some retail games. This guide will instruct you on how to recover from bricks (especially Korean Kii/Error 003) with it.
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
title: "RiiConnect24"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
For support (in English) with RiiConnect24, as well as RiiTag, join [RiiConnect24 on Discord](
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--primary}
[RiiConnect24]( allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail.
It's recommended to set your Wii to the current time before proceeding. Follow [this tutorial](wiiconnect24#updating-rtc-clock) in order to set it.
It's recommended to set your Wii to the current time before proceeding. Follow [this tutorial](rtc) in order to set it.
{: .notice--warning}
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick th
### Anforderungen
If you are on vWii, you will also need [Priiloader](priiloader) installed with the WC24 hacks.
Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-vwii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U).
{: .notice--primary}
+ An SD card or USB drive
+ Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
+ A Wii with an Internet connection
+ A PC with an Internet connection
+ [RiiConnect24 Patcher (Windows, Mac and Linux)](
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ If you are on vWii, you will also need [Priiloader](priiloader) installed with t
#### Section I - Using RiiConnect24 Patcher
1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
1. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a macOS/Linux system.
1. Run the RiiConnect24 patcher.
1. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a Unix system
1. RiiConnect24 Patcher Main Screen
+ On Windows run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`.
+ On macOS/Linux systems, open Terminal and type `bash`, then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: `bash <directory>/<directory>/`.
+ On Unix systems, open Terminal and type `bash`, then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: `bash`.
1. Press 1 to choose "`Start`" and confirm your selection by pressing `ENTER`.

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ If you are on vWii, you will also need [Priiloader](priiloader) installed with t

1. Select your region.
1. Wähle deine Region.

@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ If you are on vWii, you will also need [Priiloader](priiloader) installed with t

1. Once you reach the screen that says `Patching done`, you can exit the patcher. All the files should already be on your SD card.
1. Once you reach the screen that says `Patching done`, you can exit the patcher. All the files should already be on your SD Card.


1. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` or `` to your SD Card or USB Device.
1. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device.
#### Section II - Installing WADs
#### Abschnitt 2 - WADs Installieren
If you are using Dolphin, you have finished the guide. Install the WADs by going to `Tools -> Install WAD` within Dolphin.
{: .notice--primary}
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ You will now install the patched IOS and Channel WADs that are required to use R
1. Extract the YAWM ModMii Edition `.zip` file, and copy the `apps` folder to your SD card or USB drive.
1. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii.
1. Starte den Homebrew-Kanal auf deiner Wii.
1. Launch YAWM ModMii Edition.
1. Select the device you have put the RiiConnect24 files on.
1. Highlight all the WADs in the `wad` folder by pressing the + Button to select them. When all of the WADs are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
@ -101,18 +101,18 @@ You will now patch your `nwc24msg.cfg` file which is required in order to use Wi
1. Launch RiiConnect24 Mail Patcher.
1. It should only take a few seconds to patch your nwc24msg.cfg. When it's done, press the HOME Button to exit.
#### Section IV - Connecting to RiiConnect24
#### Abschnitt 4 - Verbindung
The old DNS server `` has been deprecated as of `June 1st, 2023` and is no longer available to use.
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that RiiConnect24 does not support.
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107245, you did not install the patched IOS.<br> If you get error 220602, see [this](faq#for-riiconnect24-users) page.<br> If you get error 107304, see [this](faq#for-riiconnect24-users-1) page.<br>
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS.<br>
{: .notice--warning}
You will now set your DNS to RiiConnect24 servers. This is optional but recommended, because it enhances the use of RiiConnect24 and Wiimmfi by making some other features available.
You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended, because it enhances the use of RiiConnect24 and Wiimmfi by making some other features available.
1. Go to `Wii Options`.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`.
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ You will now set your DNS to RiiConnect24 servers. This is optional but recommen
1. If the connection test was successful, select `No` to skip the Wii System Update.
1. Go to `WiiConnect24`, then `WiiConnect24` again, and make sure it is enabled.
1. Back on the WiiConnect24 menu, go to `Standby Connection` and make sure it is enabled.
1. At `Slot Illumination`, it is recommend you set the disc light to `Dim` or `Bright`, but this is optional.
1. At `Slot Illumination`, we recommend you set the disc light to `Dim` or `Bright`, but this is optional.
1. Finally, go to the `Internet` section, then `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`, then `Yes`. Please read through this.
[Return to WiiConnect24](wiiconnect24)
@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
title: "Installing RSSMii"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This guide provides instructions on installing RSSMii, a homebrew app that parses RSS feeds from your SD card and sends them to your Wii Menu.
Do you want to get RSS feed updates on your Wii Message Board? This tutorial will tell you how to set RSSMii up.
Due to the nature of RSS feeds and the large amount of mail they can generate, this app has a larger than zero chance of [bricking](bricks#mail-brick) your Wii. Consider using News Channel from a WiiConnect24 revival provider instead, and request an addition to their service should you find out that your intended RSS feed isn't being provided. If you decide to use RSSMii anyway, limit the number of feeds you subscribe to.
{: .notice--danger}
If you're not receiving updates after a few days, you might need to subscribe to the RSS feeds again. Launch RSSMii from the Homebrew Channel again and it should create new subscriptions.
If you're not receiving updates after a few days, you might need to subscribe to the RSS feeds again. Launch RSSMii from the Homebrew Channel again and it'll create brand new subscriptions.
{: .notice--info}
### Anforderungen
@ -21,28 +21,28 @@ If you're not receiving updates after a few days, you might need to subscribe to
#### Section I - Downloading/Installing
1. Extract RSSMii and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card.
1. Create a `feeds.xml` on the root of the SD card so the app can parse your feeds.
1. We need to create a `feeds.xml` on the root of the SD card so the app will know what feeds to subscribe you to.
+ If you're using Windows, you can use [RSS Feeds Creator]( It will automatically create a `feeds.xml` file and will copy it to your SD card.
+ If you're using the Windows Operating System, you can use the [RSS Feeds Creator]( program created by KcrPL. It will automatically create a `feeds.xml` file and will copy it to your SD card!
+ If you don't have a Windows computer, use this template to make the `feeds.xml`.
+ If you don't have a Windows computer, use this template and use your favorite text editor to make the `feeds.xml`.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed name="Example-Feed"><![CDATA[]]></feed>
<feed name="One more Example-Feed!"><![CDATA[]]></feed>
<feed name="Example-Feed"><![CDATA[]]></feed>
<feed name="One more Example-Feed!"><![CDATA[]]></feed>
Replace the "name" portion with the title you want to put for the feed. Try to limit its length where possible. Then, replace the link portion with the link to the RSS feed. You can put as many feeds as you want. Don't delete the "CDATA" part.
Replace the "name" portion with the title you want to put for the feed. Make sure it's not very long, since there's not that much space. Then, replace the link portion with the link to the RSS feed. You can put as many feeds as you want. Don't delete the "CDATA" part.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed name="RiiConnect24 Medium"><![CDATA[]]></feed>
<feed name="RiiConnect24 Twitter"><![CDATA[]]></feed>
<feed name="RiiConnect24 Medium"><![CDATA[]]></feed>
<feed name="RiiConnect24 Twitter"><![CDATA[]]></feed>
Save the feed you made to the root of your SD Card.
@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ If you're not receiving updates after a few days, you might need to subscribe to
1. Press A to confirm you want to subscribe to the feeds. Ignore the error about ES_GetTitleID, everything is fine.
1. Once everything is done, press HOME to go back to the Homebrew Channel. You should soon get RSS feed updates on your Wii, enjoy!
### Removal
### rssmii-remove
#### What you need
* An SD card
* [RSSMii Remover](
* [RSSMii entfernen](
#### Anleitung
#### /images/rssmii.png
1. Extract RSSMii Remover and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card.
1. Delete the `feeds.xml` file on the root of your SD card.
@ -5,38 +5,37 @@ sitemap: false
{% capture notice-1 %}
+ [Home](/)
+ [Erste Schritte](get-started)
+ [FAQ](faq)
+ [Donations](donations)
+ [Homebrew Browser](/)
+ [Start](get-started)
+ [FAQ (Häufig gestellte Fragen)](faq)
+ [Spenden](donations)
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--info">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
{% capture notice-2 %}
**Wii Online Services**
+ [Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection](wiimmfi)
+ [Setting RTC Time](wiiconnect24#updating-rtc-clock)
+ [WiiConnect24](wiiconnect24)
{% endcapture %}
+ RiiConnect24, WiiLink, and Wiimmfi
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-2 | markdownify }}</div>
{% capture notice-3 %}
**Modding 101 - Exploits**
+ [BlueBomb](bluebomb)
+ [FlashHax](flashhax)
+ [Credits](bluebomb)
+ [RiiConnect24](flashhax)
+ [Legacy Exploits](legacy-exploits)
+ [LetterBomb](letterbomb)
+ [str2hax](str2hax)
+ [Wilbrand](wilbrand)
+ [Spenden](letterbomb)
+ [Wiimmfi](Wiimmfi)
+ [Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-3 | markdownify }}</div>
{% capture notice-4 %}
**Modding 101 - Wii Essentials**
**Playing Wii Game Mods**
+ [BootMii Backup](bootmii)
+ [BootMii-Wiederherstellung](bootmiirecover)
+ [Brick Overview](bricks)
+ [BootMii Recovery (RestoreMii)](bootmiirecover)
+ [Types of Bricks](bricks)
+ [Brick Prevention](bricks#brick-prevention)
+ [cIOS](cios)
+ [Homebrew Channel](hbc)
@ -45,33 +44,28 @@ sitemap: false
+ [Priiloader](priiloader)
+ [Relaunching the HackMii Installer](hackmii)
+ [Updating Wii Menu to v4.3](update)
+ [Wii mini NAND Dumper](wnd-mini)
+ [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme)
{% endcapture %}
+ [Wii Mod Lite](wnd-mini)
+ YAWM ModMii Edition
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-4 | markdownify }}</div>
{% capture notice-5 %}
+ [Creating Wii Game Shortcuts](wiigsc)
+ [Verknüpfungen für Wii-Spiele erstellen](wiigsc)
+ [GameCube Backup Manager](gcbackupmanager)
+ [How to dump Channels (WADs)](dump-wads)
+ [How to dump GameCube/Wii Games](dump-games)
+ [RSSMii](rssmii)
+ [Installing RSSMii](rssmii)
+ [Managing GameCube Save Files](gcsaves)
+ [Nintendont](nintendont)
+ [Playing Wii Game Mods](riivolution)
+ [Priiloader Usage](priiloader-usage)
+ [Recommended Homebrew](recommended-homebrew)
+ [USB Loaders](wii-loaders)
+ [Using SysCheck](syscheck)
+ [Empfohlen](recommended-homebrew)
+ [USB Loader GX](wii-loaders)
+ [Performing a SysCheck](syscheck)
+ [Wii Backup Manager](wiibackupmanager)
+ [Wii Themes Guide](themes)
{% endcapture %}
+ Installing Wii Menu Themes on vWii
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-5 | markdownify }}</div>
{% capture notice-6 %}
**Wii mini**
+ [Installing the Homebrew Channel on the Wii mini](hbc-mini)
+ [Installing cIOS on the Wii mini](cios-mini)
{% endcapture %}
+ [Installation des Homebrew-Kanal auf der Wii mini](hbc-mini)
+ Installation von cIOS auf der Wii Mini
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-6 | markdownify }}</div>
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "str2hax"
title: "Wiimmfi"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
Note that if your ISP or networking environment prevents using custom DNS servers, str2hax will not work and you should [choose another exploit to use](get-started).
{: .notice--warning}
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ str2hax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by loading the Wii's End Use
### Anforderungen
* A Wii with an Internet connection
* Eine Wii mit Internetverbindung
### Anleitung
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ If the HackMii Installer doesn't load after more than 2 minutes, or you receive
If you have installed a mod like CTGP Revolution or Project+, str2hax may load that instead. If it does, restart your Wii and try again without your SD card inserted.
{: .notice--warning}
#### Section I - Connecting
#### Abschnitt 1 - Verbinden
This exploit requires you to set your DNS in order to connect to a server that contains the exploit.
@ -39,34 +39,34 @@ This exploit requires you to set your DNS in order to connect to a server that c

1. Navigate to `Page 2` -> `Internet` -> `Connection Settings`.
1. Go to `Connection Settings`.


1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings`.
1. Connection Settings


1. Set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `No`, then click `Advanced Settings`.
1. Go to `Auto-Obtain DNS` (Not IP Address), then select `No`, then `Advanced Settings`.

1. Set the Primary DNS to ``.
1. Type in `` as the Primary DNS.

If there are 3 fields instead of 2 (like above), go back and make sure you are on the `Auto-Obtain DNS` page.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Click `Confirm`, then click `Save`.
1. Select `Confirm`, then select `Save`.

1. When prompted, click `OK` to perform the connection test.
1. Select `OK` to perform a connection test.

@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ This exploit requires you to set your DNS in order to connect to a server that c
+ If it fails with error code `521xx`, please verify that you have entered the DNS correctly.
+ If it is still unsuccessful, please [use another exploit](get-started).
#### Section II - Triggering the Exploit
#### Abschnitt 2 - Ausführen des Exploits
1. Navigate to `Internet` -> `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`.
1. Select `Yes`.
1. Click on `Next`.
1. Go to the `Internet` section, then `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`, then `Yes`.
1. Go to `Change Settings`.
1. Go to `Page 2`, then click on `Internet`.
+ You should be greeted with the following screen:

1. Give the exploit 1-2 minutes to download (and don't press `I ACCEPT`/`I DO NOT ACCEPT`).
1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the HackMii Installer.
1. Die Konsole sollte nun den HackMii Installer starten.

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
title: "SysCheck"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
A SysCheck lists all the IOS and cIOS that are on your Wii, along with some information about each of them. It also gives you some other useful information. When you have IOS-related problems on your Wii, someone might ask you to do a SysCheck.
### Anforderungen
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [SysCheck ModMii Edition](
### Anleitung
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ A SysCheck lists all the IOS and cIOS that are on your Wii, along with some info

1. If you want to share the SysCheck, you can share the `syscheck.csv` file on the root of your SD card or USB drive. You can also press `A`, which will upload the report to [](
1. You can also share the `sysCheck.csv` saved to the root of your SD Card or USB Drive. If you want to share the SysCheck, you can press the `A` Button, which will upload it to []( and give you a link.
[Klicke hier, um zum Seitenindex zurückzukehren.](site-navigation)
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
title: "Wii Themes"
title: "RiiConnect24 Themes Page"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This guide is intended to be the last you will ever need when it comes to theming on the Wii, not only providing instructions for the Wii Menu through MyMenuifyMod, but also with themes on WiiFlow Lite, USB Loader GX, and The Homebrew Channel. Additionally, forwarders are covered.
This guide is intended for regular Wiis only. For installing themes on vWii (Wii U), follow [this page](themes-vwii). Additionally, forwarders are covered.
{: .notice--danger}
MyMenuifyMod has built in safety features to prevent from installing bad or corrupt Wii Menu themes, so please opt to use it instead of other theme installation homebrew.
For safety purposes, please do not use any other version of MyMenuify than the one linked here, as MyMenuify Mod is the safest way to install a theme.
{: .notice--warning}
Do not use any other version of ThemeMii than the one linked here, as ThemeMii Mod allows you to make a theme for Wii Menu version 4.3, other versions may not.
{: .notice--warning}
### Wii Menu Theming
### Wii-Menü-Designs installieren
Only install themes on your Wii that have been formatted specifically for its version and current region. Installing themes from the wrong version or region on your Wii will cause a [brick](bricks#theme-brick). This tutorial will tell you how to create a .csm file that is safe to install.
Only install themes on your Wii that have been formatted specifically for it, and its current region. Installing themes from the wrong region or version on your Wii will cause a brick. This tutorial will tell you how to create a .csm file that is safe to install.
{: .notice--danger}
Before proceeding, it helps to know the difference between .MYM and .CSM as file formats when used in Wii Menu theming. While the MYM is made by the theme creator which can then be shared around, the CSM is the result from building a MYM into a system menu. In other words, MYM mainly just holds assets - the actual system menu itself that needs to be installed comes seperate.
@ -25,65 +25,65 @@ Before proceeding, it helps to know the difference between .MYM and .CSM as file
#### Theme Sources
+ [Wii Theme Team Creations]( (.mym file distribution)
+ [Wii Theme Google Drive]( (.mym file distribution)
+ [GBAtemp Other Files for Wii]( (.mym file distribution)
+ [Wii Themer]( (online theme builder for specific versions and regions, ready to install .csm themes)
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
* A modded Wii
* An SD card or USB device
* Eine Wii
* Extract to your SD card or USB drive.
* A Windows/macOS/Linux PC with an Internet connection
* [MyMenuifyMod](
* [MyMenuify Mod](
* [ThemeMii Mod](/assets/files/
#### Building a Theme
If you don't want to go through the hassle of using an external program to build a theme, you can also download a prebuilt theme from Wii Themer and skip to [Theme Installation](themes#theme-installation).
1. Once you download the theme you want and double-check that you have the right one for your system menu version and region, extract the .zip file for ThemeMii Mod and open the application.
1. Go to `Tools` > `Download Base App` > `Version of your Wii Menu` > `Region of your Wii Menu`.
1. A dialog box will pop-up asking you to enter in a value to create a key. Enter what it says, and it will create a key that will be used to decrypt the Wii Menu contents from Nintendo's servers.
1. A file selection box will ask you where to save the .app file (that is the Wii Menu content file that it downloaded). Save it to the directory where ThemeMii is in.
1. Once you downloaded the theme you want and double-checked you got the right one, extract the .zip file for ThemeMii Mod and open the application.
1. Go to `Tools` > `Download Base App` > Version of your Wii Menu > Region of your Wii Menu
1. A dialog box will pop up asking you to enter in a value to create a key. Enter in what it says, it will create a key that will be used to decrypt the Wii Menu contents from Nintendo's servers.
1. A file selection box will ask you where to save the .app file (that is the Wii Menu content file it downloaded). Save it to the directory where ThemeMii is in.
1. Go to `File` > `Open`, then browse for where your .mym file is.
1. Press `Create csm`, then browse for a directory you want to save the theme in. Give it a moment to build the theme.
1. A dialog box will pop up asking you if you want to save the .mym. Press `No`.
#### Theme Installation
1. Install MyMenuifyMod.
1. Create a new directory on your SD card or USB device called `modthemes` if it does not already exist.
1. Abschnitt 3 - Das Design installieren
1. Put the .csm file you saved in a folder called `modthemes` on your SD card or USB drive.
1. Copy the theme file to the storage medium under the `modthemes` directory.
1. Put the storage medium in your Wii and boot it up.
1. Go into MyMenuifyMod, and acknowledge the disclaimer. It will ask what IOS you want to use in the app. Select `IOS58`.
1. Go to `Options` > `Standard System Menu` > Version of your Wii Menu > Region of your Wii Menu
1. Go into MyMenuifyMod, and acknowledge the disclaimer. After an introduction message, it will ask you what IOS you want to use in the app. Select `IOS58`.
If you get `Exception DSI occured!`, press RESET on your Wii and try again.
If the former gives an `Exception DSI occurred!` error, press Reset on the Wii console, launch it again, then try `IOS250`.
{: .notice--info}
1. Select your storage medium, and you should now see a selection of your themes.

1. Select the theme you would like to install. If it is signed, MyMenuifyMod will indicate it to you, otherwise it will warn you. Be absolutely sure at this point that you have downloaded the correct theme for your system menu version and region.
1. Find a theme you want to install. If it is signed, MyMenuifyMod will indicate it to you, otherwise it will warn you. Be absolutely sure at this point that you have downloaded the correct theme for your system menu version and region.
1. Install the theme.
1. Reboot into the Wii Menu, and see if the theme successfully installed. If all goes well, you will have a result similar to the below!
1. Highlight the theme you want to install, then press A. Give it a moment to install the theme, then press any button to go to the Wii Menu. Hopefully, the theme installed correctly. If all goes well, you will have a result similar to the below!

### WiiFlow Lite Theming
### Wii Theme Team Creations v2
Unfortunately, because of the codebase difference between the original WiiFlow and the newer WiiFlow Lite, themes are sparse - in fact, only one theme could be found that confidently works on the newer version. The instructions for installing that theme are below.
#### Anforderungen
#### Abschnitt 2 - Das Design erstellen
* A modded Wii
* An SD card or USB device
* [WiiFlow Lite](wii-loaders#wiiflow-lite)
* A Linux/macOS/Windows PC with an Internet connection
* You probably will pick the download link that says 4.X, that means the theme will work on version 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 of the Wii Menu.
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [](wii-loaders#wiiflow-lite)
* Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, trete bitte dem [RiiConnect24 Discord-Server]( bei (empfohlen), oder kontaktiere uns [per E-Mail unter](
* [Rhapsodii Shima](
#### Anleitung
#### We recommend you [install cIOS](cios) before continuing.
1. Have the storage device that holds WiiFlow Lite connected to your PC.
1. Download the Rhapsodii Shima archive, either version of the theme works and can be installed side-by-side with no issues.
@ -92,32 +92,32 @@ Unfortunately, because of the codebase difference between the original WiiFlow a
### USB Loader GX Theming
#### Anforderungen
#### Design-Links
* A modded Wii
* An SD card or USB device
* Some themes have different links for different regions, so pick the one corresponding to your Wii's region.
* Google Drive Repository
* [USB Loader GX](wii-loaders#usb-loader-gx)
* A Linux/macOS/Windows PC with an Internet connection
* Below are some links to themes.
* A [theme](, this link contains an assortment of dark themes
#### Anleitung
1. Download a theme `.zip` file from the website linked above, or anywhere else you can get a proper theme.
1. Unpack the `.zip` file's contents into the `apps\usbloader_gx` directory on the storage device where you installed USB Loader GX.
1. Put the storage medium in your Wii and boot it up.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii.
1. Start USB Loader GX, go to the `Settings` menu, and then go to `Theme Menu`.
1. Open the theme and install it.
### Homebrew Channel Theming
#### Anforderungen
#### Abschnitt 1 - Ein Design finden
* A modded Wii
* An SD card or USB device
* A Linux/macOS/Windows PC with an internet connection
* A [theme]( from WiiBrew
* Wii Themer
* Ein Computer mit Windows (oder nutze Mono oder Wine auf macOS/Linux)
#### Anleitung
1. Download a theme `.zip` file from the website linked above.
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Unfortunately, because of the codebase difference between the original WiiFlow a

1. Reinsert the storage device into your Wii and enter the Homebrew Channel.
1. Launch MyMenuify Mod from the Homebrew Channel.
1. The theme you just installed can be loaded in the same way that you access a standard app.

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Make sure you have installed [cIOS](cios) before following this!
##### What you need
* The Homebrew Channel on both systems
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [SaveGame Manager GX](
##### Anleitung
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ Make sure you have installed [cIOS](cios) before following this!
* The Homebrew Channel on your Wii/vWii
* [SaveGame Manager GX](
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* Latest beta version of Dolphin Emulator
##### Anleitung
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Make sure you have installed [cIOS](cios) before following this!
##### What you need
* The Homebrew Channel on your Wii/vWii
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [SaveGame Manager GX](
##### Anleitung
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Make sure you have installed [cIOS](cios) before following this!
##### What you need
* a Wii with GameCube ports and the Homebrew Channel installed
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [GCMM](
##### Anleitung
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ div id="emumc-gcmc" class="tabcontent to" markdown="1">
##### What you need
* The Homebrew Channel installed on your Wii
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [GCMM](
##### Individual memcards (.gci files)
@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
title: "Updating Wii Menu to v4.3"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, if you have already homebrewed your Wii.
It is much safer to use [ModMii](modmii) (Windows only) to update your Wii to 4.3.
{: .notice--warning}
### Anforderungen
### Voraussetzungen
* An SD card or USB drive
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* A computer with Windows on it
* [NUS Downloader](
* [Priiloader](priiloader)
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ It is much safer to use [ModMii](modmii) (Windows only) to update your Wii to 4.
### Anleitung
#### Section I - Downloading
#### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen
Your Wii must be modded in order to perform this. If it isn't, then it's best to follow [the guide](get-started) first.
Your Wii must be modded in order to perform this. If it isn't, then it's best to follow [the guide](get-started) first before doing this.
{: .notice--info}
1. Extract the .zip file for NUS Downloader Wii and open the application.
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ Your Wii must be modded in order to perform this. If it isn't, then it's best to
| ------ | ---------------- |
| Japan | v512 (4.3J) |
| USA | v513 (4.3U) |
| Europe | v514 (4.3E) |
| Europa | v514 (4.3E) |
| Korea | v518 (4.3K) |
#### Section II - Installing
1. Power off your console. Start holding RESET, then turn it back on.
1. Power off your Wii. Start holding RESET, then turn it back on.
1. In the Priiloader menu, select `Homebrew Channel`.
* If the Priiloader menu does not appear, please [install it immediately](priiloader). Priiloader is required for this guide.
1. Launch YAWM ModMii Edition.
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Wii Backup Loaders"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This guide introduces Wii backup loaders. They can be primarily used to load game backups on an SD or USB that were dumped from a retail game disc. Depending on the loader, there may also be extensions to allow it to function as a frontend for non-Wii games as well. The two most commonly used loaders are USB Loader GX and WiiFlow Lite (a regularly updated mod of the original WiiFlow) - one loader may work better for you than the other, so it's worth trying both out.
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ Below is a single WBFS example, and a split WBFS example.
┗ 📜gameid.wbf1
### WiiFlow Lite
#### Anforderungen
+ A modded Wii
+ Eine Wii
+ The latest version of [cIOS](cios)
+ [WiiFlow](
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ When you bring the cursor to the bottom of the screen while in flow view, there
### USB Loader GX
#### Anforderungen
+ A modded Wii
+ Eine Wii
+ The latest version of [cIOS](cios)
+ [USB Loader GX](
@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ To change the cIOS used for a specific game, follow the instructions specific to
+ Try using 248, 249, 250 or 251.
1. Press OK and try to load the game.
#### WiiFlow Lite
1. Select the game that isn't working.
1. Click the gear icon.
1. Go to cIOS and use the arrows to select the IOS slot to use.
+ Try using 248, 249, 250 or 251.
1. Press Save and try to load the game.
[Continue to Nintendont](nintendont) Now that you have installed a USB loader of some type for Wii games, you can install a similar type of application for effectively native playback of GameCube games.
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{: .notice--info}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Wii Backup Manager"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
Wii Backup Manager is a program to copy Wii games from your computer to a USB drive so you can play the games on your Wii. It also can download game covers from [GameTDB]( and can be used to list what games you have. This tutorial will tell you how to copy over games from your computer to your USB drive. The other features are able to be used in the easy-to-use interface.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Wii Backup Manager is a program to copy Wii games from your computer to a USB dr
* [Wii Backup Manager](
It is recommended you copy games over with [Witgui]( if you use macOS, or [Wii Backup Fusion]( for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Wii Backup Manager is only compatible with Windows.
We recommend you copy games over with [Witgui]( if you use macOS, or [Wii Backup Fusion]( for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Wii Backup Manager is only compatible with Windows.
{: .notice--info}
For storing multiple games, we recommend an external hard drive for your Wii. We will refer to it as a "USB drive" in this guide. Most of those found on the market should work fine.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32. Do not format it as other types
### Anleitung
#### Section I - Downloading
#### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen
1. Extract Wii Backup Manager, and launch the program.
1. Insert your USB drive or SD card into your computer.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32. Do not format it as other types

1. Go to the `Files` tab, then select `Add`.
+ Select `Files` to add multiple games to the program, or select `Folder` to add a whole folder of games.
+ <br> Select `Files` to add multiple games to the program, or select `Folder` to add a whole folder of games.

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32. Do not format it as other types
[Continue to cIOS](cios)<br> cIOS is needed for your Wii to use a USB Loader.
{: .notice--info}
You can now use [USB Loader GX or WiiFlow](wii-loaders) to play games from your USB drive or SD card.
[Continue to cIOS](cios)<br> cIOS is needed for your Wii to use a USB Loader.
{: .notice--info}
[Klicke hier, um zum Seitenindex zurückzukehren.](site-navigation)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "WiiConnect24"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This guide provides different means of regaining WiiConnect24 functionality on your console. Although not at all nessecary, it is a "nice to have" feature that was originally used for online connectivity in certain applications on the console. These apps include the Forecast/News Channel, Nintendo Channel, Check Mii Out Channel, some Japan-exclusive channels, and more. Please bear in mind, the functionality you gain depends entirely on what service(s) you use.
@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ If you choose to install either of these services on your Wii, it is advised to
#### What you need
+ A working Internet connection on your Wii
+ The Homebrew Channel
+ An SD card or USB drive
+ Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
+ [sntp](
#### Anleitung
1. Download and extract the sntp zip to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii.
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii.
1. Starte den Homebrew-Kanal auf deiner Wii.
1. Launch sntp.
1. Use the +Control Pad to select the current time.
1. Press the HOME Button to exit.
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "Creating Wii Game Shortcuts"
title: "Verknüpfungen für Wii-Spiele erstellen"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
Do you use a USB Loader and want to create game shortcuts to launch them on your Wii Menu? Then try WiiGSC (Wii Game Shortcut Creator), previously known as Crap.
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ Do NOT make a shortcut for the games "Mario Party 9" or "A Boy and His Blob". It
### Anforderungen
* A Wii
* A USB drive
* Eine Wii
* A USB drive.
* [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme)
* A Windows computer.
* [WiiGSC](
@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
title: "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection"
title: "Go in the Nintendo DS Wi-Fi settings."
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection was an online multiplayer gaming service for the Wii, allowing free online play. While different games were supported for longer than others, all games are no longer able to play through conventional means as of August 2023. To regain Nintendo WFC functionality, this guide provides instructions on installing Wiimmfi. There are several different methods to connect to Wiimmfi listed in order of least to greatest difficulty - choose the method that suits your situation best.
[Wiimmfi]( is a replacement service for the now-defunct Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. While different games were supported for longer than others, all games are no longer able to play through conventional means as of August 2023. To regain Nintendo WFC functionality, this guide provides instructions on installing Wiimmfi. Es gibt viele verschiedene Methoden, um sich mit Wiimmfi zu verbinden. Wähle die, welche dir am besten zusagt.
If you get error 23904 while connecting to Wiimmfi, then you are using an outdated patch.<br> Follow the steps below for the method you're using to connect to Wiimmfi again.<br> See [this page]( for more details.<br>
If you get the error 23904 while connecting to Wiimmfi, then you are using an outdated patch.<br> Follow the steps below for the method you're using to connect to Wiimmfi again.<br> See [this page]( for more details.<br>
{: .notice--warning}
### Automatic Disc Patching via Priiloader
### Automatic patching from the Disc Channel using Priiloader
If the `Wiimmfi Patch` displays as anything other than v4, you do not have the latest version of the hacks_hash.ini file and the patch will not work. You must reinstall Priiloader, the guide to which can be found in the requirements section.
If you see the hack `Wiimmfi patch v2` or `Wiimmfi patch v3` instead, then you do not have the latest version of the hacks_hash.ini file, and you need to [re-install Priiloader](priiloader). You must reinstall Priiloader, the guide to which can be found in the requirements section.
{: .notice--warning}
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail disc games automatically via the Disc Channel.
#### Anforderungen
+ A Wii with an internet connection, on System Menu version 4.3
#### Voraussetzungen
+ Eine Wii mit Priiloader 0.9 oder neuer installiert
+ [Priiloader](priiloader) 0.9 or later
#### Anleitung
1. Hold the RESET button while turning on your Wii. If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape while turning it ON.
1. You should see the Priiloader menu.
1. Hold the RESET button while turning on your Wii. Wenn du eine Wii mini verwendest, schließe eine USB-Tastatur an und halte die Escape-Taste gedrückt, während du die Konsole einschaltest.
1. Du solltest nun das Priiloader-Menü sehen.

1. Go to `System Menu Hacks`. If you used a USB drive to install Priiloader, make sure you do not have an SD card inserted at the same time. This will cause Priiloader to be unable to find the hacks_hash.ini file.
1. Gehe zu `System Menu Hacks`. If you are using a USB drive to install Priiloader, make sure you do not have an SD card inserted at the same time. This will cause Priiloader to be unable to find the hacks_hash.ini file.
{: .notice--info}
1. Make sure the `Wiimmfi patch v4` hack is enabled.

1. Scroll to `Save Settings` and save your changes.
1. Go to `Change Settings`.
1. Return to the main menu, and press `System Menu` to return to the Wii Menu.
1. Launch your game through the Disc Channel - it should now be patched with Wiimmfi.
1. MrBean35000vr (creator of CTGP-R, a Mario Kart Wii content pack) created a Wiimmfi Disc Patcher that allows you to insert a disc and patch the game on-the-fly for Wiimmfi use, though this must be run every time you start the disc.
### Automatic Backup Patching via USB Loader
### Automatic patching using a USB Loader
A method for Wiimmfi patching which automatically patches game backups in the latest versions of USB Loader GX or WiiFlow Lite.
There's an easy method to patch games to use Wiimmfi that can be used whether or not you have homebrew on your Wii.
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
+ A Wii with an internet connection
+ [USB Loader GX or WiiFlow Lite](wii-loaders)
+ Mario Kart Wii Competitions
+ [Insert your SD card or USB drive into the Wii.](wii-loaders)
#### Anleitung
@ -53,58 +53,58 @@ A method for Wiimmfi patching which automatically patches game backups in the la
### Automatic Disc Patching via Custom DNS
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs automatically through the usage of a custom DNS server. While convinient, it only works with a small selection of games including Mario Kart Wii and SSBB. Due to the nature of this process, it can be run on Wiis without homebrew.
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs automatically through the usage of a custom DNS server. It works on some older games, such as Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but not every game. Due to the nature of this process, it can be run on Wiis without homebrew.
If you get error 20100 or 20110, the game you are trying to play is not supported by this method.
If you get error 20100 or 20110, that means the game is too new for this method.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 23400, your ISP or network is blocking the use of a custom DNS.<br> To solve this issue, Wiimmfi has a custom DNS server that can be ran on your PC - you can read about it [here](
Wiimmfi allows you to participate in Mario Kart Wii competitions again.
{: .notice--warning}
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
+ A Wii with an internet connection
+ Eine Wii mit Internetverbindung
#### Anleitung
1. Go to `Wii Settings > Internet > Connection Settings` and select whatever connection you are using. Then, `Change Settings > Auto-Obtain DNS NO > Advanced Settings`. Set your primary DNS to ``, and your secondary DNS to ``.
1. Let the connection test finish, and do not perform a Wii System Update.
1. Launch your game through the Disc Channel - it should now be patched with Wiimmfi.
1. Go to `Wii Settings > Internet > Connection Settings` and select whatever connection you are using. Then, `Change Settings > Auto-Obtain DNS NO > Advanced Settings`. Type in `` as the primary DNS.
1. If you're using the Wii U, you will have to run the competitions patcher whenever you want to check for a competition, because WiiConnect24 is not enabled on the Wii U.
1. The game should now start with the Wiimmfi patch included
### Manual Disc Patching via Homebrew Channel
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail disc games, but must be manually launched via the Homebrew Channel.
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
+ An SD card or USB drive
+ Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
+ [Auto Wiimmfi Patcher](
#### Anleitung
1. Simply extract the `apps` folder in this archive to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Extract Auto Wiimmfi Patcher to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD Card into your Wii, and launch Auto Wiimmfi Patcher from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Insert the game disc (if it is not already inserted), wait for the patch to complete, and the game should start.
1. Insert your game disc (you can insert it before or after launch, it doesn't matter).
### Manual Disc Patching via EULA User Agreement
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs, but must be manually launched via the EULA User Agreement (derives from [str2hax](str2hax)). Due to the nature of this process, it can be ran on Wiis without homebrew.
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
+ A Wii with an internet connection
+ Wii U (vWii)
#### Anleitung
1. Insert your game disc.
1. Go to `Wii Settings > Internet > Connection Settings` and select whatever connection you are using. Then, `Change Settings > Auto-Obtain DNS NO > Advanced Settings`. Set your primary DNS to ``, and your secondary DNS to ``.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`. Go to `Auto-Obtain DNS` (Not IP Address), then select `No`, then `Advanced Settings`. Set your primary DNS to ``, and your secondary DNS to ``.

1. Let the connection test finish, and do not perform a Wii System Update.
1. Go back twice to `Internet`, and press `User Agreements`. Then, confirm that you would like to use WC24 and the Wii Shop Channel.
1. The Wiimmfi patcher page should now display. If it doesn't, and you still see the default license agreement, your router might not be compatible with this method.
1. Wait a while for the patcher to load (usually about 1.5 minutes) and the inserted game should boot with a Wiimmfi patch.
1. If the connection test was successful, select `No` to skip the Wii System Update.
1. Go to `Page 2`, then click on `Internet`. Confirm that you do want to use WC24 and the shop channel
1. The Wiimmfi patcher page should show up. If it doesn't, and you still see the default license agreement, your router might not be compatible with this method.
1. You can patch WiiWare games in order to play them on Wiimmfi.
### Manual Disc Patching via Internet Channel
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ If you run into UPnP-related issues (such as the patcher getting stuch at "Init
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs, but must be manually launched via the Internet Channel (derives from [Flashhax](flashhax)). Due to the nature of this process, it can be ran on Wiis without homebrew. [This](wiimmfi#manual-disc-patching-via-eula-user-agreement) method is generally more reliable, and is recommended instead.
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
+ A Wii with an internet connection, running in 60Hz mode
+ The Internet Channel
@ -122,25 +122,25 @@ A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on retail game discs, but must be manua
1. Open the following webpage in the Internet Channel: ``
1. Add the page to the browser favorites by clicking the Star icon, then the `Add Favorite` button.
1. Exit back to the Wii Menu.
1. Hold the RESET button while turning on your Wii.
1. Open the Internet Channel again and access the favorite you just made.
1. The Wiimmfi patcher should begin. Be patient, as Flashhax can be very unreliable - it may take several tries to get right.
1. It should be patched with Wiimmfi. Be patient, as Flashhax can be very unreliable - it may take several tries to get right.
### Manual WiiWare Patching via PC
### WiiWare Patching
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on WiiWare games, but must be manually run on a PC via a script.
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
* An SD card
* Your copy of your game (in WAD format)
* [WiiWare Patcher]( (cross platform)
* Eine SD-Karte
* Eine Kopie deines Spieles (im WAD-Format)
* [WiiWare Patcher]( (plattformübergreifend)
* [YAWM ModMii Edition](
[If you want to see how to use the WiiWare Patcher, click here!](wiiwarepatcher)
{: .notice--info}
#### Anleitung
#### Steps:
1. Extract the .zip of the latest version of WiiWare Patcher, and put your WAD in it.
1. Run the patch script for your OS: usually it will end in `.bat` for Windows and `.sh` for Mac/Linux. If you're using the RiiConnect24 Patcher, select your device (Wii, vWii, or Dolphin) and choose the WiiWare patcher.
@ -150,20 +150,20 @@ A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on WiiWare games, but must be manually
A method for Wiimmfi patching which runs on game disc images, but must be manually run on a PC via a script.
#### Anforderungen
#### Menü
+ A Linux/macOS/Windows PC with an internet connection
+ Ein Computer mit Windows (oder nutze Mono oder Wine auf macOS/Linux)
+ A copy of the game you want to patch - supported formats are `ISO`, `WDF`, `WIA`, `CISO (=WBI)`, `WBFS`, `GCZ`, and `FST` - `NKIT` is NOT supported
+ [Wiimmfi ISO Patcher](
+ [ISO Patching](
#### Anleitung
#### Instructions (for Wii)
1. Download the patcher and extract the `.zip` file.
1. Open the extracted folder and copy your Wii game images into it.
1. Your copy of your game (WBFS, ISO, cISO, and other forms that a Wii can use are supported).
+ If you're on Windows, double-click the `patch-images.bat` file (this may also be displayed as "patch-images" Batch File). If you run into Cygwin-related issues, try the `patch-images-32.bat` file instead.
+ If you're on MacOS, open a command line prompt in the current folder, make the shell script executable through the command `chmod +x *.sh` and then execute `./`.
+ If you're on Linux, double-click the `patch-images.desktop` file (this may also be displayed as "Patch Images") or execute the `./` file in a terminal after making it executable through the command `chmod +x *.sh`.
1. If the above was successful, you should see a window pop-up that displays the patching process. Once the process finishes, you will find the patched images in a folder called `wiimmfi-images`.
1. If the above was successful, you should see a window pop-up that displays the patching process. Once it's finished, get the version out of the `wiimmfi-images` folder (it may be in the folder outside of the patcher - ../wiimmfi-images) and copy it back to your USB.
Congrats on making it to the end of the optional section of the main guide! You can go to the site index below if you would like to look for other guides.
{: .notice--success}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Wilbrand"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
Wilbrand, like LetterBomb, is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered using the Wii Message Board.
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ There are two methods listed on this page used to create the proper Wilbrand exp
### Wilbrand Web (Recommended)
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS (FAT)
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* A Wii on at least version 3.0
SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
@ -25,53 +25,53 @@ SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
#### Anleitung
1. Power on your console.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`.
1. On your Wii, go to `Wii Settings`, and make note of the version at the top right.
1. Take note of the letter next to the system version, in the top-right corner of the screen.
+ This letter corresponds to your system menu region, which you will need to know for the corresponding steps.

1. Navigate to `Internet` > `Console Information`.
1. Proceed to `Internet` -> `Console Information` and also make note of your MAC address.
1. Take note of your FULL MAC address.

1. On your computer, open the browser and go to [](
1. Input your Wii MAC, version and region.
1. Ensure `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` is checked.
1. Wilbrand in its natural habitat
1. Visit [](, input your Wii MAC, version, region, ensure `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` is checked, and cut either wire.
1. Cut either wire.

1. Click on "Download your .zip".
1. Insert your SD card into your computer.
1. Insert your SD card into your PC.
1. Copy the `private` folder and the `boot.elf` file from the downloaded `.zip` file to the root of your SD card.
1. Reinsert your SD card into your console.
+ The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB to SD adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu.
1. Launch the Wii Message Board on your Wii.
1. Open the green letter with a bomb.
+ Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, or you might be unable to find the letter.
+ In some cases, you may need to check the messages for tommorow or yesterday for the letter to show up.
+ If you don't see the green letter, check if any errors appear in the SD card section of `Data Management`. If there are errors, there may be an issue with the SD card format or the Wii’s SD card reader.
1. Take out your SD card and insert it in your Wii.
+ The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu and then open the Wii Message Board.
1. running Wilbrand on Linux
1. Load the green letter with the Bob-omb icon.
+ Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, otherwise you might be unable to find the letter.
+ In some cases, you may need to check the messages for tomorrow or yesterday for the letter to show up.
+ If you don't see the green letter, check if any errors appear in the SD card sections in `Data Management`. If any do, there may be an issue with the SD card format or the Wii's SD card reader.

1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the HackMii Installer.
+ If this didn't work for you, try [Wilbrand CLI](#wilbrand-cli) or [try another exploit](get-started) (ie. Letterbomb).
1. Die Konsole sollte nun den HackMii Installer starten.
+ If this didn't work for you, [try another exploit](get-started) or try [Wilbrand CLI](#wilbrand-cli).
[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
{: .notice--info}
### Wilbrand CLI
#### Anforderungen
#### Voraussetzungen
* A computer running Windows, macOS or Linux
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS (FAT)
* A PC running Windows, MacOS or Linux
* An SD card formatted to FAT32/MS-DOS
* A Wii on version 3.0 or newer
* [Wilbrand](
* [HackMii Installer v1.2](
* [For the original Wii, we do not recommend using BlueBomb if you intend to install the Homebrew Channel and BootMii, as there are more convenient exploits available.](
SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -79,19 +79,19 @@ SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.
#### Anleitung
1. Power on your console.
1. Go to `Wii Settings`.
1. On your Wii, go to `Wii Settings`, and make note of the version at the top right.
1. Take note of the letter next to the system version, in the top-right corner of the screen.
+ This letter corresponds to your system menu region, which you will need to know for the corresponding steps.

1. Navigate to `Internet` > `Console Information`.
1. Proceed to `Internet` -> `Console Information` and also make note of your MAC address.
1. Take note of your FULL MAC address.

1. Copy all files from the Wilbrand `.zip` to a folder on your computer
1. Insert your SD card into your computer.
1. Extract the Wilbrand zip to a folder on your PC, preferably on your desktop.
1. Extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP to the root of your SD card.
1. Open a terminal inside the folder Wilbrand was extracted to.
1. Using your Wii's version and MAC address, run the following command:
@ -100,26 +100,26 @@ SD cards larger than 2GB will not work on Wii menu versions before 4.0.

+ Linux/macOS: `./Wilbrand AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF MM/DD/YYYY VERSION /media/mount_dir`
+ Linux/MacOS: `./Wilbrand AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF MM/DD/YYYY VERSION /media/mount_dir`
+ If you have not opened your terminal directly in the folder Wilbrand was extracted to, use `cd` to enter it first, eg. `cd ~/Desktop/Wilbrand`
+ `/media/mount_dir` is the folder your SD card is mounted in. This may vary depending on your Linux distro.

1. Copy all files from the hackmii_installer_v1.2 `.zip` to a folder on your computer.
1. Copy `boot.elf` from the hackmii_installer_v1.2 `.zip` to the root of your SD card.
1. Reinsert your SD card into your console.
+ The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB to SD adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu.
1. Launch the Wii Message Board.
1. Open the green letter with a bomb.
+ Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, or you might be unable to find the letter.
+ In some cases, you may need to check the messages for tommorow or yesterday for the letter to show up.
+ If you don't see the green letter, check if any errors appear in the SD card section of `Data Management`. If there are errors, there may be an issue with the SD card format or the Wii’s SD card reader.
1. Extract the HackMii Installer v1.2 to a folder on your PC.
1. Locate the `boot.elf` file, and put it on the root of your SD card.
1. Take out your SD card and insert it in your Wii.
+ The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu and then open the Wii Message Board.
1. running Wilbrand on Windows
1. Load the green letter with the Bob-omb icon.
+ Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, otherwise you might be unable to find the letter.
+ In various scenarios, you may need to look at the previous or next day to find it.
+ If you don't see the green letter, check if any errors appear in the SD card sections in `Data Management`. If any do, there may be an issue with the SD card format or the Wii's SD card reader.

1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the HackMii Installer.
1. Die Konsole sollte nun den HackMii Installer starten.
[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Wii mini NAND Dumper"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
This tutorial will show you how to dump your Wii mini's NAND without having to solder an SD card slot. This was made possible by [nitr8](
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ There is no way to restore your NAND backup this way without a hardmod.
### Anforderungen
* A Wii
* Eine Wii
* A USB drive
* [Simple IOS Patcher for Wii mini](
* [RealWnD for Wii mini](
@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
title: "YAWM ModMii Edition"
{% include toc title="Inhalt" %}
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
YAWM ModMii Edition is an application that can install WADs and launch homebrew applications. This tutorial will show you how to install WADs.
### Anforderungen
* An SD card or USB drive
### Voraussetzungen
* an SD card or USB drive
* [YAWM ModMii Edition](
### Anleitung
#### Section I - Downloading
#### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen
1. Download and extract the YAWM ModMii Edition `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch YAWM ModMii Edition from the Homebrew Channel.
#### Section II - Installing WADs
#### Abschnitt 2 - WADs Installieren
1. Select the source device that has the WAD file(s) you would like to install.
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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