New Crowdin updates (#272)
* New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (French) * New translations (French) * New translations (French) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (French) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Czech) * New translations (Czech) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Czech) * New translations (French) * New translations (French) * New translations (French) * New translations (French) * New translations (Romanian) * New translations (Romanian) * New translations (French) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (French) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Afrikaans) * New translations 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* New translations (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Swedish) * New translations (Swedish) * New translations (Turkish) * New translations (Turkish) * New translations (Ukrainian) * New translations (Ukrainian) * New translations (Chinese Simplified) * New translations (Chinese Simplified) * New translations (Chinese Simplified) * New translations (Chinese Traditional) * New translations (Chinese Traditional) * New translations (Vietnamese) * New translations (Vietnamese) * New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations (German) * New translations (Japanese) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (Romanian) * New translations (Hungarian) * New translations (Hebrew) * New translations (Finnish) * New translations (Greek) * New translations (Danish) * New translations (French) * New translations (Afrikaans) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Arabic) * New translations (Catalan) * New translations (Czech) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Ukrainian) * New translations (Turkish) * New translations (Swedish) * New translations (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations (Dutch) * New translations (Portuguese) * New translations (Polish) * New translations (Norwegian) * New translations (Korean) * New translations (Chinese Simplified) * New translations (Chinese Traditional) * New translations (Vietnamese) * New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations (Romanian) * New translations (French) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Afrikaans) * New translations (Arabic) * New translations (Catalan) * New translations (Czech) * New translations (Danish) * New translations (German) * New translations (Greek) * New translations (Finnish) * New translations (Hebrew) * New translations (Hungarian) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (Japanese) * New translations (Korean) * New translations (Dutch) * New translations (Norwegian) * New translations (Polish) * New translations (Portuguese) * New translations (Russian) * New translations (Serbian (Cyrillic)) * New translations (Swedish) * New translations (Turkish) * New translations (Ukrainian) * New translations (Chinese Simplified) * New translations (Chinese Traditional) * New translations (Vietnamese) * New translations (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (Italian) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations (Spanish) * New translations en_US.yml (French) * New translations (French) * New translations (French) * New translations en_US.yml (French) * New 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This commit is contained in:
455 changed files with 7333 additions and 4698 deletions
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ main:
url: /
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title: Riiconnect24
url: riiconnect24
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ footer:
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url: preguntes freqüents
url: faq
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title: Riiconnect24
url: riiconnect24
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url: /
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url: ξεκινώντας
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title: RiiConnect24
url: riiconnect24
@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ main:
url: wiimmfi
title: This website uses cookies to display the current guide progress on the sidebar and otherwise enhance the site.
title: Αυτός ο ιστότοπος χρησιμοποιεί cookies για την προβολή της προόδου σας στην πλαϊνή στήλη και την βελτίωση της εμπειρίας σας.
title: Για υποστήριξη στα Αγγλικά, ζητήστε βοήθεια στο <a href="">RiiConnect24 στο Discord</a>.
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title: RiiConnect24
url: riiconnect24
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title: Questions fréquemment posées
url: faq
title: RiiConnect24
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title: Ce site Web utilise des cookies pour afficher la progression du guide actuel avec la barre latérale et pour améliorer le site.
title: Pour une assistance en anglais, demandez de l'aide sur le <a href="">serveur Discord RiiConnect24</a>.
title: Pour de l'assistance en anglais, veuillez demander de l'aide sur <a href="">le serveur Discord de RiiConnect24</a>.
title: Source
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ sidebar_pages:
title: Guide Wii
url: /
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url: faq
title: Dons
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
title: Wii Guide
title: Wiiガイド
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title: はじめる
url: get-started
title: Site Navigation
title: サイトマップ
url: site-navigation
title: FAQ
title: よくある質問
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title: RiiConnect24
@ -20,35 +20,35 @@ main:
url: wiimmfi
title: This website uses cookies to display the current guide progress on the sidebar and otherwise enhance the site.
title: サイドバーに現在のガイドの進捗を表示したり、サイトの質を高めるために、このウェブサイトはクッキーを使用します。
title: For support in English, ask for help at <a href="">RiiConnect24 on Discord</a>.
title: 英語でのサポートは、<a href="">DiscordのReSwitched Server</a>にお問い合わせください。
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title: サイトマップ
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title: '全体の進捗:'
title: Wii Guide
title: Wiiガイド
url: /
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title: よくある質問
url: faq
title: Donations
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title: RiiConnect24
@ -16,59 +16,88 @@ If you have a Wii mini, install [this cIOS](cios-mini) instead. Attempting to in
#### What you need
* A Wii with an Internet connection
* An SD card or USB drive
* [d2x cIOS Installer](
- A Wii
- An SD card or USB drive
- [d2x cIOS Installer](
Ensure that if you are using an SD card, the lock switch is in the unlocked position, otherwise you will not be able to select the correct options in the installer
{: .notice--warning}
#### Instructions
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'with-connection')">With an Internet connection to the Wii</button>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--info" onclick="openTab(event, 'without-connection')">Without an Internet connection to the Wii</button>
<div id="with-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Section I - Downloading
1. Download d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Download the d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
<div id="without-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Section I - Downloading
1. Download, extract, and run [NUS Downloader](
1. Select "Database", "IOS", then "IOS57", and select "v5918".
- Ensure that "Pack WAD" is checked and "Patch IOS" is unchecked.
1. Repeat the previous step for IOS56 v5661 and IOS38 v4123.
1. Once you have downloaded all three IOS, there will be a folder named `titles` in the same folder as the NUS Downloader. Open the folder and navigate through them until you locate the three WAD files you downloaded. Place each of WAD files on the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Download the d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section II - Installing
1. Press continue, then set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 57
Select cIOS slot: 249
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice to install.
1. When done installing, press A to return, and set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 56
Select cIOS slot: 250
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice to install.
1. When done installing, press A to return, and set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 38
Select cIOS slot: 251
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice again to install, and then exit once done.
#### Troubleshooting
{% capture bruh %}
Although the majority of games should work straight away with the defaults, some may require using a specific cIOS to function, or to utilize certain features within the game.<br> Examples include:
* Using a keyboard in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
* Running SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
- Using a keyboard in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
- Running SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
A more comprehensive (although still incomplete) list can be found [**here**](<br> To change the cIOS used for a specific game, follow these instructions:
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ bruh | markdownify }}</div>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'usbloadergx')">USB Loader GX</button>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Here's a list of things you should and should not do once you've modded your Wii
- **DO** make a backup of your Wii NAND regularly with [BootMii](bootmii), especially before doing something risky.
- **DO** install Wii Menu themes if you wish, but only use our tutorial for it carefully. ([Wii](themes) / [vWii](themes-vwii)). Other tutorials might be misleading and can cause you to brick your Wii.
- **DO NOT** install WADs of random IOS, older versions of the Wii Menu, etc. unless you know what you're doing, especially not on vWii or a Wii Mini.
- **DO NOT** or use old versions of Wii homebrew. If you follow Wii modding tutorials from the Internet, be cautious about using old tutorials (likely pre-2012), especially if they have to do with things such as IOS.
- **DO NOT** use old versions of Wii homebrew. If you follow Wii modding tutorials from the Internet, be cautious about using old tutorials (likely pre-2012), especially if they have to do with things such as IOS.
- **DO NOT** modify, rename, or delete random files on your Wii NAND unless you know what you are doing.
- **DO NOT** use the homebrew app "KoreanKii" on a non-Korean Wii.
- **DO NOT** Install any IOS or Wii Menu on a Wii mini other than [d2xl cIOS](cios-mini). Doing so will brick your console if a Wi-Fi card is not soldered to it.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ All of the exploits run the HackMii Installer, and have the same end result.
Although you can follow this guide without an SD card, you will not be able to create or restore a NAND backup using BootMii, and you won't be able to use some homebrew.
{: .notice--info}
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to mod your Wii. When you are finished following the guide, follow [the update guide](update) to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3.
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to install the Homebrew Channel, and then follow the [update guide](update) to update to 4.3.
{: .notice--info}
This guide is for the original Wii and Wii mini only (including the Wii Family Edition). Do not use this on a Wii U (vWii)! If you want to install homebrew on a Wii U, [follow this guide](
@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your
{: .notice--warning}
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
* [Priiloader installer](
- An SD card or USB drive
- [Priiloader installer](
#### Instructions
##### Section I - Downloading/Installing
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to your SD card or USB drive.
* If this folder does not exist, create it.
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
##### Section II - Installing Priiloader
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your
##### Section III - Entering/Configuring Priiloader
1. Hold the RESET button while turning on your Wii.
* If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape on it while turning it on.
- If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape on it while turning it on.
@ -76,6 +77,5 @@ This is a list of the hacks you can enable with Priiloader.
| No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx | Re-enable channels with these title IDs (originally blocked in system updates due to them being exploits). |
| Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 | Make discs use cIOS 249 as the game's IOS. While it cannot allow playing of burned games on its own, it is needed to play burned discs. (Can give you Error 002 on a non-burned game) |
[Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding](dosanddonts)<br> These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii.
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,19 +5,28 @@ title: "RiiConnect24 DNS Update"
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}


Starting June 16th, 2022, our official DNS Address changes!
About a year ago we bought a new VPS that allowed us to serve our service better to the ever so growing community. Our DNS was the last thing to update.
Our official DNS Address has been updated. We require all users to change it. Failure in doing so will result in losing access to most or every RiiConnect24 service.
The old address will be supported until it's `DEPRECATION` date. We will remind you using Wii Mail or our [Discord server]( about the need to change the DNS Address in the next few months.
Here are the new DNS settings that you should enter in your Wii and your DS:
We've restricted access to Forecast Channel and News Channel for users still using the old DNS Address. Users will also see a new EULA when trying to enable WiiConnect24 reminding them about the change.   
- should be your primary DNS.<br>
- should be your secondary DNS.
To update your entered DNS Address please follow these steps:
Avoid using the old DNS, it will become `DEPRECATED` on June 1st, 2023.
1. Go to `Wii Options`.
2. Go to `Wii Settings`.
3. Go to `Page 2`, then click on `Internet`.
4. Go to `Connection Settings`
5. Select your current connection
6. Go to `Change Settings`
7. Go to `Auto-Obtain DNS` (Not IP Address), then select `No`, then `Advanced Settings`.
8. Type in `` as the primary DNS
9. Type in `` as the secondary DNS
10. Select `Confirm`, then select `Save`
11. Select `OK` to perform a connection
12. If the connection test was successful, select `No` to skip the Wii System Update.
Thank you for your support, RiiConnect24 Team.
The old DNS Server will stop working on `June 1st, 2023`.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "RiiConnect24"
title: "RiiConnect24 for Dolphin"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ This guide will help you install RiiConnect24 on your Dolphin installation.
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please directly contact KcrPL#4625 on Discord, join the [RiiConnect24 Discord Server]( or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for [Dolphin Emulator]( only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-vwii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U).
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
### What you need
* A computer with either Windows 7 or newer or any Unix-based system
@ -59,6 +71,9 @@ If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want t
<div id="unix" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
The screenshots in this section are taken from Windows, but the same steps can be followed on your Unix-based machine.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run ``. 
3. Proceed with the program configuration.
4. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. 
@ -9,10 +9,22 @@ If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConne

Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on your vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U) with: CMOC/MCC, Nintendo Channel, EVC and News Channel along with forced 4:3 aspect ratio patching.
Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U).
Since certain features found in the original Wii are not present in the vWii, we can only partially utilize RiiConnect24. See [what's currently working](#whats-currently-working) for details.
{: .notice--warning}
{: .notice--warning}[RiiConnect24]( allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail.
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U) only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-dolphin) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on Dolphin Emulator.
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
#### Warnings
@ -24,10 +36,11 @@ Do **NOT** perform this guide on any other console than the vWii (Virtual Wii on
#### What you need
* A PC or mobile device with internet access and the ability to interact with SD cards.
* An SD card formatted as FAT32 (at least 2GB) with enough available space. SDHC or SDXC cards formatted as FAT32 can be known to work.
* A Wii U console capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher](
* An SD card or USB drive
* A computer
* A Wii U console with an Internet connection that's capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* A Nintendo Network ID (NNID) linked to your Wii U
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher (Windows, Mac and Linux)](
After following the above linked guide, you should have:
* A vWii NAND backup and keys (keep these stored safely!!)
@ -40,51 +53,64 @@ After following the above linked guide, you should have:
##### Section I - Running the patcher
Using the RiiConnect24 Patcher you should've downloaded earlier in [What you need](#what-you-need), you will be downloading and patching IOS31, News, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channels for use on your vWii.
If you can't run RiiConnect24 Patcher, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at]( for further assistance.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` on Windows or `` on Unix systems by typing bash then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this `bash`. Follow the on screen instructions
1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
2. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a Unix system
3. On Windows run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`. On Unix systems, open Terminal and type `bash`, then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: `bash`.
4. Press 1 to choose "`Start`" and confirm your selection by pressing `ENTER`. (NOTE: These screenshots are from the Windows version of the patcher.) 
5. Select the device you're patching for. 
6. For this guide, choose "`Install RiiConnect24 on your Wii`" 
7. Choose "`Express (Recommended)`". It will give you everything you need. 
8. Select your region. 
9. While you're at it, RiiConnect24 Patcher can additionally download some other optional channels that do not use RiiConnect24. `[X]` represents the options that selected. Just press 5 and `ENTER` if you're not interested. 
10. Connect your SD Card or USB Drive to your computer and select "`1`". 
11. If your device was detected successfully, select "`1`". If not, make sure there's a folder called `apps` on your SD Card or USB Drive and try again. 
12. Be patient... 
13. After it's done, we would appreciate if you take a minute to send anonymous feedback to us. If you don't want to, close the patcher. All the files should already be on your SD Card.  
14. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device.
2. Confirm that after running through the patcher, you have 3 folders. They will be in the same folder where `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat/sh` is and on your SD Card (of course, only if you selected an option in the patcher to do so).
- If the patcher did not move the file to the SD Card, move these 3 folders to the root of your SD card.
##### Section II - Installing WADs
##### Section II - Installing the newly patched WADs
You will now install the patched IOS and Channel WADs that are required to use RiiConnect24.
1. Open the Homebrew Channel
2. Launch Wii Mod Lite
3. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
4. Highlight all WADs with `RiiConnect24` in the name, and press + to select them. When all of them are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
5. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
1. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii U.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii U.
3. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Highlight all the WADs in the folder by pressing the + Button to select them. When all of the WADs are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
6. If you get an error saying a title with a higher version is already installed (error -1035), go back to the WAD selection menu and press the - Button on the highlighted WAD to uninstall it, then try installing it again.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section III - Patching 43db for 16:9 (optional)
1. Open the Homebrew Channel
2. Launch the ww-43db-patcher
1. Launch ww-43db-patcher and wait for it to complete.
If you install a theme, you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more
If you [install a theme](/themes-vwii), you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more.
{: .notice--info}
##### Section IV - Using RiiConnect24
After following the above sections, you're almost able to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **after every vWii reboot**.
After following the above sections, you're almost ready to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **every time you boot into vWii**.
1. On the vWii's **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
1. On the **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
* This will enable the WiiConnect24 and Standby Connection flags required by the WiiConnect24 Channels.
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed!
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels.
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed.
#### What's currently working?
The following RiiConnect24 services are **working** on the vWii:
* News Channel
* This channel is affected by the timestamp issue. The "Last Updated" and article timestamps will be incorrect.
* The banner data is also known to not work, returning `Unable to obtain data.`
* Forecast Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* News Channel
* Everybody Votes Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* Check Mii Out Channel / Mii Contest Channel
{: .notice--success}
The following RiiConnect24 services are **not working** on the vWii:
* Wii Mail (most functionality does not exist on vWii)
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends. You can only receive global broadcast mail and posts from RSSMii feeds (if set up).
* Everything else that isn't working according to [RiiConnect24 stats](
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends.
Most services that utilize WiiConnect24 will be able to work if you leave vWii running for several hours. There's no standby mode on the console.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -101,6 +101,24 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
15. At `Slot Illumination`, we recommend you set the disc light to `Dim` or `Bright`, but this is optional.
16. Finally, go to the `Internet` section, then `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`, then `Yes`. Please read through this.
It's common to get error FORE000006 on the Forecast Channel after installing RiiConnect24. If you get it, make sure your Wii's to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and it may start working. [If you still get error FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with RC24-Clear-Tool].
{: .notice--warning}
You will get error 268503 when loading the Nintendo Channel. This is normal. You can bypass the error by pressing OK.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS. Make sure you install IOS31 and IOS80 with Wii Mod Lite, along with any other patched WADs.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with RC24-Clear-Tool](deleting-vffs).
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
{: .notice--info}
@ -109,21 +127,3 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: .notice--info}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel may start working.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you still get FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with rc24-clear-tool](
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with rc24-clear-tool.](deleting-vffs)
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ Want to install RiiTag on your Wii U? See [this guide](riitag-wiiu) on how to co
1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click `Edit Your Tag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, Wii Number, and manually enter in games to show on your tag (not needed if you're using a USB Loader).
5. Click `Show Key` and make note of the key shown. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
6. Click `Submit` to save your changes.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Edit RiiTag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, and Wii Number. Click the green Save icon in the corner to save your changes.
5. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `Copy` under `RiiTag Private Key`. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
Do not share your RiiTag key with anyone! If you do, people can abuse your tag.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -43,15 +42,14 @@ The steps to connect RiiTag to your USB Loader depend on what USB Loader you use
3. Ensure that `Initialize Network` is turned on.
4. Exit USB Loader GX.
5. Insert the SD Card or USB device where your USB Loader GX data is into your computer.
6. [Go to this page.](
7. On your browser, right click, and click `Save As`.
8. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
9. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
6. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `You can also download your Wiinnertag.xml.` which will download the file needed to use RiiTag with USB Loader GX.
7. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
8. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
###### WiiFlow
1. Take the SD Card or USB device where your WiiFlow data is into your computer.
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path might have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path should have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
3. Search for `gamercards` and replace that line with `gamercards=wiinnertag`.
4. Search for `wiinnertag_url` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_url={ID6}&key={KEY}`.
5. Search for `wiinnertag_key` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_key=<key>`, replacing `<key>` with the key you wrote down in Section 1.
@ -66,9 +64,11 @@ RiiTag supports Dolphin, Citra, and Cemu. You need a Discord account for this to
1. [Join the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( if you aren't already in there.
2. Make sure you turn on Discord rich presence in the emulator preferences.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open (not the web-based client, the standalone application)
4. Play a game and RiiTag will automatically update your tag when you play a game.
A Discord bot is used to read your rich presence and update your RiiTag accordingly. If you want to invite the bot to your server, [use this link](
###### Configurable USB Loader
We do not offer support for Configurable USB Loader, as it's outdated compared to USB Loader GX and WiiFlow Lite.
@ -86,15 +86,17 @@ You can use the `CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe` program (Windows only) instead of ed
#### RiiTag Channel
We have a RiiTag channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii.
We have a RiiTag Channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii. You must have the Internet Channel installed to use this.
{: .notice--info}
1. Log into RiiTag and go to your tag page.
2. Click `Download RiiTag Channel`.
3. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
4. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
5. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
6. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Profile`. Click `RiiTag Channel` to download the WAD.
5. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
6. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
7. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
8. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
[Check out RiiTag-RPC](<br> Now that you set up RiiTag, you can set up RiiTag-RPC to show your Discord friends what you're playing on the Wii using Discord's rich presence.
{: .notice--info}
@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ This exploit requires you to set your DNS in order to connect to a server that c
If the HackMii Installer doesn't load and it instead freezes (you can't move your cursor) or it doesn't take 1-2 minutes to trigger, please restart your Wii and retry the exploit.
If you have installed a mod like CTGP Revolution or Project+, str2hax may load that instead. If it does, restart your Wii and try again without your SD card inserted.
[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
{: .notice--info}
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ title: "Updating Wii Menu to v4.3"
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, as you can no longer use the updater built into the Wii Menu since the servers are no longer up.
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, if you have already homebrewed your Wii.
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
* A computer with Windows on it
* [IOS58 Installer](
* [NUS Downloader](
* [Wii Mod Lite](
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also,
3. Make sure `Pack WAD` is checked.
4. Press `Start NUS Download!`.
5. Open the `titles` -> `0000000100000002` -> (Wii Menu version) and copy the .wad file to a folder called `wad` on your SD Card or USB drive.
6. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `000000010000003A` -> `Latest Version`.
7. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
| Region | Wii Menu version |
| ------ | ---------------- |
@ -52,11 +53,13 @@ You use the +Control Pad to use this tool.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii.
3. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Press A to install the IOS80. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
5. Press A to install the IOS80 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
6. Press A to install the Wii Menu WAD.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
8. Launch IOS58 Installer.
9. Follow the instructions to install IOS58.
7. Press A to install the IOS58 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
8. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
Installing a Wii Menu WAD will **remove** Priiloader. Do not reboot before you have installed it again, otherwise you could BRICK.
{: .notice--danger}
[Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and we recommend it.
{: .notice--info}
@ -16,59 +16,88 @@ If you have a Wii mini, install [this cIOS](cios-mini) instead. Attempting to in
#### What you need
* A Wii with an Internet connection
* An SD card or USB drive
* [d2x cIOS Installer](
- A Wii
- An SD card or USB drive
- [d2x cIOS Installer](
Ensure that if you are using an SD card, the lock switch is in the unlocked position, otherwise you will not be able to select the correct options in the installer
{: .notice--warning}
#### Instructions
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'with-connection')">With an Internet connection to the Wii</button>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--info" onclick="openTab(event, 'without-connection')">Without an Internet connection to the Wii</button>
<div id="with-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Section I - Downloading
1. Download d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Download the d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
<div id="without-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Section I - Downloading
1. Download, extract, and run [NUS Downloader](
1. Select "Database", "IOS", then "IOS57", and select "v5918".
- Ensure that "Pack WAD" is checked and "Patch IOS" is unchecked.
1. Repeat the previous step for IOS56 v5661 and IOS38 v4123.
1. Once you have downloaded all three IOS, there will be a folder named `titles` in the same folder as the NUS Downloader. Open the folder and navigate through them until you locate the three WAD files you downloaded. Place each of WAD files on the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Download the d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section II - Installing
1. Press continue, then set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 57
Select cIOS slot: 249
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice to install.
1. When done installing, press A to return, and set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 56
Select cIOS slot: 250
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice to install.
1. When done installing, press A to return, and set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 38
Select cIOS slot: 251
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice again to install, and then exit once done.
#### Troubleshooting
{% capture bruh %}
Although the majority of games should work straight away with the defaults, some may require using a specific cIOS to function, or to utilize certain features within the game.<br> Examples include:
* Using a keyboard in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
* Running SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
- Using a keyboard in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
- Running SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
A more comprehensive (although still incomplete) list can be found [**here**](<br> To change the cIOS used for a specific game, follow these instructions:
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ bruh | markdownify }}</div>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'usbloadergx')">USB Loader GX</button>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Here's a list of things you should and should not do once you've modded your Wii
- **DO** make a backup of your Wii NAND regularly with [BootMii](bootmii), especially before doing something risky.
- **DO** install Wii Menu themes if you wish, but only use our tutorial for it carefully. ([Wii](themes) / [vWii](themes-vwii)). Other tutorials might be misleading and can cause you to brick your Wii.
- **DO NOT** install WADs of random IOS, older versions of the Wii Menu, etc. unless you know what you're doing, especially not on vWii or a Wii Mini.
- **DO NOT** or use old versions of Wii homebrew. If you follow Wii modding tutorials from the Internet, be cautious about using old tutorials (likely pre-2012), especially if they have to do with things such as IOS.
- **DO NOT** use old versions of Wii homebrew. If you follow Wii modding tutorials from the Internet, be cautious about using old tutorials (likely pre-2012), especially if they have to do with things such as IOS.
- **DO NOT** modify, rename, or delete random files on your Wii NAND unless you know what you are doing.
- **DO NOT** use the homebrew app "KoreanKii" on a non-Korean Wii.
- **DO NOT** Install any IOS or Wii Menu on a Wii mini other than [d2xl cIOS](cios-mini). Doing so will brick your console if a Wi-Fi card is not soldered to it.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ All of the exploits run the HackMii Installer, and have the same end result.
Although you can follow this guide without an SD card, you will not be able to create or restore a NAND backup using BootMii, and you won't be able to use some homebrew.
{: .notice--info}
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to mod your Wii. When you are finished following the guide, follow [the update guide](update) to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3.
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to install the Homebrew Channel, and then follow the [update guide](update) to update to 4.3.
{: .notice--info}
This guide is for the original Wii and Wii mini only (including the Wii Family Edition), with the latest firmware (4.3). Do not use this on a Wii U (vWii)! If you want to install homebrew on a Wii U, [follow this guide](
@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your
{: .notice--warning}
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
* [Priiloader installer](
- An SD card or USB drive
- [Priiloader installer](
#### Instructions
##### Section I - Downloading/Installing
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to your SD card or USB drive.
* If this folder does not exist, create it.
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
##### Section II - Installing Priiloader
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your
##### Section III - Entering/Configuring Priiloader
1. Hold the RESET button while turning on your Wii.
* If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape on it while turning it on.
- If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape on it while turning it on.
@ -76,6 +77,5 @@ This is a list of the hacks you can enable with Priiloader.
| No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx | Re-enable channels with these title IDs (originally blocked in system updates due to them being exploits). |
| Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 | Make discs use cIOS 249 as the game's IOS. While it cannot allow playing of burned games on its own, it is needed to play burned discs. (Can give you Error 002 on a non-burned game) |
[Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding](dosanddonts)<br> These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii.
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,19 +5,28 @@ title: "RiiConnect24 DNS Update"
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}


Starting June 16th, 2022, our official DNS Address changes!
About a year ago we bought a new VPS that allowed us to serve our service better to the ever so growing community. Our DNS was the last thing to update.
Our official DNS Address has been updated. We require all users to change it. Failure in doing so will result in losing access to most or every RiiConnect24 service.
The old address will be supported until it's `DEPRECATION` date. We will remind you using Wii Mail or our [Discord server]( about the need to change the DNS Address in the next few months.
Here are the new DNS settings that you should enter in your Wii and your DS:
We've restricted access to Forecast Channel and News Channel for users still using the old DNS Address. Users will also see a new EULA when trying to enable WiiConnect24 reminding them about the change.   
- should be your primary DNS.<br>
- should be your secondary DNS.
To update your entered DNS Address please follow these steps:
Avoid using the old DNS, it will become `DEPRECATED` on June 1st, 2023.
1. Go to `Wii Options`.
2. Go to `Wii Settings`.
3. Go to `Page 2`, then click on `Internet`.
4. Go to `Connection Settings`
5. Select your current connection
6. Go to `Change Settings`
7. Go to `Auto-Obtain DNS` (Not IP Address), then select `No`, then `Advanced Settings`.
8. Type in `` as the primary DNS
9. Type in `` as the secondary DNS
10. Select `Confirm`, then select `Save`
11. Select `OK` to perform a connection
12. If the connection test was successful, select `No` to skip the Wii System Update.
Thank you for your support, RiiConnect24 Team.
The old DNS Server will stop working on `June 1st, 2023`.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "RiiConnect24"
title: "RiiConnect24 for Dolphin"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ This guide will help you install RiiConnect24 on your Dolphin installation.
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please directly contact KcrPL#4625 on Discord, join the [RiiConnect24 Discord Server]( or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for [Dolphin Emulator]( only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-vwii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U).
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
### What you need
* A computer with either Windows 7 or newer or any Unix-based system
@ -59,6 +71,9 @@ If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want t
<div id="unix" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
The screenshots in this section are taken from Windows, but the same steps can be followed on your Unix-based machine.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run ``. 
3. Proceed with the program configuration.
4. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. 
@ -9,25 +9,38 @@ If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConne

Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on your vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U) with: CMOC/MCC, Nintendo Channel, EVC and News Channel along with forced 4:3 aspect ratio patching.
Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U).
Since certain features found in the original Wii are not present in the vWii, we can only partially utilize RiiConnect24. See [what's currently working](#whats-currently-working) for details.
{: .notice--warning}
{: .notice--warning}[RiiConnect24]( allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail.
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U) only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-dolphin) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on Dolphin Emulator.
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
#### Warnings
We are **NOT** responsible if you brick, or damage your console in any way whatsoever. If you follow this guide exactly, you shouldn't have any problems.
{: .notice--warning}
Do **NOT** perform this guide on any other console than the vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U). If you're looking for instructions for a Nintendo Wii, use [](riiconnect24). If you'd like to perform this guide on the Dolphin emulator, use [](/riiconnect24-dolphin)
Do **NOT** perform this guide on any other console than the vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U). If you're looking for instructions for a Nintendo Wii, use [this guide](riiconnect24). If you'd like to perform this guide on the Dolphin emulator, use [this guide](riiconnect24-dolphin) instead.
{: .notice--warning}
#### What you need
* A PC or mobile device with internet access and the ability to interact with SD cards.
* An SD card formatted as FAT32 (at least 2GB) with enough available space. SDHC or SDXC cards formatted as FAT32 can be known to work.
* A Wii U console capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher](
* An SD card or USB drive
* A computer
* A Wii U console with an Internet connection that's capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* A Nintendo Network ID (NNID) linked to your Wii U
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher (Windows, Mac and Linux)](
After following the above linked guide, you should have:
* A vWii NAND backup and keys (keep these stored safely!!)
@ -40,51 +53,64 @@ After following the above linked guide, you should have:
##### Section I - Running the patcher
Using the RiiConnect24 Patcher you should've downloaded earlier in [What you need](#what-you-need), you will be downloading and patching IOS31, News, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channels for use on your vWii.
If you can't run RiiConnect24 Patcher, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at]( for further assistance.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` on Windows or `` on Unix systems by typing bash then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. On Unix systems, open terminal and type `bash`, then drag ``into the terminal then press enter. Follow the on screen instructions
1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
2. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a Unix system
3. On Windows run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`. On Unix systems, open Terminal and type `bash`, then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: `bash`.
4. Press 1 to choose "`Start`" and confirm your selection by pressing `ENTER`. (NOTE: These screenshots are from the Windows version of the patcher.) 
5. Select the device you're patching for. 
6. For this guide, choose "`Install RiiConnect24 on your Wii`" 
7. Choose "`Express (Recommended)`". It will give you everything you need. 
8. Select your region. 
9. While you're at it, RiiConnect24 Patcher can additionally download some other optional channels that do not use RiiConnect24. `[X]` represents the options that selected. Just press 5 and `ENTER` if you're not interested. 
10. Connect your SD Card or USB Drive to your computer and select "`1`". 
11. If your device was detected successfully, select "`1`". If not, make sure there's a folder called `apps` on your SD Card or USB Drive and try again. 
12. Be patient... 
13. After it's done, we would appreciate if you take a minute to send anonymous feedback to us. If you don't want to, close the patcher. All the files should already be on your SD Card.  
14. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device.
2. Confirm that after running through the patcher, you have 3 folders. They will be in the same folder where `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat/sh` is and on your SD Card (of course, only if you selected an option in the patcher to do so).
- If the patcher did not move the file to the SD Card, move these 3 folders to the root of your SD card.
##### Section II - Installing WADs
##### Section II - Installing the newly patched WADs
You will now install the patched IOS and Channel WADs that are required to use RiiConnect24.
1. Open the Homebrew Channel
2. Launch Wii Mod Lite
3. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
4. Highlight all WADs with `RiiConnect24` in the name, and press + to select them. When all of them are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
5. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
1. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii U.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii U.
3. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Highlight all the WADs in the folder by pressing the + Button to select them. When all of the WADs are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
6. If you get an error saying a title with a higher version is already installed (error -1035), go back to the WAD selection menu and press the - Button on the highlighted WAD to uninstall it, then try installing it again.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section III - Patching 43db for 16:9 (optional)
1. Open the Homebrew Channel
2. Launch the ww-43db-patcher
1. Launch ww-43db-patcher and wait for it to complete.
If you install a theme, you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more
If you [install a theme](/themes-vwii), you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more.
{: .notice--info}
##### Section IV - Using RiiConnect24
After following the above sections, you're almost able to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **after every vWii reboot**.
After following the above sections, you're almost ready to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **every time you boot into vWii**.
1. On the vWii's **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
1. On the **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
* This will enable the WiiConnect24 and Standby Connection flags required by the WiiConnect24 Channels.
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed!
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels.
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed.
#### What's currently working?
The following RiiConnect24 services are **working** on the vWii:
* News Channel
* This channel is affected by the timestamp issue. The "Last Updated" and article timestamps will be incorrect.
* The banner data is also known to not work, returning `Unable to obtain data.`
* Forecast Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* News Channel
* Everybody Votes Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* Check Mii Out Channel / Mii Contest Channel
{: .notice--success}
The following RiiConnect24 services are **not working** on the vWii:
* Wii Mail (most functionality does not exist on vWii)
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends. You can only receive global broadcast mail and posts from RSSMii feeds (if set up).
* Everything else that isn't working according to [RiiConnect24 stats](
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends.
Most services that utilize WiiConnect24 will be able to work if you leave vWii running for several hours. There's no standby mode on the console.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -101,6 +101,24 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
15. At `Slot Illumination`, we recommend you set the disc light to `Dim` or `Bright`, but this is optional.
16. Finally, go to the `Internet` section, then `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`, then `Yes`. Please read through this.
It's common to get error FORE000006 on the Forecast Channel after installing RiiConnect24. If you get it, make sure your Wii's to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and it may start working. [If you still get error FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with RC24-Clear-Tool].
{: .notice--warning}
You will get error 268503 when loading the Nintendo Channel. This is normal. You can bypass the error by pressing OK.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS. Make sure you install IOS31 and IOS80 with Wii Mod Lite, along with any other patched WADs.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with RC24-Clear-Tool](deleting-vffs).
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
{: .notice--info}
@ -109,21 +127,3 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: .notice--info}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel may start working.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you still get FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with rc24-clear-tool](
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with rc24-clear-tool.](deleting-vffs)
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ Want to install RiiTag on your Wii U? See [this guide](riitag-wiiu) on how to co
1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click `Edit Your Tag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, Wii Number, and manually enter in games to show on your tag (not needed if you're using a USB Loader).
5. Click `Show Key` and make note of the key shown. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
6. Click `Submit` to save your changes.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Edit RiiTag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, and Wii Number. Click the green Save icon in the corner to save your changes.
5. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `Copy` under `RiiTag Private Key`. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
Do not share your RiiTag key with anyone! If you do, people can abuse your tag.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -43,15 +42,14 @@ The steps to connect RiiTag to your USB Loader depend on what USB Loader you use
3. Ensure that `Initialize Network` is turned on.
4. Exit USB Loader GX.
5. Insert the SD Card or USB device where your USB Loader GX data is into your computer.
6. [Go to this page.](
7. On your browser, right click, and click `Save As`.
8. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
9. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
6. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `You can also download your Wiinnertag.xml.` which will download the file needed to use RiiTag with USB Loader GX.
7. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
8. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
###### WiiFlow
1. Take the SD Card or USB device where your WiiFlow data is into your computer.
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path might have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path should have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
3. Search for `gamercards` and replace that line with `gamercards=wiinnertag`.
4. Search for `wiinnertag_url` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_url={ID6}&key={KEY}`.
5. Search for `wiinnertag_key` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_key=<key>`, replacing `<key>` with the key you wrote down in Section 1.
@ -66,9 +64,11 @@ RiiTag supports Dolphin, Citra, and Cemu. You need a Discord account for this to
1. [Join the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( if you aren't already in there.
2. Make sure you turn on Discord rich presence in the emulator preferences.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open (not the web-based client, the standalone application)
4. Play a game and RiiTag will automatically update your tag when you play a game.
A Discord bot is used to read your rich presence and update your RiiTag accordingly. If you want to invite the bot to your server, [use this link](
###### Configurable USB Loader
We do not offer support for Configurable USB Loader, as it's outdated compared to USB Loader GX and WiiFlow Lite.
@ -86,15 +86,17 @@ You can use the `CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe` program (Windows only) instead of ed
#### RiiTag Channel
We have a RiiTag channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii.
We have a RiiTag Channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii. You must have the Internet Channel installed to use this.
{: .notice--info}
1. Log into RiiTag and go to your tag page.
2. Click `Download RiiTag Channel`.
3. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
4. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
5. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
6. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Profile`. Click `RiiTag Channel` to download the WAD.
5. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
6. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
7. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
8. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
[Check out RiiTag-RPC](<br> Now that you set up RiiTag, you can set up RiiTag-RPC to show your Discord friends what you're playing on the Wii using Discord's rich presence.
{: .notice--info}
@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ This exploit requires you to set your DNS in order to connect to a server that c
If the HackMii Installer doesn't load and it instead freezes (you can't move your cursor) or it doesn't take 1-2 minutes to trigger, please restart your Wii and retry the exploit.
If you have installed a mod like CTGP Revolution or Project+, str2hax may load that instead. If it does, restart your Wii and try again without your SD card inserted.
[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
{: .notice--info}
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ title: "Updating Wii Menu to v4.3"
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, as you can no longer use the updater built into the Wii Menu since the servers are no longer up.
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, if you have already homebrewed your Wii.
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
* A computer with Windows on it
* [IOS58 Installer](
* [NUS Downloader](
* [Wii Mod Lite](
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also,
3. Make sure `Pack WAD` is checked.
4. Press `Start NUS Download!`.
5. Open the `titles` -> `0000000100000002` -> (Wii Menu version) and copy the .wad file to a folder called `wad` on your SD Card or USB drive.
6. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `000000010000003A` -> `Latest Version`.
7. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
| Region | Wii Menu version |
| ------ | ---------------- |
@ -52,11 +53,13 @@ You use the +Control Pad to use this tool.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii.
3. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Press A to install the IOS80. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
5. Press A to install the IOS80 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
6. Press A to install the Wii Menu WAD.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
8. Launch IOS58 Installer.
9. Follow the instructions to install IOS58.
7. Press A to install the IOS58 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
8. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
Installing a Wii Menu WAD will **remove** Priiloader. Do not reboot before you have installed it again, otherwise you could BRICK.
{: .notice--danger}
[Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and we recommend it.
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "Pàgina No Trobada"
layout: a soles
layout: single
excerpt: "Pàgina no trobada. Els teus píxels són a un altre canvas."
sitemap: fals
sitemap: false

@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ Ho sentim, però la pàgina que tractava de veure no existeix.
{: .notice--warning}
[Polsa aquí per a veure tots els nostres tutorials que pots trobar a aquesta pàgina web!](site-navigation)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Si tens BootMii instal·lat com a boot2, hauràs d'executar BootMii reiniciant l
1. Entreu al Homebrew Channel.
2. Premeu el botó HOME i elegiu l'opció "Launch BootMii" (Llançar BootMii).
Navegar dins BootMii no és possible amb un mando Wii. Has d'utilitzar els botons POWER i RESET a la teva consola, o un control GameCube connectat al port 1. To navigate between options, press POWER on your Wii (or left/right on the +Control Pad on a GameCube controller). Per a seleccionar qualsevol opció, prem RESET a la teva Wii o A al teu control GameCube.
Navegar dins BootMii no és possible amb un mando Wii. Has d'utilitzar els botons POWER i RESET a la teva consola, o un control GameCube connectat al port 1. Per a navegar entre les opcions, prem el botó POWER a la teva Wii (o esquerra/dreta a la +Crosseta de Control a un control de GameCube). Per a seleccionar qualsevol opció, prem RESET a la teva Wii o A al teu control GameCube.
{: .notice--info}
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Si tens BootMii instal·lat com a boot2, hauràs d'executar BootMii reiniciant l
4. Prem l'opció de BackupMii (el que mostra la fletxa verda/la primera opció a la teva esquerra).
- El procés de crear una còpia de seguretat de la NAND començarà. Pots veure el procés a la pantalla.
- Els anomenats "Bad Blocks" són normals. No et preocupis si veus alguns a una còpia de la NAND.
- Després, es verificarà la còpia de seguretat. Es recomana verificar la còpia, però pots saltar aquest pas si prems el botó EJECT de la teva Wii. Note that if you have a disc inserted in the disc drive, pressing EJECT will also eject the disc.
- Després, es verificarà la còpia de seguretat. Es recomana verificar la còpia, però pots saltar aquest pas si prems el botó EJECT de la teva Wii. Tingues en compte que si tens un disc insertat al lector de discs, polsar EJECT també ejectarà el disc.
5. Quan la còpia s'ha completat, eixiu d'eixa pantalla prement qualsevol botó.
6. Per a eixir de BootMii, premeu el botó "Back" (enrere) i després podeu polsar el Botò Wii o Homebrew Channel per a elegir a quin menú eixir.
@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ Per a recuperar des d'una còpia de la NAND que està a la teva targeta SD, pots
Per a estar segur que no aniràs a perdre els arxius, es recomana copiar `nand.bin` i `keys.bin` des de l'arreu de la teva targeta SD al teu ordinador.
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and we recommend it, especially if you were only able to install BootMii as IOS.
[Continuar amb l'instal·lació de Priiloader](priiloader)<br> Priiloader afegeix un nivell de protecció contra brickejos, i ho recomanem, especialment si solament vas poder instal·lar BootMii com a IOS.
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
title: "d2xl cIOS for Wii mini (experimental)"
title: "cIOS d2xl per a la Wii mini (experimental)"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
This tutorial will tell you how to install Leseratte's d2xl Wii mini cIOS (custom IOS). This is required if you want to load games with a USB Loader. Some homebrew might work better using cIOS.
Aquest tutorial us ensenyarà a instal·lar el cIOS "Leseratte's d2xl Wii mini cIOS" (IOS costumizat). Açò és requerit si vols carregar jocs amb un "USB Loader". Alguns programes "homebrew" poden funcionar millor emprant cIOS.


This guide is only intended for Wii mini users. If you have a Wii, follow [this guide](cios) instead.
Aquesta guia només està pensada per a usuaris de la Wii mini. Si tens una Wii, aleshores segueix[aquesta guia](cios).
{: .notice--warning}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquest tutorial, per favor uneix-te a [ el Discord de Hackejar la Wii Mini ]( (recomanat)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
This d2x cIOS installer was originally developed for the Wii U's vWii by DaveBaol and custom cIOS was created by Leseratte for the Wii mini. The original download page can be found [here]( Leseratte's Github page can be found [here]( Please note that this cIOS is still experimental, though no problem with functionality has been reported.
{: . notícia--informació}
Aquest instal·lador d2x cIOS fou originalment desenvolupat per a la vWii de la Wii U per DaveBaol i el cIOS costumizat creat per Leseratte per a la Wii mini. La pàgina de descàrrega original pot ser trobada [açí]( La pàgina de GitHub de Lesetatte pot ser trobada [açí]( Per favor, tingues en compte que aquest cIOS encara és experimental, tot i que cap problema amb funcionalitat ha sigut reportat.
{: .notice--info}
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii mini with the Homebrew Channel installed
* A USB drive
* Leseratte's [d2xl cIOS Installer](/assets/files/
* Una Wii mini amb el "Homebrew Channel" instal·lat
* Un Pendrive USB
* L'[instal·lador del cIOS d2xl](/assets/files/ de Leseratte
#### Instruccions
##### Section I - Downloading
##### Secció I - Descarregar
1. Extract the d2xl cIOS Installer to the `apps` folder on your USB drive.
1. Insert your USB drive into your Wii mini and load the d2xl cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Extrau l'instal·lador del cIOS d2xl a la carpeta `apps` del teu Pendrive USB.
1. Introduïu la seva tarjeta SD o Pendrive a la seva Wii, i obriu l'instalador d2x cIOS des-del Canal Homebrew (Homebrew Channel).
##### Section II - Installing
##### Secció II - Instalant
1. Press continue, then set the options to the following:
1. Premeu continuar, després fixeu les opcions a les següents:
Select cIOS: d2xl-v1-beta2
Select cIOS base: 57
Select cIOS slot: 249
Take a note of the version number under notes (`IOS57-64-` ending in either `v31776` or `v31775`)
1. Once set, press A to install. Once done successfully, exit the installer.
- If the install fails with a `TMD version mismatch` error, press left or right on the +Control Pad over the `Select cIOS base` option until the version number is different than the one you tried before. The number 57 will not change.
Tingues en ment el número de la versió davall de les notes (`IOS57-64` acabant en `v31776` o `v31775`)
1. Una volta preparat, prem A per a instal·lar. Una vegada completat amb èxit, ix de l'instal·lador.
- Si la instal·lació falla amb l'error `TMD version mismatch`, prem esquerra o dreta a la +Crosseta de Control sobre l'opció `Select cIOS base` fins que el número de versió sigui diferent del que vas emprar abans. El número 57 no canviarà.
##### Enabling Ethernet
If you wish to use Wiimmfi with Ethernet on a Wii mini, you have to run the [Ethernet Enabler Homebrew](/assets/files/ app made by Fullmetal5. To run it, just unzip it in the `apps` folder of your USB drive and run it from the Homebrew Channel.
##### Activant Ethernet
Si vols utilitzar Wiimmfi amb Ethernet a la Wii mini tens que còrret l'aplicació "[Ethernet Enabler Homebrew](/assets/files/" creada per Fullmetal5. Per a córrer-la, només descomprimeix-la a la carpeta `apps` del teu Pendrive USB i carrega-la des-del "Homebrew Channel".
The Wii and Wii mini consoles are only known to work with Ethernet adapters using the AX88772 chip. Please check that the product is compatible before you buy. This one from UGREEN is known to be compatible: [Amazon Europe](, [Amazon US](
{: . notícia--informació}
Les consoles Wii i Wii mini només funcionen amb adaptadors d'Ethernet que empren el xip AX88772. Per favor, assegura't que el producte és compatible abans de comprar-lo. Aquest és de UBREEN i és compatible: [Amazon Europa](, [Amazon EEUU](
{: .notice--info}
Do not attempt to install a Wii IOS or System Menu on the Wii mini. Doing so will likely brick your console.
No intentes instal·lar un IOS de Wii o Menú del Sistema a la Wii mini. Fer-ho brickejarà la consola molt probablement.
{: .notice--warning}
You can now use homebrew such as [USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) and [WiiFlow](wiiflow).
{: . notícia--informació}
Ara pots utilitzar homebrew com [USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) i [WiiFlow](wiiflow).
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[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
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[Continuar a navegació de pàgina](site-navigation)<br> Tenim molts més tutorials que podrien agradar-te.
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@ -4,71 +4,100 @@ title: "cIOS"
{% include toc title="Tablof Contents" %}
This tutorial will tell you how to install cIOS (custom IOS). This is required if you want to load games with a USB Loader. Some homebrew might work better using cIOS.
Aquest tutorial us ensenyarà a instalar cIOS (IOS costumizats). Açò és requerit si vols carregar jocs amb un "USB Loader". Alguns programes "homebrew" poden funcionar millor emprant cIOS.

If you have a Wii U (vWii), follow [this guide]( to install cIOS instead. Attempting to install any other cIOS on vWii won't work.
{: . notícia--informació}
Si tens una Wii U (vWii), segueix [aquesta guia]( a instal·lar cIOS. Intentar instal·lar qualsevol altre cIOS a la vWii no funcionarà.
{: .notice--info}
If you have a Wii mini, install [this cIOS](cios-mini) instead. Attempting to install any other cIOS on a Wii mini won't work.
{: . notícia--informació}
Si tens una Wii, aleshores segueix [aquesta guia](cios-mini). Intentar instal·lar qualsevol altre cIOS a la vWii no funcionarà.
{: .notice--info}
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii with an Internet connection
* An SD card or USB drive
* [instalador d2x cIOS](
- Una Wii
- Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
- [Instal·lador d2x cIOS](
Ensure that if you are using an SD card, the lock switch is in the unlocked position, otherwise you will not be able to select the correct options in the installer
Assegurat que si estàs emprant una targeta SD, l'interruptor de bloqueig es troba a la posició de "desbloqueig", d'altra forma no podràs seleccionar les opcions correctes a l'instal·lador.
{: .notice--warning}
#### Instruccions
##### Section I - Downloading
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'with-connection')">Amb internet a la Wii</button>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--info" onclick="openTab(event, 'without-connection')">Sense internet a la Wii</button>
1. Download d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
<div id="with-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Section II - Installing
##### Secció I - Descarregar
1. Descarrega l'instal·lador del cIOS d2x i extrau-lo al "root" de la tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB.
1. Inserta la tarjeta SD o Penrive USB a la teva Wii, i inicia l'instal·lador del cIOS d2x des-del "Homebrew Channel".
<div id="without-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Secció I - Descarregar
1. Descarrega, extrau i inicia l'aplicació [NUS Downloader](
1. Selecciona "Database", "IOS", després "IOS57", i selecciona "v5918".
- Assegura't que "Pack WAD" està seleccionat però "Patch IOS" no ho està.
1. Repeteix el pas anterior per a IOS56 v5661 i IOS38 v4123.
1. Una vegada hagis descarregat els tres IOS, hi haurà una carpeta anomenada `titles` a la mateixa carpeta del "NUS Downloader". Obri la carpeta i navega a aquesta fins a trobar els tres arxius WAD que vas descarregar. Posa'ls al "root" de la targeta SD o Pendrive USB.
1. Descarrega l'instal·lador del cIOS d2x i extrau-lo al "root" de la tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB.
1. Inserta la tarjeta SD o Penrive USB a la teva Wii, i inicia l'instal·lador del cIOS d2x des-del "Homebrew Channel".
##### Secció II - Instalant
1. Premeu continuar, després fixeu les opcions a les següents:
1. Press continue, then set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 57
Select cIOS slot: 249
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice to install.
1. Una volta preparat, prem A dues vegades per a instal·lar.
1. Quan hagueu acabat d'instalar, premeu A per a tornar, i poseu les opcions a les següents:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 56
Select cIOS slot: 250
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice to install.
1. Una volta preparat, prem A dues vegades per a instal·lar.
1. Quan hagueu acabat d'instalar, premeu A per a tornar, i poseu les opcions a les següents:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 38
Select cIOS slot: 251
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice again to install, and then exit once done.
#### Troubleshooting

1. Una volta preparat, prem A dues vegades per a instal·lar, i ix una vegada acabat.
#### Resolució de problemes
{% capture bruh %}
Although the majority of games should work straight away with the defaults, some may require using a specific cIOS to function, or to utilize certain features within the game.<br> Examples include:
* Using a keyboard in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
* Running SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
- Using a keyboard in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
- Running SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
A more comprehensive (although still incomplete) list can be found [**here**](<br> To change the cIOS used for a specific game, follow these instructions:
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ bruh | markdownify }}</div>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'usbloadergx')">USB Loader GX</button>
@ -93,13 +122,13 @@ A more comprehensive (although still incomplete) list can be found [**here**](ht
##### Options once complete
[Continue to the Homebrew Browser](hbb)<br> The Homebrew Browser is a good place to get homebrew on your Wii. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
You can now use homebrew such as [USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) and [WiiFlow](wiiflow).
{: . notícia--informació}
Ara pots utilitzar homebrew com [USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) i [WiiFlow](wiiflow).
{: .notice--info}
let tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("blanktabcontent");
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
1. Set it as shown on the screen below.
If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](, set `Dual Layer` to `Yes`.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

1. CleanRip descarregarà el teu joc. It can take a while, since it will dump the full 4.7 GB disc contents (8.5 GB for dual layer discs). 
@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ L'eina de neteja de RiiConnect24 és una aplicació homebrew que pot resoldre aq
3. L'aplicació t'ajudarà a resoldre qualsevol problema que tens actualment.
[Tornar a la pàgina d'instalació de RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ title: "Donacions"
[{:height="72px" width="256px"}{: style="padding-bottom: .35em"}]({: .align-center}
{: .text-center}
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[{:height="72px" width="256px"}{: style="padding-bottom: .35em"}]({: .align-center}
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{: . notícia--informació}
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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Here's a list of things you should and should not do once you've modded your Wii, to make sure you don't brick it.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Here's a list of things you should and should not do once you've modded your Wii
- **DO** make a backup of your Wii NAND regularly with [BootMii](bootmii), especially before doing something risky.
- **DO** install Wii Menu themes if you wish, but only use our tutorial for it carefully. ([Wii](themes) / [vWii](themes-vwii)). Other tutorials might be misleading and can cause you to brick your Wii.
- **DO NOT** install WADs of random IOS, older versions of the Wii Menu, etc. unless you know what you're doing, especially not on vWii or a Wii Mini.
- **DO NOT** or use old versions of Wii homebrew. If you follow Wii modding tutorials from the Internet, be cautious about using old tutorials (likely pre-2012), especially if they have to do with things such as IOS.
- **DO NOT** use old versions of Wii homebrew. If you follow Wii modding tutorials from the Internet, be cautious about using old tutorials (likely pre-2012), especially if they have to do with things such as IOS.
- **DO NOT** modify, rename, or delete random files on your Wii NAND unless you know what you are doing.
- **DO NOT** use the homebrew app "KoreanKii" on a non-Korean Wii.
- **DO NOT** Install any IOS or Wii Menu on a Wii mini other than [d2xl cIOS](cios-mini). Doing so will brick your console if a Wi-Fi card is not soldered to it.
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ Here's a list of things you should and should not do once you've modded your Wii
If you follow these guidelines, you won't have to worry about bricking your Wii. Wii modding is safe, and bricks usually occur due to something done by the user that is on this list.
Continue to installing cIOS<br> cIOS are used to play games with a USB Loader. It's also useful for many other homebrew apps.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If using a regular Wii, follow [this guide](cios) to install cIOS.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If using a Wii mini, follow [this guide](cios-mini) to install cIOS
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
title: "Dumping Wii/GameCube games over local network"
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii.
* [DVD Dump Tool](/assets/files/
@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ title: "Dumping WADs"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
This tutorial will explain you how to dump WADs from your Wii System Memory.
#### Requeriments
* An SD card or USB drive
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* [Yet Another BlueDump MOD](
#### Instruccions
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ title: "FlashHax"
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
FlashHax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by using the Internet Channel. Unlike other exploits, this doesn't require an SD card.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
- A Wii with an Internet connection
- The Internet Channel
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ If the HackMii Installer doesn't load and it instead freezes (you can't move you
If you still can't get it to load, try deleting your cookies or save data for the Internet Channel.
[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ title: "Get Started"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Even if your Wii has already been softmodded in the past, following these steps can still ensure that your softmod is up to date.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
All of the exploits run the HackMii Installer, and have the same end result.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Although you can follow this guide without an SD card, you will not be able to create or restore a NAND backup using BootMii, and you won't be able to use some homebrew.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to mod your Wii. When you are finished following the guide, follow [the update guide](update) to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3.
{: . notícia--informació}
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to install the Homebrew Channel, and then follow the [update guide](update) to update to 4.3.
{: .notice--info}
This guide is for the original Wii and Wii mini only (including the Wii Family Edition). Do not use this on a Wii U (vWii)! If you want to install homebrew on a Wii U, [follow this guide](
{: .notice--warning}
@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ title: "Open Shop Channel (Homebrew Browser)"
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the Open Shop Channel]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Homebrew Browser, which is what the Open Shop Channel is based off on, does work but it can be buggy. You can also get homebrew using [osc-dl]( and from the [Open Shop Channel website](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
The [Open Shop Channel]( is where you can go to get homebrew apps. It is a revival project for an app called Homebrew Browser.
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
#### Què necessitaràs?
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* [Homebrew Browser](/assets/files/
#### Instruccions
@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ Here are some recommended apps that you can get on the Open Shop Channel:
- [YABDM]( - This is a tool to dump content installed on your Wii to WAD files. See [our page](dump-wads) for instructions on how to use it.
[Continue to RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)<br> RiiConnect24 allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Included in the Homebrew Browser download is a guide on how to use the Homebrew Browser.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
You can swap out ShopChannel.ogg with loop.ogg in `/apps/homebrew_browser/` to have the Homebrew Browser play the Wii Shop Channel music.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Homebrew Channel - for Wii mini only"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ The Homebrew Channel is where you will go to launch homebrew applications.
#### Instruccions
This page is **only** intended for users of the Wii mini. If you have a regular Wii, follow [this guide](hbc) instead.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
While it is possible to install BootMii on a Wii mini, you will need to solder an SD card slot. That requires opening up your Wii mini and using special tools, so it is not recommended.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. You will see a scam warning screen. Wait 30 seconds for the text "Press 1 to continue" to appear, then press 1. 
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ While it is possible to install BootMii on a Wii mini, you will need to solder a
1. Once done, select `Exit` to exit the HackMii installer.
[Continue to installing Priiloader](priiloader) Priiloader offers protection from bricks, and is highly recommended to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ excerpt: "The complete guide to modding your Nintendo Wii."
The guide is also available in other languages! To change the language, please press the icon at top right and change your language.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
## What is "homebrew"?
@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ Here's a list of things you can do using homebrew. While this list is by no mean
## Ready?
Get started by [choosing your exploit](get-started)!
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ The Kirby TV Channel is controlled and operated by Striim Network, not RiiConnec
Striim Network is a service dedicated to bringing back the channels that support video playback, such as Kirby TV Channel and YouTube.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* An SD card or USB drive
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* A Wii with an Internet connection
* A Windows or Unix based computer
* [Kirby TV Channel Patcher](
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Striim Network is a service dedicated to bringing back the channels that support
#### Instruccions
[If you want to see detailed instructions on how to install the WADs, click here!](wiimodlite)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Download the executable for your architecture and OS.
2. Launch the executable then press `1` twice to start the patching process.
@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ Striim Network is a service dedicated to bringing back the channels that support
[Continue to RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)<br> RiiConnect24 allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to WiiLink](wiilink)<br> WiiLink allows you to use the discontinued Japanese channels, such as Wii no Ma and the Digicam Print Channel. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: "LetterBomb"
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

LetterBomb is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered using the Wii Message Board.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
- An SD card that is no more than 32GB in size
- A Wii on System Menu version 4.3
@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ LetterBomb is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered using the Wii Message Boa

[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Priiloader"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Priiloader adds a level of brick protection to your Wii. It loads before the Wii Menu does (hence the name). The tool can also enable hacks for your Wii Menu, and be used to quickly launch the Homebrew Channel, BootMii, or whatever homebrew you want!
@ -14,15 +14,16 @@ Priiloader adds a level of brick protection to your Wii. It loads before the Wii
Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your vWii by doing this.
{: .notice--warning}
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
* [Priiloader installer](
#### Què necessitaràs?
- Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
- [Priiloader installer](
#### Instruccions
##### Secció 1 - Descarregar/Instalar
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to your SD card or USB drive.
* If this folder does not exist, create it.
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
##### Section II - Installing Priiloader
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your
##### Section III - Entering/Configuring Priiloader
1. Hold the RESET button while turning on your Wii.
* If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape on it while turning it on.
- If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape on it while turning it on.
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your
3. Go to `System Menu Hacks`.
If you are using a USB drive to install Priiloader, make sure you do not have an SD card inserted at the same time. This will cause Priiloader to be unable to find the hacks_hash.ini file.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
4. We recommend you turn on the following hacks: `Region Free EVERYTHING`, `Block Disc Updates` and `Block Online Updates`. 
1. Scroll down to `save settings` and press A, then press B to go back to the main menu of Priiloader.
@ -76,6 +77,5 @@ This is a list of the hacks you can enable with Priiloader.
| No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx | Re-enable channels with these title IDs (originally blocked in system updates due to them being exploits). |
| Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 | Make discs use cIOS 249 as the game's IOS. While it cannot allow playing of burned games on its own, it is needed to play burned discs. (Can give you Error 002 on a non-burned game) |
[Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding](dosanddonts)<br> These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ title: "RiiConnect24 FORE000006"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel should start working.
[Return to RiiConnect24 installation page](riiconnect24)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -3,21 +3,30 @@ title: "RiiConnect24 DNS Update"
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}


Starting June 16th, 2022, our official DNS Address changes!
About a year ago we bought a new VPS that allowed us to serve our service better to the ever so growing community. Our DNS was the last thing to update.
Our official DNS Address has been updated. We require all users to change it. Failure in doing so will result in losing access to most or every RiiConnect24 service.
The old address will be supported until it's `DEPRECATION` date. We will remind you using Wii Mail or our [Discord server]( about the need to change the DNS Address in the next few months.
Here are the new DNS settings that you should enter in your Wii and your DS:
We've restricted access to Forecast Channel and News Channel for users still using the old DNS Address. Users will also see a new EULA when trying to enable WiiConnect24 reminding them about the change.   
- should be your primary DNS.<br>
- should be your secondary DNS.
To update your entered DNS Address please follow these steps:
Avoid using the old DNS, it will become `DEPRECATED` on June 1st, 2023.
1. Go to `Wii Options`.
2. Go to `Wii Settings`.
3. Go to `Page 2`, then click on `Internet`.
4. Go to `Connection Settings`
5. Select your current connection
6. Go to `Change Settings`
7. Go to `Auto-Obtain DNS` (Not IP Address), then select `No`, then `Advanced Settings`.
8. Type in `` as the primary DNS
9. Type in `` as the secondary DNS
10. Select `Confirm`, then select `Save`
11. Select `OK` to perform a connection
12. If the connection test was successful, select `No` to skip the Wii System Update.
Thank you for your support, RiiConnect24 Team.
The old DNS Server will stop working on `June 1st, 2023`.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Riiconnect24"
title: "RiiConnect24 for Dolphin"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
@ -9,9 +9,21 @@ title: "Riiconnect24"
This guide will help you install RiiConnect24 on your Dolphin installation.
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please directly contact KcrPL#4625 on Discord, join the [RiiConnect24 Discord Server]( or [e-mail us at](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
### What you need
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for [Dolphin Emulator]( only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-vwii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U).
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
### Què necessitaràs?
* A computer with either Windows 7 or newer or any Unix-based system
* [.VFF-File-Downloader-for-Dolphin]( if using a Unix-based system
@ -23,7 +35,7 @@ If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please directly contact K
##### Section I - Installing Dolphin
If you have Dolphin already installed, skip to Section II
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Download the latest Dolphin beta version, but **not a stable version as these are very outdated!**
2. Extract the .7z file using a program like 7Zip or WinRAR.
@ -31,7 +43,7 @@ If you have Dolphin already installed, skip to Section II
4. Press on `Tools` -> `Perform Online System Update` -> Choose your region. 
If you have a homebrewed Wii console, you can use a [BootMii NAND dump](bootmii) instead of installing the Wii System menu via this method. See [this page]( for more information.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
##### Section II - Installing RiiConnect24
@ -47,9 +59,9 @@ If you have a homebrewed Wii console, you can use a [BootMii NAND dump](bootmii)
6. Proceed with the program configuration.
7. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. 
If you choose to manually run it, keep `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`. There will be an option in the menu to manually run it.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want to uninstall it in the future, come back to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` and choose Settings - Manage startup VFF Downloader.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
8. Press any key to go back to the RiiConnect24 patcher.
9. Once back in the RiiConnect24 Patcher, press `1` and then `Enter`.
@ -59,14 +71,17 @@ If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want t
<div id="unix" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
The screenshots in this section are taken from Windows, but the same steps can be followed on your Unix-based machine.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run ``. 
3. Proceed with the program configuration.
4. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. 

If you choose to manually run it, keep ``. There will be an option in menu to manually run it.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want to uninstall it in the future, come back to `` and choose - Manage startup VFF Downloader.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
5. Run ``.
6. Start the patcher, select `Install RiiConnect24`. 
7. Select `Custom`. 
@ -76,7 +91,7 @@ If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want t
You're all done! Unfortunately, the Nintendo Channel and Wii Mail don't work in Dolphin yet.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
let tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("blanktabcontent");
@ -5,14 +5,26 @@ title: RiiConnect24 vWii Guide
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on your vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U) with: CMOC/MCC, Nintendo Channel, EVC and News Channel along with forced 4:3 aspect ratio patching.
Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U).
Since certain features found in the original Wii are not present in the vWii, we can only partially utilize RiiConnect24. See [what's currently working](#whats-currently-working) for details.
{: .notice--warning}
{: .notice--warning}[RiiConnect24]( allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail.
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U) only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-dolphin) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on Dolphin Emulator.
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
#### Warnings
@ -22,69 +34,83 @@ We are **NOT** responsible if you brick, or damage your console in any way whats
Do **NOT** perform this guide on any other console than the vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U). If you're looking for instructions for a Nintendo Wii, use [this guide](riiconnect24). If you'd like to perform this guide on the Dolphin emulator, use [this guide](riiconnect24-dolphin) instead.
{: .notice--warning}
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A PC or mobile device with internet access and the ability to interact with SD cards.
* An SD card formatted as FAT32 (at least 2GB) with enough available space. SDHC or SDXC cards formatted as FAT32 can be known to work.
* A Wii U console capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher](
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* A computer
* A Wii U console with an Internet connection that's capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* A Nintendo Network ID (NNID) linked to your Wii U
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher (Windows, Mac and Linux)](
After following the above linked guide, you should have:
* A vWii NAND backup and keys (keep these stored safely!!)
* The Homebrew Channel installed
* d2x cIOS installed (IOS249, IOS250 and IOS251)
* IOS80 patched
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### Instruccions
##### Section I - Running the patcher
Using the RiiConnect24 Patcher you should've downloaded earlier in [What you need](#what-you-need), you will be downloading and patching IOS31, News, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channels for use on your vWii.
If you can't run RiiConnect24 Patcher, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at]( for further assistance.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` on Windows or `` on Unix systems by typing bash then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this `bash`. Follow the on screen instructions
1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
2. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a Unix system
3. On Windows run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`. On Unix systems, open Terminal and type `bash`, then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: `bash`.
4. Press 1 to choose "`Start`" and confirm your selection by pressing `ENTER`. (NOTE: These screenshots are from the Windows version of the patcher.) 
5. Select the device you're patching for. 
6. For this guide, choose "`Install RiiConnect24 on your Wii`" 
7. Choose "`Express (Recommended)`". It will give you everything you need. 
8. Select your region. 
9. While you're at it, RiiConnect24 Patcher can additionally download some other optional channels that do not use RiiConnect24. `[X]` represents the options that selected. Just press 5 and `ENTER` if you're not interested. 
10. Connect your SD Card or USB Drive to your computer and select "`1`". 
11. If your device was detected successfully, select "`1`". If not, make sure there's a folder called `apps` on your SD Card or USB Drive and try again. 
12. Be patient... 
13. After it's done, we would appreciate if you take a minute to send anonymous feedback to us. If you don't want to, close the patcher. All the files should already be on your SD Card.  
14. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device.
2. Confirm that after running through the patcher, you have 3 folders. They will be in the same folder where `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat/sh` is and on your SD Card (of course, only if you selected an option in the patcher to do so).
- If the patcher did not move the file to the SD Card, move these 3 folders to the root of your SD card.
##### Section II - Installing WADs
##### Section II - Installing the newly patched WADs
You will now install the patched IOS and Channel WADs that are required to use RiiConnect24.
1. Open the Homebrew Channel
2. Launch Wii Mod Lite
3. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
4. Highlight all WADs with `RiiConnect24` in the name, and press + to select them. When all of them are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
5. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
1. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii U.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii U.
3. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Highlight all the WADs in the folder by pressing the + Button to select them. When all of the WADs are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
6. If you get an error saying a title with a higher version is already installed (error -1035), go back to the WAD selection menu and press the - Button on the highlighted WAD to uninstall it, then try installing it again.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section III - Patching 43db for 16:9 (optional)
1. Open the Homebrew Channel
2. Launch the ww-43db-patcher
1. Launch ww-43db-patcher and wait for it to complete.
If you install a theme, you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more
{: . notícia--informació}
If you [install a theme](/themes-vwii), you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more.
{: .notice--info}
##### Section IV - Using RiiConnect24
After following the above sections, you're almost able to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **after every vWii reboot**.
After following the above sections, you're almost ready to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **every time you boot into vWii**.
1. On the vWii's **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
1. On the **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
* This will enable the WiiConnect24 and Standby Connection flags required by the WiiConnect24 Channels.
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed!
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels.
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed.
#### What's currently working?
The following RiiConnect24 services are **working** on the vWii:
* News Channel
* This channel is affected by the timestamp issue. The "Last Updated" and article timestamps will be incorrect.
* The banner data is also known to not work, returning `Unable to obtain data.`
* Forecast Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* News Channel
* Everybody Votes Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* Check Mii Out Channel / Mii Contest Channel
{: .notice--success}
The following RiiConnect24 services are **not working** on the vWii:
* Wii Mail (most functionality does not exist on vWii)
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends. You can only receive global broadcast mail and posts from RSSMii feeds (if set up).
* Everything else that isn't working according to [RiiConnect24 stats](
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends.
Most services that utilize WiiConnect24 will be able to work if you leave vWii running for several hours. There's no standby mode on the console.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Riiconnect24"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ This guide is for regular Wiis only.
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* An SD card or USB drive
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* A Wii with an Internet connection
* A computer
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher (Windows, Mac and Linux)](
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick th
##### Section I - Using RiiConnect24 Patcher
If you can't run RiiConnect24 Patcher, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at]( for further assistance.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
2. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a Unix system
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ You will now patch your `nwc24msg.cfg` file which is required in order to use Wi
2. It should only take a few seconds to patch your nwc24msg.cfg. When it's done, press the HOME Button to exit.
If you were unable to patch your nwc24msg.cfg correctly, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at]( for further assistance.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
##### Section IV - Connecting
@ -101,29 +101,29 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
15. At `Slot Illumination`, we recommend you set the disc light to `Dim` or `Bright`, but this is optional.
16. Finally, go to the `Internet` section, then `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`, then `Yes`. Please read through this.
[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
It's common to get error FORE000006 on the Forecast Channel after installing RiiConnect24. If you get it, make sure your Wii's to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and it may start working. [If you still get error FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with RC24-Clear-Tool].
{: .notice--warning}
[Continue to WiiLink](wiilink)<br> WiiLink lets you use the Japanese-exclusive channels known as Wii no Ma and Digicam Print Channel. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
You will get error 268503 when loading the Nintendo Channel. This is normal. You can bypass the error by pressing OK.
{: .notice--warning}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS.
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS. Make sure you install IOS31 and IOS80 with Wii Mod Lite, along with any other patched WADs.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel may start working.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you still get FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with rc24-clear-tool](
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with rc24-clear-tool.](deleting-vffs)
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with RC24-Clear-Tool](deleting-vffs).
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
{: .notice--warning}
[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to WiiLink](wiilink)<br> WiiLink lets you use the Japanese-exclusive channels known as Wii no Ma and Digicam Print Channel. This is optional to install.
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ title: RiiTag on Wii U
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
RiiTag is a customizable and dynamic gamertag. By sharing your gamertag (a dynamic image), you can show what you've been playing to your friends! You launch a plugin on your Wii U console, and the tag updates on-the-fly.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
- A device capable of interacting with SD cards
- Softmodded Wii U console
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Do not share your RiiTag key with anyone! If you do, people can abuse your tag.
##### Section IV - Running on startup (optional)
We will now setup Wii U Plugin Loader to run on startup with your Wii U. **This only works if you are using or willing to use Coldboot Haxchi.** You will still have to turn on UTag and press + on the Wii U GamePad to be kicked into the Wii U Menu on startup.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Extract the Coldboot Haxchi mod `.zip` file to the root of your SD card.
- If your computer asks to replace, select Replace All.
@ -73,5 +73,5 @@ You have now set up RiiTag on your Wii U! Now go play some games, and watch them
{: .notice--success}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ title: "RiiTag on Wii"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
RiiTag is a customizable and dynamic gamertag. By sharing your gamertag (a dynamic image), you can show what you've been playing to your friends! You connect it to a USB Loader, and the tag updates on-the-fly. You need a Discord account in order to start using RiiTag.
Want to install RiiTag on your Wii U? See [this guide](riitag-wiiu) on how to connect it to your Wii U Menu.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A computer
* A text editor
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ Want to install RiiTag on your Wii U? See [this guide](riitag-wiiu) on how to co
1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click `Edit Your Tag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, Wii Number, and manually enter in games to show on your tag (not needed if you're using a USB Loader).
5. Click `Show Key` and make note of the key shown. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
6. Click `Submit` to save your changes.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Edit RiiTag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, and Wii Number. Click the green Save icon in the corner to save your changes.
5. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `Copy` under `RiiTag Private Key`. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
Do not share your RiiTag key with anyone! If you do, people can abuse your tag.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -43,15 +42,14 @@ The steps to connect RiiTag to your USB Loader depend on what USB Loader you use
3. Ensure that `Initialize Network` is turned on.
4. Exit USB Loader GX.
5. Insert the SD Card or USB device where your USB Loader GX data is into your computer.
6. [Go to this page.](
7. On your browser, right click, and click `Save As`.
8. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
9. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
6. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `You can also download your Wiinnertag.xml.` which will download the file needed to use RiiTag with USB Loader GX.
7. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
8. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
###### WiiFlow
1. Take the SD Card or USB device where your WiiFlow data is into your computer.
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path might have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path should have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
3. Search for `gamercards` and replace that line with `gamercards=wiinnertag`.
4. Search for `wiinnertag_url` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_url={ID6}&key={KEY}`.
5. Search for `wiinnertag_key` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_key=<key>`, replacing `<key>` with the key you wrote down in Section 1.
@ -62,20 +60,22 @@ The steps to connect RiiTag to your USB Loader depend on what USB Loader you use
###### Emulators
RiiTag supports Dolphin, Citra, and Cemu. You need a Discord account for this to work.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. [Join the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( if you aren't already in there.
2. Make sure you turn on Discord rich presence in the emulator preferences.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open (not the web-based client, the standalone application)
4. Play a game and RiiTag will automatically update your tag when you play a game.
A Discord bot is used to read your rich presence and update your RiiTag accordingly. If you want to invite the bot to your server, [use this link](
###### Configurable USB Loader
We do not offer support for Configurable USB Loader, as it's outdated compared to USB Loader GX and WiiFlow Lite.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
You can use the `CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe` program (Windows only) instead of editing the `config.txt` file mentioned below if you want to.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Take the SD Card or USB device where your Configurable USB Loader data is into your computer.
2. Open `/usb-loader/config.txt` with a text editor.
@ -86,18 +86,20 @@ You can use the `CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe` program (Windows only) instead of ed
#### RiiTag Channel
We have a RiiTag channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii.
{: . notícia--informació}
We have a RiiTag Channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii. You must have the Internet Channel installed to use this.
{: .notice--info}
1. Log into RiiTag and go to your tag page.
2. Click `Download RiiTag Channel`.
3. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
4. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
5. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
6. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Profile`. Click `RiiTag Channel` to download the WAD.
5. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
6. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
7. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
8. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
[Check out RiiTag-RPC](<br> Now that you set up RiiTag, you can set up RiiTag-RPC to show your Discord friends what you're playing on the Wii using Discord's rich presence.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ title: "Removing RSSMii"
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you no longer wish to use RSSMii (maybe because it gives you too much Wii Mail), here's how to remove it.

#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* An SD card
* [RSSMii Remover](
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ If you no longer wish to use RSSMii (maybe because it gives you too much Wii Mai
3. Launch RSSMii Remover from the Homebrew Channel. It will remove your subscriptions to the RSS feeds.
In case you would like to revert your decision, you can always [reinstall RSSMii](rssmii).
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ title: "Installing RSSMii"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Do you want to get RSS feed updates on your Wii Message Board? This tutorial will tell you how to set RSSMii up.

#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* An SD card
* [RSSMii](
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Do you want to get RSS feed updates on your Wii Message Board? This tutorial wil
2. We need to create a `feeds.xml` on the root of the SD card so the app will know what feeds to subscribe you to.
If you're using the Windows Operating System, you can use the [RSS Feeds Creator]( program created by KcrPL. It will automatically create a `feeds.xml` file and will copy it to your SD card!
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
<b>If you don't have a Windows computer, use this template and use your favorite text editor to make the `feeds.xml`.</b>
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ Not getting any feed updates? Try an RSS feed that updates more frequently, like
{: .notice--warning}
We recommend you use just a few feeds, because if you subscribe to a lot of feeds you can get a ton of mail on your Wii.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you're not receiving updates after a few days, you might need to subscribe to the RSS feeds again. Launch RSSMii from the Homebrew Channel again and it'll create brand new subscriptions.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Removing RSSMii](rssmii-remove)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ sitemap: fals
+ [Home](/)
+ [Get Started](començar)
+ [Preguntes Freqüents](preguntes freqüents)
+ [Get Started](get-started)
+ [Preguntes Freqüents](faq)
+ [Donations](donations)
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--primary">{{ notice-2 | markdownify }}</div>
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ title: "str2hax"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Note that if your ISP or networking environment prevents using custom DNS servers, str2hax will not work and you should [choose another exploit to use](get-started).
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
str2hax is an exploit for the Wii that is triggered by loading the Wii's End User License Agreement. It requires nothing but an Internet connection that lets you change the DNS on your Wii.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii with an Internet connection
@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ This exploit requires you to set your DNS in order to connect to a server that c
If the HackMii Installer doesn't load and it instead freezes (you can't move your cursor) or it doesn't take 1-2 minutes to trigger, please restart your Wii and retry the exploit.
If you have installed a mod like CTGP Revolution or Project+, str2hax may load that instead. If it does, restart your Wii and try again without your SD card inserted.
[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ title: "SysCheck"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
A SysCheck lists all the IOS and cIOS that are on your Wii, along with some information about each of them. It also gives you some other useful information. When you have IOS-related problems on your Wii, someone might ask you to do a SysCheck.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* An SD card or USB drive
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* [SysCheck HacksDen Edition](
#### Instruccions
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ There are some themes that aren't compatible with the vWii System Menu, they may
{: .notice--warning}
If you somehow happen to brick your vWii, [follow this guide]( ([Archive](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### What You Need
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Installing Wii Menu Themes"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Are you tired of the boring, plain white theme on your Wii Menu, and want a cool theme instead? This tutorial will help you get a new theme for your Wii Menu!
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ Do not use any other version of ThemeMii than the one linked here, as ThemeMii M
{: .notice--warning}
We recommend you [install cIOS](cios) before continuing.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii
* An SD card or USB drive
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* A computer with Windows on it (or using Mono or Wine on Mac/Linux)
* [MyMenuify Mod](
* [ThemeMii Mod](/assets/files/
6. Highlight the theme you want to install, then press A. Give it a moment to install the theme, then press any button to go to the Wii Menu. Hopefully, the theme installed correctly.
If you get an error saying "The system files are corrupted" or a black screen, don't panic as long as you installed Priiloader. Turn off your Wii, then hold down the RESET button down and turn on your Wii. You should be able to boot into the Priiloader menu, where you have some options to fix your Wii Menu. One of the options is to launch the Homebrew Channel, where you can launch MyMenuify Mod and press a button to download and install the original Wii Menu theme.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,26 +5,26 @@ title: "Updating Wii Menu to v4.3"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, as you can no longer use the updater built into the Wii Menu since the servers are no longer up.
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, if you have already homebrewed your Wii.
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
#### Què necessitaràs?
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* A computer with Windows on it
* [IOS58 Installer](
* [NUS Downloader](
* [Wii Mod Lite](
If you don't have a Windows computer, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### Instruccions
##### Section I - Downloading
##### Secció I - Descarregar
Your Wii must be modded in order to perform this. If it isn't, then it's best to follow [the guide](get-started) first before doing this.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also, install [BootMii](bootmii) (as Boot2 if you have an early Wii, otherwise IOS). Installing brick protection along with following the guide correctly should keep you safe from bricks. DO NOT CONTINUE UNTIL YOU HAVE INSTALLED PRIILOADER AND BOOTMII!
{: .notice--danger}
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also,
3. Make sure `Pack WAD` is checked.
4. Press `Start NUS Download!`.
5. Open the `titles` -> `0000000100000002` -> (Wii Menu version) and copy the .wad file to a folder called `wad` on your SD Card or USB drive.
6. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `000000010000003A` -> `Latest Version`.
7. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
| Region | Wii Menu version |
| ------ | ---------------- |
@ -43,20 +44,22 @@ To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also,
| Europe | v514 (4.3E) |
| Korea | v518 (4.3K) |
##### Section II - Installing
##### Secció II - Instalant
You use the +Control Pad to use this tool.
{: . notícia--informació}
Utilitza la +Crosseta de Control per a utilitzar aquesta ferramenta.
{: .notice--info}
1. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii.
3. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Press A to install the IOS80. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
5. Press A to install the IOS80 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
6. Press A to install the Wii Menu WAD.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
8. Launch IOS58 Installer.
9. Follow the instructions to install IOS58.
7. Press A to install the IOS58 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
8. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
Installing a Wii Menu WAD will **remove** Priiloader. Do not reboot before you have installed it again, otherwise you could BRICK.
{: .notice--danger}
[Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and we recommend it.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,35 +5,35 @@ title: "USB Loader GX"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
This is a quick start guide on how to use USB Loader GX, a popular USB loader for the Wii that's used to play games from a USB drive.

#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii
* A USB drive
* Un Pendrive USB
* [USB Loader GX](
Make sure you have installed [cIOS](/cios) before following this!
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
We recommend you copy games over with [Wii Backup Manager](/wiibackupmanager) if you use Windows, [Witgui]( if you use macOS, or [Wii Backup Fusion]( for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you want to play games that are in NKit format, use [this program]( to convert them to ISO first. You can also use a development build of Dolphin, right click on a game, and use "Convert File" to convert it.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you are not copying games using Wii Backup Manager, Witgui, or Wii Backup Fusion, make a folder on the root of the USB drive or SD card named "wbfs" and put the games in there.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
To play games, we recommend using an external hard drive for your Wii. Flash drives should be usable too, but external hard drives are recommended as they are more reliable, and can store more games.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32 or NTFS. Do not format it as other types such as exFAT, extFS, or WBFS, the latter is an old format of storing Wii games.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### Instruccions
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32 or NTFS. Do not format it as othe
##### Getting Started
There is no "guide" to use the USB Loader GX app. This is intended to help you learn how to use it, by giving you a quick start. You should be able to figure out all the great features of USB Loader GX by using it.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
* If USB Loader GX says "Waiting for HDD..." with a 20 seconds countdown, it's likely that it can't find the USB drive. Try to exit out of the app, and then relaunch it after you put the USB drive in the other port of the Wii.
* You can press the 1 Button on your Wii Remote to open up a dialog to download game covers and artwork from [GameTDB]( It might take a while to download the game covers and artwork, depending on how many games you have.
@ -88,4 +88,4 @@ On the middle of the bottom of the screen, you can see how much space is free on
##### Options once complete
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,27 +5,27 @@ title: "Wii Backup Manager"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Wii Backup Manager is a program to copy Wii games from your computer to a USB drive so you can play the games on your Wii. It also can download game covers from [GameTDB]( and can be used to list what games you have. This tutorial will tell you how to copy over games from your computer to your USB drive. The other features are able to be used in the easy-to-use interface.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A USB drive
* Un Pendrive USB
* [Wii Backup Manager](
We recommend you copy games over with [Witgui]( if you use macOS, or [Wii Backup Fusion]( for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Wii Backup Manager is only compatible with Windows.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
To play multiple games, we recommend a USB-powered external hard drive for your Wii. We will refer to it as a "USB drive" in this guide. Most of the ones you can find on the market should work fine if they have USB 2 backwards compatibility. Drives with 1 TB or more in capacity will work. A flash drive will also work, but due to the size of a flash drive, it won't be able to store as many games.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32 or NTFS. Do not format it as other types such as exFAT, extFS, or WBFS, the latter is an old format of storing Wii games.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### Instruccions
##### Section I - Downloading
##### Secció I - Descarregar
1. Extract Wii Backup Manager, and launch the program.
2. Insert your USB drive into your computer.
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32 or NTFS. Do not format it as othe
##### Options once complete
[Continue to cIOS](cios)<br> cIOS is needed for your Wii to use a USB Loader.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) USB Loader GX is a USB Loader that you can use to play games on your Wii from a USB drive.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to WiiFlow](wiiflow) WiiFlow is a USB Loader that you can use to play games on your Wii from a USB drive or SD Card.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,38 +5,38 @@ title: "WiiFlow"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

This is a quick start guide on how to use WiiFlow, a USB loader for the Wii that's used to play games from a USB drive or SD card.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii
* A USB drive and/or SD card
* [WiiFlow Lite](
Make sure you have installed [cIOS](/cios) before following this!
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
We recommend you copy games over with [Wii Backup Manager](/wiibackupmanager) if you use Windows, [Witgui]( if you use macOS, or [Wii Backup Fusion]( for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you want to play games that are in NKit format, use [this program]( to convert them to ISO first. You can also use a development build of Dolphin, right click on a game, and use "Convert File" to convert it.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you are not copying games using Wii Backup Manager, Witgui, or Wii Backup Fusion, make a folder on the root of the USB drive or SD card named "wbfs" and put the games in there.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
To play games, we recommend using an external hard drive for your Wii. Flash drives should be usable too, but external hard drives are recommended as they are more reliable, and can store more games.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Unlike USB Loader GX, WiiFlow can load games of an SD card.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Make sure your USB drive and/or SD card is formatted as FAT32 or NTFS. Do not format it as other types such as exFAT, extFS, or WBFS, the latter is an old format of storing Wii games.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### Instruccions
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Make sure your USB drive and/or SD card is formatted as FAT32 or NTFS. Do not fo
##### Getting Started
This is not a full comprehensive guide on using WiiFlow. This is intended to help you learn how to use it, by giving you a quick start. You should be able to figure out all the great features of WiiFlow by using it.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
* WiiFlow by default is set to only find games on the SD card. This can be changed by going in to settings, startup settings then turn off "Mount SD Only".
* You can toggle between viewing Wii games, GameCube games, Wii Channels, Plugins, Homebrew apps by clicking the button second to last button on the right.
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ When you bring the cursor to the bottom of the screen while in flow view, there
##### Options once complete
[WiiFlowiki](<br> WiiFlowiki is a great resource with information about WiiFlow.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Creating Wii Game Shortcuts"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
Do you use a USB Loader and want to create game shortcuts to launch them on your Wii Menu? Then try WiiGSC (Wii Game Shortcut Creator), previously known as Crap.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ In the case of a brick, [installing Priiloader is a must](/priiloader). Also, in
Do NOT make a shortcut for the games "Mario Party 9" or "A Boy and His Blob". It will brick your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii
* A USB drive.
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ Do NOT make a shortcut for the games "Mario Party 9" or "A Boy and His Blob". It
4. Install the generated WAD with a WAD Manager, we recommend Wii Mod Lite.
If you get an error saying "The system files are corrupted", don't panic as long as you installed Priiloader. Turn off your Wii, then hold down the RESET button down and turn on your Wii. You should be able to boot into the Priiloader menu, where you have some options to fix your Wii Menu. One of the options is to launch the Homebrew Channel.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ WiiLink and all of its services (such as Wii no Ma) are not controlled or operat
[WiiLink]( lets you use the Japanese-exclusive channels Wii Room and Digicam Print Channel, and in the future will let you use the Demae Channel again.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* An SD card or USB drive
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* A Wii with an Internet connection
* A Windows or Unix based computer
* [WiiLink Patcher](
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ WiiLink and all of its services (such as Wii no Ma) are not controlled or operat
##### Optional: Wii Patcher
The Wii Patcher will not work on Dolphin. If you are a Dolphin user, please use the other patchers.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
If you use the Wii Patcher, you will not need to use our other patchers.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Download the WAD based on your console. For Wii it will be `WiiLink_Patcher_Wii.wad`. For vWii it will be `WiiLink_Patcher_vWii.wad`.
2. Place the WAD in the `WAD` folder on your SD Card/USB.
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ If you use the Wii Patcher, you will not need to use our other patchers.
##### Section I - Patching WADs
[If you want to see detailed instructions on how to install the WADs, click here!](wiimodlite)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Download the required files based on your OS. On Windows, run `WiiLinkPatcher.bat`. On Unix systems, launch terminal and type sh, then drag the `` into the terminal and press enter.
2. Press 1 to choose "`Start`" and confirm your selection by pressing `ENTER`.
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ If you use the Wii Patcher, you will not need to use our other patchers.
##### Section II - Adding your email to SPD
Adding your email to SPD will allow channels like Digicam and Demae to send files like images or links to you.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Launch Digicam Print Channel from your Wii's home menu.
2. On the bottom right, press `Address settings` and then `Yes`.
@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ Adding your email to SPD will allow channels like Digicam and Demae to send file
5. Once you are in the SPD main menu, choose `Digicam` in the `Choose Channel` menu. After you’ve done that, it should work!
For PAL (European Wiis)<br> In Wii Settings please set TV Resolution to 60 HZ (480p/480i). You can find this in `Screen -> TV Resolution` If you do not, a pink bar will appear at the bottom of the screen obscuring vision.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)<br> RiiConnect24 allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "Wiimmifi"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}

@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ There are lots of different methods to connect to Wiimmfi. Choose the one that f
### Automatic patching from the Disc Channel using Priiloader
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
- A Wii with Priiloader 0.9 or later installed
If you have an older version of Priiloader or don't have it installed, follow [this guide](priiloader) to update/install it.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### Instruccions
1. Hold reset while powering on your Wii (if using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and press escape).
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ If you see the hack `Wiimmfi patch v2` or `Wiimmfi patch v3` instead, then you d
### Homebrew (Disc) Application
MrBean35000vr (creator of CTGP-R, a Mario Kart Wii content pack) created a Wiimmfi Disc Patcher that allows you to insert a disc and patch the game on-the-fly for Wiimmfi use, though this must be run every time you start the disc.
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
#### Què necessitaràs?
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* [Auto Wiimmfi Patcher](
#### Instruccions
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ MrBean35000vr (creator of CTGP-R, a Mario Kart Wii content pack) created a Wiimm
### No-Homebrew (Disc)
Thanks to Fullmetal5's str2hax exploit, which Leseratte was able to adapt for the Wiimmfi patcher, you can run the Wiimmfi patch without having any homebrew on your Wii.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Wii with an Internet connection
#### Instruccions
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ If you are already using USB Loader GX, try updating it to the most recent versi
### ISO Patching
You may not want to run a patcher each time you want to play on Wiimmfi, and maybe you already use a USB Loader. As such, ISO Patchers were created, some for specific games.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
- Your copy of your game (WBFS, ISO, cISO, and other forms that a Wii can use are supported).
- [RiiConnect24 Patcher]( (Windows and Unix)
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ You may not want to run a patcher each time you want to play on Wiimmfi, and may
### WiiWare Patching
You can patch WiiWare games in order to play them on Wiimmfi.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
- An SD card
- Your copy of your game (in WAD format)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ You can patch WiiWare games in order to play them on Wiimmfi.
- [Wii Mod Lite](
[If you want to see how to use the WiiWare Patcher, click here!](wiiwarepatcher)
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
1. Extract the .zip of the latest version of WiiWare Patcher, and put your WAD in it.
@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ Steps:
### Mario Kart Wii Competitions
Wiimmfi allows you to participate in Mario Kart Wii competitions again.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
- An SD card or USB drive
- Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
- Mario Kart Wii Competition Patcher
- [Wii](
- [Wii U (vWii)](
@ -125,17 +125,17 @@ Wiimmfi allows you to participate in Mario Kart Wii competitions again.
6. The patcher will look for save files for Mario Kart Wii on your storage device in various places, and upload them. This is done in case a missing competition is found in your save file. It will also, of course, patch your Wii for competitions.
If you're using the Wii U, you will have to run the competitions patcher whenever you want to check for a competition, because WiiConnect24 is not enabled on the Wii U.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
### DS Games
Wiimmfi doesn't only support Wii games, it supports lots of DS games too. Thanks to an exploit called nds-constraint, you can play DS games online without patching your games.
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
- A Wi-Fi network with WEP or no security
Getting a Wi-Fi network with WEP or no security is the hardest part, because DS games don't support newer Wi-Fi security types (unless it's one of the few games that are "DSi Enhanced" and can use your Wi-Fi configuration on your DSi or 3DS, like Pokémon Black/White). However, many routers support creating a guest Wi-Fi connection, or you can make a hotspot on your phone or your computer. There are plenty of resources on the Internet that have information on this, so use your favorite search engine to find them.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### Instruccions
@ -157,4 +157,4 @@ PhillyG has put together a collection of custom tracks and hacks called MKW Hack
Wiimm and Leseratte make a custom track distribution called "Wiimms MKW Fun", which gets updated about three times a year. It is based on the LE-CODE framework by Leseratte, has Wiimmfi support, and lots of other features. You can find out more about it on its [wiki page](
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,31 +5,31 @@ title: "Wii Mod Lite"
{% include toc title="Continguts" %}
Si necessites ajuda amb qualsevol cosa relacionada amb aquesta guia, uneix-te al [servidor de Discord de RiiConnect24]( (recomanat) o [envia un correu electrònic a](
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
This tutorial will explain you how to install WADs on your Wii with Wii Mod Lite. The WAD manager of choice is Wii Mod Lite, but there are others such as YAWMM.
Aquest tutorial t'explicarà com instal·lar WADs a la teva Wii amb el programa "Wii Mod Lite". El "WAD manager" preferit és Wii Mod Lite, però hi han altres com ara YAWMM.
We do not recommend using "WAD Manager" by Waninkoko.
No recomanem utilitzar "WAD Manager" per Waninkoko.
{: .notice--warning}
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
#### Què necessitaràs?
* Una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB
* [Wii Mod Lite](
#### Instruccions
##### Section I - Downloading
##### Secció I - Descarregar
1. Extract Wii Mod Lite and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card or USB drive. 
2. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch Wii Mod Lite from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Extrau el programa "Wii Mod Lite" i posa-ho a la carpeta `apps` en la teua tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB. 
2. Introduïu la seva tarjeta SD o Pendrive a la seva Wii, i obriu Wii Mod Lite des-del Canal Homebrew (Homebrew Channel).
##### Section II - Running
##### Secció II - Utilitzant
You use the +Control Pad to use this tool.
{: . notícia--informació}
Utilitza la +Crosseta de Control per a utilitzar aquesta ferramenta.
{: .notice--info}
1. Choose `WAD Manager`. 
2. Choose `Wii SD Slot` or `USB Mass Storage Device`, depending on whether you want to use an SD card or USB drive. 
3. Select the WAD you want to install. In this example, we're installing the patched IOS needed for [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24). You can mark multiple WADs by pressing the + Button. 
4. Press "A" twice to start installing.  
5. If `Finishing installation... OK!` is displayed, the WAD has installed successfully. 
1. Selecciona `WAD Manager`. 
2. Prem `Wii SD Slot` o `USB Mass Storage Device`, depenent de si vols utilitzar una tarjeta SD o Pendrive USB. 
3. Selecciona el WAD que vols instal·lar. A aquest exemple, estem instal·lant l'IOS necessari per a [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24). Pots marcar múltiples WAD polsant el botó +. 
4. Prem "A" dues vegades per a començar amb la instal·lació.  
5. Si `Finishing installation... OK!` apareix, el WAD ha sigut instal·lat amb èxit. 
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ Want to patch WAD games (WiiWare) to work with Wiimmfi and you don't know how? T

This tutorial is only for Windows version of WiiWare Patcher.
{: . notícia--informació}
{: .notice--info}
#### What you need
#### Què necessitaràs?
* A Windows computer
* [WiiWare Patcher](
@ -16,86 +16,115 @@ Pokud máte Wii mini, postupujte podle [tohoto tutoriálu](cios-mini). Pokus o i
#### Co budete potřebovat
* Wii s připojením k internetu
* SD karta nebo USB disk
* [d2x cIOS Installer](
- Wii
- SD karta nebo USB disk
- [d2x cIOS Installer](
Jestli používáte SD kartu, ujistěte se, že je její přepínač v odemčené poloze, jinak nebudete moci v instalátoru vybrat správné možnosti
{: .notice--warning}
#### Pokyny
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'with-connection')">With an Internet connection to the Wii</button>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--info" onclick="openTab(event, 'without-connection')">Without an Internet connection to the Wii</button>
<div id="with-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Část I - Stahování
1. Stáhněte d2x cIOS Installer a rozbalte jej na SD kartu nebo USB disk.
1. Vložte SD kartu nebo USB disk do svého Wii a spusťte d2xl cIOS Installer z Homebrew Channelu.
1. Download the d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
<div id="without-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Část I - Stahování
1. Download, extract, and run [NUS Downloader](
1. Select "Database", "IOS", then "IOS57", and select "v5918".
- Ensure that "Pack WAD" is checked and "Patch IOS" is unchecked.
1. Repeat the previous step for IOS56 v5661 and IOS38 v4123.
1. Once you have downloaded all three IOS, there will be a folder named `titles` in the same folder as the NUS Downloader. Open the folder and navigate through them until you locate the three WAD files you downloaded. Place each of WAD files on the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Download the d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
##### Část II – Instalace
1. Zvolte pokračovat, poté nastavte možnosti na následující:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 57
Select cIOS slot: 249
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Po nastavení stiskněte dvakrát tlačítko A pro zahájení instalace.
1. Po dokončené instalaci stiskněte tlačítko A, abyste se vrátili, a poté nastavte možnosti na následující:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 56
Select cIOS slot: 250
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Po nastavení stiskněte dvakrát tlačítko A pro zahájení instalace.
1. Po dokončené instalaci stiskněte tlačítko A, abyste se vrátili, a poté nastavte možnosti na následující:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 38
Select cIOS slot: 251
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Po nastavení dvakrát stiskněte tlačítko A pro zahájení instalace a poté z instalátoru odejděte, jakmile se instalace dokončí.
1. Once set, press A twice again to install, and then exit once done.
#### Poradce při potížích
{% capture bruh %}
Přestože by většina her měla fungovat přímo s výchozími nastaveními, některé mohou vyžadovat použití konkrétního cIOS ke správné funkci.<br> Například:
* Použití klávesnice v Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City.
* Spuštění hry SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
Although the majority of games should work straight away with the defaults, some may require using a specific cIOS to function, or to utilize certain features within the game.<br> Examples include:
Podrobnější (ačkoli nedokončený) seznam naleznete [**zde**](<br> Chcete-li změnit cIOS používaný pro konkrétní hru, postupujte podle těchto pokynů:
- Použití klávesnice v Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City.
- Spuštění hry SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
A more comprehensive (although still incomplete) list can be found [**here**](<br> To change the cIOS used for a specific game, follow these instructions:
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ bruh | markdownify }}</div>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'usbloadergx')">USB Loader GX</button>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--info" onclick="openTab(event, 'wiiflow')">WiiFlow</button>
<div id="usbloadergx" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
1. Vyberte hru, která nefunguje.
1. Zvolte Settings.
1. Zvolte `Game Load`.
1. Přejděte dolů na `Game IOS`.
1. Zadejte číslo slotu IOS, který chcete použít.
- Zkuste použít 250 nebo 251, pokud 249 nefunguje.
1. Stiskněte OK a zkuste hru spustit.
1. Select the game that isn't working.
1. Click Settings.
1. Select `Game Load`.
1. Scroll down to `Game IOS`.
1. Enter the IOS slot to use.
- Try using 250 or 251, if 249 doesn't work.
1. Press ok and try to load the game.
<div id="wiiflow" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
1. Vyberte hru, která nefunguje.
1. Zvolte ikonu ozubeného kola.
1. Přejděte na cIOS a použijte šipky k výběru slotu IOS, který chcete použít.
- Zkuste použít 250 nebo 251, pokud 249 nefunguje.
1. Stiskněte Save a zkuste hru spustit.
1. Select the game that isn't working.
1. Click the gear icon.
1. Go to cIOS and use the arrows to select the IOS slot to use.
- Try using 250 or 251, if 249 doesn't work.
1. Press Save and try to load the game.
##### Kam dál, jakmile máte hotovo
[Pokračujte instalací Homebrew Browseru](hbb)<br> Homebrew Browser je dobrý způsob, jak stáhnout homebrew aplikace přímo z vašeho Wii. Zcela dobrovolné.
[Continue to the Homebrew Browser](hbb)<br> The Homebrew Browser is a good place to get homebrew on your Wii. Zcela dobrovolné.
{: .notice--info}
[Pokračujte na rozcestník](site-navigation)<br> Naše další tutoriály by se vám mohly líbit.
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: .notice--info}
Nyní můžete použít homebrew aplikace jako např. [USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) a [WiiFlow](wiiflow).
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Zde je seznam věcí, které byste měli nebo neměli dělat, jakmile hacknete s
- **Vytvářejte** NAND zálohu vašeho Wii pomocí [BootMii](bootmii) pravidelně, zvláště před něčím riskantním.
- Instalujte skiny Wii Menu, pokud chcete, ale používejte k tomu pouze náš tutoriál a postupujte **opatrně**. ([Wii](themes) / [vWii](themes-vwii)). Jiné tutoriály mohou být zavádějící a mohou způsobit bricknutí vašeho Wii.
- **Neinstalujte** soubory WAD nahodilých IOSů, staré verze Wii Menu apod., pokud si nejste jisti tím, co děláte, zvláště na vWii nebo Wii Mini.
- **Nepoužívejte** staré verze homebrew aplikací. Pokud postupujete podle starých Wii modding tutoriálů z internetu (zejména starších než 2012), buďte opatrní, a to hlavně pokud se týkají věcí jako např. IOS.
- **DO NOT** use old versions of Wii homebrew. Pokud postupujete podle starých Wii modding tutoriálů z internetu (zejména starších než 2012), buďte opatrní, a to hlavně pokud se týkají věcí jako např. IOS.
- **Neměňte, nepřejmenovávejte ani neodstraňujte** náhodné soubory v paměti NAND, pokud si nejste jisti.
- **Nepoužívejte** nástroj "KoreanKii" na nekorejských konzolích.
- **Neinstalujte** žádný jiný IOS nebo Wii Menu na Wii Mini kromě [d2xl cIOS](cios-mini). Pokud tak učiníte, aniž byste ve svém Wii Mini měli připájenou WiFi kartu, konzoli si bricknete.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Všechny exploity vedou ke spuštění HackMii Installeru, mají tedy stejný ko
Přestože můžete procházet těmito tutoriály bez SD karty, bez SD karty nebudete moci vytvořit zálohu úložiště NAND nebo ze zálohy obnovit a také nebudete moci spustit některé homebrew aplikace.
{: .notice--info}
Pokud vaše Wii Menu není ve verzi 4.3, použijte pro hacknutí vašeho Wii str2hax nebo FlashHax. Až dokončíte postup podle návodu, postupujte podle [průvodce aktualizací](update) pro aktualizaci vašeho Wii Menu na verzi 4.3.
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to install the Homebrew Channel, and then follow the [update guide](update) to update to 4.3.
{: .notice--info}
Tento tutoriál je určen pouze pro klasické Wii a Wii mini (včetně Wii Family Edition). Nepoužívejte tento tutoriál s Wii U (vWii)! Pokud chcete nainstalovat homebrew na Wii U, postupujte podle [tohoto průvodce](
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ Homebrew Channel je program, ze kterého budete spouštět homebrew aplikace. Bo
4. Zvolte "Continue", jakmile se instalace dokončí. 
5. Po dokončení instalace zvolte "Back" a poté zvolte "BootMii".
6. Pokud v hlavní nabídce vidíte, že můžete nainstalovat BootMii jako boot2, učiňte tak. To nabízí nejlepší možnou ochranu před bricknutím, kterou můžete mít. Skip this step if the option doesn't show up, in that case your Wii is not one of the earlier models that supports it.
7. Install BootMii as IOS, even if you already installed BootMii as boot2 in the previous step. If you couldn't install BootMii as boot2, this will still allow you to create a NAND backup.
6. Pokud v hlavní nabídce vidíte, že můžete nainstalovat BootMii jako boot2, učiňte tak. To nabízí nejlepší možnou ochranu před bricknutím, kterou můžete mít. Tento krok přeskočte, pokud se tato možnost nezobrazuje, v tomto případě totiž nemáte starší model Wiička, který to podporuje.
7. Nainstalujte BootMii jako IOS, a to i přesto, pokud jste již nainstalovali BootMii jako boot2 v předchozím kroku. Jestliže jste nemohli nainstalovat BootMii jako boot2 v předchozím kroku, tento krok vám přesto umožní vytvořit NAND zálohu.
If you do not have an SD card, you cannot install nor use BootMii, and therefore will not be able to utilize any of the mentioned benefits. Vždy ho můžete nainstalovat později.
Pokud nemáte SD kartu, nemůžete nainstalovat ani spouštět BootMii, proto nebudete moci využívat jeho zmíněné výhody. Vždy ho můžete nainstalovat později.
{: .notice--warning}

@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ Tady je rada - až budete instalovat homebrew aplikace na SD kartu nebo USB disk

`AppName1` and `AppName2` are placeholder names. Do not nest multiple `apps` folders inside the `apps` folder itself.
`AppName1` a `AppName2` jsou pouze ukázkové názvy. Dávejte si pozor, abyste nevkládali složky `apps` do složky `apps` samotné.
┃ ┣ 📂 NázevAplikace1
┃ ┣ 📂 AppName1
{: .notice--info}
┃ ┃ ┣ 📄 icon.png
{: .notice--info}
Tip: You can tell if a Wii has BootMii installed as boot2 if your disc drive flashes very briefly, only after the immediate flash that happens when you press the POWER Button.
Tip: To, jestli má Wii nainstalováno BootMii jako boot2, poznáte tak, že slot na disky krátce blikne ihned po stisknutí tlačítka POWER.
{: .notice--info}
@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co týká tohoto tutoriálu, přidejte s
LetterBomb je exploit pro Wii, který využívá zranitelnosti ve Wii Message Board.
#### Co budete potřebovat
- An SD card that is no more than 32GB in size
- SD kartu o velikosti nejvýše 32GB
- Wii s verzí firmwaru 4.3
#### Pokyny
1. Na svém Wii přejděte do `Wii Settings` -> `Internet` -> `Console Information` a zapište si zobrazenou MAC adresu.
1. Visit [](, input your Wii MAC and region, complete the CAPTCHA, ensure `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` is checked, and cut either wire. 
1. Navštivte [](, zadejte zjištěnou MAC adresu a region vaší konzole, vyplňte CAPTCHu, zajistěte, aby byla možnost `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` zafajfknuta a "přeřízněte" jeden z drátů. 
1. Stažený ZIP rozbalte do kořenového adresáře vaší SD karty.
1. Take out your SD card and insert it in your Wii.
- The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. SD kartu vyjměte a vložte ji do vašeho Wii.
- SD karta musí být vložena do SD slotu umístěného na přední straně Wii. SD adapér vložený do USB slotu nebude fungovat.
1. Na Wiičku přejděte do Wii Menu a otevřete Wii Message Board.
1. Otevřete červenou obálku s ikonkou bomby.
- Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, otherwise you might be unable to find the letter.
- In various scenarios, you may need to look at the previous or next day to find it.
- If you don't see the red letter, you may be using an unsupported SD card that's greater than 32GB in size.
- If your Wii freezes after clicking on the letter, you probably chose the wrong region when downloading the exploit. Redo Step 2 and select the correct region.
- Také se ujistěte, že máte na vašem Wii správně nastavené datum a čas, jinak se může stát, že červenou obálku nenajdete.
- Někdy se může stát, že červenou obálku najdete na stránce předešlého nebo následujícího dne.
- Pokud nevidíte červenou obálku, možná používáte nepodporovanou SD kartu o velikosti větší než 32GB.
- Pokud vaše Wii po kliknutí na obálku zamrzne, nejspíše jste zvolili špatný region při stahování exploitu. Opakujte krok 2 a vyberte správný region.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ Priiloader zvyšuje úroveň ochrany před bricknutím vašeho Wii. Spouští se
{: .notice--warning}
#### Co budete potřebovat
* SD karta nebo USB disk
* [Priiloader Installer](
- SD karta nebo USB disk
- [Priiloader Installer](
#### Pokyny
##### Část I
1. Stáhněte Priiloader Installer a rozbalte jej na SD kartu nebo USB disk.
* Pokud tato složka neexistuje, vytvořte ji.
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
##### Část II - Instalace Priiloaderu
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ Priiloader zvyšuje úroveň ochrany před bricknutím vašeho Wii. Spouští se
##### Část III - Přístup do Priiloaderu a jeho konfigurace
1. Při zapínání vašeho Wii držte stisknuté tlačítko RESET.
* Pokud se to snažíte udělat na Wii mini, připojte USB klávesnici a při zapínání držte klávesu Esc.
- Pokud se to snažíte udělat na Wii mini, připojte USB klávesnici a při zapínání držte klávesu Esc.
@ -76,6 +77,5 @@ Toto je výčet všech hacku a vylepšení, které může s pomocí Priiloaderu
| No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx | Znovu povoluje spouštění kanálů s těmito title ID (které byly zablokovány v předchozích aktualizacích, neboť se jednalo o title ID exploitů). |
| Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 | Donutí disky, aby se spouštěly pod cIOSem 249. To samo o sobě neumožní spouštění vypálených disků, ale je to pro jejich spouštění potřeba. (Může vyhodit kód chyby Error 002 u nevypálené hry) |
[Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding](dosanddonts)<br> These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii.
{: .notice--info}
@ -1,23 +1,32 @@
title: "RiiConnect24 DNS Update"
title: "Nová DNS adresa služeb RiiConnect24"
Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co týká tohoto tutoriálu, přidejte se na [RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (doporučeno) nebo [nám napište e-mail](
Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co se týká tohoto tutoriálu, přidejte se na [RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (doporučeno) nebo [nám napište e-mail](
{: .notice--info}


Starting June 16th, 2022, our official DNS Address changes!
Our official DNS Address has been updated. We require all users to change it. Failure in doing so will result in losing access to most or every RiiConnect24 service.
About a year ago we bought a new VPS that allowed us to serve our service better to the ever so growing community. Our DNS was the last thing to update.
Stará DNS adresa bude funkční až do data `terminace`. Datum ukončení podpory staré DNS vám zavčas připomeneme dopisem ve WiiMail a také oznámením na našem [discord serveru](
The old address will be supported until it's `DEPRECATION` date. We will remind you using Wii Mail or our [Discord server]( about the need to change the DNS Address in the next few months.
We've restricted access to Forecast Channel and News Channel for users still using the old DNS Address. Users will also see a new EULA when trying to enable WiiConnect24 reminding them about the change.   
Here are the new DNS settings that you should enter in your Wii and your DS:
To update your entered DNS Address please follow these steps:
- should be your primary DNS.<br>
- should be your secondary DNS.
1. Přejděte do `Wii Options`.
2. Přejděte do `Wii Settings`.
3. Na druhé stránce nastavení zvolte `Internet`.
4. Go to `Connection Settings`
5. Select your current connection
6. Go to `Change Settings`
7. Přejděte do `Auto-Obtain DNS` (pozor, ne IP Address), poté zvolte `No`, poté `Advanced Settings`.
8. Type in `` as the primary DNS
9. Type in `` as the secondary DNS
10. Select `Confirm`, then select `Save`
11. Select `OK` to perform a connection
12. Pokud byl test připojení úspěšný, zvolte `No`, abyste odmítnuli Wii System Update.
Avoid using the old DNS, it will become `DEPRECATED` on June 1st, 2023.
Thank you for your support, RiiConnect24 Team.
The old DNS Server will stop working on `June 1st, 2023`.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "RiiConnect24"
title: "RiiConnect24 for Dolphin"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ Tento návod vám pomůže nainstalovat RiiConnect24 na vašem emulátoru Dolphi
Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co se týká tohoto tutoriálu, obraťte se prosím přímo na uživatele KcrPL#4625 na [Discordu RiiConnect24]( nebo[ nám napište e-mail](
{: .notice--info}
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for [Dolphin Emulator]( only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Použijte [tento tutoriál](riiconnect24-vwii), pokud se chystáte zprovoznit RiiConnect24 na vWii (Wii Mode na Wii U).
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
### Co budete potřebovat
* A computer with either Windows 7 or newer or any Unix-based system
@ -22,7 +34,7 @@ Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co se týká tohoto tutoriálu, obraťte
##### Část I - Instalace Dolphinu
Pokud máte Dolphin již nainstalovaný, přejděte na Část II
If you have Dolphin already installed, skip to Section II
{: .notice--info}
1. Download the latest Dolphin beta version, but **not a stable version as these are very outdated!**
@ -59,6 +71,9 @@ If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want t
<div id="unix" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
The screenshots in this section are taken from Windows, but the same steps can be followed on your Unix-based machine.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run ``. 
3. Proceed with the program configuration.
4. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. 
@ -9,10 +9,22 @@ Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co týká tohoto tutoriálu, přidejte s

Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on your vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U) with: CMOC/MCC, Nintendo Channel, EVC and News Channel along with forced 4:3 aspect ratio patching.
Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U).
Since certain features found in the original Wii are not present in the vWii, we can only partially utilize RiiConnect24. See [what's currently working](#whats-currently-working) for details.
{: .notice--warning}
{: .notice--warning}[RiiConnect24]( allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail.
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U) only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-dolphin) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on Dolphin Emulator.
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
#### Varování
@ -24,15 +36,16 @@ Do **NOT** perform this guide on any other console than the vWii (Virtual Wii on
#### Co budete potřebovat
* Počítač nebo mobilní zařízení, které mají přístup na internet a umí pracovat s SD kartami.
* SD karta naformátovaná jako FAT32 (alespoň 2GB) s dostatkem volného místa. Karty SDHC nebo SDXC naformátované jako FAT32 by měly také fungovat.
* Wii U, které je schopné spouštět Homebrew Launcher (buď skrze exploit v prohlížeči, Haxchi nebo Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher](
* SD karta nebo USB disk
* Počítač
* A Wii U console with an Internet connection that's capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* A Nintendo Network ID (NNID) linked to your Wii U
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher (dostupný pro Windows, Mac a Linux)](
After following the above linked guide, you should have:
* NAND zálohu vašeho vWii a klíče/kódy (bezpečně si je někam uložte!!)
* Nainstalovaný Homebrew Channel
* Nainstalovaný d2x cIOS (IOS249, IOS250 a IOS251)
* A vWii NAND backup and keys (keep these stored safely!!)
* The Homebrew Channel installed
* d2x cIOS installed (IOS249, IOS250 and IOS251)
* IOS80 patched
{: .notice--info}
@ -40,51 +53,64 @@ After following the above linked guide, you should have:
##### Část I - Spuštění patcheru
Using the RiiConnect24 Patcher you should've downloaded earlier in [What you need](#what-you-need), you will be downloading and patching IOS31, News, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channels for use on your vWii.
Pokud se vám nedaří spustit RiiConnect24 Patcher, přidejte se prosím na [RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (doporučeno) nebo [nám napište email]( pro další pomoc.
{: .notice--info}
1. Spusťte `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`, pokud jste na Windows, nebo pokud jste na Unixovém systému, zadáním bash a přetáhnutím `` do okna terminálu a stisknutím ENTER. Mělo by to vypadat takto `bash`. Postupujte podle instrukcí na obrazovce
1. Klikněte na link výše, abyste se dostali na GitHub s patcherem.
2. Pokud jste na Windows, stáhněte si `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`, pokud jste na Unixovém systému, stáhněte ``
3. Ve Windows spusťte `WiiWarePatcher.bat`. Na Unixu otevřete terminál, zadejte `bash` a poté přetáhněte `` do okna terminálu a stiskněte ENTER. Mělo by to vypadat takto `bash`.
4. Stiskněte 1, abyste zvolili možnost "`Start`" a potvrďte ENTERem. (POZNÁMKA: Tyto snímky obrazovky jsou z patchera pro Windows.) 
5. Vyberte konzoli, pro kterou patchujete. 
6. Protože postupujete podle návodu pro klasické Wii, vyberte "`Install RiiConnect24 on your Wii`" 
7. Zvolte "`Express (Recommended)`". To vám poskytne vše, co budete potřebovat. 
8. Vyberte region. 
9. Když už jsme u toho, RiiConnect24 Patcher může dodatečně stáhnout i další volitelné kanály, které nevyužívají RiiConnect24. `[X]` ukazuje, které možnosti jsou vybrány. Jestli nemáte zájem, stiskněte 5 a potvrďte ENTERem. 
10. Připojte SD kartu nebo USB disk k počítači a vyberte "`1`". 
11. Pokud bylo přenosné úložiště úspěšně rozpoznáno, vyberte "`1`". Pokud ne, ujistěte se, že na vaší SD kartě nebo USB disku existuje složka s názvem `apps` a zkuste to znovu. 
12. Buďte trpěliví... 
13. Po dokončení bychom ocenili, kdybyste si našli chvilku a poslali nám anonymní zpětnou vazbu. Pokud nechcete, zavřete patcher. Všechny soubory by měly být již na vaší SD kartě.  
14. Pokud se vše automaticky nezkopírovalo na vaši SD kartu nebo USB disk, složky `WAD` a `apps`, které jsou ve stejné složce, ze které jste spustili `RiiConnect24Patcheru.bat`, tam zkopírujte sami.
2. Přesvědčte se, že po použití patcheru máte 3 složky. Jsou ve stejné složce, ve které je `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat/sh` a také na SD kartě (samozřejmě, pokud jste o zkopírování na SD kartu patcher požádali).
- Pokud je patcher nezkopíroval na SD kartu, přesuňte je do kořenového adresáře SD karty sami.
##### Část II – Instalace souborů WAD
##### Část II - Instalace patchnutých souborů WAD
Nyní nainstalujete upravený IOS a WAD kanály, které jsou potřebné pro použití RiiConnect24.
1. Spusťte Homebrew Channel
2. Spusťte Wii Mod Lite
3. Pomocí D-Padu na Wii Remotu vyberte možnost `WAD Manager`, poté přejděte do složky `wad`.
4. Zvýrazněte všechny WADy s `RiiConnect24` v názvu a stiskněte "+" pro jejich výběr. Až budou všechny zvýrazněné, dvakrát zmáčkněte tlačítko "A", abyste zahájili instalaci.
5. Jakmile se úspěšně nainstalují, stiskněte tlačítko HOME, abyste se vrátili do Homebrew Channelu.
1. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii U.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii U.
3. Spusťte Wii Mod Lite.
4. Pomocí D-Padu na Wii Remotu vyberte možnost `WAD Manager`, poté přejděte do složky `wad`.
5. Zvýrazněte všechny WADy ve složce stisknutím tlačítka "+". Až budou všechny zvýrazněné, dvakrát zmáčkněte tlačítko "A", abyste zahájili instalaci.
6. Pokud se zobrazí chyba, že už je nainstalován titul s vyšším číslem verze (error -1035), přejděte zpět do menu výběru WADů a stiskněte tlačítko "-" pro odinstalaci zvýrazněného WADu a zkuste jej nainstalovat znovu.
7. Jakmile se úspěšně nainstalují, stiskněte tlačítko HOME, abyste se vrátili do Homebrew Channelu.
##### Část III - Patchování 43db pro režim 16:9 (volitelné)
1. Spusťte Homebrew Channel
2. Spusťte ww-43db-patcher
1. Launch ww-43db-patcher and wait for it to complete.
If you install a theme, you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more
If you [install a theme](/themes-vwii), you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more.
{: .notice--info}
##### Část IV - Použití RiiConnectu24
After following the above sections, you're almost able to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **after every vWii reboot**.
After following the above sections, you're almost ready to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **every time you boot into vWii**.
1. Z **Wii Menu** na vWii spusťte kanál **ConnectMii**.
* To povolí WiiConnect24 a Standby Connection flagy potřebné pro WiiConnect24 kanály.
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed!
1. On the **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
* This will enable the WiiConnect24 and Standby Connection flags required by the WiiConnect24 Channels.
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels.
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed.
#### Co je v tuto chvíli podporováno?
The following RiiConnect24 services are **working** on the vWii:
* News Channel
* Tento kanál je ovlivněn problémem s časovým razítkem. Čas v kolonce "Last Updated" a u článků nebude zobrazován správně.
* The banner data is also known to not work, returning `Unable to obtain data.`
* Forecast Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* News Channel
* Everybody Votes Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* Check Mii Out Channel / Mii Contest Channel
{: .notice--success}
The following RiiConnect24 services are **not working** on the vWii:
* Wii Mail (most functionality does not exist on vWii)
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends. You can only receive global broadcast mail and posts from RSSMii feeds (if set up).
* Everything else that isn't working according to [RiiConnect24 stats](
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends.
Most services that utilize WiiConnect24 will be able to work if you leave vWii running for several hours. There's no standby mode on the console.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -101,6 +101,24 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
15. V položce `Slot Illumination` (notifikace blikajícím slotem) doporučujeme mít nastaveno buď `Dim` (temnější) nebo `Bright` (jasné), ale to je volitelné.
16. Nakonec přejděte do položky `Internet`, poté `User Agreements` nebo `Agreement/Contact`, poté zvolte `Yes`. Prosím pročtěte si podmínky.
It's common to get error FORE000006 on the Forecast Channel after installing RiiConnect24. If you get it, make sure your Wii's to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and it may start working. [If you still get error FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with RC24-Clear-Tool].
{: .notice--warning}
You will get error 268503 when loading the Nintendo Channel. This is normal. You can bypass the error by pressing OK.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS. Make sure you install IOS31 and IOS80 with Wii Mod Lite, along with any other patched WADs.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with RC24-Clear-Tool](deleting-vffs).
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
[Pokračujte na Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi vám umožní hrát hry online, a to i po vypnutí Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Zcela dobrovolné.
{: .notice--info}
@ -109,21 +127,3 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: .notice--info}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
Pokud zjistíte chybu FORE000006, je pravděpodobně nesprávně nastaveno datum a čas vašeho Wii! Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel may start working.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you still get FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with rc24-clear-tool](
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with rc24-clear-tool.](deleting-vffs)
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ Chcete zprovoznit RiiTag na Wii U? Postupujte podle [tohoto návodu](riitag-wiiu
1. [Navštivte webové stránky RiiTagu.](
2. Klikněte na `Log In` a přihlaste se vaším účtem Discord.
3. Objeví se dialog s dotazem, zda chcete autorizovat `RiiConnect24 Login` s Discordem. Klikněte na `Authorize`.
4. Click `Edit Your Tag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, Wii Number, and manually enter in games to show on your tag (not needed if you're using a USB Loader).
5. Click `Show Key` and make note of the key shown. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
6. Click `Submit` to save your changes.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Edit RiiTag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, and Wii Number. Click the green Save icon in the corner to save your changes.
5. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `Copy` under `RiiTag Private Key`. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
Do not share your RiiTag key with anyone! If you do, people can abuse your tag.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -43,15 +42,14 @@ The steps to connect RiiTag to your USB Loader depend on what USB Loader you use
3. Ensure that `Initialize Network` is turned on.
4. Exit USB Loader GX.
5. Insert the SD Card or USB device where your USB Loader GX data is into your computer.
6. [Go to this page.](
7. On your browser, right click, and click `Save As`.
8. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
9. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
6. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `You can also download your Wiinnertag.xml.` which will download the file needed to use RiiTag with USB Loader GX.
7. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
8. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
###### WiiFlow
1. Take the SD Card or USB device where your WiiFlow data is into your computer.
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path might have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path should have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
3. Search for `gamercards` and replace that line with `gamercards=wiinnertag`.
4. Search for `wiinnertag_url` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_url={ID6}&key={KEY}`.
5. Search for `wiinnertag_key` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_key=<key>`, replacing `<key>` with the key you wrote down in Section 1.
@ -66,9 +64,11 @@ RiiTag supports Dolphin, Citra, and Cemu. You need a Discord account for this to
1. [Join the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( if you aren't already in there.
2. Make sure you turn on Discord rich presence in the emulator preferences.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open (not the web-based client, the standalone application)
4. Play a game and RiiTag will automatically update your tag when you play a game.
A Discord bot is used to read your rich presence and update your RiiTag accordingly. If you want to invite the bot to your server, [use this link](
###### Configurable USB Loader
We do not offer support for Configurable USB Loader, as it's outdated compared to USB Loader GX and WiiFlow Lite.
@ -86,15 +86,17 @@ You can use the `CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe` program (Windows only) instead of ed
#### RiiTag Channel
We have a RiiTag channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii.
We have a RiiTag Channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii. You must have the Internet Channel installed to use this.
{: .notice--info}
1. Log into RiiTag and go to your tag page.
2. Click `Download RiiTag Channel`.
3. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
4. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
5. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
6. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
1. [Navštivte webové stránky RiiTagu.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Profile`. Click `RiiTag Channel` to download the WAD.
5. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
6. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
7. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
8. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
[Check out RiiTag-RPC](<br> Now that you set up RiiTag, you can set up RiiTag-RPC to show your Discord friends what you're playing on the Wii using Discord's rich presence.
{: .notice--info}
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ sitemap: false
+ [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)
+ [RiiConnect24 vWii](riiconnect24-vwii)
+ [RiiConnect24 Dolphin](riiconnect24-dolphin)
+ [RiiConnect24 DNS Update](riiconnect24-dns-update)
+ [Nová DNS adresa služeb RiiConnect24](riiconnect24-dns-update)
+ [WiiLink](wiilink)
+ [Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)
+ [Kirby TV Channel](kirby-tv)
@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ Tento exploit vyžaduje změnu DNS, abyste se připojili na server obsahující
Pokud se HackMii Installer nenačte a konzole místo toho zamrzne (nemůžete pohnout kurzorem) nebo jeho spuštění netrvá 1-2 minuty, restartujte prosím Wii a zkuste exploit znovu.
If you have installed a mod like CTGP Revolution or Project+, str2hax may load that instead. If it does, restart your Wii and try again without your SD card inserted.
[Pokračujte instalací Homebrew Channelu a BootMii](hbc)
{: .notice--info}
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co týká tohoto tutoriálu, přidejte s
Chcete nahradit nudné bílé výchozí prostředí vašeho Wii Menu nečím neobyčejným? Tento návod vám pomůže aplikovat skin na vaše Wii Menu!
To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also, install [BootMii](bootmii) (as Boot2 if you have an early Wii, otherwise IOS). Instalací ochrany před bricknutím a dodržením přesného postupu se nejspíše bricku vyhnete. NEPOKRAČUJTE, DOKUD NEMÁTE NAINSTALOVANÝ PRIILOADER A BOOTMII!
Abyste zabránili briknutí své konzole, [ ujistěte se, že máte nainstalovaný Priiloader](priiloader). Také nainstalujte [BootMii](bootmii) (jako Boot2, pokud máte starší Wii, jinak jako IOS). Instalací ochrany před bricknutím a dodržením přesného postupu se nejspíše bricku vyhnete. NEPOKRAČUJTE, DOKUD NEMÁTE NAINSTALOVANÝ PRIILOADER A BOOTMII!
{: .notice--danger}
Only install themes on your Wii that have been formatted specifically for it, and its current region. Installing themes from the wrong region or version on your Wii will cause a brick. This tutorial will tell you how to create a .csm file that is safe to install.
Instalujte pouze skiny speciálně naformátované pro vaše Wii a určené pro region vaší konzole. Instalací skinů pro jiný region nebo verzi na vašem Wii způsobíte brick. Tento návod vám poradí, jak vytvořit soubor csm, který je bezpečný pro instalaci.
{: .notice--danger}
This guide is intended for regular Wiis only. For installing themes on vWii (Wii U), follow [this page](themes-vwii).
Tento návod je určen pouze pro klasické Wii. Pokud se chystáte nainstalovat skin na vWii (Wii U), postupujte podle [tohoto návodu](themes-vwii).
{: .notice--warning}
Z bezpečnostních důvodů prosím nepoužívejte žádnou jinou verzi utility MyMenuify než tu, na kterou zde odkazujeme, neboť MyMenuify Mod je nejbezpečnější způsob, jak nainstalovat skin.
@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ Předtím, než budete pokračovat, doporučujeme [nainstalovat cIOS](cios).
#### Odkazy na skiny
Below are some links to themes.
Níže jsou některé odkazy na skiny.
* [RiiConnect24 Themes Page](
* [Google Drive Repository](
* [Wii Theme Team Creations v2](
* [Stránka s RiiConnect24 skiny](
* [Repozitář na Google Disku](
* [Výtvory Wii Theme týmu v2](
{: .notice--danger}
##### Část I - Vyhledání skinu
* Find a theme you want to install. Some themes have YouTube videos to show what the theme looks like, but unfortunately some of the videos are no longer available.
* Jakmile najdete takový skin, který se vám líbí, klikněte na download link s odpovídající verzí vašeho Wii Menu. **It's very important to pick the correct version to avoid bricks.**
* Jakmile najdete takový skin, který se vám líbí, klikněte na download link s odpovídající verzí vašeho Wii Menu. **Je opravdu nesmírně důležité vybrat správný, abyste se vyvarovali bricknutí.**
* Nejspíše budete vybírat download link, u kterého je uvedeno 4.X, což znamená, že daný skin je určen pro Wii Menu verze 4.1, 4.2 a 4.3.
* Některé skiny mají různé odkazy pro různé regiony, takže vyberte ten, který odpovídá regionu vašeho Wii.
* Existují i jiné stránky se skiny pro Wii, ale tam mohou být ve formátu csm (připraveny k instalaci přímo na Wii). Pokud daný soubor csm neodpovídá regionu nebo verzi vaší konzole, můžete ho zkusit překonvertovat do formátu mym použitím utility ThemeMii Mod a pak zpět do formátu csm pomocí tohoto návodu, za předpokladu dodržení verze a regionu vašeho Wii Menu.
2. Vložte uložený soubor .csm do složky `modthemes` na vaší SD kartě nebo USB disku.
3. Vložte SD kartu nebo USB disk do svého Wii.
4. Z Homebrew Channelu spusťte MyMenuify Mod.
5. Po uvítacím okně se vás aplikace zeptá, pod kterým IOSem má běžet. Pokud máte [nainstalovaný cIOS](cios), použijte `IOS249`, jinak použijte `IOS58`. Pokud vám to vyhodí chybu `Exception DSI occurred!`, zmáčkněte tlačítko RESET na konzoli, spusťte program znovu a tentokrát zkuste použit `IOS250`. It might take a couple attempts to reload the IOS.
5. Po uvítacím okně se vás aplikace zeptá, pod kterým IOSem má běžet. Pokud máte [nainstalovaný cIOS](cios), použijte `IOS249`, jinak použijte `IOS58`. Pokud vám to vyhodí chybu `Exception DSI occurred!`, zmáčkněte tlačítko RESET na konzoli, spusťte program znovu a tentokrát zkuste použit `IOS250`. Načtení IOS může trvat několik pokusů.
6. Zvýrazněte skin, který chcete nainstalovat, a zmáčkněte "A". Chvilku počkejte, než se skin nainstaluje. Poté stiskněte jakékoli tlačítko, abyste se vrátili do Wii Menu. Snad se skin nainstaloval správně.
Pokud se zobrazí chyba "The system files are corrupted" nebo se nezobrazí vůbec nic, nepropadejte panice, jestliže máte nainstalovaný Priiloader. Vypněte Wii, poté ho při stisknutém tlačítku RESET zapněte. Měli byste se dostat do Priiloaderu, ze kterého máte možnost problém opravit. Jednou z možností je spustit Homebrew Channel, ze kterého můžete spustit MyMenuify Mod a stisknout tlačítko, čímž stáhnete a nainstalujete původní skin Wii Menu.
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ title: "Updating Wii Menu to v4.3"
Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co týká tohoto tutoriálu, přidejte se na [RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (doporučeno) nebo [nám napište e-mail](
{: .notice--info}
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, as you can no longer use the updater built into the Wii Menu since the servers are no longer up.
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, if you have already homebrewed your Wii.
#### Co budete potřebovat
* SD karta nebo USB disk
* A computer with Windows on it
* [IOS58 Installer](
* [NUS Downloader](
* [Wii Mod Lite](
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ If you don't have a Windows computer, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord serv
Your Wii must be modded in order to perform this. If it isn't, then it's best to follow [the guide](get-started) first before doing this.
{: .notice--info}
To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also, install [BootMii](bootmii) (as Boot2 if you have an early Wii, otherwise IOS). Instalací ochrany před bricknutím a dodržením přesného postupu se nejspíše bricku vyhnete. NEPOKRAČUJTE, DOKUD NEMÁTE NAINSTALOVANÝ PRIILOADER A BOOTMII!
Abyste zabránili briknutí své konzole, [ ujistěte se, že máte nainstalovaný Priiloader](priiloader). Také nainstalujte [BootMii](bootmii) (jako Boot2, pokud máte starší Wii, jinak jako IOS). Instalací ochrany před bricknutím a dodržením přesného postupu se nejspíše bricku vyhnete. NEPOKRAČUJTE, DOKUD NEMÁTE NAINSTALOVANÝ PRIILOADER A BOOTMII!
{: .notice--danger}
1. Extract the .zip file for NUS Downloader vWii and open the application.
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also,
3. Make sure `Pack WAD` is checked.
4. Press `Start NUS Download!`.
5. Open the `titles` -> `0000000100000002` -> (Wii Menu version) and copy the .wad file to a folder called `wad` on your SD Card or USB drive.
6. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `000000010000003A` -> `Latest Version`.
7. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
| Region | Wii Menu version |
| ------ | ---------------- |
@ -52,11 +53,13 @@ K ovládání této utility použijte D-Pad.
2. Na svém Wii spusťte Homebrew Channel.
3. Spusťte Wii Mod Lite.
4. Pomocí D-Padu na Wii Remotu vyberte možnost `WAD Manager`, poté přejděte do složky `wad`.
5. Press A to install the IOS80. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
5. Press A to install the IOS80 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
6. Press A to install the Wii Menu WAD.
7. Jakmile se úspěšně nainstalují, stiskněte tlačítko HOME, abyste se vrátili do Homebrew Channelu.
8. Launch IOS58 Installer.
9. Follow the instructions to install IOS58.
7. Press A to install the IOS58 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
8. Jakmile se úspěšně nainstalují, stiskněte tlačítko HOME, abyste se vrátili do Homebrew Channelu.
Installing a Wii Menu WAD will **remove** Priiloader. Do not reboot before you have installed it again, otherwise you could BRICK.
{: .notice--danger}
[Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and we recommend it.
{: .notice--info}
@ -16,59 +16,88 @@ If you have a Wii mini, install [this cIOS](cios-mini) instead. Attempting to in
#### What you need
* A Wii with an Internet connection
* An SD card or USB drive
* [d2x cIOS Installer](
- A Wii
- An SD card or USB drive
- [d2x cIOS Installer](
Ensure that if you are using an SD card, the lock switch is in the unlocked position, otherwise you will not be able to select the correct options in the installer
{: .notice--warning}
#### Instructions
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'with-connection')">With an Internet connection to the Wii</button>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--info" onclick="openTab(event, 'without-connection')">Without an Internet connection to the Wii</button>
<div id="with-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Section I - Downloading
1. Download d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
1. Download the d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
<div id="without-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Section I - Downloading
1. Download, extract, and run [NUS Downloader](
1. Select "Database", "IOS", then "IOS57", and select "v5918".
- Ensure that "Pack WAD" is checked and "Patch IOS" is unchecked.
1. Repeat the previous step for IOS56 v5661 and IOS38 v4123.
1. Once you have downloaded all three IOS, there will be a folder named `titles` in the same folder as the NUS Downloader. Open the folder and navigate through them until you locate the three WAD files you downloaded. Place each of WAD files on the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Download the d2x cIOS Installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch the d2x cIOS Installer from the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section II - Installing
1. Press continue, then set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 57
Select cIOS slot: 249
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice to install.
1. When done installing, press A to return, and set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 56
Select cIOS slot: 250
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice to install.
1. When done installing, press A to return, and set the options to the following:
Select cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Select cIOS base: 38
Select cIOS slot: 251
Select cIOS version: 65535

1. Once set, press A twice again to install, and then exit once done.
#### Troubleshooting
{% capture bruh %}
Although the majority of games should work straight away with the defaults, some may require using a specific cIOS to function, or to utilize certain features within the game.<br> Examples include:
* Using a keyboard in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
* Running SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
- Using a keyboard in Animal Crossing: City Folk.
- Running SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
A more comprehensive (although still incomplete) list can be found [**here**](<br> To change the cIOS used for a specific game, follow these instructions:
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ bruh | markdownify }}</div>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'usbloadergx')">USB Loader GX</button>
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Here's a list of things you should and should not do once you've modded your Wii
- **DO** make a backup of your Wii NAND regularly with [BootMii](bootmii), especially before doing something risky.
- **DO** install Wii Menu themes if you wish, but only use our tutorial for it carefully. ([Wii](themes) / [vWii](themes-vwii)). Other tutorials might be misleading and can cause you to brick your Wii.
- **DO NOT** install WADs of random IOS, older versions of the Wii Menu, etc. unless you know what you're doing, especially not on vWii or a Wii Mini.
- **DO NOT** or use old versions of Wii homebrew. If you follow Wii modding tutorials from the Internet, be cautious about using old tutorials (likely pre-2012), especially if they have to do with things such as IOS.
- **DO NOT** use old versions of Wii homebrew. If you follow Wii modding tutorials from the Internet, be cautious about using old tutorials (likely pre-2012), especially if they have to do with things such as IOS.
- **DO NOT** modify, rename, or delete random files on your Wii NAND unless you know what you are doing.
- **DO NOT** use the homebrew app "KoreanKii" on a non-Korean Wii.
- **DO NOT** Install any IOS or Wii Menu on a Wii mini other than [d2xl cIOS](cios-mini). Doing so will brick your console if a Wi-Fi card is not soldered to it.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ All of the exploits run the HackMii Installer, and have the same end result.
Although you can follow this guide without an SD card, you will not be able to create or restore a NAND backup using BootMii, and you won't be able to use some homebrew.
{: .notice--info}
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to mod your Wii. When you are finished following the guide, follow [the update guide](update) to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3.
If your Wii Menu is not on version 4.3, use str2hax or FlashHax to install the Homebrew Channel, and then follow the [update guide](update) to update to 4.3.
{: .notice--info}
This guide is for the original Wii and Wii mini only (including the Wii Family Edition). Do not use this on a Wii U (vWii)! If you want to install homebrew on a Wii U, [follow this guide](
@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your
{: .notice--warning}
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
* [Priiloader installer](
- An SD card or USB drive
- [Priiloader installer](
#### Instructions
##### Section I - Downloading/Installing
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to your SD card or USB drive.
* If this folder does not exist, create it.
1. Download the Priiloader installer and extract it to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
##### Section II - Installing Priiloader
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ Do **not** install Priiloader on a vWii (Wii mode on Wii U). You will brick your
##### Section III - Entering/Configuring Priiloader
1. Hold the RESET button while turning on your Wii.
* If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape on it while turning it on.
- If you are using a Wii mini, plug in a USB keyboard and hold Escape on it while turning it on.
@ -76,6 +77,5 @@ This is a list of the hacks you can enable with Priiloader.
| No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx | Re-enable channels with these title IDs (originally blocked in system updates due to them being exploits). |
| Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 | Make discs use cIOS 249 as the game's IOS. While it cannot allow playing of burned games on its own, it is needed to play burned discs. (Can give you Error 002 on a non-burned game) |
[Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding](dosanddonts)<br> These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii.
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,19 +5,28 @@ title: "RiiConnect24 DNS Update"
If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}


Starting June 16th, 2022, our official DNS Address changes!
About a year ago we bought a new VPS that allowed us to serve our service better to the ever so growing community. Our DNS was the last thing to update.
Our official DNS Address has been updated. We require all users to change it. Failure in doing so will result in losing access to most or every RiiConnect24 service.
The old address will be supported until it's `DEPRECATION` date. We will remind you using Wii Mail or our [Discord server]( about the need to change the DNS Address in the next few months.
Here are the new DNS settings that you should enter in your Wii and your DS:
We've restricted access to Forecast Channel and News Channel for users still using the old DNS Address. Users will also see a new EULA when trying to enable WiiConnect24 reminding them about the change.   
- should be your primary DNS.<br>
- should be your secondary DNS.
To update your entered DNS Address please follow these steps:
Avoid using the old DNS, it will become `DEPRECATED` on June 1st, 2023.
1. Go to `Wii Options`.
2. Go to `Wii Settings`.
3. Go to `Page 2`, then click on `Internet`.
4. Go to `Connection Settings`
5. Select your current connection
6. Go to `Change Settings`
7. Go to `Auto-Obtain DNS` (Not IP Address), then select `No`, then `Advanced Settings`.
8. Type in `` as the primary DNS
9. Type in `` as the secondary DNS
10. Select `Confirm`, then select `Save`
11. Select `OK` to perform a connection
12. If the connection test was successful, select `No` to skip the Wii System Update.
Thank you for your support, RiiConnect24 Team.
The old DNS Server will stop working on `June 1st, 2023`.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "RiiConnect24"
title: "RiiConnect24 for Dolphin"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ This guide will help you install RiiConnect24 on your Dolphin installation.
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please directly contact KcrPL#4625 on Discord, join the [RiiConnect24 Discord Server]( or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for [Dolphin Emulator]( only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-vwii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U).
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
### What you need
* A computer with either Windows 7 or newer or any Unix-based system
@ -59,6 +71,9 @@ If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want t
<div id="unix" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
The screenshots in this section are taken from Windows, but the same steps can be followed on your Unix-based machine.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run ``. 
3. Proceed with the program configuration.
4. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. 
@ -9,10 +9,22 @@ If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConne

Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on your vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U) with: CMOC/MCC, Nintendo Channel, EVC and News Channel along with forced 4:3 aspect ratio patching.
Guide to installing [RiiConnect24]( on vWii (Virtual Wii on Wii U).
Since certain features found in the original Wii are not present in the vWii, we can only partially utilize RiiConnect24. See [what's currently working](#whats-currently-working) for details.
{: .notice--warning}
{: .notice--warning}[RiiConnect24]( allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail.
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U) only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-dolphin) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on Dolphin Emulator.
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system.
{: .notice--danger}
#### Warnings
@ -24,10 +36,11 @@ Do **NOT** perform this guide on any other console than the vWii (Virtual Wii on
#### What you need
* A PC or mobile device with internet access and the ability to interact with SD cards.
* An SD card formatted as FAT32 (at least 2GB) with enough available space. SDHC or SDXC cards formatted as FAT32 can be known to work.
* A Wii U console capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher](
* An SD card or USB drive
* A computer
* A Wii U console with an Internet connection that's capable of launching the Homebrew Launcher (either via the web browser exploit, Haxchi or Coldboot Haxchi). **If you do not have a softmodded Wii U console, please follow [](, as well as [the virtual Wii modding guide]( and then come back.**
* A Nintendo Network ID (NNID) linked to your Wii U
* [RiiConnect24 Patcher (Windows, Mac and Linux)](
After following the above linked guide, you should have:
* A vWii NAND backup and keys (keep these stored safely!!)
@ -40,51 +53,64 @@ After following the above linked guide, you should have:
##### Section I - Running the patcher
Using the RiiConnect24 Patcher you should've downloaded earlier in [What you need](#what-you-need), you will be downloading and patching IOS31, News, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channels for use on your vWii.
If you can't run RiiConnect24 Patcher, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at]( for further assistance.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` on Windows or `` on Unix systems by typing bash then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this `bash`. Follow the on screen instructions
1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
2. Download `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` if you are on Windows, and `` if you are on a Unix system
3. On Windows run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`. On Unix systems, open Terminal and type `bash`, then drag `` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: `bash`.
4. Press 1 to choose "`Start`" and confirm your selection by pressing `ENTER`. (NOTE: These screenshots are from the Windows version of the patcher.) 
5. Select the device you're patching for. 
6. For this guide, choose "`Install RiiConnect24 on your Wii`" 
7. Choose "`Express (Recommended)`". It will give you everything you need. 
8. Select your region. 
9. While you're at it, RiiConnect24 Patcher can additionally download some other optional channels that do not use RiiConnect24. `[X]` represents the options that selected. Just press 5 and `ENTER` if you're not interested. 
10. Connect your SD Card or USB Drive to your computer and select "`1`". 
11. If your device was detected successfully, select "`1`". If not, make sure there's a folder called `apps` on your SD Card or USB Drive and try again. 
12. Be patient... 
13. After it's done, we would appreciate if you take a minute to send anonymous feedback to us. If you don't want to, close the patcher. All the files should already be on your SD Card.  
14. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device.
2. Confirm that after running through the patcher, you have 3 folders. They will be in the same folder where `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat/sh` is and on your SD Card (of course, only if you selected an option in the patcher to do so).
- If the patcher did not move the file to the SD Card, move these 3 folders to the root of your SD card.
##### Section II - Installing WADs
##### Section II - Installing the newly patched WADs
You will now install the patched IOS and Channel WADs that are required to use RiiConnect24.
1. Open the Homebrew Channel
2. Launch Wii Mod Lite
3. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
4. Highlight all WADs with `RiiConnect24` in the name, and press + to select them. When all of them are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
5. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
1. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii U.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii U.
3. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Highlight all the WADs in the folder by pressing the + Button to select them. When all of the WADs are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
6. If you get an error saying a title with a higher version is already installed (error -1035), go back to the WAD selection menu and press the - Button on the highlighted WAD to uninstall it, then try installing it again.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section III - Patching 43db for 16:9 (optional)
1. Open the Homebrew Channel
2. Launch the ww-43db-patcher
1. Launch ww-43db-patcher and wait for it to complete.
If you install a theme, you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more
If you [install a theme](/themes-vwii), you will have to run the ww-43db-patcher once more.
{: .notice--info}
##### Section IV - Using RiiConnect24
After following the above sections, you're almost able to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **after every vWii reboot**.
After following the above sections, you're almost ready to utilize RiiConnect24 on your Wii U. You just need to perform the following steps **every time you boot into vWii**.
1. On the vWii's **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
1. On the **Wii Menu**, launch the **ConnectMii** channel.
* This will enable the WiiConnect24 and Standby Connection flags required by the WiiConnect24 Channels.
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed!
2. Launch the WiiConnect24 Channels.
* You should now be able to utilize all of the WiiConnect24 Channels you have installed.
#### What's currently working?
The following RiiConnect24 services are **working** on the vWii:
* News Channel
* This channel is affected by the timestamp issue. The "Last Updated" and article timestamps will be incorrect.
* The banner data is also known to not work, returning `Unable to obtain data.`
* Forecast Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* News Channel
* Everybody Votes Channel
* Nintendo Channel
* Check Mii Out Channel / Mii Contest Channel
{: .notice--success}
The following RiiConnect24 services are **not working** on the vWii:
* Wii Mail (most functionality does not exist on vWii)
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends. You can only receive global broadcast mail and posts from RSSMii feeds (if set up).
* Everything else that isn't working according to [RiiConnect24 stats](
* This includes sending/receiving mail to/from friends.
Most services that utilize WiiConnect24 will be able to work if you leave vWii running for several hours. There's no standby mode on the console.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -101,6 +101,24 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
15. At `Slot Illumination`, we recommend you set the disc light to `Dim` or `Bright`, but this is optional.
16. Finally, go to the `Internet` section, then `User Agreements` or `Agreement/Contact`, then `Yes`. Please read through this.
It's common to get error FORE000006 on the Forecast Channel after installing RiiConnect24. If you get it, make sure your Wii's to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and it may start working. [If you still get error FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with RC24-Clear-Tool].
{: .notice--warning}
You will get error 268503 when loading the Nintendo Channel. This is normal. You can bypass the error by pressing OK.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS. Make sure you install IOS31 and IOS80 with Wii Mod Lite, along with any other patched WADs.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with RC24-Clear-Tool](deleting-vffs).
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. This is optional to install.
{: .notice--info}
@ -109,21 +127,3 @@ You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended,
[Continue to site navigation](site-navigation)<br> We have many other tutorials that you might like.
{: .notice--info}
If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server]( program.
{: .notice--warning}
If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel may start working.
{: .notice--warning}
[If you still get FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with rc24-clear-tool](
{: .notice--warning}
[If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with rc24-clear-tool.](deleting-vffs)
{: .notice--warning}
If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at []( if you need more help.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ Want to install RiiTag on your Wii U? See [this guide](riitag-wiiu) on how to co
1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click `Edit Your Tag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, Wii Number, and manually enter in games to show on your tag (not needed if you're using a USB Loader).
5. Click `Show Key` and make note of the key shown. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
6. Click `Submit` to save your changes.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Edit RiiTag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, and Wii Number. Click the green Save icon in the corner to save your changes.
5. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `Copy` under `RiiTag Private Key`. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file.
Do not share your RiiTag key with anyone! If you do, people can abuse your tag.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -43,15 +42,14 @@ The steps to connect RiiTag to your USB Loader depend on what USB Loader you use
3. Ensure that `Initialize Network` is turned on.
4. Exit USB Loader GX.
5. Insert the SD Card or USB device where your USB Loader GX data is into your computer.
6. [Go to this page.](
7. On your browser, right click, and click `Save As`.
8. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
9. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
6. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Account`. Click `You can also download your Wiinnertag.xml.` which will download the file needed to use RiiTag with USB Loader GX.
7. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`.
8. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly.
###### WiiFlow
1. Take the SD Card or USB device where your WiiFlow data is into your computer.
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path might have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path should have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.)
3. Search for `gamercards` and replace that line with `gamercards=wiinnertag`.
4. Search for `wiinnertag_url` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_url={ID6}&key={KEY}`.
5. Search for `wiinnertag_key` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_key=<key>`, replacing `<key>` with the key you wrote down in Section 1.
@ -66,9 +64,11 @@ RiiTag supports Dolphin, Citra, and Cemu. You need a Discord account for this to
1. [Join the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( if you aren't already in there.
2. Make sure you turn on Discord rich presence in the emulator preferences.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open.
3. Make sure your Discord client is open (not the web-based client, the standalone application)
4. Play a game and RiiTag will automatically update your tag when you play a game.
A Discord bot is used to read your rich presence and update your RiiTag accordingly. If you want to invite the bot to your server, [use this link](
###### Configurable USB Loader
We do not offer support for Configurable USB Loader, as it's outdated compared to USB Loader GX and WiiFlow Lite.
@ -86,15 +86,17 @@ You can use the `CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe` program (Windows only) instead of ed
#### RiiTag Channel
We have a RiiTag channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii.
We have a RiiTag Channel you can install on your Wii. When it is launched, it will open up the Internet Channel and show your RiiTag, making it easy to look at it when using your Wii. You must have the Internet Channel installed to use this.
{: .notice--info}
1. Log into RiiTag and go to your tag page.
2. Click `Download RiiTag Channel`.
3. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
4. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
5. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
6. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](
2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account.
3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`.
4. Click your profile at the top right of the screen, then `Profile`. Click `RiiTag Channel` to download the WAD.
5. Put the WAD on your SD Card or USB device.
6. Install the WAD with your favorite WAD manager ([Wii Mod Lite](wiimodlite) is recommended).
7. Make sure the Internet Channel is installed.
8. The RiiTag Channel should now be available to use on your Wii Menu.
[Check out RiiTag-RPC](<br> Now that you set up RiiTag, you can set up RiiTag-RPC to show your Discord friends what you're playing on the Wii using Discord's rich presence.
{: .notice--info}
@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ This exploit requires you to set your DNS in order to connect to a server that c
If the HackMii Installer doesn't load and it instead freezes (you can't move your cursor) or it doesn't take 1-2 minutes to trigger, please restart your Wii and retry the exploit.
If you have installed a mod like CTGP Revolution or Project+, str2hax may load that instead. If it does, restart your Wii and try again without your SD card inserted.
[Continue to Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation](hbc)
{: .notice--info}
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ title: "Updating Wii Menu to v4.3"
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server]( (recommended) or [e-mail us at](
{: .notice--info}
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, as you can no longer use the updater built into the Wii Menu since the servers are no longer up.
This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, if you have already homebrewed your Wii.
#### What you need
* An SD card or USB drive
* A computer with Windows on it
* [IOS58 Installer](
* [NUS Downloader](
* [Wii Mod Lite](
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also,
3. Make sure `Pack WAD` is checked.
4. Press `Start NUS Download!`.
5. Open the `titles` -> `0000000100000002` -> (Wii Menu version) and copy the .wad file to a folder called `wad` on your SD Card or USB drive.
6. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `000000010000003A` -> `Latest Version`.
7. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.
| Region | Wii Menu version |
| ------ | ---------------- |
@ -52,11 +53,13 @@ You use the +Control Pad to use this tool.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii.
3. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Press A to install the IOS80. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
5. Press A to install the IOS80 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
6. Press A to install the Wii Menu WAD.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
8. Launch IOS58 Installer.
9. Follow the instructions to install IOS58.
7. Press A to install the IOS58 `.wad` file. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
8. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
Installing a Wii Menu WAD will **remove** Priiloader. Do not reboot before you have installed it again, otherwise you could BRICK.
{: .notice--danger}
[Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and we recommend it.
{: .notice--info}
@ -16,59 +16,88 @@ Wenn du eine Wii mini hast, installiere [dieses cIOS](cios-mini) stattdessen. We
#### Voraussetzungen
* Eine Wii mit Internetverbindung
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [d2x cIOS Installer](
- Eine Wii
- Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
- [d2x cIOS Installer](
Vergewissere dich, dass bei Verwendung der SD-Karte der Sperrschalter in der entriegelten Position steht, da du sonst nicht die richtigen Optionen in der Installation auswählen kannst
{: .notice--warning}
#### Anleitung
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'with-connection')">Mit einer bestehenden Internetverbindung</button>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--info" onclick="openTab(event, 'without-connection')">Ohne einer bestehenden Internetverbindung</button>
<div id="with-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen
1. Lade den d2x cIOS Installer herunter und entpacke ihn in den apps-Order auf deiner SD-Karte oder deines USB-Laufwerks.
1. Verbinde deine SD-Karte oder dein USB-Laufwerk mit deiner Wii und starte den d2x cIOS Installer über den Homebrew-Kanal.
1. Lade den d2x cIOS-Installer herunter und entpacke ihn in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte oder deines USB-Laufwerks.
1. Verbinde deine SD-Karte oder dein USB-Laufwerk mit deiner Wii und starte den d2x cIOS-Installer über den Homebrew-Kanal.
<div id="without-connection" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
##### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen
1. Lade herunter, extrahiere, und starte anschließend den [NUS Downloader](
1. Wähle "Database", "IOS", danach "IOS57", und wähle "v5918".
- Stelle sicher, dass "Pack WAD" ausgewählt und "Patch IOS" nicht ausgewählt ist.
1. Wiederhole den vorherigen Schritt für IOS56 v5661 und IOS38 v4123.
1. Sobald du alle drei IOS heruntergeladen hast, wird sich ein Ordner `titles` im gleichen Ordner wie der NUS Downloader befinden. Durchsuche den Ordner bis du die drei heruntergeladenen WAD-Dateien gefunden hast. Platziere alle drei WAD-Dateien in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte oder deines USB-Laufwerks.
1. Lade den d2x cIOS-Installer herunter und entpacke ihn in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte oder deines USB-Laufwerks.
1. Verbinde deine SD-Karte oder dein USB-Laufwerk mit deiner Wii und starte den d2x cIOS-Installer über den Homebrew-Kanal.
##### Abschnitt 2 - Installieren
1. Drücke auf Fortfahren, stelle dann folgende Optionen ein:
Wähle cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Wähle cIOS base: 57
Wähle cIOS slot: 249
Wähle cIOS version: 65535


1. Wenn du damit fertig bist, drücke zweimal auf A um die Installation zu starten.
1. Wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist, drücke A um zurückzugehen und stelle dann folgende Optionen ein:
Wähle cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Wähle cIOS base: 56
Wähle cIOS slot: 250
Wähle cIOS version: 65535


1. Wenn du damit fertig bist, drücke zweimal auf A um die Installation zu starten.
1. Wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist, drücke A um zurückzugehen und stelle dann folgende Optionen ein:
Wähle cIOS: v10 beta52 d2x-v10-beta52
Wähle cIOS base: 38
Wähle cIOS slot: 251
Wähle cIOS version: 65535

1. Wenn du damit fertig bist, drücke zweimal auf A um die Installation zu starten, und verlasse nach Abschluss das Programm.

1. Hast du alles eingestellt, drücke zweimal auf A um die Installation zu starten, und verlasse nach Abschluss das Programm.
#### Problembehandlung
{% capture bruh %}
Obwohl die meisten Spiele sofort mit den Standardeinstellungen funktionieren sollten, kann es sein, dass manche Spiele ein spezielles cIOS benötigen, um zu funktionieren oder um bestimmte Funktionen im Spiel zu nutzen.<br> Beispiele hierfür sind:
* Verwendung einer Tastatur in Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the City.
* Verwendung von SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
Eine umfassendere (wenn auch noch unvollständige) Liste finden Sie [**hier**](<br> Um das für ein bestimmtes Spiel verwendete cIOS zu ändern, folge diesen Anweisungen:
- Verwendung einer Tastatur in Animal Crossing: Let’s Go to the City.
- Verwendung von SpongeBob's Boating Bash.
Eine weitaus umfassendere (wenn auch weiterhin unvollständige) Liste kannst du [**hier**]( finden.<br> Um das cIOS für ein bestimmtes Spiel zu ändern, folge diesen Anweisungen:
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ bruh | markdownify }}</div>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'usbloadergx')">USB Loader GX</button>
@ -80,19 +109,19 @@ Eine umfassendere (wenn auch noch unvollständige) Liste finden Sie [**hier**](h
1. Wähle `Game Load`.
1. Scrolle herunter zu `Game IOS`.
1. Gib den zu verwendenden IOS-Slot ein.
- Versuche 250 oder 251, falls 249 nicht funktioniert.
- Verwende 250 oder 251, falls 249 nicht funktioniert.
1. Drücke auf ok und versuche das Spiel zu laden.
<div id="wiiflow" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
1. Wähle das Spiel welches nicht funktioniert.
1. Klicke auf das Zahnradsymbol.
1. Gehe zu cIOS und nutze die Pfeile um den zu verwendenden IOS-Slot auszuwählen.
- Versuche 250 oder 251, falls 249 nicht funktioniert.
1. Drücke Speichern und versuche das Spiel zu laden.
- Verwende 250 oder 251, falls 249 nicht funktioniert.
1. Drücke auf Speichern und versuche das Spiel zu laden.
##### Möglichkeiten nach Abschluss
[Mit dem Homebrew Browser fortfahren](hbb)<br> Der Homebrew Browser ist ein guter Platz um Homebrew für deine Wii zu herunterladen. Dies zu installieren ist nicht zwingend erforderlich.
[Mit dem Homebrew-Browser fortfahren](hbb)<br> Der Homebrew-Browser ist ein guter Ort um Homebrew für deine Wii zu erhalten. Diese zu installieren ist nicht zwingend erforderlich.
{: .notice--info}
[Fortfahren in der Seitennavigation](site-navigation)<br> Wir haben viele weitere Tutorials, welche dir gefallen könnten.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "Mach und Mach nichts von Wii Modding"
title: "Handlungsempfehlungen beim Wii Modding"
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ Hier ist eine Liste der Dinge, die du tun solltest und solltest nicht tun, sobal
- **MACH** eine Sicherung deiner Wii NAND mit [BootMii](bootmii), besonders bevor du irgendetwas Riskantes tust.
- **MACH** Installiere Wii-Menü-Themes, wenn du möchtest, aber nutze unser Tutorial nur sorgfältig. ([Wii](themes) / [vWii](themes-vwii)). Andere Anleitungen können irreführend sein und dazu führen, dass du deine Wii brickst.
- **NICHT** WADs von zufälligen IOS, älteren Versionen des Wii-Menüs usw. es sei denn, du weißt, was du tust, besonders nicht auf vWii oder ein Wii Mini.
- **NICHT** Alte Versionen von Wii Homebrew verwenden. Wenn du den Wii-Modding-Tutorials aus dem Internet folgst, solltest du vorsichtig sein, alte Tutorials zu verwenden (wahrscheinlich vor 2012), vor allem, wenn sie mit Dingen wie IOS zu tun haben.
- **NICHT** alte Versionen von Wii Homebrew verwenden. Wenn du den Wii-Modding-Tutorials aus dem Internet folgst, solltest du vorsichtig sein, alte Tutorials zu verwenden (wahrscheinlich vor 2012), vor allem, wenn sie mit Dingen wie IOS zu tun haben.
- **NICHT** zufällige Dateien in der Wii NAND ändern, umbenennen oder löschen, außer du weißt, was du tust.
- **NICHT** die Homebrew App "KoreanKii" auf einer nicht-koreanischen Wii verwenden.
- **NICHT** Irgend ein IOS oder Wii Menu auf einer Wii Mini installieren, außer [d2xl cIOS](cios-mini). Dies wird deine Konsole bricken, wenn eine Wlan-Karte nicht an sie verlötet wird.
- Unfortunately, other replacement servers are vulnerable to an exploit that can brick your Wii if you use them. **DO NOT** use any Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection replacement on your Wii except for [Wiimmfi](wiimmfi). [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24) ist ebenfalls sicher zu benutzen.
- **NICHT** andere Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection ersetzungen auf deiner Wii, außer [Wiimmfi](wiimmfi). Leider sind andere Ersetzungsserver anfällig für einen Exploit, der deine Wii bricken kann, wenn du sie benutzt. [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24) ist ebenfalls sicher zu benutzen.
Wenn du diesen Richtlinien folgst, musst du dir keine Sorgen um das Bricken deiner Wii machen. Wii-Modding ist sicher, und Bricks treten in der Regel auf, weil der Benutzer etwas getan hat, das auf dieser Liste steht.
Continue to installing cIOS<br> cIOS are used to play games with a USB Loader. Es ist auch nützlich für viele weitere Homebrew-Anwendungen.
Fahre fort mit der Installation von cIOS<br> cIOS werden genutzt, um mit einem USB-Loader Spiele zu spielen. Es ist auch nützlich für viele weitere Homebrew-Anwendungen.
{: .notice--info}
Wenn du eine normale Wii nutzt, folge [dieser Anleitung](cios), um cIOS zu installieren.
{: .notice--info}
Wenn du eine Wii Mini nutzt, folge [diesem Guide](cios-mini), um cIOS zu installieren
Wenn du eine Wii mini nutzt, folge [dieser Anleitung](cios-mini), um cIOS zu installieren
{: .notice--info}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ title: "Einstieg"
Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, trete bitte dem [RiiConnect24 Discord-Server]( bei (empfohlen), oder kontaktiere uns [per E-Mail unter](
{: .notice--info}
Auch wenn deine Wii in der Vergangenheit bereits einen Softmod erhalten hat, kann das Befolgen dieser Schritte dafür sorgen, dass dein Softmod aktuell ist.
Auch wenn deine Wii in der Vergangenheit bereits einen Softmod erhalten hat, kann das Befolgen dieser Schritte dafür sorgen, dass dein Softmod auf dem aktuellen Stand ist.
{: .notice--info}
Alle Exploits verwenden den HackMii-Installer und führen zum selben Endergebnis.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Alle Exploits verwenden den HackMii-Installer und führen zum selben Endergebnis
Obwohl du diese Anleitung ohne eine SD-Karte befolgen kannst, wirst du nicht in der Lage sein, NAND-Sicherungen mittels BootMii zu erstellen oder wiederherzustellen und du wirst manchen Homebrew nicht benutzen können.
{: .notice--info}
Wenn Ihr Wii-Menü nicht auf Version 4.3 ist, verwenden Sie str2hax oder FlashHax, um Ihre Wii zu modden. Wenn Sie der Anleitung gefolgt sind, folgen Sie [dem Update-Leitfaden](update) um Ihr Wii-Menü auf Version 4.3 zu aktualisieren.
Fall dein Wii-Menü noch nicht auf Version 4.3 aktualisiert wurde, benutze str2hax oder FlashHax um den Homebrew-Kanal zu installieren, und folge anschließend dem [Update Guide](update), um es auf 4.3 zu aktualisieren.
{: .notice--info}
Diese Anleitung ist für die originale Wii und Wii mini (inklusive der Wii Family Edition) mit der aktuellsten Systemversion (4.3) geeignet. Nutze sie nicht auf einer Wii U (vWii)! Falls du Homebrew auf einer Wii U installieren möchtest, [folge dieser Anleitung](
@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ Installiere den Priiloader nicht auf einer vWii (Wii Modus auf der Wii U). Du wi
{: .notice--warning}
#### Voraussetzungen
* Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
* [Priiloader Installer](
- Eine SD-Karte oder ein USB-Laufwerk
- [Priiloader Installer](
#### Anleitung
##### Abschnitt 1 - Herunterladen/Installieren
1. Lade den Priiloader Installer herunter und entpacke ihn auf deine SD-Karte oder dein USB-Laufwerk.
* Falls der Ordner nicht vorhanden ist, erstelle ihn.
1. Lade den Priiloader-Installer herunter und entpacke ihn in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte oder deines USB-Laufwerks.
##### Abschnitt 2 - Priiloader installieren
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ Installiere den Priiloader nicht auf einer vWii (Wii Modus auf der Wii U). Du wi
##### Abschnitt 3 - Öffnen/Konfigurieren von Priiloader
1. Halte den RESET-Knopf gedrückt während du deine Wii einschaltest.
* Wenn du eine Wii mini verwendest, schließe eine USB-Tastatur an und halte die Escape-Taste gedrückt, während du die Konsole einschaltest.
- Wenn du eine Wii mini verwendest, schließe eine USB-Tastatur an und halte die Escape-Taste gedrückt, während du die Konsole einschaltest.
@ -76,6 +77,5 @@ Dies ist eine Liste der Hacks, die du mit Priiloader aktivieren kannst.
| No-Delete HAXX,JODI,DVDX,DISC,DISK,RZDx | Reaktiviert Kanäle mit diesen Title-IDs (ursprünglich durch System-Updates blockiert, da sie Exploits sind). |
| Force Disc Games to run under IOS249 | Zwingt Disk-Anwendungen dazu, cIOS 249 als IOS des Spiels zu benutzen. Auch wenn es allein nicht ausreicht um selbstgebrannte Discs zu spielen wird es benötigt um diese abzuspielen. (Kann dir Error 002 für nicht-gebrannte Spiele zeigen) |
[Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding](dosanddonts)<br> These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii.
{: .notice--info}
@ -5,19 +5,28 @@ title: "RiiConnect24 DNS-Aktualisierung"
Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, trete bitte dem [RiiConnect24 Discord-Server]( bei (empfohlen), oder kontaktiere uns [per E-Mail unter](
{: .notice--info}


Ab dem 16. Juni 2022 ändert sich unsere offizielle DNS-Adresse!
Vor ungefähr einem Jahr haben wir einen neuen VPS gekauft, welcher es uns erlaubt hat, unseren Service für die stetig wachsende Gemeinschaft weiter zu verbessern. Unser DNS war das Letzte, was noch aktualisiert werden musste.
Unsere offizielle DNS-Adresse wurde aktualisiert. Wir verlangen von allen Benutzern, sie zu ändern. Wenn dies nicht geschieht, wird der Zugang zu den meisten oder jedem RiiConnect24-Dienst verloren gehen.
Die alte Adresse wird noch so lange unterstützt, bis das Datum der `ABSCHALTUNG` erreicht ist. Wir werden dich in den nächsten Monaten weiterhin durch Wii Mail und unseren [Discord-Server]( an den Wechsel der DNS-Adresse erinnern.
Hier sind die neuen DNS-Einstellungen, welche du in deine Wii und deinen DS eingeben solltest:
Wir haben den Zugriff auf den Forecast Channel und News-Kanal für Benutzer, die noch die alte DNS-Adresse verwenden, eingeschränkt. Benutzer werden auch eine neue EULA sehen, wenn sie versuchen, WiiConnect24 zu aktivieren, um sie an die Änderung zu erinnern.   
- sollte die primäre DNS-Adresse sein.<br>
- sollte die sekundäre DNS-Adresse sein.
Um Ihre eingegebene DNS-Adresse zu aktualisieren, folgen Sie bitte diesen Schritten:
Vermeidet die Nutzung der alten DNS, diese wird ab dem 1. Juni 2023 `ABGESCHALTET`.
1. Gehe in die `Wii-Optionen`.
2. Gehe in die `Wii-Systemeinstellungen`.
3. Gehe auf `Seite 2`, wähle dann `Internet`.
4. Gehe auf `Verbindungseinstellungen`
5. Wähle deine derzeitige Verbindung aus
6. Gehe zu `Einstellungen ändern`
7. Gehe auf `DNS automatisch beziehen` (Nicht IP-Adresse), wähle dann `Nein` und gehe dann auf `Detaileinstellungen`.
8. Setze `` als primäre DNS-Adresse fest
9. Setze `` als sekundäre DNS-Adresse fest
10. Wähle `Bestätigen`, dann `Speichern`
11. Wähle `OK` um einen Verbindungstest durchzuführen
12. Wenn der Verbindungstest erfolgreich war, wähle `Nein`, um das Wii-Systemupdate zu überspringen.
Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung, RiiConnect24-Team.
Der alte DNS-Server wird am `1. Juni 2023` nicht mehr funktionieren.
{: .notice--warning}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title: "RiiConnect24"
title: "RiiConnect24 for Dolphin"
{% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %}
@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ Diese Anleitung wird dir dabei helfen, RiiConnect24 in deiner Dolphin-Installati
Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, kontaktiere bitte KcrPL#4625 auf Discord, tritt unserem [RiiConnect24 Discord-Server]( bei, oder [sende uns eine E-Mail an](
{: .notice--info}
{% capture notice-1 %}
This guide is for [Dolphin Emulator]( only.
- Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
- Folge [dieser Anleitung](riiconnect24-vwii), falls du RiiConnect24 auf einer vWii (Wii-Modus auf der Wii U) installieren möchtest.
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
INSTALLIEREN SIE NICHT RIICONNECT24 AUF EINER WII MINI! Es wird nicht funktionieren und es wird das System bricken.
{: .notice--danger}
### Voraussetzungen
* A computer with either Windows 7 or newer or any Unix-based system
@ -22,18 +34,18 @@ Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, kontaktiere bitte Kc
##### Abschnitt 1 - Dolphin installieren
Falls du Dolphin bereits installiert hast, gehe direkt zu Abschnitt 2 über
If you have Dolphin already installed, skip to Section II
{: .notice--info}
1. Download the latest Dolphin beta version, but **not a stable version as these are very outdated!**
1. Lade die neuste Dolphin Beta-Version herunter, aber **keine stabile Version, da diese stark veraltet sind!**
2. Entpacke die `.7z`-Datei mit einem Programm wie 7Zip oder WinRAR.
3. Start Dolphin.
4. Press on `Tools` -> `Perform Online System Update` -> Choose your region. 
3. Starte Dolphin.
4. Wähle `Tools` -> `Perform Online System Update` -> Wähle deine Region. 
If you have a homebrewed Wii console, you can use a [BootMii NAND dump](bootmii) instead of installing the Wii System menu via this method. See [this page]( for more information.
{: .notice--info}
##### Section II - Installing RiiConnect24
##### Abschnitt 2 - RiiConnect24 installieren
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--primary" id="defaultOpen" onclick="openTab(event, 'windows')">Windows</button>
<button class="tablinks btn btn--large btn--info" onclick="openTab(event, 'unix')">Unix</button>
@ -59,6 +71,9 @@ If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want t
<div id="unix" class="blanktabcontent" markdown="1">
The screenshots in this section are taken from Windows, but the same steps can be followed on your Unix-based machine.
{: .notice--info}
1. Run ``. 
3. Proceed with the program configuration.
4. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. 
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