New Crowdin updates (#65)
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This commit is contained in:
41 changed files with 2534 additions and 1276 deletions
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ main:
title: 网站导航
url: site-navigation
title: FAQ
title: 常见问题指南
url: faq
title: 本网站使用 cookie 来在侧边栏显示当前指南进度,并提升网站的其它功能。
title: For support in English, ask for help at <a href="">Nintendo Homebrew on Discord</a>.
title: 若要寻求支持,请在</a> <a href="">Nintendo Homebrew Discord 频道上使用英语寻求帮助。
title: 来源
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ footer:
title: 捐赠
url: privacy-policy
title: Donations
title: 捐赠
url: donations
@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ sidebar_pages:
title: Wilbrand
url: wilbrand
title: Multiple Options
title: 多选项
url: multiple-options
title: Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation
title: 安装Homebrew Channel和BootMii
url: hbc
title: Homebrew Channel - for Wii mini only
title: Homebrew Channel - 仅适用于Wii mini
url: hbc-mini
title: BootMii Backup
title: BootMii 备份
url: bootmii
title: Priiloader
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ sidebar_pages:
title: Open Shop Channel
url: osc
title: d2xl cIOS for Wii mini (experimental)
title: 供Wii mini安装的d2xl cIOS (实验性功能)
url: cios-mini
title: Wii mini NAND Dumper
@ -4,116 +4,190 @@ title: "ModMii"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Any usage on vWii or Wii mini is untested.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is a PC program for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding, including some tutorials that may not be currently available on this website.<br> You can choose to launch in ModMii skin, which has a more user-friendly interface, or launch in ModMii Classic, which uses a command-line (Command Prompt/Terminal) interface.
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the features available in ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requirements
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requirements
* A Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on using ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even if it isn't).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Alternatively, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, rather than use your Wii's internal NAND.

You can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all by navigating to ModMii's "Support" folder and launching `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`; copy the files inside it to your SD card and launch an exploit like [Wilbrand](wilbrand).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

[Click here to view all of our tutorials that you can find on this website!](site-navigation)
{: .notice--info}
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title: Redirecting...
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@ -4,116 +4,190 @@ title: "ModMii"
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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Voraussetzungen
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Beschreibung |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Voraussetzungen
* Eine Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Beschreibung |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Beschreibung |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

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title: Redirecting...
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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Any usage on vWii or Wii mini is untested.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is a PC program for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding, including some tutorials that may not be currently available on this website.<br> You can choose to launch in ModMii skin, which has a more user-friendly interface, or launch in ModMii Classic, which uses a command-line (Command Prompt/Terminal) interface.
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the features available in ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requirements
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requirements
* A Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on using ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even if it isn't).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Alternatively, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, rather than use your Wii's internal NAND.

You can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all by navigating to ModMii's "Support" folder and launching `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`; copy the files inside it to your SD card and launch an exploit like [Wilbrand](wilbrand).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requisitos
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Descripción |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requisitos
* Una consola Wii
* Una unidad USB o tarjeta SD
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Descripción |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Descripción |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Prérequis
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Prérequis
* Une Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

[Cliquez ici pour revenir à l'index du site.](site-navigation)
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Se hai bisogno di aiuto riguardo qualsiasi parte di questa guida, per favore entra nel [server Discord di ModMii](
{: .notice--info}
Questo programma NON viene fornito con una garanzia, sei responsabile per ogni potenziale danno al tuo Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
Questo programma NON è destinato all'uso per il vWii o per il Wii mini. Qualsiasi utilizzo sul vWii o sul Wi mini non è stato testato.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii è un programma per Windows creato da XFlak che possiede vari strumenti utili per il modding, inclusi dei tutorial che potrebbe non essere attualmente disponibili su questo sito.<br> Puoi scegliere di lanciare ModMii skin, che ha un'interfaccia più user-friendly, oppure lanciare ModMii Classic, che usa un'interfaccia a linea di comando (Prompt dei Comandi/Terminale).
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Alcuni opzioni avanzate potrebbero non essere accessibili in ModMii Skin. Una lista di funzionalità disponibili in ModMii Classic può essere trovata in fondo a questa pagina.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requisiti
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| --------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| Wizard di ModMii | ✅ | ✅ |
| Wizard di SysCheck Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Wizard di HackMii Solutions | ✅ | ✅ |
| Wizard di Astinenza | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Strumento | Descrizione |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = Wizard di ModMii <-- Inizia qui per modificare il tuo Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = Wizard di SysCheck Updater (aggiorna solo le modifiche obsolete) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = Wizard di Configuratione di USB-Loader | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = Wizard di HackMii Solutions (HBC a testa in giù\Soluzione No Vulnerable IOS) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Wizard di Astinenza (Modifiche Wii non permanenti) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Wizard del Cambio di Regione | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = Installazione di SNEEK, Creatore\Modificatore di EmuNAND, Estrattore di Massa di Giochi | Questa opzione ti aiuterà a configurare correttamente un EmuNAND (cioè neek2o) sulla tua scheda SD o unità USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = apri un File o Cartella con ModMii per molte altre funzioni! | Questa opzione è uno strumento avanzato specialmente utile per gli sviluppatori. |
| 1 = Scarica Pagina 1 (Menu di Sistema, IOS, MIOS, Canali etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Scarica Pagina 2 (Applicazioni, File USB-Loader, CheatCodes etc.) | Questa opzione apre la seconda pagina di download che include exploit utili e applicazioni per il tuo Wii che includono anche applicazioni per il PC. |
| 3 = Scarica Pagina 3 (Temi del Menu di Sistema) | Questa opzione apre la terza pagina di download che include alcuni temi del menu di sistema ed elementi richiesti per installare un tema del menu sistema (le applicazioni di base sono scaricate dal NUS). |
| 4 = Scarica Pagina 4 (cIOS e cMIOS) | Questa opzione apre la quarta pagina di download che include cIOS e cMIOS per l'uso di USB loaders. |
| A = Download Avanazati e Creatore di Forwarder DOL\ISO | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Carica Coda di Download | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Crea File di Configurazione per BootMii, Wad Manager o Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: aggiorna applcazioni e/o rimuovi file non necessari | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requisiti
* Un Wii
* Un'unità USB o una scheda SD
* Un PC Windows (una macchina virtuale funzionerà)
* [ModMii](
Questa è una veloce guida per usare ModMii sul tuo PC Windows.
#### Installazione
### Wizard di ModMii
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
Puoi usare il wizard di ModMii per modificare qualsiasi Wii. <br> Anche se il Wii è stato modificato in passato, puoi far sovrascrivere a ModMii qualsiasi modifica precedente dicendogli che è la prima modifica che si sta effettuando al Wii (anche se non la è).

Puoi anche usare questo wizard per configurare un USB loader allo stesso tempo, invece di dover usare il wizard per configurare l'USB Loader successivamente.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### Wizard di SysCheck Updater
[SysCheck](syscheck) è un'applicazione homebrew che analizza le modifiche di un Wii. <br> Puoi fornire a ModMii un report di SysCheck per aiutarlo a identificare & aggiornare le mod obsolete.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
Puoi far analizzare a ModMii un SysCheck trascinando il file `syscheck.csv` su ModMii.exe. In alternativa, puoi lanciare il wizard di SysCheck Updater (`SU`) dal menu principale di ModMii e cercare il file manualmente.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### Wizard di HackMii Solutions
Il wizard di HackMii Solutions può aiutarti a risolvere sintomi come questi:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer non chiede "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer dice "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ L'Homebrew Channel viene mostrato a testa in giù
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
Installerà gli IOS puliti per permettere all'HackMii Installer di operare correttamente.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Wizard di Astinenza

Questo wizard richiede una scheda SD.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
Questo wizard ti permette di goderti i molti benefici di un Wii modificato senza dover installare delle modifiche permanenti al tuo Wii. Ti permette di lanciare un exploit per avviare la console da una NAND emulata da una memoria esterna, invece che usare la NAND della memoria interna del Wii.

Puoi anche fare un backup della NAND senza modificare affatto la tua console navigando nella cartella "Support" di ModMii e lanciando `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> Salverà alcuni file in una cartella chiamata `COPY_TO_SD`; copia i file al suo interno nella tua scheda SD e lancia un exploit tipo [Wilbrand](wilbrand).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
Quando segui uno degli exploit elencati sopra, non rimpiazzare il file `boot.elf`.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Clicca qui per una lista completa di strumenti disponibili.</a></summary>

| Strumento | Descrizione |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = Wizard di ModMii <-- Inizia qui per modificare il tuo Wii! | Questa opzions può essere usata per modificare il tuo Wii per la prima volta o per modificare un Wii che è già stato modificato in precedenza. |
| SU = Wizard di SysCheck Updater (aggiorna solo le modifiche obsolete) | Questa optione è utile per coloro che hanno vecchia modifiche installate sul loro Wii come DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti che può potenzialmente causare problemi per il custom firmware homebrew di ultima versione. |
| U = Wizard di Configuratione di USB-Loader | Questa opzione di aiuterà a configurare correttamente il tuo USB loader per essere capace di caricare backup di dischi da una scheda SD o unità USB. |
| H = Wizard di HackMii Solutions (HBC a testa in giù\Soluzione No Vulnerable IOS) | Questa options è utile per coloro che stanno avendo problemi nel far funzionare HackMii Installer, o se hanno semplicemente l'homebrew channel a testa in giù, o se DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti era installato e non c'era nessun homebrew channel. |
| AW = Wizard di Astinenza (Modifiche Wii non permanenti) | Questa opzione è utile per coloro che non vogliono effettuare delle modifiche permanenti al loro Wii ma vogliono comunque avere alcuni dei benefici offerti dal software homebrew. |
| RC = Wizard del Cambio di Regione | Questa opzione può essere usata per cambiare la regione del tuo Wii senza brickarlo (questa è la miglior guida del cambio di regione internet!). |
| S = Installazione di SNEEK, Creatore\Modificatore di EmuNAND, Estrattore di Massa di Giochi | Questa opzione ti aiuterà a configurare correttamente un EmuNAND (cioè neek2o) sulla tua scheda SD o unità USB. i benefici dell'Emunand includono spazio extra per i salvataggi dei giochi o canali. e il beneficio di non effettuare alcuna modifica permanente al tuo Wii. |
| F = apri un File o Cartella con ModMii per molte altre funzioni! | Questa opzione è uno strumento avanzato specialmente utile per gli sviluppatori. |
| 1 = Scarica Pagina 1 (Menu di Sistema, IOS, MIOS, Canali etc.) | Questa opzione apre la prima pagina di download che include le parti fondamentali del menu di sistema (scaricate dal NUS). |
| 2 = Scarica Pagina 2 (Applicazioni, File USB-Loader, CheatCodes etc.) | Questa opzione apre la seconda pagina di download che include exploit utili e applicazioni per il tuo Wii che includono anche applicazioni per il PC. |
| 3 = Scarica Pagina 3 (Temi del Menu di Sistema) | Questa opzione apre la terza pagina di download che include alcuni temi del menu di sistema ed elementi richiesti per installare un tema del menu sistema (le applicazioni di base sono scaricate dal NUS). |
| 4 = Scarica Pagina 4 (cIOS e cMIOS) | Questa opzione apre la quarta pagina di download che include cIOS e cMIOS per l'uso di USB loaders. È consigliato installare solamente i cIOS a meno che non voglia fare del testing. |
| A = Download Avanazati e Creatore di Forwarder DOL\ISO | Questa opzione è uno strumento avanzato usato per personalizzare ulteriormente i download o per permetterti di creare il tuo file eseguibile dol utile per i forwarder (canali sul menu di sistema per accedere applicazioni del Wii). |
| L = Carica Coda di Download | Questa opzione scaricherò tutti i titoli richiesti per il menu di sistema del Wii (titoli scaricato dal NUS) |
| C = Crea File di Configurazione per BootMii, Wad Manager o Multi-Mod Manager | Questa opzione ti aiuterà a creare i file di configurazione richiesti per certe applicazioni. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: aggiorna applcazioni e/o rimuovi file non necessari | Questa opzione è utile per coloro che vogliono ripulire la loro scheda SD o unità USB da applicazioni obsolete, inutili, o comunque deprecate. |
| M = Modalità ModMii Skiin: usa il tuo mouse invece della tastiera! | Questa opzione lancerà la versione skin di ModMii. Alcuni opzioni avanzate potrebbero non essere accessibili in ModMii Skin. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Clicca qui per una lista completa di opzioni.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Opzione | Descrizione |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Cambia lettera dell'unità: | Cambia dove i file della tua scheda SD sono salvati. |
| DU = Cambia lettera dell'unità per USB: | Cambia dove i file della tua unità USB sono salvati. |
| d2x = cambia la versione del cIOS d2x generato: | Cambia la versione del cios che ModMii scarica. |
| H = Hermes cIOS (202 & 222-224) sarà anche consigliato | Permette agli IOS di essere consigliati e scaricare nel syscheck updater (starà stubbed se disattivato). |
| CM = cMIOS inclusi nei cIOS consigliati | Permette ai cMIOS di essere consigliati e scaricati nel syscheck updater (installerà i MIOS stock se disabilitato). |
| E = Protezione Brick Extra nelle Guide dei Wizard ModMii | Permette agli IOS della protezione extra dai brick di ModMii essere consigliati e usati nello strumento di syscheck updater. |
| U = Aggiorna IOS. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater aggiorna gli IOS attivi | Aggiorna gli IOS esistenti alla versione più recente disponibile sul NUS. |
| AU = Gli aggiornamenti automatici salteranno il controllo se presenti nella cache | Salterà il download dei file se già nella code. |
| FWD = Installa Forwarder dell'USB-Loader nelle Guide dei Wizard di ModMii | Includerà il file wad del forwarder dell'USB loader nelle guide dei wizard degli USB loader. |
| PC = Posizione di Salvataggio Programmi PC | Cambia la posizione di salvataggio per i programmi PC scaricabili. |
| RS = Root Save: Salva IOS/MIOS sul root invece che nella cartella dei WAD | Salva gli IOS\MIOS nel root invece che nella cartella WAD. |
| 1 = Non mantenere cartelle 00000001 o NUS per IOS\MIOS\SM etc | Elimina le cartelle usate per compilare il file wad e ti dà solamente il file wad. |
| n2o = neek2o - crea mod di s\uneek invece dell'originale | Usa una migliore versione modificata di neek2o nel creatore di EmuNAND. |
| SSD = Accesso SD a SNEEK e SNEEK+DI | Permette a SNEEK e SNEEK+DI di accedere alla scheda SD. |
| F = Colore di Font.bin per SNEEK/UNEEK | Cambia il colore del font per neek2o. |
| SV = Output Verboso di SNEEK | Mostra informazioni extra riguardo l'EmuNAND. |
| V = Modalità verbosa per ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Mostra un'altra finestra con informazioni extra riguardanti il controllo della nand. |
| SO = Riproduci suoni alla Fine | Riproduce un jingle divertente dopo un download andato a buon fine. |
| A = Auto-Update di ModMii all'avvio | Controllerà la presenza di aggiornamenti in automatico all'avvio di ModMii. |
| N = Controlla per nuove versioni di ModMii adesso | Verificherè online la presenza di un aggiornamento di ModMii. |

[Clicca qui per tornare alla Navigazione del Sito.](navigazione-sito)
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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### 必要なもの
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### 必要なもの
* A Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### インストールの手順
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### 필요한 것
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | 설명 |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### 필요한 것
* Wii
* USB 드라이브 또는 SD 카드
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | 설명 |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | 설명 |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

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{: .notice--info}
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title: Redirecting...
{% include redirect.html redirect_to="410.html" %}
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@ -4,116 +4,190 @@ title: "ModMii"
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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Any usage on vWii or Wii mini is untested.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is a PC program for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding, including some tutorials that may not be currently available on this website.<br> You can choose to launch in ModMii skin, which has a more user-friendly interface, or launch in ModMii Classic, which uses a command-line (Command Prompt/Terminal) interface.
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the features available in ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requirements
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requirements
* A Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on using ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even if it isn't).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Alternatively, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, rather than use your Wii's internal NAND.

You can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all by navigating to ModMii's "Support" folder and launching `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`; copy the files inside it to your SD card and launch an exploit like [Wilbrand](wilbrand).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requirements
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requirements
* A Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

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The page you are trying to view used to exist, but it has since been removed. Maybe the instructions you are following are outdated? (If you got here from a link on this guide, [let us know](
A página que você está tentando ver existia, mas foi removida. As instruções que você está seguindo estão desatualizadas? (Se você chegou aqui de um link neste guia, [avise-nos](
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[Clique aqui para voltar para o índice do site.](site-navigation)
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@ -15,34 +15,34 @@ Se a tela ficar preta e a luz azul do disco estiver piscando, quer dizer os arqu
Wiis "Family Edition" (Wiis sem portas GameCube) NÃO PODEM restaurar backups da NAND. Isso ocorre devido à falta de portas GameCube que são necessárias em Wiis sem boot2 para entrar no código de confirmação de restauração. Para ajuda adicional, por favor procure suporte.
{: .notice--danger}
DO NOT restore an unverified NAND backup, or one that is not from your Wii: this may lead to a WORSE BRICK. The same also goes for faulty SD cards.
NÃO restaure um backup da NAND não verificado, ou um que não seja do seu Wii: isso pode levar a um BRICK PIOR. O mesmo se aplica ao uso de cartões SD defeituosos.
{: .notice--danger}
### Requisitos
* An earlier NAND Backup made by [BootMii](
* Um backup anterior da NAND feito pelo [BootMii](bootmii)
### Want to restore individual data from your NAND backup?
### Restaurando dados individuais de um backup da NAND
There is likely a much safer and faster way to bring it back to your Wii, likely involving the use of Dolphin Emulator.
Existe provavelmente uma maneira muito mais segura e rápida de trazer os dados individuais de volta ao seu Wii, provavelmente envolvendo o uso do emulador Dolphin.
For example, if you want to restore your Wii Message Board data, use Dolphin to import your NAND backup. In Dolphin, go to `File -> Open User Folder`, and find `Wii/title/00000001/00000002/data/cdb.vff`, copy it to your SD card, and use [WiiXplorer]( to restore it in the corresponding location.
Por exemplo, se você quiser restaurar seus dados do Wii Message Board, use o Dolphin para importar seu backup da NAND. Np Dolphin, vá para `Arquivo -> Abrir Pasta de Usuário`e encontre `Wii/title/00000001/00000002/data/cdb.vff`, copie-o para o seu cartão SD e use o[WiiXplorer]( para restaurá-lo no local correspondente.
If you want to restore a game's save data, use Dolphin to import your NAND backup, use `Tools > Export All Wii Saves` to export all your saves to your SD card, and use Data Management to move it to your Wii.
Se você quiser restaurar os dados salvos de um jogo, use o Dolphin para importar seu backup da NAND, use `Ferramentas > Exportar Todos os Dados Salvos do Wii` para exportar todos os seus saves para o seu cartão SD, e use o Gerenciamento de Dados para movê-lo para seu Wii.
### Important notes
### Notas importantes
+ If you have not done anything to cause a brick (or you're starting up your Wii after a long time), then it is probably a [Wi-Fi Brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick).
+ Se você não fez nada para causar um brick (ou você está ligando seu Wii depois de um longo tempo), então é provavelmente um [Wi-Fi Brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick).
+ If you do not have BootMii as boot2, RestoreMii will prompt you for the Konami code via a GameCube Controller.
+ Se você tiver o BootMii como IOS instalado, o RestoreMii irá pedir-lhe o Konami Code através de um Controle de GameCube.
+ You must use the POWER (right) and RESET (select) buttons on your console, or a GameCube controller plugged into port 1. To navigate with a GameCube controller, click left/right on the +Control Pad on a GameCube controller. To select, press A.
+ Você deve usar os botões POWER (direita) e RESET (selecionar) no seu console, ou um controle de GameCube conectado na porta 1 para navegar no BootMii. Para navegar com um controle de GameCube, clique esquerda/direita no +Control Pad em um controle de GameCube. Para selecionar, pressione A.
### Instruções
1. Abra o Homebrew Channel.
1. Press the HOME Button, then select "Launch BootMii".
+ If you are even able to enter BootMii, enter the Homebrew Channel instead, and try your best to [identify what caused the brick](bricks) and reverse it.
1. Pressione o botão HOME, depois selecione "Launch BootMii".
+ Se o Homebrew Channel não está acessível e você tem o Priiloader instalado, você também pode acessá-lo na inicialização e selecionar o `BootMii IOS` para carregar o BootMii.

@ -50,31 +50,31 @@ If you want to restore a game's save data, use Dolphin to import your NAND backu

1. Select the RestoreMii button.
1. Selecione o botão RestoreMii.

1. BootMii will inform you that it will run in SIMULATION mode, you can press A or Reset to continue.
1. O BootMii informará que ele será executado no modo SIMULATION, você pode pressionar A ou Reset para continuar.

1. On your GameCube controller, input the Konami code: ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A, START
1. Se o BootMii estiver instalado como IOS, entre com o Konami Code no seu controle de GameCube: ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A, START

1. BootMii will run through the restore process as a simulation, detailing what will be erased and rewritten. Once this is done, you have one final chance to back out of the restoration process. Otherwise, press START or the Eject button to begin.
1. O BootMii será executado através do processo de restauração como uma simulação, detalhando o que será apagado e reescrito. Assim que isso for feito, você tem uma última chance de se afastar do processo de restauração. Caso contrário, pressione o botão INICIAR ou Eject para começar.

1. After the recovery ended, you should see a text say `I HAZ SUCCESS!`, otherwise `I HAZ FAIL`. Hit any button on your Wii console or GCN controller.
1. Depois do processo terminar, você deverá ver um texto escrito `I HAZ SUCCESS!`, caso contrário `I HAZ FAIL`. Aperte qualquer botão no seu console Wii ou no controle de GCN.

1. Para sair do BootMii, aperte o botão Back (o que tem uma seta) e então você pode apertar o botão do Wii Menu ou o botão do Homebrew Channel para sair aonde deseja.
1. Pressione o botão Voltar (o botão com uma seta), então pressione o botão de Menu do Wii ou o botão do Homebrew Channel para sair do BootMii.

If you were restoring a NAND backup in order to repair a brick and this did not fix your issue, please consult [the bricks portion](bricks) of this guide.
Se você estava restaurando um backup da NAND para reparar um brick e isso não resolveu seu problema, por favor consulte [a parte dos bricks](bricks) deste guia.
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@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ title: "Bricks"
{% include toc title="Sumário" %}
A "Brick" usually means your Wii has reached a state where, its only use is that of a literal [brick]( <br> Bricks can occur for a variety of reasons, usually caused by improper system modifications via homebrew.
Um "brick" geralmente significa que seu Wii atingiu um estado onde seu próximo objetivo existente é provável de uma parada, ou um padrão de exibição. <br> Bricks podem ocorrer por uma variedade de razões, no entanto geralmente resultam em software corrompido ou em modificações impróprias feitas por homebrew.
# Brick Prevention
# Prevenção de brick
Preventing a brick involves many rules that range between common sense and fail-safe backups. Here are the general recommendations of what not to do:
@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ Selecione o exploit que corresponde ao seu console e encontre o melhor para voc
| ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Wii/Wii Family Edition | Se você puder usar um PC Windows:<br> Configuração Automática: Prossiga para [ModMii](modmii)<br> Se você puder usar um cartão SD:<br> Configuração Manual: Prossiga para [Wilbrand](wilbrand)<br> Se você não puder usar um cartão SD:<br> Configuração Manual: Prossiga para [str2hax](str2hax)<br> |
| Wii Mini | [BlueBomb](bluebomb) - Exploit que usa Bluetooth |
| Wii U (vWii) | If you have not modded your Wii U yet:<br> Proceed to [Introduction (](<br> If your Wii U is already modded:<br> Proceed to [vWii Modding (]( |
| Wii U (vWii) | Se você ainda não modificou seu Wii U:<br> Prossiga para [Introdução (wiiu.hacks. uide)](<br> Se seu Wii U já está modificado:<br> Prossiga para [vWii Modding (]( |
| Emulador Dolphin | Prossiga para [Homebrew Channel no Dolphin](homebrew-dolphin) |
@ -4,116 +4,190 @@ title: "ModMii"
{% include toc title="Sumário" %}
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requisitos
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Descrição |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requisitos
* Um Wii
* Um armazenamento USB ou cartão SD
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Instalação
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Descrição |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Descrição |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

[Clique aqui para voltar ao índice do site.](site-navigation)
{: .notice--info}
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
title: Redirecting...
{% include redirect.html redirect_to="410.html" %}
{% include redirect.html redirect_to="https\://" %}
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ sitemap: false
+ [BootMii Backup](bootmii)
+ [BootMii Recovery (RestoreMii)](bootmiirecover)
+ [Introdução](bricks)
+ [Brick Prevention](bricks#brick-prevention)
+ [Prevenção de brick](bricks#brick-prevention)
+ [cIOS](cios)
+ [Homebrew Channel](hbc)
+ [ModMii](modmii)
@ -4,116 +4,190 @@ title: "ModMii"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requirements
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requirements
* A Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

[Click here to go back to the site index.](site-navigation)
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title: Redirecting...
{% include redirect.html redirect_to="410.html" %}
{% include redirect.html redirect_to="https\://" %}
@ -4,116 +4,190 @@ title: "ModMii"
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Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor pentru orice legat de acest ghid, te rugăm să te alături [serverului de Discord ModMii](
{: .notice--info}
Acest Program NU vine cu garanție, deci ești responsabil pentru orice daună potențială întâmplată consolei tale Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
Acest program NU este intenționat de a fi folosit pentru vWii sau Wii mini. Orice folosire pe vWii sau Wii mini este netestată.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii este un program de calculator pentru Windows creat de XFlak care conține numeroase unelte folositoare pentru modificarea consolei și inclusiv niște tutoriale care s-ar putea să nu fie disponibile momentan pe acest website.<br> Poți alege să rulezi în ModMii Skin, ce are o interfață mai ușor de înțeles, sau rulează în ModMii Classic, ce folosește o interfață bazată pe linie de comandă (Command Prompt/Terminal).
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Unele opțiuni avansate s-ar putea să nu fie accesibile în ModMii Skin. O listă a funcțiilor prezente în ModMii Classic se poate găsi la sfârșitul acestei pagini.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Instrumente necesare
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| --------------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| Programul ModMii | ✅ | ✅ |
| Programul de Actualizare SysCheck | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Programul de Soluții HackMii | ✅ | ✅ |
| Programul de Abstinență | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Unealtă | Descriere |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | Această opțiune te va ajuta să setezi un EmuNAND (numit și neek2o) cum trebuie în cardul tău SD sau într-un stick USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | Această opțiune este o unealtă avansata folositoare în special dezvoltatorilor. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | Această opțiune deschide a doua pagină de descărcare care include exploit-uri și aplicații folositoare pentru consola ta Wii precum niște programe de calculator. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | Această opțiune deschide a treia pagină de descărcare care include niște teme de fundal pentru meniul de sistem și lucruri necesare pentru a instala teme de fundal pentru meniul de sistem (fișierele .app de bază sunt descărcate din NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | Această opțiune deschide a patra pagină de descărcare care include cIOS-uri și cMIOS-uri pentru a fi folosite în USB loadere. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Instrumente necesare
* Un Wii
* Un stick USB sau un card SD
* Un calculator Windows (va merge și o Mașină Virtuală)
* [ModMii](
Acesta este un ghid rapid de început despre folosirea ModMii pe calculatorul tău Windows.
#### Installation
### Programul ModMii
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
Poți folosi programul ModMii pentru a modifica orice consolă Wii. <br> Chiar dacă sistemul Wii a mai fost modificat în trecut, ModMii poate înlocui modificări existente dacă îi spui că asta este prima dată când instalezi modificări pentru consolă (chiar dacă nu este).

Poți de asemenea să folosești acest program să îți setezi un USB loader în același timp în loc să trebuiască să folosești programul de instalare USB Loader în viitor.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### Programul de Actualizare SysCheck
[SysCheck](syscheck) este o aplicație homebrew care analizează modificările instalate pe un Wii. <br> Poți să pui un raport SysCheck în ModMii pentru a putea identifica și actualiza modificații vechi.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
Poți analiza un SysCheck folosind ModMii prin tragerea fișierului `syscheck.csv` în ModMii.exe. Alternativ, poți lansa Programul de Actualizare SysCheck (`SU`) din meniul principal ModMii pentru a căuta manual fișierul.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### Programul de Soluții HackMii
Programul de Soluții HackMii te poate ajuta să repari probleme ca următoarele:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ Instalatorul HackMii nu afișează "Press (1) to continue"
+ Instalatorul HackMii spune "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel se afișează cu susul în jos
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
Acesta va instala IOS-uri curate pentru a permite Instalatorului HackMii să funcționeze cum trebuie.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Programul de Abstinență

Acest program necesită un card SD.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
Acest program îți permite să te bucuri de multe dintre beneficiile unui Wii modificat fără să instalezi nici o modificare permanentă pe consola ta Wii. Îți va permite să rulezi un exploit care va porni un NAND emulat din stocarea externă în loc să folosești NAND-ul intern al consolei tale Wii.

Poți de asemenea să creezi un backup NAND fără să îți modifici consola Wii deloc prin navigarea la dosarul "Support" al ModMii-ului și lansarea fișierului `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`; copy the files inside it to your SD card and launch an exploit like [Wilbrand](wilbrand).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
Când urmărești una dintre ghidurile de exploit-uri de mai sus, evită să înlocuiești fișierul `boot.elf`.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Apasă aici pentru o listă întreagă a uneltelor disponibile.</a></summary>

| Unealtă | Descriere |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | Această opțiune poate fi folosită să îți modifici consola Wii pentru prima dată sau sa re-modifici un Wii care a fost modificat în trecut. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | Această opțiune este folositoare pentru persoanele care au modificări vechi instalate în consola Wii precum DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti care pot cauza probleme cu cel mai recent homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | Această opțiune te va ajuta să îți setezi USB loader-ul să poată să ruleze backup-urile de disc de pe un card SD sau un hard disk USB. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | Această opțiune este folositoare pentru persoanele care întâmpină probleme încercând să facă Instalatorul HackMii să meargă, sau dacă au un homebrew channel cu susul în jos, sau dacă DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti a fost instalat și nu există niciun homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | Această opțiune este folositoare pentru persoanele care nu vor să facă modificări permanente consolei lor Wii dar doresc să aibă unele dintre beneficiile pe care le oferă homebrew. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | Această opțiune poate fi folosită pentru a schimba regiunea consolei tale Wii fără să cauzezi un brick (acesta este cel mai bun ghid de schimbare a regiunii existent pe internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | Această opțiune te va ajuta să setezi un EmuNAND (numit și neek2o) cum trebuie în cardul tău SD sau într-un stick USB. Beneficiile EmuNAND-ului includ mai mult spațiu de stocare pentru salvări sau canale. și beneficiul de a nu trebui să faci nicio modificare permanentă consolei tale Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | Această opțiune este o unealtă avansata folositoare în special dezvoltatorilor. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | Această opțiune deschide prima pagină de descărcare care include majoritatea dintre părțile cheie pentru meniul de sistem (descărcate din NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | Această opțiune deschide a doua pagină de descărcare care include exploit-uri și aplicații folositoare pentru consola ta Wii precum niște programe de calculator. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | Această opțiune deschide a treia pagină de descărcare care include niște teme de fundal pentru meniul de sistem și lucruri necesare pentru a instala teme de fundal pentru meniul de sistem (fișierele .app de bază sunt descărcate din NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | Această opțiune deschide a patra pagină de descărcare care include cIOS-uri și cMIOS-uri pentru a fi folosite în USB loadere. Este recomandat să instalezi doar cIOS-urile recomandate dacă nu plănuiești să faci niște testare. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | Această opțiune este o unealtă avansată folosită pentru a personaliza descărcările mai bine sau pentru a-ți permite să compilezi un executabil dol folositor pentru forwarder-uri (canale din meniul de sistem care accesează aplicații de Wii). |
| L = Load Download Queue | Această opțiune va descărca toate titlurile necesare pentru meniul de sistem Wii (titlurile sunt instalate din NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | Această opțiune te va ajuta să compilezi fișiere de configurare necesare pentru unele aplicații. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | Această opțiune este folositoare pentru persoanele care vor să își curețe cardul SD sau stickul USB de aplicații considerate vechi, nefolositoare sau depreciate. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | Această opțiune va deschide ModMii în modul skin. Unele opțiuni avansate s-ar putea să nu fie disponibile în acest mod. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Apasă aici pentru o listă întreagă a opțiunilor disponibile.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Opțiune | Descriere |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

[Click here to view all of our tutorials that you can find on this website!](site-navigation)
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title: Redirecting...
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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requirements
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requirements
* A Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

[Click here to go back to the site index.](site-navigation)
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title: Redirecting...
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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requirements
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requirements
* A Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

[Click here to go back to the site index.](site-navigation)
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如果您需要有关本教程的任何帮助,请加入 [ModMii Discord 服务器](。
{: .notice--info}
本程序不提供保修,因此您需要对 Wii 可能造成的损坏负责。
{: .notice--warning}
本程序不适用于 vWii 或 Wii mini。 某些工具可能适用于这些平台,也可能不适用。
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii 是由 XFlak 制作的 windows PC 程序,其中包含各种有用的修改工具,还包括一些目前在 [](site-navigation) 网站上可能还没有的教程。 <br> 您可以选择在 ModMii skin 启动,它的用户界面更友好,也可以在 ModMii Classic 中启动,它的交互方式类似于 PC 终端或命令提示符。
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
在 ModMii Skin 中可能无法访问一些高级功能。 可在页面底部找到 Modmii Classic 的各种活动列表。
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### Requirements
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard(ModMii 向导) | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| 工具 | 描述 |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | 此选项帮助您在 SD 或 USB 上正确设置 EmuNAND(又名 neek2o)。 Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | 该选项是一种高级工具,对开发人员特别有用。 |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | 此选项将打开第二个下载页面,其中包括针对 Wii 的漏洞和实用应用,包括一些 PC 程序。 |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | 此选项将打开第三个下载页面,其中包括一些系统菜单主题和安装系统菜单主题所需的项目(从 NUS 下载基本应用)。 |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | 此选项将打开第四个下载页面,其中包括用于 USB loader 的 cIOS 和 cMIOS。 |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### Requirements
* 一台 Wii
* 移动硬盘/U 盘或 SD 卡
* 一台 Windows PC(虚拟机也可以)
* [ModMii](
这是如何在 Windows PC 上使用 ModMii 的快速入门指南。
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard(ModMii 向导)
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
您可以使用 ModMii wizard(向导)软破任何 Wii。 <br> 即使 Wii 曾经软破过,您也可以告诉 ModMii 这是您第一次软破 Wii(即使不是),从而让 ModMii 覆盖现有的软破。

您还可以使用这个向导同时设置 USB loader,而不必稍后再使用 USB loader 设置向导。
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) 是一款自制应用程序,用于分析 Wii 上的修改。 <br> 您还可以向 ModMii 提供 SysCheck 报告,帮助识别 & 更新过时的修改。
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
您可以将 `syscheck.csv` 文件拖到 ModMii.exe 上,让 ModMii 分析 SysCheck。 或者,您可以从 ModMii 的主菜单中启动 SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`),然后手动浏览文件。
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
HackMii Solutions wizard 可以帮助修以下症状:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer 未提示 "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer 提示 "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel 显示颠倒
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
它将安装干净的 IOS,以便 HackMii Installer 正常运行。
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

该 wizard(向导)需要 SD 卡。
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
此向导允许您在不对 Wii 进行任何永久修改的情况下享受许多软破 Wii 的好处。 您可以利用它从外部存储启动模拟 NAND 而不是 Wii 的内置 NAND。

与此相关,您也可以在完全不修改 Wii 的情况下制作 NAND 备份。 找到 ModMii 的 "Support" 文件夹并启动 `Casper2BootMii.bat`。 <br> 它会将一些文件保存到名为 `COPY_TO_SD` 的文件夹中,将其中的文件复制到 SD 卡中,然后[启动一个漏洞](get-started)。
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
在按照上述任一漏洞指南时,请避免替换 `boot.elf` 文件。
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">

| 工具 | 描述 |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | 该选项可用于首次修改 Wii 或重新修改以前修改过的 Wii。 |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | 此选项适用于已经在 wii 上安装了 DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti 旧修改的用户,这些修改可能会给最新的自制固件带来问题。 |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | 此选项可帮助您正确设置 USB loader,以便从 SD 或移动硬盘加载磁盘备份。 |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | 此选项适用于使用 HackMii Installer 时遇到问题的用户,或者它们的 homebrew channel 显示颠倒,或者安装了 DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti 但没有 homebrew channel。 |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | 此选项适用于不想对 Wii 进行任何永久性修改,但又想获得自制所能提供的一些好处的用户。 |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | 此选项可在不使 Wii 变砖的情况下更改区域(这是互联网上最好的区域更改教程!)。 |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | 此选项帮助您在 SD 或 USB 上正确设置 EmuNAND(又名 neek2o)。 emunand 的优势包括为保存的游戏或频道提供额外的存储空间。 以及不对 Wii 进行任何永久性修改的好处。 |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | 该选项是一种高级工具,对开发人员特别有用。 |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | 此选项将打开第一个下载页面,其中包括系统菜单的大部分关键部分(从 NUS 下载)。 |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | 此选项将打开第二个下载页面,其中包括针对 Wii 的漏洞和实用应用,包括一些 PC 程序。 |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | 此选项将打开第三个下载页面,其中包括一些系统菜单主题和安装系统菜单主题所需的项目(从 NUS 下载基本应用)。 |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | 此选项将打开第四个下载页面,其中包括用于 USB loader 的 cIOS 和 cMIOS。 建议只安装推荐的 cios,除非您打算进行一些测试。 |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | 此选项是一个高级工具,用于更好地定制下载,或构建用于转发器(在系统菜单上访问 Wii 应用程序的频道)的 dol 可执行文件。 |
| L = Load Download Queue | 此选项将下载 Wii 系统菜单所需的所有标题(从 NUS 下载标题) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | 该选项可帮助您构建某些应用程序所需的配置文件。 |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | 此选项对于想要清理 SD 或 USB 中被认为过时、无用或不再支持的应用程序的人来说非常有用。 |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | 此选项将启动 ModMii skin 模式。 某些高级功能可能无法在此视图中使用。 |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| 选项 | 描述 |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | 更改 SD 文件的保存位置。 |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | 更改 USB 文件的保存位置。 |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | 更改 ModMii 下载的 cios 版本。 |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | 允许在 syscheck updater 中推荐并下载 Hermes IOS(将在禁用时存根)。 |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | 允许在 syscheck updater 中推荐并下载 cMIOS(如果禁用则安装原始 MIOS)。 |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | 允许在 syscheck updater tool 中推荐和使用 ModMii 额外防砖 IOS。 |
| U = Update IOSs. U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | 将现有 IOS 更新为 NUS 上的最新版本。 |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | 如果文件已在队列中,将跳过下载。 |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | 将在 USB loader 向导指南中包含 USB loader 转发程序的 wad 文件。 |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | 更改可下载 PC 程序的保存位置。 |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | 将 IOS\MIOS 保存到根目录而不是 WAD 文件夹。 |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | 删除用于编译 wad 文件的文件夹,只提供 wad 文件。 |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | 在 EmuNAND builder 中使用经过改进版本的 neek2o。 |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | 允许访问 SD 卡上的 SNEEK 和 SNEEK+DI。 |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | 更改 neek2o 的字体颜色。 |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | 显示有关 EmuNAND 的额外信息。 |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | 显示另一个窗口,其中包含有关 nand 检查的额外信息。 |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | 将在启动 ModMii 时自动检查更新。 |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | 将在线检查 ModMii 更新。 |

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@ -4,116 +4,190 @@ title: "ModMii"
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If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the ModMii Discord server](
{: .notice--info}
This Program does NOT come with a warranty, so you are responsible for any potential damage done to your Wii.
{: .notice--warning}
This program is NOT intended to be used for the vWii or the Wii mini. Some tools may or may not work for these platforms. Any usage on vWii or Wii mini is untested.
{: .notice--warning}
ModMii is a PC program for windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding, including some tutorials that may not be currently available here on the [](site-navigation) website. <br> You can choose to launch in ModMii skin, which has a more user friendly approach, or launch in ModMii Classic, which interacts like a PC terminal or command prompt.
ModMii is an all-in-one Wii hacking tool for Windows created by XFlak that has various helpful tools for modding. It can accomplish the following:
Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. Some advanced options may not be accessible in ModMii Skin. A list of the various activities for ModMii Classic can be found at the bottom of the page.
{: .notice--info}
+ Hacking the console for the first time, or re-hacking it
+ Check for and update outdated softmods
+ Fix upside-down Homebrew Channel problems
+ Run homebrew without making any changes to your Wii's NAND
+ Download homebrew
+ And more!
### 必備項目
### ModMii Overview
There are two different ways to use ModMii. There is ModMii Classic, which uses a command line interface, but has all of the features available to the program. ModMii Skin has a graphical user interface, on the other hand, but has less options available to the user. If you're looking to simply mod your Wii for the first time, ModMii Skin should suffice. Otherwise, we reccomend using ModMii Classic where possible. <br> The chart below will help you determine what can be done in either interface.
| Tools | ModMii Classic | ModMii Skin |
| -------------------------- | -------------- | ----------- |
| ModMii Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SysCheck Updater Wizard | ✅ | ⛔ |
| USB Loader Setup Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| HackMii Solutions Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Abstinence Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| Region Change Wizard | ✅ | ✅ |
| SNEEK/EmuNAND Installation | ✅ | ✅ |
| Open File Function | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ✅ |
| Download Page 1/2/3/4 | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Advanced Downloads | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Load Download Queue | ✅ | ⛔ |
| Build Config Files | ✅ | ⛔ |
| File Cleanup & App Updater | ✅ | ⛔ |
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a detailed explanation of each tool.</a></summary>
| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to hack your Wii for the first time or re-hack a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option checks for and updates old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI that can potentially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. This option is not necessary if using the ModMii Wizard. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work or have an upside down homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option allows you to run homebrew on your Wii without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it, and is arguably the best region changing wizard on the internet. |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. Benefits for EmuNAND include extra storage space for save games or channels, as well as running homebrew without making any permanent modifications to the system NAND. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts of the Wii System Menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option allows you to download any IOS and cIOS and build custom DOL/ISO forwarders. Intended for advanced users only. |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option loads bundled or previously saved download queues. |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option allows you to build customized config files for BootMii, Wad Manager, and Multi-Mod Manager. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option removes unnessecary files from your SD Card or Hard Drive after finishing softmodding your Wii. |
When using ModMii, it is important to note that it will generate a custom guide for you depending on the options that you select. For this reason, this guide will not be focused on how to mod your Wii, as ModMii handles that function. Instead, it will be a quick start guide show you how to effectively use it with the most common options.
### Installing ModMii
#### 必備項目
* 一台 Wii
* A USB drive or SD Card
* A Windows PC (a Virtual Machine will work)
* [ModMii](
This is a quick start guide on how to use ModMii on your Windows PC.
#### Installation
### ModMii Wizard
1. Go to the [ModMii website]( and scroll down to the Download section. Here, select the `Installer` option. Your browser may flag the installer as malware, but it is a **false positive**.
You can use the ModMii wizard to softmod any Wii. <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even though it's not). <br> Even if the Wii has been softmodded in the past, you can have ModMii overwrite existing softmods by telling ModMii that this is the first time you're modding your Wii (even if it isn't).

You can also use this wizard to set up a USB loader at the same time, instead of having to use the USB Loader setup wizard later on.
2. Open the `ModMiiInstaller.exe` file and go through the setup process.

### Using the ModMii Wizard
The ModMii Wizard is tool that can softmod your Wii from start to finish, downloading all necessary files and then generating a guide that you can use to implement the softmod. This tool can also be used to overwrite existing softmods on a previously softmodded Wii.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the ModMii Wizard option at the top of the list.

1. Answer `Yes` to the first question, unless you have a very specific idea of what you would like to do or update to your Wii.

1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.

1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.

1. Select your desired System Menu version from the list.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install any of the listed channels - this is an optional step.

1. Select whether or not you would like to install a custom Wii theme, with the choice of three theme effects. Each effect deals with how much the outline when hovering over a Wii Channel spins.

1. Select whether or not you would like to set up a USB Loader for use with your Wii.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select which USB Loader you would like to use. If you choose an individual one, we reccomend either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow as both are covered on this website, or you may optionally download each option.

1. If you selected `Yes` in the USB Loader menu, select where you would like to save your USB Loader files at.

1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### SysCheck Updater Wizard
[SysCheck](syscheck) is a homebrew application that analyzes the modifications on a Wii. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods. <br> You can give a SysCheck report to ModMii to help identify & update outdated mods.
The SysCheck Updater Wizard is a tool that utilizes the homebrew app [SysCheck](syscheck) to analyze any modifications on your Wii, especially IOS and cIOS. It accepts a `syscheck.csv` file generated by the app, and then provides any nessecary updates as needed.
You can have ModMii analyze a SysCheck by dragging the `syscheck.csv` file onto ModMii.exe. Or, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file. Alternatively, you can launch the SysCheck Updater Wizard (`SU`) from ModMii's main menu and manually browse for the file.
1. Open ModMii Classic and enter in `SU` to open the SysCheck Updater Wizard.

1. Follow the instructions in the window if you don't already have a SysCheck log, and then drag and drop the `syscheck.csv` file from Windows Explorer into the window. This will paste the location of the file, from which you can press Enter.

1. The program will analyze your SysCheck file, and will provide options for you depending on what it sees. In this example instance, the mods on the Wii were up-to-date, but there were several unnecessary IOSes that could be stubbed. If you want to make these changes to your Wii, simply enter in `Y` and press Enter. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii.

### HackMii Solutions Wizard
The HackMii Solutions wizard can help fix symptoms like these:
The HackMii Solutions Wizard is a tool that fixes problems that may arise from things like Darkcorp/CIOSSPAGHETTI by installing clean IOSes. Examples of problems that may arise because of this are listed below:
+ HackMii Installer not prompting "Press (1) to continue"
+ HackMii Installer says "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel is displaying upside-down
+ HackMii Installer saying "no vulnerable IOS found!"
+ Homebrew Channel displaying upside-down
It will install clean IOSs to allow for the HackMii Installer to operate properly.
1. Open ModMii Skin or ModMii Classic and select the HackMii Solutions option.
### Abstinence Wizard

This wizard requires an SD card.
{: .notice--warning}
1. Select your current System Menu version, followed by the System Menu Region, following the instructions in the program. If you are still confused, check the bottom option on each screen for an instructional video.
This wizard allows you to enjoy many of the benefits of a softmodded Wii without installing any permanent modifications to your Wii. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, instead of your Wii's internal NAND. It will allow you to launch an exploit to boot an from emulated NAND from external storage, rather than use your Wii's internal NAND.

On a related note, you can also make a NAND backup without modifying your Wii at all. Find ModMii's "Support" folder and launch `Casper2BootMii.bat`. <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`, copy the files inside it to your SD card and [launch an exploit](get-started). <br> It will save some files to a folder named `COPY_TO_SD`; copy the files inside it to your SD card and launch an exploit like [Wilbrand](wilbrand).
1. Select the exploit you would like to use to mod your Wii. The exploits below are outlined throughout this website, but in most cases we would reccommend using Wilbrand if you have an SD card on hand.
When following one of the exploit guides above, please avoid replacing the `boot.elf` file.
{: .notice--warning}

1. If you selected the Wilbrand option in the previous step, enter your Wii's MAC address. If you don't know how to check your Wii's MAC address, enter `Help` in the text box for an instructional video.
<details id="Modmii-Tools" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available tools.</a></summary>

| Tool | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| W = ModMii Wizard <-- Start Here to Mod Your Wii! | This option can be used to mod your Wii for the first time or re-mod a Wii that has been previously modded. |
| SU = SysCheck Updater Wizard (update only your outdated softmods) | This option is useful for people who have old modifications installed to their wii such as DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti that can potetially cause problems for the latest homebrew custom firmware. |
| U = USB-Loader Setup Wizard | This option will help you properly set up your USB loader to be able to load your disk backups from an SD or USB hard drive. |
| H = HackMii Solutions Wizard (Upside-Down HBC\No Vulnerable IOS Fix) | This option is useful for people who are having trouble getting the HackMii Installer to work, or if they just simply have an upside down homebrew channel, or if DarkCorp/Ciosspaghetti was installed and there was no homebrew channel. |
| AW = Abstinence Wizard (Non-permanent Wii Hacks) | This option is useful for people who dont want to make any permanent modifications to their Wii but still want to have some of the benefits that homebrew can offer. |
| RC = Region Change Wizard | This option can be used to change the region of your Wii without bricking it (this is the best region changer tutorial available on the internet!). |
| S = SNEEK Installation, EmuNAND Builder\Modifier, Game Bulk Extractor | This option will help you properly set up an EmuNAND (aka neek2o) onto your SD or USB. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. benefits for emunand include extra storage space for save games or channels. and the benefit of not making any permanent modifications to your Wii. |
| F = open a File or Folder with ModMii for many more functions! | This option is an advanced tool especially helpful for developers. |
| 1 = Download Page 1 (System Menus, IOSs, MIOSs, Channels, etc.) | This option opens the first download page that includes most of the key parts for the system menu (downloaded from NUS). |
| 2 = Download Page 2 (Apps, USB-Loader Files, CheatCodes, etc.) | This option opens the second download page that includes exploits and useful apps for your Wii including some PC programs. |
| 3 = Download Page 3 (System Menu Themes) | This option opens the third download page that includes some system menu themes and items required to install system menu themes (base apps are downloaded from NUS). |
| 4 = Download Page 4 (cIOSs and cMIOSs) | This option opens the fourth download page that includes cIOSes and cMIOSes for use in USB loaders. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. It is recommended to just install the recommended cioses unless you plan to do some testing. |
| A = Advanced Downloads and Forwarder DOL\ISO Builder | This option is an advanced tool used to better customize downloads or allow you to build a dol executable useful for fowarders (channels on the system menu to access Wii applications). |
| L = Load Download Queue | This option will download all of the required titles need for the Wii system menu (titles are downloaded from NUS) |
| C = Build Config Files for Bootmii, Wad Manager or Multi-Mod Manager | This option will help you build configuration files required for certain applications. |
| FC = File Cleanup & App Updater: Update Apps and\or remove un-needed files | This option is useful for people who want to clean out their SD or USB of apps deemed outdated, useless, or otherwise depreciated. |
| M = ModMii Skin Mode: use your mouse instead of your keyboard! | This option will launch ModMii skin mode. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. Some advanced options may not be available in this view. |
1. Verify where you would like to save files for your SD Card and/or USB Drive.

<details id="Modmii-Options" class="notice--info" markdown="1">
<summary><a>Click here for a full list of available options.</a></summary>
1. Confirm your settings are correct, and then press `Finish`. Once you press the button, ModMii will begin to process and download files in the background, and will automatically generate and open a guide for you. From here, you should follow the guide generated by ModMii. After finishing this guide, it is recommended that you use the [SysCheck Updater Wizard](#syscheck-updater-wizard) to undo any other problematic modifications on your Wii.
| Option | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| D = Change Drive letter: | Changes where your SD files are saved to. |
| DU = Change Drive letter for USB: | Changes where your USB files are saved to. |
| d2x = change d2x cIOS version built: | Changes the cios version ModMii downloads. |
| H = Hermes cIOSs (202 & 222-224) will also be recommended | Enables Hermes IOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will be stubbed if disabled). |
| CM = cMIOS included in recommended cIOSs | Enables cMIOS to be recommended and downloaded in the syscheck updater (will install stock MIOS if disabled). |
| E = Extra Brick Protection in ModMii Wizard Guides | Enables ModMiis Extra Brick Protection IOSes to be recommended and used in the syscheck updater tool. |
| U = Update IOSs. U = Update IOSs. Wizard/SysCheck-Updater to update Active IOSs | Updates Existing IOSes to the latest version available on NUS. |
| AU = Auto-Updating downloads will skip update check if cached | Will skip downloading the files if already in the queue. |
| FWD = Install USB-Loader Forwarder in ModMii Wizard Guides | Will include the USB loader forwarder wad file in the USB loader wizard guides. |
| PC = PC Programs Save Location | Changes the save location for the downloadable PC programs. |
| RS = Root Save: Save IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder | Saves IOSs\MIOSs to Root instead of WAD Folder. |
| 1 = Do not Keep 00000001 or NUS Folders for IOSs\MIOSs\SMs etc | Deletes the folder used for compiling the wad file and just gives you the wad file. |
| n2o = neek2o - build mod of s\uneek instead of original | Uses a better modified version of neek2o in the EmuNAND builder. |
| SSD = SNEEK and SNEEK+DI SD Access | Allows for SNEEK and SNEEK+DI access on the SD card. |
| F = Font.bin Colour for SNEEK/UNEEK | Changes the font color for neek2o. |
| SV = SNEEK Verbose Output | Displays extra information regarding EmuNAND. |
| V = Verbose for ModMii Skin & nandBinCheck | Displays another window with extra information regarding a nand check. |
| SO = Play sound at Finish | Plays a fun jingle after a successful download. |
| A = Auto-Update ModMii at program start | Will automatically check for updates when ModMii is launched. |
| N = Check for New versions of ModMii right now | Will check online for a ModMii update. |

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