title: "Dumping Wii/GameCube games"
Want to dump a GameCube or a Wii disk? There are two ways of doing so, depending on the tools you have available with you.
### CleanRip
#### What you need
- An SD card or USB drive with at least 4.7 GB of free space (8.5 GB if dumping a dual layer disc).
- [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/latest)
#### Anleitung
##### Section I - Downloading/Installing
1. Entpacke CleanRip und verschiebe es in den `apps`-Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte bzw. deinem USB-Laufwerk.
1. Stecke deine SD-Karte in deine Wii und starte CleanRip über den Homebrew-Kanal.
##### Section II - Ripping
1. Wähle das Gerät auf welches du das Spiel kopieren möchtest - dein USB-Laufwerk bzw. deine SD-Karte. ![Gerätetyp](/images/CleanRip/2.png)
1. On this screen, it asks you if you want to download a file with game checksums so you can verify the dump created is a 1:1 copy of the disc. It's your choice whether to say `Yes` or `No` to download this file. ![DAT](/images/CleanRip/3.png)
1. Now insert the game you want to dump. ![DVD](/images/CleanRip/4.png) ![Disc initialisieren](/images/CleanRip/5.png)
1. Set it as shown on the screen below.
If you are dumping one of the 13 games on [this list](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games), set `Dual Layer` to `Yes`.
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1. CleanRip will now dump your game. It can take a while, since it will dump the full 4.7 GB disc contents (8.5 GB for dual layer discs). ![Kopieren](/images/CleanRip/7.png)
### Dumping a game over a local network
#### What you need
- [DVD Dump Tool](/assets/files/DVDDumpTool.zip)
Your Wii and your computer must be connected to one local network.
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#### Anleitung
##### Section I - Downloading/Installing
1. Extract DVD Dump Tool and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card or USB drive.
1. Insert your SD card into your Wii, and launch DVD Dump Tool from the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section II - Ripping
1. Press the right on the D-pad and press A. ![2](/images/DumpDiscs_LAN/2.png)
1. Choose the disc that you want to copy (The options are: `GameCube Disc`, `Wii Single-Layer Disc`, `Wii Dual-Layer Disc` and press "A" ![3](/images/DumpDiscs_LAN/3.png)
1. Now put your game to your Wii. (If it's already in your Wii, eject it and put it back.) ![InsertTheDisc](/images/DumpDiscs_LAN/insertthedisc.jpg) ![4](/images/DumpDiscs_LAN/4.png)
1. Remember your Wii URL (IP address) ![5](/images/DumpDiscs_LAN/5.png)
1. On your computer's web browser, go to your address bar and enter the Wii URL. ![6](/images/DumpDiscs_LAN/6.png)
1. Click on `Click here to download XXXX.iso`. ![7](/images/DumpDiscs_LAN/7.jpg)
The transfer speed is not the fastest, but if you can't use anything else, it's better than nothing.
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## Joining split files
If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted, device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.
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## Windows
1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
1. Open up a Command Prompt window.
1. Use the `cd ` command and replace `` by the path to your `.partX.iso` files.
1. Use the following command as is: `copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso`.
## macOS/Linux
1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer.
1. Open up a Terminal.
1. Use the `cd ` command and replace `` by the path to your `.partX.iso` files.
1. Use the following command as is: `cat \*.part?.iso > game.iso`.
To organize the games on your drive properly, you'll need to use [Wii Backup Manager](wiibackupmanager).
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