title: "WiiLink"
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WiiLink24 e tutti i suoi servizi (come Wii no Ma) non sono controllati o operati da RiiConnect24.
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[WiiLink](https://wiilink24.com/) ti permette di utilizzare i canali esclusivi giapponesi come Wii Room e Digicam Print Channel, e in futuro ti permetterà di utilizzare di nuovo il Canale Demae.
#### Ciò di cui hai bisogno
* Una scheda SD o chiavetta USB
* Una Wii con connessione Internet
* Un computer Windows o Unix
* [WiiLink24 Patcher](https://github.com/WiiLink24/WiiLink24-Patcher/releases)
#### Istruzioni
##### Optional: Wii Patcher
The Wii Patcher will not work on Dolphin. If you are a Dolphin user, please use the other patchers.
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If you use the Wii Patcher, you will not need to use our other patchers.
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1. Download the WAD based on your console. For Wii it will be `WiiLink_Patcher_Wii.wad`. For vWii it will be `WiiLink_Patcher_vWii.wad`.
2. Place the WAD in the `WAD` folder on your SD Card/USB.
3. Insert your SD Card/USB in your Wii
4. Install the WAD using Wii Mod Lite or any other WAD Manager.
5. Launch the `WiiLink Patcher` channel from the Wii Menu.
6. Select the channel you would like to download.
7. Select the language you would like to download.
8. If all worked, the channels should be on your Wii Menu.
##### Section I - Patching WADs
[Se vuoi vedere istruzioni dettagliate su come installare WAD, clicca qui!](wiimodlite)
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1. Download the required files based on your OS. On Windows, run `WiiLinkPatcher.bat`. On Unix systems, launch terminal and type sh, then drag the `WiiLinkPatcher.sh` into the terminal and press enter.
2. Premi 1 per scegliere "`Start`" e conferma la tua scelta premendo `ENTER`.
3. For this guide, choose "`Install WiiLink on your Wii`"
4. Select your region.
5. Connect the SD Card or USB Drive to your computer and select "`1`".
6. Se il tuo dispositivo è stato rilevato con successo, seleziona "`1`". If not, make sure there's a folder called `apps` on your SD Card or USB Device and try again.
7. Be patient...
8. Once it's done, you can safely close the patcher. All of the files are ready on your SD Card.
9. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `WiiLinkPatcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device.
10. Metti la tua scheda SD o il tuo dispositivo USB nella tua WIi.
11. Carica il Canale Homebrew sulla tua Wii.
12. Avvia Wii Mod Lite.
13. Usando ul tuo +Control Pad sul telecomando Wii, naviga su `WAD Manager`, e poi naviga sulla cartella `wad`.
14. If your Wii is not a Japanese region, install WiiLink24_SPD.wad before anything else. This is required so that we know your email address to send files.
15. Highlight all other WADs with `WiiLink24` in the name, and press + to select them. Quando sono tutti selezionati, premi A due volte per installare tutti i WAD.
16. After it is successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section II - Adding your email to SPD
Adding your email to SPD will allow channels like Digicam and Demae to send files like images or links to you.
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1. Launch Digicam Print Channel from your Wii's home menu.
2. On the bottom right, press `Address settings` and then `Yes`.
3. Click on `Email Address` within SPD and type in your email address. (make sure you **put it in correctly** or it **will not work!**)
4. Press `OK` and then `Done`.
5. Once you are in the SPD main menu, choose `Digicam` in the `Choose Channel` menu. After you’ve done that, it should work!
For PAL (European Wiis)
In Wii Settings please set TV Resolution to 60 HZ (480p/480i). You can find this in `Screen -> TV Resolution` If you do not, a pink bar will appear at the bottom of the screen obscuring vision.
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[Continua a RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)
RiiConnect24 ti permette di usare servizi di WiiConnect24 che sono discontinuati, come i canali News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo, Check Mii Out e anche Wii Mail. L'installazione di RiiConnect24 è facoltativa.
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[Continua a Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)
Wiimmfi ti permette di giocare a giochi online dopo la discontinuazione del Nintendo Wi-Fi Connction. L'installazione di RiiConnect24 è facoltativa.
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[Continua a navigare nel sito](site-navigation)
Abbiamo molti altri tutorial che potrebbero interessarti.
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