--- title: "Priiloader" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} Priiloader adds a level of brick protection to your Wii. It loads before the Wii Menu does (hence the name). The tool can also enable hacks for your Wii Menu, and be used to quickly launch the Homebrew Channel, BootMii, or whatever homebrew you want! Additionally, it can be used to quickly launch any Title or Homebrew, or change the way Wii autoboots. For more information about Priiloader and its options, you can see the [Priiloader Usage](priiloader-usage) page. {: .notice--info} ### Prérequis * Une carte SD ou une clé USB * Download the [UNEO Channel Booter for Priiloader](https://sourceforge.net/projects/usbloadergx/files/Releases/Forwarders%20dols/UNEO%20Channel%20Booter%20for%20Priiloader.zip/download). * https://oscwii.org/library/app/loadpriiloader #### Optional Requirements for vWii (highly recommended) * An SD card * Download the USB Loader GX forwarder WAD ([Wii](https://sourceforge.net/projects/usbloadergx/files/Releases/Forwarders/USB%20Loader%20GX-UNEO_Forwarder_5_1_AHBPROT.wad), [vWii](https://sourceforge.net/projects/usbloadergx/files/Releases/Forwarders/USB%20Loader%20GX-UNEO_Forwarder_5_1_AHBPROT_vWii%20%28Fix%29.wad)). * Your Wii should now automatically boot to whichever homebrew app you installed. ### Instructions {% capture notice-vwii-priiloader %} If you are using a vWii: + Installing a theme after installing Priiloader **will brick your vWii.** + Priiloader 0.10.0 introduces vWii support! {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-vwii-priiloader }}
#### Section I - Préparation 1. Éteignez votre console. 1. Extract both apps to the root of your SD card or USB drive. 1. Extract the `UNEO Channel Booter for Priiloader.zip` file anywhere. 1. Copy `uneoboot.dol` to the root of your SD card. 1. Sends Wii Menu logs to a debugging device in memory card slot B, if the Wii Menu is launched by Gecko OS. 1. Insérez votre carte SD ou votre clé USB dans votre ordinateur. #### Section II - Installing Priiloader 1. Allumez votre console. 1. Launch the Homebrew Channel, and launch the Load Priiloader app. 1. Launch the Priiloader installer. 1. Press the + Button on Wii Remote or the A Button on a GameCube controller. ![](/images/priiloader/installer.png) ![](/images/priiloader/installing.png) 1. Press A to return to the Homebrew Channel. #### Section III - Entering Priiloader 1. Press the HOME button, then select Exit to System Menu to exit the Homebrew Channel. 1. Your device will have loaded the Priiloader menu. ![](/images/priiloader/menu.png) Later on, to enter it you can: + Holding RESET on a Wii while turning it on. + Wii Only + Holding the ESC key on a USB keyboard while turning on the console. + Wii, vWii and Mini + Run the "Load Priiloader" tool from the HBC + Wii, vWii and Mini + Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii. + vWii Only #### Configuring Priiloader 1. Scroll down to `System Menu Hacks` and press `A`. ![](/images/priiloader/menu_hacks.png) If you have put the Priiloader installer on your USB drive, make sure you do not have an SD card inserted at the same time.
This causes Priiloader to fail to find the `hacks_hash.ini` file. {: .notice--warning} 1. Scroll down to `Settings` and press A. + `Block Online Updates` + If you are NOT using a CRT display: `Remove Deflicker` 1. For the following options, enable the options according to your console: + Wii: + 480p graphics fix in system menu + Block Disc Updates + Wii mini: + Block Disc Updates 1. Scroll down to `save settings` and press A. 1. Press `B` to return to the main menu. ### Wii mini: Next Steps [Continue to the Dos and Don'ts of Wii Modding](dosanddonts)
These are some guidelines to ensure you don't brick your Wii. {: .notice--info} ### Wii: Next Steps If you have made it to this point, congrats! You are finished with the required section of the main guide! You can continue if you want to learn more, but anything past this point is optional. {: .notice--success} Continue to [cIOS](cios)
This guide provides steps on how to get a basic set of cIOS installed on your Wii, enabling functionality on apps like USB loaders. {: .notice--info} Allows the Wii Menu to launch discs (this is only the Wii Backup Disc) that use IOS16. {: .notice--info}