--- title: "RiiConnect24 FORE000006" --- {% include toc title="Inhaltsverzeichnis" %} Solltest du hinsichtlich dieses Tutorials Hilfe benötigen, trete bitte dem [RiiConnect24 Discord-Server](https://discord.gg/rc24) bei (empfohlen), oder kontaktiere uns [per E-Mail unter support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info} ![RiiConnect24-Logo](/images/WiiRC24Logo.jpg) If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel should start working. [Zurückkehren zur RiiConnect24 Installationsseite](riiconnect24) {: .notice--info}