title: "LetterBomb"

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LetterBomb est un exploit pour la Wii qui utilise une faille du Bureau Wii.

#### Ce dont vous avez besoin
- An SD card that is no more than 32GB in size
- Une Wii avec la version 4.3 du menu Wii

#### Instructions

1. Sur votre Wii, allez dans `Paramètres Wii` -> `Internet` -> `Informations générales` et notez votre adresse MAC.
1. Visit [please.hackmii.com](https://please.hackmii.com), input your Wii MAC and region, complete the CAPTCHA, ensure `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` is checked, and cut either wire
   - By default, the selected region is 4.3E (Europe), so if you are in a different region, you will have to select the correct one.
   - Whichever wire you choose to cut doesn't matter. ![HackMii Screen](/images/Wii/LetterBomb-PC.png)
1. Décompressez le contenu du ZIP téléchargé à la racine de votre carte SD.
1. Take out your SD card and insert it in your Wii.
   - The SD card must be inserted in the SD card slot located in the front of the Wii. Using a USB adapter plugged into the Wii's USB port will not work.
1. Sur votre Wii, retournez au menu Wii, puis ouvrez le Wii message board.
1. Sélectionnez la lettre rouge avec une icône de bombe.
   - Ensure the date on your Wii is correct, otherwise you might be unable to find the letter.
   - In various scenarios, you may need to look at the previous or next day to find it.
   - If you don't see the red letter, you may be using an unsupported SD card that's greater than 32GB in size.
   - If your Wii freezes after clicking on the letter, you probably chose the wrong region when downloading the exploit. Redo Step 2 and select the correct region.

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![LetterBomb Wii Menu](/images/Wii/LetterBomb-Wii.png)

[Continuer vers l'installation du Homebrew Channel et de BootMii](hbc)
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