#!/bin/bash version="v0.0.1" helpmsg="Need further help? You can either join the Wii Mini Hacking Discord server (recommended) at https://discord.gg/6ryxnkS, the RiiConnect24 Discord server at https://discord.gg/b4Y7jfD or you can send an e-mail to support@riiconnect24.net and we'll try to assist. " # clear and greet printf "Hello $USER, and welcome to the BlueBomb helper script.\n\nThis script will automatically check you have an environment capable of utilizing BlueBomb, download required files, and automate things as much as possible to make it easier for you, the end user, to perform the BlueBomb exploit on your Wii or Wii Mini console.\n\n" | fold -s -w $(tput cols) #set variable $sudo if the user is not root, so sudo is only used if absolutely needed [[ $USER != "root" ]] && sudo0="sudo" # error handling error() { clear printf "An error has occurred.\n\n* Task: $task\n* Command: $BASH_COMMAND\n* Line: $1\n* Exit code: $2\n\n" | fold -s -w $(tput cols) case "$task" in "Checking prerequisites - Internet connection" | "Download and extract BlueBomb" ) printf "NOTE: Please ensure that your PC has an active internet connection capable of reaching github.com.\n\n" | fold -s -w $(tput cols) esac printf "$helpmsg\n" | fold -s -w $(tput cols) exit } trap 'error $LINENO $?' ERR set -o pipefail set -o errtrace credit() { clear printf "Credits:\n * Fullmetal5\t\tBlueBomb exploit * urmum_69\t\t\tScript author * twosecslater\t\tScript author * Commandblock6417\t\tContributor * Terry A. Davis\t\tMotivation\n\nHave fun running homebrew on your console!\n" | fold -s -w $(tput cols) exit } # receive parameters given on command line while [[ "$1" =~ ^- && ! "$1" == "--" ]]; do case $1 in -v | --version ) printf "BlueBomb helper script\nVersion: $version\n" && exit ;; -r | --region ) shift; regionIn=$1 ;; -t | --console ) shift; consoleIn=$1 ;; -s | --sysmenu ) shift; sysmenuIn=$1 ;; -c | --credits ) credit; exit ;; -h | --help ) printf "\nUsage: $0 [options...]\n * -v --version\t\t\tDisplays the current version of the script. * -r --region \t\tAllows you to select a region without needing to interact with the script. * -t --console \tAllows you to select a console type without needing to interact with the script. * -s --sysmenu \tAllows you to select a system menu version without needing to interact with the script. * -h --help\t\t\t\tDisplays this help message.\n\n$helpmsg\n" | fold -s -w $(tput cols); exit ;; esac; shift; done if [[ "$1" == '--' ]]; then shift; fi # check prerequisites task="Checking prerequisites - Dependencies" ## detect non-linux kernel users. itoddlers btfo. [[ -z "$(uname -s | grep 'Linux')" ]] && printf "\n\nThis script does not work on systems that don't use the Linux kernel.\n\n" && exit ## detect architecture if [[ -n "$(uname -m | grep 'arm*\|aarch*')" ]]; then arch="arm" elif [[ -n "$(uname -m | grep 'x86_64')" ]]; then arch="x64" elif [[ -n "$(uname -m | grep 'i686')" ]]; then arch="x86" else printf "Unable to use your architecture ($(uname -m)).\n$helpmsg\n" exit fi printf "* Detected architecture: $arch\n\n" ## detect package manager [[ -z "$(command -v apt)" ]] && pm="apt" [[ -z "$(command -v emerge)" ]] && pm="portage" [[ -z "$(command -v pacman)" ]] && pm="pacman" [[ -z "$(command -v zypper)" ]] && pm="zyp" [[ -z "$(command -v dnf)" ]] && pm="dnf" dependencies=("unzip" "bluetoothctl" "wget") for i in "${dependencies[@]}"; do if [[ -z "$(command -v ${dependencies[i]})" ]]; then case "$pm" in "apt" ) $sudo0 apt -y install ${dependencies[i]} ;; "portage" ) $sudo0 emerge -aqv ${dependencies[i]} ;; "pacman" ) $sudo0 pacman -S ${dependencies[i]} ;; "zyp" ) $sudo0 zypper install ${dependencies[i]} ;; "dnf" ) $sudo0 dnf install ${dependencies[i]};; * ) printf "${dependencies[i]} is not installed. Please install it using your preferred package manager.\n\n$helpmsg\n" ;; esac fi done ## detect init system if [[ -e "$(command -v systemctl)" ]]; then init="systemd" elif [[ -e "$(command -v openrc)" ]]; then init="openrc" else printf "Unable to detect your init system.\n$helpmsg\n" exit fi printf "* Detected init system: $init\n\n" download() { [ -e bluebomb ] && printf "BlueBomb exists. Not downloading.\n" && cd bluebomb && return task="Checking Prerequisites - Internet connection" printf "* Checking internet connection... " ping -c 3 github.com > /dev/null printf "Success!\n\n* Downloading BlueBomb... " task="Download and extract BlueBomb" ## download zip from github mkdir -p bluebomb && cd bluebomb wget -q --secure-protocol=TLSv1_2 "https://github.com/Fullmetal5/bluebomb/releases/download/1.5/bluebomb1.5.zip" -O bluebomb.zip printf "Success!\n\n* Unpacking BlueBomb... " unzip -q bluebomb.zip rm bluebomb.zip printf "Success!\n\n" } findinfos() { clear task="Get console information from user" if [[ -z $consoleIn ]]; then printf "What is the console type?\n\nOPTIONS:\n\t[1]: Wii\n\t[2]: Wii Mini\n\nPlease type your selection and then press ENTER: " | fold -s -w $(tput cols) read -r consoleIn fi case "$consoleIn" in "1" | "Wii" ) arg1="WII_SM" ;; "2" | "Wii Mini" ) arg1="MINI_SM_" ;; * ) printf "Invalid selection.\n"; unset consoleIn findinfos ;; esac if [[ $arg1 == "MINI_SM_" ]]; then if [[ -z $regionIn ]]; then clear printf "What is the region of your Wii Mini console?\n\nOPTIONS:\n\t[1]: USA\n\t[2]: PAL\n\nPlease type your selection and then press ENTER: " | fold -s -w $(tput cols) read -r regionIn fi case "$regionIn" in "1" | "NTSC" ) arg2="NTSC" ;; "2" | "PAL" ) arg2="PAL" ;; * ) printf "Invalid selection.\n"; unset regionIn; findinfos ;; esac else if [[ -z $sysmenuIn ]]; then clear printf "What is the system menu version of your Wii Console?\n\nIf you're not sure where to find this, follow the following instructions:\n\nFrom the Wii Menu, launch Wii Options (round button in the bottom left), and then launch Wii Settings. On the first page of the Wii Settings at the upper right corner, you should see 'Ver X.YZ'. Where 'X' and 'Y' are numbers, and 'Z' is a letter. An example is '4.3E'. This is your system menu version.\n\nPlease enter the system menu version and then press ENTER: " read -r sysmenuIn fi if [[ ! ${#sysmenuIn} == 4 ]]; then printf "Invalid selection.\n" && unset sysmenuIn && findinfos; fi sysmenuVersions=("2_0E" "2_0J" "2_0U" "2_1E" "2_2E" "2_2J" "2_2U" "3_0E" "3_0J" "3_0U" "3_1E" "3_1J" "3_1U" "3_2E" "3_2J" "3_2U" "3_3E" "3_3J" "3_3U" "3_4E" "3_4J" "3_4U" "3_5K" "4_0E" "4_0J" "4_0U" "4_1E" "4_1J" "4_1K" "4_1U" "4_2E" "4_2J" "4_2K" "4_2U" "4_3E" "4_3J" "4_3K" "4_3U") arg2=${sysmenuIn//./_} arg2=${arg2^^} if [[ ! "${sysmenuVersions[@]}" =~ "${arg2}" ]]; then printf "Invalid version.\n" && unset sysmenuIn && findinfos; fi fi confirm } confirm() { clear printf "Alrighty, so here's what's about to go down:\n\n* Target console type: " case "$arg1" in "WII_SM" ) printf "Wii\n" ;; "MINI_SM_" ) printf "Wii Mini\n" ;; esac [[ "$arg1" == "WII_SM" ]] && printf "* Target console system menu version: ${arg2//_/.}\n" || printf "* Target console region: $arg2\n" printf "\nBlueBomb will be executed with the above, user-provided information.\n\nIs this alright? [y/n]: " read -r confirmation case "${confirmation^^}" in "Y" | "YES" ) execute ;; * ) unset sysmenuIn; unset consoleIn; unset regionIn; unset arg1; unset arg2; findinfos ;; esac } execute() { clear task="Stop Bluetooth Service" printf "* Stopping the Bluetooth service... (you may be prompted for your password)\n" case "$init" in "systemd" ) $sudo0 systemctl disable --now bluetooth.service ;; "openrc" ) $sudo0 rc-service bluetooth stop ;; esac task="Execute BlueBomb" printf "\n* Executing BlueBomb...\n" printf "$sudo0 ./bluebomb-$arch ./stage0/$arg1$arg2.bin stage1.bin\n" $sudo0 ./bluebomb-$arch ./stage0/$arg1$arg2.bin stage1.bin credit } download findinfos