--- title: "SysCheck" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} A SysCheck lists all the IOS and cIOS that are on your Wii, along with some information about each of them. It also gives you some other useful information. When you have IOS-related problems on your Wii, someone might ask you to do a SysCheck. ### 必要なもの * An SD card or USB drive * [SysCheck ModMii Edition](https://oscwii.org/library/app/SysCheckME) ### 実行方法 #### Section I - Downloading/Installing 1. Extract SysCheck ModMii Edition to your SD card or USB drive. 1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii, and launch SysCheck ModMii Edition from the Homebrew Channel. #### Section II - Performing a SysCheck 1. Wait for the program to get some information about your Wii. 1. When "This IOS will be tested (Please select)" is shown on the screen, press A. ![](/images/homebrew/syscheck/syscheck_chooseios.png) 1. Wait for the program to get some information about your IOS. 1. After it finishes, press the `A` Button if you want to view the log. ![](/images/homebrew/syscheck/syscheck_success.png) 1. You can also share the `sysCheck.csv` saved to the root of your SD Card or USB Drive. If you want to share the SysCheck, you can press the `A` Button, which will upload it to [syscheck.rc24.xyz](http://syscheck.rc24.xyz/) and give you a link. [サイトマップに移動する](site-navigation) {: .notice--info}