title: "WiiWare Patcher"

{% include toc title="Inhoudsopgave" %}

Wilt u WAD-spellen (WiiWare) patchen om met Wiimmfi te werken en weet u niet hoe? Deze tutorial legt u uit hoe WiiWare Patcher werkt. (Deze tutorial is alleen geschikt voor Windows-besturingssysteem)

![De WiiWare-patcher gebruiken](/images/rc24_using_the_wiiware_patcher.jpg)

Deze tutorial is alleen voor de Windows-versie van WiiWare Patcher.
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#### Wat heeft u nodig

* Een Windows-computer
* [WiiWare Patcher](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/WiiWare-Patcher/releases)

##### Section I - Downloading WiiWare Patcher

1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
2. Download `WiiWarePatcher.bat`.

##### Section II - Patching WiiWare games

1. On Windows, run `WiiWarePatcher.bat`. ![WiiWare Patcher Main Menu](/images/WiiWare-Patcher/1.JPG)
2. Press any key to start the patcher.
3. Select if you want to patch your games or if you want to download and patch `Wii Speak Channel`. ![Select patching mode](/images/WiiWare-Patcher/2.JPG)
4. If you're patching your own games, copy them (.WAD files) to the folder where `WiiWarePatcher.bat` is, press `1` and hit ENTER.
5. The patching process will start. Be patient. ![Patching...](/images/WiiWare-Patcher/3.JPG)
6. It's done! Patched WAD's are in the `wiimmfi-wads` folder. Install them using Wii Mod Lite or other WAD Manager.

[Return to Wiimmfi installation page](wiimmfi)