--- title: "安裝 Open Shop Channel (Homebrew Browser)" --- 如果您需要有關本教學的任何幫助,請加入[Open Shop Channel](https://discord.gg/osc)(推薦)或[發送電子郵件至 support@riiiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiiconnect24.net)。 {: .notice--info} Homebrew Browser 雖然是 Open Shop Channel 的基底,而且基本上是可用的,但可能存在問題。 您也可以透過 [osc-dl](https://github.com/dhtdht020/osc-dl/releases/latest) 和 [Open Shop Channel 網站](https://oscwii.org/) 下載自製軟體。 {: .notice--info} 您需要網際網路才能使用此應用程式。 {: .notice--warning} [Open Shop Channel](https://oscwii.org/) 是您下載自製軟體的地方。 It is a revival project for an app called Homebrew Browser. #### 必備項目 - 一張 SD 卡或 USB 隨身碟 - [Homebrew Browser](/assets/files/homebrew_browser_v0.3.9e.zip) #### 操作說明 1. Extract the Homebrew Browser and put it in the `apps` folder on your SD card or USB drive. 2. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your Wii. You can now launch the Homebrew Browser from the Homebrew Channel if you want to. #### Recommended Apps Here are some recommended apps that you can get on the Open Shop Channel: - [CleanRip](https://oscwii.org/library/app/CleanRip) - This is a tool to dump Wii and GameCube games. See [our page](dump-games) for more details. - [GCMM](https://oscwii.org/library/app/gcmm) - This is a GameCube memory card manager for your Wii. - [MyMenuify Mod](https://oscwii.org/library/app/mymenuifymod) - This is a tool to install themes for your Wii Menu. See [our page](themes) for instructions on how to use it. - [Nintendont](https://oscwii.org/library/app/nintendont) - This is a GameCube game loader for your Wii. For more information, please see [this GBAtemp thread](https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendont.349258/). - [SaveGame Manager GX](https://oscwii.org/library/app/savegame_manager_gx) - This is a save manager for your Wii. It allows you to copy save files and Miis to and from your Wii. - [USB Loader GX](https://oscwii.org/library/app/usbloader_gx) - This is a USB Loader for your Wii. See [our page](usbloadergx) for instructions on how to use it. - [WiiFlow Lite](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiiflow) - This is another USB Loader for your Wii. See [our page](wiiflow) for instructions on how to use it. - [WiiMC-SS](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiimc-ss) - This is a media player for your Wii. It supports movies, music, photos, radio stations, YouTube, and more. - [WiiXplorer-SS](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiixplorer-ss) - This is a file manager for your Wii. It lets you access your files on your SD Card, USB Device, and more. - [YABDM](https://oscwii.org/library/app/Yet-Another-BlueDump-Mod) - This is a tool to dump content installed on your Wii to WAD files. See [our page](dump-wads) for instructions on how to use it. [Continue to RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)<br> RiiConnect24 allows you to use discontinued services from WiiConnect24, which include the News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo and Check Mii Out Channel, along with Wii Mail. This is optional to install. {: .notice--info} [繼續至使用 WiiLink](wiilink)<br> WiiLink 允許您使用已停止供應的日本頻道,例如 Wii no Ma 和 Digicam Print Channel。 This is optional to install. {: .notice--info} [繼續至使用 Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi 可讓您在官方 Nintendo Wi-Fi 停用後繼續遊玩線上遊戲。 This is optional to install. {: .notice--info} [繼續至網站導覽](site-navigation)<br> 我們還有許多您可能會喜歡的其他指南。 {: .notice--info} Included in the Homebrew Browser download is a guide on how to use the Homebrew Browser. {: .notice--info} You can swap out ShopChannel.ogg with loop.ogg in `/apps/homebrew_browser/` to have the Homebrew Browser play the Wii Shop Channel music. {: .notice--info}