--- title: RiiTag on Wii U --- {% include toc title="Sumário" %} Se você precisa de ajuda sobre qualquer coisa deste tutorial, por favor entre [no servidor do Discord RiiConnect24](https://discord.gg/rc24) (recomendado) ou [mande um e-mail para support@riiconnect24.net (em inglês)](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info} RiiTag is a customizable and dynamic gamertag. By sharing your gamertag (a dynamic image), you can show what you've been playing to your friends! You launch a plugin on your Wii U console via Aroma, and the tag updates on-the-fly. #### Você precisará de - A device capable of interacting with SD cards - Softmodded Wii U console with Aroma custom firmware - If you have not softmodded your Wii U yet, [please do so](https://wiiu.hacks.guide). You cannot proceed without. - A Discord account - The latest release of the [UTag plugin](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/UTag/releases) Previously, UTag allowed using other custom firmware (often abbreviated as CFW), but the only supported custom firmware, and the only one you should be using, is Aroma. {: .notice--warning} #### Instruções ##### Section I - Website instructions 1. Go to the [RiiTag website](https://tag.rc24.xyz/). 2. Clique em `Log In` e faça login com sua conta do Discord. 3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Clique em `Autorizar`. 4. Click `Edit Your Tag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, Wii Number, and manually enter in games to show on your tag (not needed if you're using a USB Loader). 5. Click `Show Key` and make note of the key shown. This will be used later on in this guide. 6. Click `Submit` to save your changes. Do not share your RiiTag key with anyone! Se você compartilhar, as pessoas poderão abusar de sua tag. {: .notice--warning} ##### Section II - Setting things up on the SD card 1. Extract the UTag file to `/wiiu/environments/aroma/plugins` on your SD card. If it doesn't exist, create it. 2. In `/wiiu/` on your SD card, create a file called `utag.txt` and paste your RiiTag key from the previous step into it. ##### Section III - Running the plugin You don't need to manually run the plugin - just run Aroma and it will automatically be loaded. We recommend setting up Aroma for coldbooting so the plugin gets loaded automatically when you boot the console. {: .notice--info} You have now set up RiiTag on your Wii U! Now go play some games, and watch them show up on your RiiTag! {: .notice--success} [Continue para a navegação do site](site-navigation)
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