title: "WiiLink"
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WiiLink and all of its services (such as Wii no Ma) are not controlled or operated by RiiConnect24.
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[WiiLink](https://wiilink24.com/) lets you use the Japanese-exclusive channels Wii Room and Digicam Print Channel, and in the future will let you use the Demae Channel again.
#### O que precisas
* Um cartão SD ou USB drive
* Uma Wii com conexão à Internet
* Um computador baseado em Windows ou Unix
* [WiiLink Patcher](https://github.com/WiiLink24/WiiLink24-Patcher/releases)
#### Instruções
##### Section I - Patching WADs
[Se quiseres ver instruções detalhadas de como instalar os WADs, clica aqui!](wiimodlite)
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1. Descarrega os ficheiros necessários baseados no teu SO. On Windows, run `WiiLinkPatcher.bat`. On Unix systems, launch terminal and type sh, then drag the `WiiLinkPatcher.sh` into the terminal and press enter.
2. Pressiona 1 para escolher "`Start`" e confirma a tua seleção pressionando `ENTER`.
3. For this guide, choose "`Install WiiLink on your Wii`"
4. Seleciona a tua região.
5. Conecta o cartão SD ou USB Drive ao teu computador e seleciona "`1`".
6. Se o teu dispositivo foi detetado com sucesso, seleciona "`1`". Se não, verifica se tens uma pasta chamada `apps` no teu Cartão SD ou dispositivo USB e tenta novamente.
7. Sê paciente...
8. Depois de estar completo, tu podes fechar o patcher com segurança. Todos os ficheiros estão prontos no teu Cartão SD.
9. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `WiiLinkPatcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device.
10. Put your SD card or USB drive in your Wii.
11. Abre o Homebrew Channel na tua Wii.
12. Launch Wii Mod Lite.
13. Utilizando o controlo direcional do teu Comando Wii, navega até `WAD Manager` e depois navega até à pasta `wad`.
14. If your Wii is not a Japanese region, install WiiLink24_SPD.wad before anything else. This is required so that we know your email address to send files.
15. Highlight all other WADs with `WiiLink24` in the name, and press + to select them. When all of them are selected, press A twice to install the WADs.
16. After it is successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
##### Section II - Adding your email to SPD
Adding your email to SPD will allow channels like Digicam and Demae to send files like images or links to you.
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1. Launch Digicam Print Channel from your Wii's home menu.
2. On the bottom right, press `Address settings` and then `Yes`.
3. Click on `Email Address` within SPD and type in your email address. (make sure you **put it in correctly** or it **will not work!**)
4. Press `OK` and then `Done`.
5. Once you are in the SPD main menu, choose `Digicam` in the `Choose Channel` menu. After you’ve done that, it should work!
For PAL (European Wiis)
In Wii Settings please set TV Resolution to 60 HZ (480p/480i). You can find this in `Screen -> TV Resolution` If you do not, a pink bar will appear at the bottom of the screen obscuring vision.
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[Continua para o RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)
O RiiConnect24 permite-te usar serviços do WiiConnect24 que estão descontinuados, incluindo o News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo e o Check Mii Out Channel, juntamnete com o Wii Mail. Isto é opcional para instalares.
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[Continue to Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)
Wiimmfi lets you play games online after the discontinuation of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Isto é opcional para instalares.
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