--- title: "BootMii 备份" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) (recommended) or [e-mail us at support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info} ![BootMii Logo](/images/bootmii.png) 你需要一张**SD卡**来使用BootMii创建一个NAND备份。 如果你没有,你可以跳过这一步,虽然非常推荐你创建一个备份,如果你可以的话。 {: .notice--warning} BootMii其中一个最重要的特点就是能够备份并且还原你的Wii里的NAND存储。 我们将学习如何制作一个NAND备份。 你可以从备份中还原,无论是什么目的。 It's a good idea to make a NAND backup regularly or before doing something risky to your console (and if you know what you're doing, you won't have to do anything risky). #### 需要 * 一张SD卡,至少有512MB的空间。 #### 步骤 1. 启动Homebrew Channel。 2. 按下Home按钮,选择"Launch BootMii"。 Navigating BootMii is not possible using a Wii remote. You must use the POWER and RESET buttons on your console, or a GameCube controller plugged into port 1. To navigate between options, press POWER on your Wii (or the right +Control Pad button on a GameCube controller). To select an option, hit RESET on your Wii or A on your GameCube controller. {: .notice--info} If the screen stays black and the blue disc drive light is blinking, you are missing the BootMii files on your SD card. Download [this zip](https://static.hackmii.com/bootmii_sd_files.zip) and extract it to the root of your SD card, then try again. {: .notice--warning} 3. 选择设置按钮。(带齿轮那个) 4. 选择BackupMii按钮(绿色的那个)。 - NAND备份会开始。 你可以观看屏幕上的过程。 - "损坏区域"是正常的。 当你在备份的时候看到不用担心。 - 在这一步后,它会验证这个备份。 即使是推荐的,但是你可以按EJECT按钮跳过。 5. 当备份完全完成后,按任何按键退出NAND备份。 6. 要退出BootMii,按下Back按钮(有箭头的那个)然后你可以按下Wii菜单按钮或者HBC按钮来退出。 [Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader) Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and we recommend it, especially if you were only able to install BootMii IOS. {: .notice--info}