--- title: "RiiTag on Wii" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) (recommended) or [e-mail us at support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info} RiiTag is a customizable and dynamic gamertag. By sharing your gamertag (a dynamic image), you can show what you've been playing to your friends! You connect it to a USB Loader, and the tag updates on-the-fly. You need a Discord account in order to start using RiiTag. Want to install RiiTag on your Wii U? See [this guide](riitag-wiiu) on how to connect it to your Wii U Menu. {: .notice--info} #### 你需要的是 * A computer * A text editor * A USB Loader #### 步骤 ##### Section I - Getting Started 1. [Go to the RiiTag site.](https://tag.rc24.xyz/) 2. Click `Log In` and log in with your Discord account. 3. A dialog will pop up asking you if you want to authorize `RiiConnect24 Login` with Discord. Click `Authorize`. 4. Click `Edit Your Tag` and customize it to how you like. You can add a background, overlay, flag, nickname, Wii Number, and manually enter in games to show on your tag (not needed if you're using a USB Loader). 5. Click `Show Key` and make note of the key shown. This is not needed if you're using USB Loader GX, as the key will be in a downloadable file. 6. Click `Submit` to save your changes. Do not share your RiiTag key with anyone! If you do, people can abuse your tag. {: .notice--warning} ##### Section II - Connecting Your USB Loader The steps to connect RiiTag to your USB Loader depend on what USB Loader you use. ###### USB Loader GX 1. Load USB Loader GX on your Wii. 2. Go to `Settings` > `Features` and turn `Wiinnertag` on. Press `Yes` or `OK` to any dialogues that show up. 3. Ensure that `Initialize Network` is turned on. 4. Exit USB Loader GX. 5. Insert the SD Card or USB device where your USB Loader GX data is into your computer. 6. [Go to this page.](https://tag.rc24.xyz/Wiinnertag.xml) 7. On your browser, right click, and click `Save As`. 8. Save the XML to `/apps/usbloader_gx` folder on your SD Card or USB device, replacing the existing `Wiinnertag.xml`. 9. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly. ###### WiiFlow 1. Take the SD Card or USB device where your WiiFlow data is into your computer. 2. Open `/apps/wiiflow/wiiflow.ini` with a text editor. (If you use WiiFlow Lite, the path might have `wiiflow_lite` instead of `wiiflow`.) 3. Search for `gamercards` and replace that line with `gamercards=wiinnertag`. 4. Search for `wiinnertag_url` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_url=http://tag.rc24.xyz/wii?game={ID6}&key={KEY}`. 5. Search for `wiinnertag_key` and replace that line with `wiinnertag_key=`, replacing `` with the key you wrote down in Section 1. 6. Search for `gamercards_enable` and replace that line with `gamercards_enable=yes`. 7. Save the modified `wiiflow.ini` file. 8. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly. ###### Dolphin You need a Discord account for this to work. {: .notice--info} 1. [Join the RiiConnect24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) if you aren't already in there. 2. Make sure `Show Current Game on Discord` is turned on in preferences. 3. Make sure your Discord client is open. 4. Play a game and RiiTag will automatically update your tag when you play a game. ###### Configurable USB Loader We do not offer support for Configurable USB Loader, as we are focused on USB Loader GX and WiiFlow. {: .notice--info} You can use the `CfgLoaderConfigurator.exe` program (Windows only) instead of editing the `config.txt` file mentioned below if you want to. {: .notice--info} 1. Take the SD Card or USB device where your Configurable USB Loader data is into your computer. 2. Open `/usb-loader/config.txt` with a text editor. 3. Replace (or add the line) starting with `gamercard_url` with `gamercard_url = http://tag.rc24.xyz/wii?game={ID6}&key={KEY}`. 4. Replace (or add the line) starting with `gamercard_key` with `gamercard_key = `, replacing `` with the key you wrote down in Section 1. 5. Save the modified `config.txt` file. 6. You have now set up RiiTag. You can try loading any game now to see if it works correctly. [Check out RiiTag-RPC](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/RiiTag-RPC/releases/latest)
Now that you set up RiiTag, you can set up RiiTag-RPC to show your friends what you're playing on the Wii using Discord's rich presence. {: .notice--info} [继续 网站导览](site-navigation) 我们有许多你可能喜欢的其他教程。 {: .notice--info}