    title: Wii Guide
    url: /
    title: Start Here
    url: get-started
    title: Site Navigation
    url: site-navigation
    title: FAQ
    url: faq
    title: This website uses cookies to display the current guide progress on the sidebar and otherwise enhance the site.
    title: For support in English, ask for help at <a href="https://discord.gg/b4Y7jfD">RiiConnect24 on Discord</a>.
    title: Source
    url: https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide_Wii
    title: Site Navigation
    url: site-navigation
    title: Donations
    url: privacy-policy
    title: Donations
    url: donations
    title: Overall Progress
    title: Wii Guide
    url: /
    title: FAQ
    url: get-started
    title: Donations
    url: letterbomb
    title: Credits
    url: bluebomb
    title: RiiConnect24
    url: flashhax
    title: Wiimmfi
    url: Wiimmfi
    title: Wilbrand
    url: wilbrand
    title: Multiple Options
    url: multiple-options
    title: Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation
    url: hbc
    title: Homebrew Channel - for Wii mini only
    url: hbc-mini
    title: BootMii Backup
    url: bootmii
    title: Priiloader
    url: priiloader
    title: Open Shop Channel
    url: osc
    title: d2xl cIOS for Wii mini (experimental)
    url: cios-mini
    title: Wii mini NAND Dumper
    url: wnd-mini