--- layout: splash title: "Wii Guide" header: overlay_color: "#5e616c" overlay_image: /images/home-page-feature.jpg overlay_filter: 0.5 cta_label: "Commencer" cta_url: "Commencer" caption: excerpt: "Le guide complet pour modder votre Nintendo Wii." --- The guide is also available in other languages! Pour changer la langue, s’il vous plait veuillez appuyer sur le bouton en haut à droite et changer votre language. {: .notice--info} ## What is "homebrew"? [**Homebrew**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homebrew_(video_games)) refers to unofficial software including games, utilities, emulators and others. Running homebrew on your Nintendo Wii is free using various exploits. ## What can I do with homebrew? Here's a list of things you can do with it. While these aren't all the things you can do with homebrew, it should give you a starting point for things you can do. Our guide will help you easily get started. - Patch game disc contents (allowing you to load game modifications) using [Riivolution](http://www.wiibrew.org/wiki/Riivolution). - Install themes to your Wii Menu using [MyMenuify](/themes). - Install a USB Loader like [WiiFlow Lite](https://gbatemp.net/threads/wiiflow-lite.422685/) or [USB Loader GX](/usbloadergx) to launch all your favorite titles from a USB storage device and more. - Back up your discs with [CleanRip](/dump-games) and installed games and titles with [YABDM](/dump-wads) - Back up and restore your save files with [SaveGame Manager GX](https://wiidatabase.de/downloads/wii-tools/savegame-manager-gx-beta/) - Download new homebrew apps with the [Homebrew Browser](/hbb) - Restore discontinued online services, such as [WiiConnect24](/riiconnect24) & [Nintendo WFC services](/wiimmfi). - Backup and restore copies of your Wii system memory (NAND) using [BootMii](http://bootmii.org). - Protect your Wii from bricks using [Priiloader](/priiloader) and BootMii. - Turn your Wii into a media player with [WiiMC](http://www.wiimc.org/). Get started by [choosing your exploit](get-started)! {: .notice--info} ## More Resources There are also few more good resources for Wii modding and troubleshooting that can help: - [Complete Softmod Guide](https://sites.google.com/site/completesg/) - [ModMii](http://modmii.000webhostapp.com/) - [WiiBrew](https://wiibrew.org/) - [WiiFlow Wiki](https://sites.google.com/site/wiiflowiki4/) - [Wii Hacking Explained - by Cyan](https://gbatemp.net/threads/wii-hacking-explained.501605/) ...and of course, this site For modding a Wii U, there are some more options: - [The Definitive vWii Hacking Guide](https://gbatemp.net/threads/the-definitive-vwii-hacking-guide.425852/) - [NH Wii U Guide](https://wiiuguide.xyz)