--- title: "Open Shop Channel (Homebrew Browser)" --- Pokud potřebujete pomoct s čímkoliv, co týká tohoto tutoriálu, přidejte se na [Open Shop Channel Discord server](https://discord.gg/osc) (doporučeno) nebo [nám napište e-mail](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info} Homebrew Browser, na kterém je Open Shop Channel založen, funguje, ale může být zabugovaný. Homebrew také můžete získat na [osc-dl](https://github.com/dhtdht020/osc-dl/releases/latest) nebo na webu [Open Shop Channel](https://oscwii.org/). {: .notice--info} [Open Shop Channel](https://oscwii.org/) je místo, kam si můžete přijít pro homebrew aplikace. Je to oživovací projekt aplikace s názvem Homebrew Browser. #### Co budete potřebovat * SD karta nebo USB disk * [Homebrew Browser](/assets/files/homebrew_browser_v0.3.9e.zip) #### Pokyny 1. Extrahujte Homebrew Browser do složky `apps` na vaší SD kartě nebo USB disku. 2. Vložte SD kartu nebo USB disk do svého Wii. Nyní můžete z Homebrew Channelu Homebrew Browser spustit, pokud chcete. #### Recommended Apps Here are some recommended apps that you can get on the Open Shop Channel: - [CleanRip](https://oscwii.org/library/app/CleanRip) - This is a tool to dump Wii and GameCube games. See [our page](dump-games) for more details. - [GCMM](https://oscwii.org/library/app/gcmm) - This is a GameCube memory card manager for your Wii. - [MyMenuify Mod](https://oscwii.org/library/app/mymenuifymod) - This is a tool to install themes for your Wii Menu. See [our page](themes) for instructions on how to use it. - [Nintendont](https://oscwii.org/library/app/nintendont) - This is a GameCube game loader for your Wii. For more information, please see [this GBAtemp thread](https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendont.349258/). - [SaveGame Manager GX](https://oscwii.org/library/app/savegame_manager_gx) - This is a save manager for your Wii. It allows you to copy save files and Miis to and from your Wii. - [USB Loader GX](https://oscwii.org/library/app/usbloader_gx) - This is a USB Loader for your Wii. See [our page](usbloadergx) for instructions on how to use it. - [WiiFlow Lite](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiiflow) - This is another USB Loader for your Wii. See [our page](wiiflow) for instructions on how to use it. - [WiiMC-SS](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiimc-ss) - This is a media player for your Wii. It supports movies, music, photos, radio stations, YouTube, and more. - [WiiXplorer-SS](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiixplorer-ss) - This is a file manager for your Wii. It lets you access your files on your SD Card, USB Device, and more. - [YABDM](https://oscwii.org/library/app/Yet-Another-BlueDump-Mod) - This is a tool to dump content installed on your Wii to WAD files. See [our page](dump-wads) for instructions on how to use it. [Pokračujte na RiiConnect24](riiconnect24)
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We have many other tutorials that you might like. {: .notice--info} Included in the Homebrew Browser download is a guide on how to use the Homebrew Browser. {: .notice--info} You can swap out ShopChannel.ogg with loop.ogg in `/apps/homebrew_browser/` to have the Homebrew Browser play the Wii Shop Channel music. {: .notice--info}