--- title: "RiiConnect24 DNS Update" --- Eğer bu öğreticiye bağlı herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyacınız olursa lütfen [RiiConnect24’ün Discord sunucusuna katılın](https://discord.gg/rc24) (tavsiye edilen) ya da [support@riiconnect24.net üzerinden mail atın](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info} ![RiiConnect24 Logosu](/images/logo_blue_warning.png) Our official DNS Address has been updated. We require all users to change it. Failure in doing so will result in losing access to most or every RiiConnect24 service. The old address will be supported until it's `DEPRECATION` date. We will remind you using Wii Mail or our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) about the need to change the DNS Address in the next few months. We've restricted access to Forecast Channel and News Channel for users still using the old DNS Address. Users will also see a new EULA when trying to enable WiiConnect24 reminding them about the change. ![The notification on the EULA confirmation screen.](/images/eula_change_dns_notification.png) ![The notification on the Forecast Channel](/images/forecast_change_dns_notification.png) ![The notification on the News Channel](/images/news_channel_change_dns_notification.png) To update your entered DNS Address please follow these steps: 1. `Wii Options` kısmına gidin. 2. `Wii Settings` kısmına gidin. 3. `2. Sayfaya` geçip `Internet’e` tıklayın. 4. Go to `Connection Settings` 5. Select your current connection 6. Go to `Change Settings` 7. `Auto-Obtain DNS` kısmına (IP Address kısmına değil) gidip `No’yu` seçin, ardından `Advanced Settings` kısmına gidin. 8. Type in `` as the primary DNS 9. Type in `` as the secondary DNS 10. Select `Confirm`, then select `Save` 11. Select `OK` to perform a connection 12. Eğer bağlantı testi başarılıysa `No’yu` seçip Wii Sistem Güncellemesi’ni geçin. The old DNS Server will stop working on `June 1st, 2023`. {: .notice--warning}