title: "Updating Wii Menu to v4.3"

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Если вам нужна помощь относительно этого руководства, пожалуйста присоединитесь [к дискорд-серверу RiiConnect24](https://discord.gg/rc24) (рекомендовано), или [напишите нам по адресу support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net).
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This tutorial will explain how to update your Wii Menu to version 4.3, as you can no longer use the updater built into the Wii Menu since the servers are no longer up.

#### Что вам понадобится
* SD-карта или USB-накопитель
* A computer with Windows on it
* [IOS58 Installer](https://oscwii.org/library/app/ios58-installer)
* [NUS Downloader](https://github.com/WiiDatabase/nusdownloader/releases/latest)
* [Wii Mod Lite](https://oscwii.org/library/app/WiiModLite)

If you don't have a Windows computer, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) (recommended) or [e-mail us at support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net).
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#### Инструкции

##### Section I - Downloading

Your Wii must be modded in order to perform this. If it isn't, then it's best to follow [the guide](get-started) first before doing this.
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To protect against bricks, [make sure you install Priiloader](priiloader). Also, install [BootMii](bootmii) (as Boot2 if you have an early Wii, otherwise IOS). Installing brick protection along with following the guide correctly should keep you safe from bricks. DO NOT CONTINUE UNTIL YOU HAVE INSTALLED PRIILOADER AND BOOTMII!
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1. Extract the .zip file for NUS Downloader vWii and open the application.
2. Go to `Database...` > `System` > `0000000100000002 - System Menu` and select the version corresponding to your region as shown in the table below.
3. Make sure `Pack WAD` is checked.
4. Press `Start NUS Download!`.
5. Open the `titles` -> `0000000100000002` -> (Wii Menu version) and copy the .wad file to a folder called `wad` on your SD Card or USB drive.
6. (If you have [RiiConnect24](riiconnect24), you can skip this step) Repeat steps 2-5 with `IOS` -> `0000000100000050 - IOS80` -> `Latest Version`.

| Region | Wii Menu version |
| ------ | ---------------- |
| Japan  | v512 (4.3J)      |
| USA    | v513 (4.3U)      |
| Europe | v514 (4.3E)      |
| Korea  | v518 (4.3K)      |

##### Section II - Installing

Для управления используйте крестовину.
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1. Вставьте свою SD-карту или USB-накопитель в Wii.
2. Launch the Homebrew Channel on your Wii.
3. Запустите Wii Mod Lite.
4. Using the +Control Pad on your Wii Remote, navigate to `WAD Manager`, and then navigate to the `wad` folder.
5. Press A to install the IOS80. [`Make sure the installation is successful, otherwise abort.`]
6. Press A to install the Wii Menu WAD.
7. After they are successfully installed, press the HOME Button to exit back to the Homebrew Channel.
8. Launch IOS58 Installer.
9. Follow the instructions to install IOS58.

[Continue to Priiloader Installation](priiloader)<br> Priiloader adds a level of brick protection, and we recommend it.
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