--- title: "捐赠" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} For instructions on how to format your SD card correctly, please see [this guide](https://wiki.hacks.guide/wiki/Formatting_an_SD_card). It is highly recommended to check it due to problems with formatting as FAT32. {: .notice--info} Do NOT use any of the MAC address examples shown in this guide, as they will simply cause an error on the HackMii website. Use your own! {: .notice--warning} LetterBomb是Wii的一种漏洞,它是使用Wii留言板触发的。 ### Requirements * 格式化为 FAT32/MS-DOS 的 SD 卡 * 一台Wii,系统版本为4.3。 * A Windows/MacOS/Linux computer with an Internet connection ### Instructions 1. Power on your console. 1. 在你的 Wii 上,前往`Wii 设置` -> `Internet` -> `主机信息`,并记下您的 MAC 地址。 1. Take note in the top right corner of the letter next to the system version. + This letter corresponds to your system menu region, which you will need to know for the corresponding steps. + Also, ensure that you are on System Menu version 4.3. ![](/images/wii/SystemMenuVersion.png) 1. Navigate to `Internet` > `Console Information`. 1. Take note of your FULL MAC address. ![](/images/wii/MacAddress.png) 1. On your computer, open the browser and go to [the HackMii website](https://please.hackmii.com/). 1. 请访问 [please.hackmii.com](https://please.hackmii.com/),输入您的 Wii 的 MAC 地址和区域,确保已勾选 `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` ,然后剪断其中一根电线。 1. Ensure `Bundle the HackMii Installer for me!` is checked. 1. Cut either wire. ![](/images/exploits/letterbomb/LetterBomb-PC.png) 1. Insert your SD card into your computer. 1. Copy the `private` folder and the `boot.elf` file from the LetterBomb `.zip` to the root of your SD card. 1. 将下载的 ZIP 的内容解压到您 SD 卡的根目录中。 + 必须将 SD 卡插入 Wii 前面的 SD 卡槽中。 使用插入到 Wii USB 接口的 USB 读卡器是无效的。 1. 取出 SD 卡并将其插入 Wii 中。 1. 在 Wii 上,回到 Wii 菜单,然后打开 Wii 留言板。 1. Open the red letter with a bomb. + 请确保 Wii 的日期正确,否则您可能找不到信。 + In some cases, you may need to check the messages for tommorow or yesterday for the letter to show up. + 如果您没有看到红色信,请检查 `数据管理` 中的 SD 卡部分是否有任何错误。 如果有任何问题,可能是由于 SD 卡格式或 Wii 的 SD 卡槽出现问题。 + 如果 Wii 在点击信后卡住,可能是在下载时选择了错误的区域。 重新进行第 2 步,并选择正确的区域。 + If all is correct and there is freezing, keep on trying until it works. 1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the HackMii Installer. ![](/images/exploits/letterbomb/LetterBomb-Wii.png) [继续到 安装 Homebrew Channel 和 BootMii](hbc) {: .notice--info}