title: "FAQ and Troubleshooting"
## FAQ Principali
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### Quanto è rischioso modificare la mia console?
Non molto rischioso onestamente, dipende dalla tua console. Il Wii ha molte meno barriere da oltrepassare rispetto ad altre console, con exploit che richiedono solamente un Wii e una connessione a internet. Finchè segui i consigli generali scritti [qui](bricks#brick-prevention), installi [BootMii](bootmii) e [Priiloader](priiloader), e hai buon senso, tutto dovrebbe essere a posto!
### Ricevo un errore XXXXXX, come lo sistemo?
Per verificare il significato dell'errore, per favore visita [La pagina degli errori di Wiimmfi](https://wiimmfi.de/error). Gli errori più comuni hanno le correzioni elencate sotto:
#### Errore 01530/51330
Esegui un test della connessione Internet andando su `Impostazioni Wii > Internet > Impostazioni di Collegamento > Connessione Wi-Fi > Prova di Connessione`
#### Errore 220602
##### Per utenti di RiiConnect24
Stai usando il vecchio server DNS per RiiConnect24. Segui [questa](riiconnect24#section-iv---connecting) guida per istruzioni su come cambiarlo.
##### Per utenti senza RiiConnect24
Il tuo erver DNS primario è incorretto o non funzionante.
Questo può anche succedere se usi un server proxy e non funziona.
#### Errore 107304
##### Per utenti di RiiConnect24
Se ottieni questo errore o vedi il Nintendo's User Agreement senza il logo di RiiConnect24, significa che il tuo ISP (Internet Service Provider) o la rete sta bloccando l'utilizzo del DNS di RC24. Puoi impostare `Auto-Obtain DNS` su `On` per risolvere. RiiConnect24 funzionerà anche senza di esso. Oppure, puoi usare il programma [RiiConnect24 DNS-Server](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/DNS-Server/releases/latest).
##### Per utenti senza RiiConnect24
Se ottieni questo errore, il server DNS che hai scelto o il tuo internet nella sua interezza sta avendo problemi. Riprova più tardi.
#### FORE000006
Se ottieni l'errore FORE000006, il tuo orologio del Wii è probabilmente impostato incorrettamente. Vedi [qui](wiiconnect24#updating-rtc-clock) per istruzioni su come resettarlo correttamente. Se questo fallisce ancora, rimuovi la batteria dell'orologio del Wii (si torva sulla parte inferiore del sistema dietro a una vita) per un'ora e rimettila dentro dopo. Poi, resetta l'orologio del Wii.
### Come si rimuove il Filtro Famiglia?
Il [generatore mkey](https://mkey.salthax.org) può generare il codice richiesto per rimuovere il Filtro Famiglia.
### Penso che il mio Wii sia brickato, o che abbia qualcosa di davvero sbagliato, cosa faccio?
Vedi [questa](bricks) pagina.
## FAQ Dispositivi di Archiviazione
Negli exploit [BlueBomb](bluebomb), [str2hax](str2hax), o [FlashHax](flashhax), non ti serve una scheda SD per modificare il tuo Wii; è altamente consigliato averne una comunque per il software homebrew e altre cose.
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Il File System consigliato per le schede SD è il FAT32, vedi [questa guida](https://wiki.hacks.guide/wiki/Formatting_an_SD_card) per istruzioni su come formattare.
Per i dispositivi USB, il FAT32 è sempre consigliato, anche se gli utenti dovrebbero conoscere le limitazioni del FAT32 che permette dispositivi solo fino a 2TB di spazio. WBFS era un File System utilizzato precedentemente per i backup dei giochi Wii - oggi, è obsoleto e non dovrebbe essere usato.
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For stock Wii Menu versions lower than 4.0, a limitation in the Wii System Software prevents SD cards bigger than 2GB from being used.
For stock Wii Menu versions 4.0 or higher, this limitation is removed and SD cards of various sizes can be used.
Your highest chance of getting a working SD card on any Wii is at sizes 32GB or lower, but success has been reported various times on cards ranging up to 256GB.
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For USB devices, flash drives have a high rate of not working on Wii consoles. Instead, it is recommended to use a USB hard drive or solid state drive.
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### General Storage Guidelines
When considering buying or using an SD card or USB device, it is worth considering the things that you will be using either storage medium for. Different uses can take up varying amounts of space, some common examples of which are shown below:
+ Wii Backups: The largest Wii games (dual-layer DVD) are up to sizes of 9GB, more normal games are closer to sizes of 4GB or lower. The average user for a Wii backup device would probably want 128GB or more of space.
+ GameCube Backups: The largest GameCube games reach sizes of up to 1.3GB. ISO sizes are normally this size regardless of the game, but can be considerably lower if NKIT is used as a format instead. The average user for a GameCube backup device would probably want 64GB or more of space.
+ General Emulation: There are a wide variety of emulators available on the Wii. Because the size of different game ROMs differ dramatically, the average user for an emulation drive would probably want 32GB or more of space.
+ General Homebrew: For homebrew, the average user would want 2GB or more of space.
+ NAND Backups: For backing up your NAND with BootMii, the average user would need a minimum of 512MB of free space, but sizes of 1GB or more are recommended.
+ Bare minimum, exploit only: The minimum amount of space to run an SD-card compatible exploit on a Wii is 128MB.
### Buying SD Cards
SD cards 2TB or larger currently do not exist, anyone attempting to sell you one is trying to rip you off.
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When buying SD cards, it is generally recommended that you stick to well-known brands the more expensive and larger capacity that you get. While you can buy a generic 2GB SD card and most likely be safe, the same cannot be said for something like a 512GB SD card. General current pricing for SD cards is around 10-20 USD for 256GB and below, whereas 512GB is around 40 USD. When buying off of Amazon, make sure that your card is either `Sold by/Shipped by Amazon` or `Sold by [brand], Shipped by Amazon`. Be wary when buying storage on eBay.
Recommended brands:
+ Samsung (EVO Select, EVO Plus, PRO Plus)
+ SanDisk (Extreme, Ultra, etc)
+ Lexar (E-Series, Professional)
+ Silicon Power ("3D NAND" cards, higher capacity usually better value)
+ PNY (Elite, Elite-X, etc)
### Buying USB Devices - Hard Drives
When buying USB hard drives, there are only three existing present-day HDD manufacturers: Western Digital, Seagate, and Toshiba. Any and all other hard drive companies are defunct and have either went bankrupt, or were absorbed by the three aformentioned companies. With that said, if you have an extra hard drive lying around made by another company, it should still work! Hard drive technology has remained largely the same within the past 10 or so years. Just make sure to check the S.M.A.R.T data to ensure that the drive isn't failing before you throw all of your data on there.
For hard drive sizing, 2.5 inch should work fine running off of USB power alone on a Wii; 3.5 inch consumes much more power and will almost always need an external power adapter. Make sure to plan for this when determining what you want to do with an external drive.
As for your choices in shopping, this largely comes down to three different scenarios:
+ Buying a new external hard drive from scratch: New external drives come brand new around 60 USD for 2TB, 50 USD for 1TB, around 30 USD for sizes lower than 1TB. Whatever you do, try to stick within the three present manufacturing brands listed above, but bear in mind that offerings are sparse for drive sizes lower than 1TB.
+ Buying a new hard drive, and a new enclosure: New hard drives are decently cheaper than buying a pre-made hard drive, and you can buy an enclosure to house this new hard drive. 2.5 inch enclosures are normally powerable off of USB alone, while 3.5 inch enclosures almost always come with an external adapter for power. An example price is buying a 500GB Western Digital drive and a 2.5 inch drive enclosure off of Amazon - all in all, about 30 USD.
+ Buying an enclosure for an already existing hard drive: If you already have a hard drive laying around, why not put it in an enclosure and use it for your Wii? Enclosures can be found for prices ranging between 10 to 20 USD off of Amazon, as long as you have a drive to supply it with.
### Buying USB Devices - Solid State Drives
For the purpose of using a drive with a Wii, external SSDs are often more expensive than conventional hard drives for no visible gain in speed on a Wii (the console only supports up to USB 2.0 data speeds). If you would like to buy one or already have one lying around, it's an option, but generally it's recommended to just go for a hard drive if you don't already have one.
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