title: "Chaîne Open Shop (Homebrew Browser)"
Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour quoi que ce soit concernant ce tutoriel, veuillez rejoindre [le serveur Discord Open Shop Channel ](https://discord.gg/osc) (recommandé) ou [envoyez-nous un e-mail à support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net) .
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Homebrew Browser, laquelle est se que L'Open Shop Channel c'est basé, marche mais peut être buggy. Vous pouvez aussi avoir homebrew par [ osc-dl ](https://github.com/dhtdht020/osc-dl/releases/latest) et de [ Le website Open Shop Channel](https://oscwii.org/).
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L'[Open Shop Channel](https://oscwii.org/) est où vous pouvez aller pour avoir des applications homebrew. C'est un projet revival d'une application appelé homebrew browser.
#### Ce dont vous avez besoin
* Une carte SD ou un périphérique USB
* [Homebrew Browser](/assets/files/homebrew_browser_v0.3.9e.zip)
#### Instructions
1. Décompressez Homebrew Browser et placez le contenu dans le dossier `apps` sur votre carte SD ou sur votre périphérique USB.
2. Insérer la carte SD ou le périphérique USB dans votre Wii. Vous pouvez maintenant lancer Homebrew Browser dans la Homebrew Channel si vous le voulez.
#### Recommended Apps
Here are some recommended apps that you can get on the Open Shop Channel:
- [CleanRip](https://oscwii.org/library/app/CleanRip) - This is a tool to dump Wii and GameCube games. See [our page](dump-games) for more details.
- [GCMM](https://oscwii.org/library/app/gcmm) - This is a GameCube memory card manager for your Wii.
- [MyMenuify Mod](https://oscwii.org/library/app/mymenuifymod) - This is a tool to install themes for your Wii Menu. See [our page](themes) for instructions on how to use it.
- [Nintendont](https://oscwii.org/library/app/nintendont) - This is a GameCube game loader for your Wii. For more information, please see [this GBAtemp thread](https://gbatemp.net/threads/nintendont.349258/).
- [SaveGame Manager GX](https://oscwii.org/library/app/savegame_manager_gx) - This is a save manager for your Wii. It allows you to copy save files and Miis to and from your Wii.
- [USB Loader GX](https://oscwii.org/library/app/usbloader_gx) - This is a USB Loader for your Wii. See [our page](usbloadergx) for instructions on how to use it.
- [WiiFlow Lite](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiiflow) - This is another USB Loader for your Wii. See [our page](wiiflow) for instructions on how to use it.
- [WiiMC-SS](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiimc-ss) - This is a media player for your Wii. It supports movies, music, photos, radio stations, YouTube, and more.
- [WiiXplorer-SS](https://oscwii.org/library/app/wiixplorer-ss) - This is a file manager for your Wii. It lets you access your files on your SD Card, USB Device, and more.
- [YABDM](https://oscwii.org/library/app/Yet-Another-BlueDump-Mod) - This is a tool to dump content installed on your Wii to WAD files. See [our page](dump-wads) for instructions on how to use it.
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Nous avons de nombreux autres tutoriels que vous pourriez aimer.
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Included in the Homebrew Browser download is a guide on how to use the Homebrew Browser.
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You can swap out ShopChannel.ogg with loop.ogg in `/apps/homebrew_browser/` to have the Homebrew Browser play the Wii Shop Channel music.
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