--- title: "RiiConnect24 for Dolphin" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} ![RiiConnect24 Logo](/images/WiiRC24Logo.jpg) Acest ghid te va ajuta să instalezi RiiConnect24 pe instalarea ta Dolphin. Dacă ai nevoie de ajutor pentru orice legat de acest tutorial, te rugăm să contactezi direct KcrPL#4625 pe Discord, alătură-te [serverului de discord RiiConnect24](https://discord.gg/rc24) sau [scrie-ne un email la support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info} {% capture notice-1 %} This guide is for [Dolphin Emulator](https://dolphin-emu.org) only. - Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-wii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii. - Urmează [acest tutorial](riiconnect24-vwii) dacă vrei să instalezi RiiConnect24 pe un vWii (modul Wii pe Wii U). {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
NU INSTALA RIICONNECT24 PE UN WII MINI! Nu va funcționa și îți va brick-ui consola. {: .notice--danger} ### De ce ai nevoie * A computer with either Windows 7 or newer or any Unix-based system * [.VFF-File-Downloader-for-Dolphin](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/.VFF-File-Downloader-for-Dolphin/releases) if using a Unix-based system * [Dolphin](https://dolphin-emu.org/download/) * [Patcher-ul RiiConnect24](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/RiiConnect24-Patcher/releases) #### Instrucțiuni ##### Secțiunea I - Instalarea Dolphin If you have Dolphin already installed, skip to Section II {: .notice--info} 1. Descarcă ultima versiune beta de Dolphin, dar **nu o versiune stabila deoarece acestea sunt foarte învechite!** 2. Extrage fișierul .7z folosind un program precum 7Zip sau WinRAR. 3. Pornește Dolphin. 4. Apasă pe `Tools` -> `Perform Online System Update` -> Alege-ți regiunea. ![Perform Online System Update](/images/Dolphin_RC24/1.jpg) If you have a homebrewed Wii console, you can use a [BootMii NAND dump](bootmii) instead of installing the Wii System menu via this method. See [this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=NAND_Usage_Guide) for more information. {: .notice--info} ##### Secțiunea II - Instalarea RiiConnect24
1. Run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`. 2. Start the patcher (by pressing `1`), then select `Install RiiConnect24`. 3. Select `Dolphin Emulator` (3). 4. Select `Install RiiConnect24 on your Dolphin Emulator`. 5. Press `1` and `Enter` to start the program. 6. Proceed with the program configuration. 7. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. ![Choose how to boot the program](/images/Dolphin_RC24/3.jpg) If you choose to manually run it, keep `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`. There will be an option in the menu to manually run it. {: .notice--info} If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want to uninstall it in the future, come back to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` and choose Settings - Manage startup VFF Downloader. {: .notice--info} 8. Press any key to go back to the RiiConnect24 patcher. 9. Once back in the RiiConnect24 Patcher, press `1` and then `Enter`. 10. Select your region (Europe or USA). The patcher will now begin to patch the WAD files. 11. Once it's done, press 2, (this will close the patcher) and then go to the directory that `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` is in. There should be be a `Mii Contest Channel (Europe) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad` or `Check Mii Out Channel (USA) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad`, as well as an `Everybody Votes Channel ([your-selected-region]) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad` file in the WAD folder there. 12. In Dolphin, press `Tools` and then `Install WAD`, and select the `Mii Contest Channel (Europe) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad` or `Check Mii Out Channel (USA) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad`. Do the same for `Everybody Votes Channel ([your-selected-region]) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad`.
The screenshots in this section are taken from Windows, but the same steps can be followed on your Unix-based machine. {: .notice--info} 1. Run `VFF-Downloader-for-Dolphin.sh`. ![Meniul Principal](/images/Dolphin_RC24/2.jpg) 3. Proceed with the program configuration. 4. It will ask you if you want to run the program manually every time you want to use RiiConnect24 on Dolphin or if you want to run it automatically on startup. ![Choose how to boot the program](/images/Dolphin_RC24/3.jpg) ![Run once](/images/Dolphin_RC24/4.jpg) If you choose to manually run it, keep `VFF-Downloader-for-Dolphin.sh`. There will be an option in menu to manually run it. {: .notice--info} If you choose to run it on startup, you don't have to do anything. If you want to uninstall it in the future, come back to `VFF-Downloader-for-Dolphin.sh` and choose - Manage startup VFF Downloader. {: .notice--info} 5. Run `RiiConnect24Patcher.sh`. 6. Start the patcher, select `Install RiiConnect24`. ![Select Custom](/images/Dolphin_RC24/5.jpg) 7. Select `Custom`. ![Select Check Mii Out Channel](/images/Dolphin_RC24/6.jpg) 8. Press `1` to select your region and only enable 5th option. Press `6` to start patching. 9. After it's done, there will a be a `Mii Contest Channel (Europe) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad` or `Check Mii Out Channel (USA) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad` file in WAD folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.sh` 10. In Dolphin, press `Tools` and then `Install WAD`, and select the `Mii Contest Channel (Europe) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad` or `Check Mii Out Channel (USA) (Channel) (RiiConnect24).wad`.
You're all done! Unfortunately, the Nintendo Channel and Wii Mail don't work in Dolphin yet. {: .notice--info}