title: "cIOS"
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While [cIOS](https://wiibrew.org/wiki/Custom_IOS) has largely been supplanted by AHBPROT, which gives complete hardware access, it still has useful applications. 你现在可以使用一些自制软件,例如 [USB Loader GX](usbloadergx) 和 [WiiFlow](wiiflow)。 You can skip this process if you want, but generally it extends your Wii with little to no downsides.
如果您有 Wii mini,请安装[这个 cIOS](cios-mini)。 尝试在 Wii mini 上安装其它任何 cIOS 都不会工作。
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### Requirements
* 一台 Wii
* 一张 SD 卡或 U 盘
* [d2x cIOS Installer](/assets/files/d2x-cios-installer.zip)
如果您使用的是 SD 卡,确保锁定开关位于解锁,否则您将无法在安装程序中选择正确的选项。
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### Instructions
#### Section I - Downloading
如果您的 Wii 已连接到互联网,您可以跳过此部分。
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如果您不使用 Windows,您可以下载 & 运行[这个脚本](/assets/files/d2x_offline_ios.sh),它会为您下载 WAD 文件。
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1. Power off your console.
1. Insert your SD card or USB drive into your computer.
1. 下载、解压并运行 [NUS Downloader](https://github.com/WiiDatabase/nusdownloader/releases/latest/download/NUSD-Mod-NUS-Fix.zip)。
1. Copy all files from the NUS Downloader `.zip` to a folder on your computer.
1. 选择 `Game Load`。
1. 选择 "Database","IOS",然后选择 "IOS38",最后选择 "v4123"。
+ 确保勾选了 "Pack WAD" 选项。
+ *不要*勾选 "Patch IOS"。 那是 cIOS Installer 的工作。
1. 点击 `Start NUS Download!`。
1. 为 `IOS56 v5661`、`IOS57 v5918` 和 `IOS58 v6175` 重复步骤 2 & 3。
1. 一旦您下载了所有四个 IOS,将会在与 NUS Downloader 相同的文件夹中出现名为 `titles` 的文件夹。
打开文件夹并浏览它们,直到找到您下载的四个 WAD 文件。
1. 将每个 WAD 文件放在 SD 卡或 U 盘的根目录。
+ 必须与包含 d2x cIOS Installer 的设备相同。
应该以这种方式将 WAD 文件放在 SD 卡上: ![](/images/cios/d2x_offline_ios.png)
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#### 第二部分 - 安装
1. Copy the `apps` folder in the d2x-cios-installer `.zip` to the root of your SD card or USB drive.
1. Reinsert your SD card or USB drive into your console.
1. Power on your console.
1. 启动 Homebrew Channel。
1. 将 SD 卡或 U 盘插入您的 Wii,并从 Homebrew Channel 启动 d2x cIOS Installer
1. Set everything to match the following:
Select cIOS: d2x-v11-beta1
Select cIOS base: 38
Select cIOS slot: 248
Select cIOS version: 65535
1. Press `A`. This will bring you to the slot map:
1. Press `A` again.
1. After the installation has finished, you will be brought back to the slot map. Ensure that the slot that was just installed is highlighted green.
If the slot is highlighted red, try install the cIOS again.
If you are getting an error before/during the downloading stages, press B to exit and continue from [Section I](#section-i---downloading).
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1. Press `A`. This will return you to the configuration screen.
1. Repeat the previous 5 steps with the following configurations:
+ 安装 cIOS 248
Select cIOS: d2x-v11-beta1
Select cIOS base: 56
Select cIOS slot: 249
Select cIOS version: 65535
+ 安装 cIOS 250
Select cIOS: d2x-v11-beta1
Select cIOS base: 57
Select cIOS slot: 250
Select cIOS version: 65535
+ 安装 cIOS 251
Select cIOS: d2x-v11-beta1
Select cIOS base: 58
Select cIOS slot: 251
Select cIOS version: 65535
1. Once you have finished with all 4 cIOSes, press B to return to the Homebrew Channel.
[继续安装 Homebrew Browser](hbb)
Homebrew Browser 是获取 Wii 自制软件的好地方。 这是可选的安装步骤。
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