--- title: "RiiConnect24" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} If you need help with anything regarding this tutorial, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) (recommended) or [e-mail us at support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net). {: .notice--info}  [RiiConnect24](https://rc24.xyz/) ti permette di usare servizi terminati come WiiConnect24, che include i canali News, Forecast, Everybody Votes, Nintendo e Check Mii out, assieme a Wii Mail. {% capture notice-1 %} This guide is for regular Wiis only. - Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-vwii) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U). - Follow [this tutorial](riiconnect24-dolphin) if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on Dolphin Emulator. {% endcapture %} <div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div> DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system. {: .notice--danger} #### Di cosa hai bisogno * Una scheda SD o dispositivo USB * Una Wii con connessione Internet * Un Computer * [RiiConnect24 Patcher (Windows, Mac and Linux)](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/RiiConnect24-Patcher/releases) #### Istruzioni ##### Section I - Using RiiConnect24 Patcher If you can't run RiiConnect24 Patcher, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) (recommended) or [e-mail us at support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net) for further assistance. {: .notice--info} 1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is. 2. Scarica `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` se sei su Windows, e `RiiConnect24Patcher.sh` se sei su un sistema Unix 3. On Windows run `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat`. On Unix systems, open Terminal and type `bash`, then drag `RiiConnect24Patcher.sh` into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: `bash RiiConnect24Patcher.sh`. 4. Premi 1 per scegliere "`Start`" e conferma la tua scelta premendo `ENTER`. (NOTE: These screenshots are from the Windows version of the patcher.)  5. Select the device you're patching for.  6. For this guide, choose "`Install RiiConnect24 on your Wii`"  7. Choose "`Express (Recommended)`". It will give you everything you need.  8. Select your region.  9. While you're at it, RiiConnect24 Patcher can additionally download some other optional channels that do not use RiiConnect24. `[X]` represents the options that selected. Just press 5 and `ENTER` if you're not interested.  10. Connect your SD Card or USB Drive to your computer and select "`1`".  11. Se il tuo dispositivo è stato rilevato con successo, seleziona "`1`". If not, make sure there's a folder called `apps` on your SD Card or USB Drive and try again.  12. Be patient...  13. After it's done, we would appreciate if you take a minute to send anonymous feedback to us. If you don't want to, close the patcher. All the files should already be on your SD Card.   14. If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the `WAD` and `apps` folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device. ##### Section II - Installing WADs You will now install the patched IOS and Channel WADs that are required to use RiiConnect24. 1. Metti la tua scheda SD o il tuo dispositivo USB nella tua WIi. 2. Carica il Canale Homebrew sulla tua Wii. 3. Avvia Wii Mod Lite. 4. Usando ul tuo +Control Pad sul telecomando Wii, naviga su `WAD Manager`, e poi naviga sulla cartella `wad`. 5. Highlight all the WADs in the folder by pressing the + Button to select them. When all of the WADs are selected, press A twice to install the WADs. 6. If you get an error saying a title with a higher version is already installed (error -1035), go back to the WAD selection menu and press the - Button on the highlighted WAD to uninstall it, then try installing it again. 7. Dopo che ha installato con successo, premi il tasto HOME per tornare all'Hombrew Channel. ##### Sezione III - Patchare nwc24msg.cfg You will now patch your `nwc24msg.cfg` file which is required in order to use Wii Mail. 1. Avvia RiiConnect24 Mail Patcher. 2. Dovrebbero servire pochi secondi per patchare il tuo nwc24msg.cfg. When it's done, press the HOME Button to exit. If you were unable to patch your nwc24msg.cfg correctly, please join [the RiiConnect24 Discord server](https://discord.gg/rc24) (recommended) or [e-mail us at support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net) for further assistance. {: .notice--info} ##### Sezione IV Connettere {% capture notice-1 %} Starting June 16th, 2022 the RiiConnect24 DNS changes. Read more: [here.](riiconnect24-dns-update) {% endcapture %} <div class="notice--warning">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div> You will now set your DNS to our servers. This is optional but it's recommended, because it enhances the use of RiiConnect24 and Wiimmfi by making some other features available. 1. Vai su `Opzioni Wii`. 2. Vai su `Impostazioni Wii`. 3. Vai alla `Pagina 2`, poi clicca su `Internet`. 4. Vai su `Impostazioni Connessioni`. 5. Seleziona la tua attuale connessione. 6. Vai su `Cambia Impostazioni`. 7. Vai su `Ottieni DNS automatico` (Non Indirizzo IP), poi seleziona `No`, e poi `Impostazioni Avanzate`. 8. Type in `` as the primary DNS. 9. Type in `` as the secondary DNS. 10. Seleziona `Conferma`, poi seleziona `Salva`. 11. Seleziona `OK` per effettuare un test di connessione. 12. Se la connessione è andata bene, seleziona `No` per saltare il Wii System Update. 13. Vai su `WiiConnect24`, poi su `WiiConnect24` ancora, ed assicurati che sia attivato. 14. Torna sul menù di WiiConnect24, vai su `Standby Connction` ed assicurati che sia attivato. 15. Su `Slot Illumination`, consigliamo di impostare le luci su `Dim` oppure su `Accesso`, ma è facoltativo. 16. Infine, vai sulla sezione `Internet`, poi su `User Agreement` o su `Agreement/Contact`, poi su `Yes`. Per favore leggi attentamente. [Continua a Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)<br> Wiimmfi ti permette di giocare a giochi online dopo la discontinuazione del Nintendo Wi-Fi Connction. L'installazione di RiiConnect24 è facoltativa. {: .notice--info} [Continue to WiiLink](wiilink)<br> WiiLink lets you use the Japanese-exclusive channels known as Wii no Ma and Digicam Print Channel. L'installazione di RiiConnect24 è facoltativa. {: .notice--info} [Continua a navigare nel sito](site-navigation)<br> Abbiamo molti altri tutorial che potrebbero interessarti. {: .notice--info} If you get error 107245, then you have not installed the patched IOS. {: .notice--warning} If you get error 107304 or you see Nintendo's User Agreement without RiiConnect24's logo, that means your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network is blocking the use of a DNS. You can set `Auto-Obtain DNS` to `On` to solve this. RiiConnect24 will still work without it. Or, you can use our [DNS-Server](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/DNS-Server/releases/latest) program. {: .notice--warning} Se hai l'errore FORE000006, il tuo orario della Wii potrebbe essere sbagliato. Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel may start working. {: .notice--warning} [If you still get FORE000006 or if you get NEWS000006, you will need to delete your SYSCONF with rc24-clear-tool](https://github.com/RiiConnect24/rc24-clear-tool/releases/latest). {: .notice--warning} [If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with rc24-clear-tool.](deleting-vffs) {: .notice--warning} If you're getting errors such as `WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country`, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at [support@riiconnect24.net](mailto:support@riiconnect24.net) if you need more help. {: .notice--warning}