--- title: "Managing GameCube Backups" --- {% include toc title="Tabla de contenido" %} This guide provides instructions on how to manage your GameCube backups, using GameCube Backup Manager. It functions similar to [Wii Backup Manager](wii-backups#using-wii-backup-manager). ### Requisitos * Una tarjeta SD o unidad USB * [GameCube Backup Manager](https://github.com/AxionDrak/GameCube-Backup-Manager/releases) Si deseas guardar múltiples juegos, te recomendamos adquirir un disco duro externo para tu Wii. La Wii es compatible con la mayoría de discos externos que se encuentran en el mercado. {: .notice--info} Asegúrate de que tu unidad USB o tarjeta SD esté formateada como FAT32. No es posible usar otros sistemas de archivos, como NTFS, exFAT, extFS, o WBFS. Este último es un formato obsoleto y ya no es necesario para almacenar juegos de Wii. {: .notice--info} ### Instrucciones #### Sección I - Descarga 1. Extract GameCube Backup Manager, and launch the program. 1. Inserta la unidad USB o tarjeta SD en tu PC. #### Sección II - Copiando los juegos 1. Open the application and locate the folder button in the bottom right corner. Click on it to open the file explorer window. ![](/images/desktop-apps/GCBM/folderbutton.png) 1. Navigate to the location of the folder that contains the game file you want to transfer. This could be on your computer's hard drive or an external storage device. Once you find the folder, select it. ![](/images/desktop-apps/GCBM/selectfolder.png) 1. Click on the `Files (Destination)` tab, then select the `Inactive` option from the dropdown menu. This will allow you to choose the drive where you want to transfer the game. Select the appropriate drive letter from the list. ![](/images/desktop-apps/GCBM/selectdrive.png) 1. Next, go back to the `Files (Source)` tab, select the game you want to transfer, and then click either `Install Game (1:1)` or `Install Game (Scrub)`. ![](/images/desktop-apps/GCBM/installgame.png) Selecting `Install Game (Scrub)` will remove unnecessary data from the game, reducing the game's file size. For some games this can be a major reduction, for example with Animal Crossing - going from 1.3GB to around 26MB. {: .notice--info} [Haz clic aquí para volver al índice del sitio.](site-navigation) {: .notice--info}