    title: Guide
    title: FAQ
    title: Troubleshootin'
    title: Give Me Ye Gold
    title: Credits
    title: A9LH to B9S
    title: Region Changin'
    title: GodMode9 Usage
    title: Site Treasure Map
    title: Updatin' B9S
    title: Uninstall CFW
    title: 'Fer support in th'' English ''o landlubbers, be askin'' fer help at <a href="https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp">Nintendo Homebrew on Discord</a>.'
    title: 'If ye appreciate ''tis guide, ye can give me ye <a href="donations">gold</a> in th'' forms ''o <a href="https://www.paypal.me/plailectguides/15">PayPal</a> or <a href="bitcoin:1Ad3PnU6TmJxvJ62LobgMw5uT8hR1LQety">Bitcoin</a>.'
    title: Source
    title: Site Treasure Map
    title: Why Ads?