--- title: "Recovery Mode" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} La Recovery Mode è l'ultima risorsa per recuperare il tuo Wii da un brick prima di passare all'hard-modding e alla programmazione manuale della NAND. Questa modalità era usata dagli impiegati di Nintendo in fabbrica attraverso l'utilizzo di un dongle speciale, ma l'input necessario per accedervi è facilmente riproducibile con un controller GameCube. Essenzialmente, la Recovery Mode mette il Menu Wii in uno stato in cui alcuni programmi, inclusi dei giochi, possono essere eseguiti da un disco. Questa guida ti istruirà su come ripristinare una console brickate (specialmente il Korean Kii/Errore 003). #### Requisiti + Un controller GameCube + If the Diagnostic Disc Check was previously removed with Priiloader, or if a drive chip is on hand: + Super Smash Bros. Brawl ([Smash Stack](legacy-exploits#smash-stack)) OR + Any other exploited Wii game, with the current exploit game save on the console (see [Legacy Exploits](legacy-exploits)) OR + Any retail game, and access to the [Bluebomb](bluebomb) exploit + If the Diagnostic Disc Check was not previously removed with Priiloader, and no drive chip is on hand: + Super Smash Bros. Brawl ([Smash Stack](legacy-exploits#smash-stack)) + An original revision Wii (Family Edition Wiis will not work due to the lack of GameCube ports - otherwise you must solder some on) + A Windows/macOS/Linux PC with an Internet connection + An SD Card formatted to FAT32 #### Preparation In order to hold down all 4 individual D-Pad buttons on a GameCube controller, you may be required to take the casing apart. {: .notice--warning} First of all, verify that your Wii can boot into Recovery Mode *at all*. This involves taking a GameCube controller, plugging it into the fourth controller port on a Wii, and simultaneously holding down the 4 individual D-Pad buttons on boot. If everything goes right, you should see a screen similar to the above. Bear in mind that if you are on a System Menu version on 2.0 or prior, you will not see a version number display at all, and you will not be able to boot from discs. #### Method I - Recovery Menu to Smash Stack #### Method II - Recovery Menu to Save Game Exploit #### Method III - Recovery Menu to Bluebomb --- Under Construction [Return to Bricks](bricks) {: .notice--info} [Clicca qui per tornare alla Navigazione del Sito.](navigazione-sito) {: .notice--info}